AeroMobil 3.0 – Official Video – World Premiere at Pioneers Festival 2014

AeroMobil 3.0 – Official Video – World Premiere at Pioneers Festival 2014


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@co9648 - 25.05.2021 04:40

SHEEEEESH All the comments are from 6 years ago. Nobody will see this comment. why am i still typing.

@ConsejitosdeBethy - 28.05.2018 16:43

Jesuchrist, Really

@buordoor8603 - 21.08.2017 13:44

airport slávnica

@SamiLuo - 16.01.2017 14:49

omg thats awesome

@thebiglebowski6965 - 05.04.2016 22:07

won't that be complicated as fuck to regulate that on traffic road? Or will they just start flying from airports? But then i could buy a bird for the same price, several hundred thousands of dollars..and then it would be unnecessary. I dont know seems to me too expensive and too complicated to implicate that in a working and safe system

@limz777 - 04.01.2016 14:51

look filmsy at the rear , can it handle high speed on the road ?

@LarsHarmsen1337 - 27.04.2015 20:21

Looks like Lugia, and the logo is a Pokéball.

@RyouYiyuan - 18.04.2015 19:46

The design is awesome.

@Thejohnnyoshow - 10.04.2015 07:25

Why is the prop vertical when driving? Seems like a great way to get a prop strike when backing the car up into something you did not see. Seems like it would make more since to have the prop horizontal when driving.

@deviljerome - 31.03.2015 19:48

STFU and take all my money!

@anycarino6665 - 26.03.2015 01:01

As cool as this would be, I just don't see this taking off (no pun intended) on the market. The fuel costs for it would be outrageous, not everyone has a pilot license, and there's not very many smooth landing fields just around at everyone's convenience. Now if it was a hover car made to follow already existing pathways that would solve 2 of the three issues.

@MarvelX42 - 25.03.2015 21:54

I don't see the point in a flying car if you have to drive to an airport or landing strip, get FAA clearance, have to take flying lessons, have so many hours training, and on and on. If you have to do all of that you might as well just get out of your car and into a plane after you get to the airport. The whole point of a flying car is that you don't have to do all of that stuff. Using a flying car should be as easy as using a normal car or it is pointless.

@Xobralvl70 - 24.03.2015 17:10

This could work...perhaps we should upgrade our road systems with landing and starting roads for our flying cars. Perhaps upgrade the car to hover so it can land on landing platforms and continue driving forward, but this might need 10-20 more years before the car actually can be a normal thing. Perhaps it would be safest if the cars where driven by computers instead of people while flying, No need for flight license. :)

@AndrewFurmanczyk86 - 23.03.2015 06:18

I wouldn't buy this even if I had a billion to burn. I would much rather have a dedicated car without trade offs and a dedicated plane without trade offs. Sorry guys, looks cool, but I can't see this working except for as a novelty item. < Shorter Distances > Walk-Bike-Car-Hyperloop-VTOL Electric Planes-Spacecraft. < Longer Distances >

@Pendra37 - 21.03.2015 14:28

Do want. Beautiful design and practical as well. Love it.

@Fearofthemonster - 21.03.2015 12:00

This is not a flying car, this is a car that turns into a plane. The difference is that you need an airport to land and take off and a pilot's license. 

Flying cars are only useful if you can take off and land from your own parking space. Unless you can do a vertical take off there is no point. I mean if you are rich enough to own it and have a license buy yourself an actual plane.

I doubt this will be more than a convenience for the rich who likes to take their car with their plane.

If you are a pilot and annoyed by the fact that you don't own a car and a plane in every airport then go for it. 

@EL_Aura - 20.03.2015 13:31

What if there were new laws put in place to fly these?
Like maybe between 250-800 feet to be clear of large planes 
I don't think taking off and touching down at airports would really be a problem, it's got a headset for control tower communications (don't know how radios for planes work)  plus most airports aren't too far from towns anyways
(I live in vernon bc canada and we have one right in the middle)
I would LOVE to find out the licensing and training needed to own and operate one!
will be looking into it and saving up just in case a future of this is possible!

I do like the design but that's really the only thing I'm worried about, is this going to be the final design for a while? will they have 1 or 2 alternatives?

@ArthurPonzarelli - 20.03.2015 04:37

LMAO at all the Debbie-Downer comments.

@DanielNistrean - 19.03.2015 15:48

You can't change people, but that don't mean that progress should be limitated. I don't see any reasons for this to not work like with cars, at least in the air there are less probability of hurting civil and catapult mechanism will be there.

@robtodd - 19.03.2015 00:49

i would buy this

@moneymouse - 18.03.2015 23:07

why fly when you can just swim instead?

@JoelWalton1 - 18.03.2015 23:05

What's it's max speed during flight?

@CMZneu - 18.03.2015 22:00

if im am only permitted to take off from airports probably why would i need this? i rather have a car that is a helicopter! i can just take off anywhere!
Unless flying cars can hover and take off in small spaces i dont see this catching on.

@sadfasjkfahn - 18.03.2015 21:12

Am I the only one who thought that flying car which is like less than a meter above the ground? Thats way more appealing.

@metalbreathe1 - 18.03.2015 21:03

I hope the driver/pilots will have to go through some strict driving classes to obtain this sort of license. There are a lot of licensed people who cannot even park. I dont know how safe it will be if the try to "land" a car. 

@mattbrinker2887 - 18.03.2015 20:47

I WISH YOU WOULD ALL JUST SHUT UP AN FOR ALL THE PEOPLE SUBC CONC. admitting they're to dumb to have one then good im glad your aware.. i want one an idc if it shakes itself apart id still take it

@kyuhjerz - 18.03.2015 20:07

It begins.

@asscold13 - 18.03.2015 19:03

Хорошее междугороднее такси.

@MaddehT - 18.03.2015 18:56

It's literally just a small airplane. What's the point.

@yufery5 - 18.03.2015 17:45

Why is everyone saying how it's 'not ready'? This is only the PROTOTYPE of it. It's far from done; the company even admits it. They say they'll have it ready in two years, but frankly who believes that? It'll more than likely be ready within the next 5 or 10. But either way, instead of thinking that people would be stupid enough to hand this over to some random person on the street, realize that they'd clearly need a license to fly this.

But either way, we'll finally have flying cars! We're also getting self-lacing shoes! All we need now is hoverboards. That way instead of it being 'Back to the Future' it'll be 'Back to the Present'.

@duploman1000 - 18.03.2015 17:44

No "fake and gay" comments?

@MeritAEager - 18.03.2015 17:17

yeah give it to terrorists and see what happens :P

@MicInc87 - 18.03.2015 15:10

I think unless there are computer-steered 'flying cars', there is no way this kind of transportation will be safe and possible. Some people are too stupid to drive cars, Now imagine they're driving/steer THIS!

@ZelkroSTR5 - 18.03.2015 15:09

watch when it does come out only rich people can get it, be like $500,000,00 just watch. or won't happen

@TheaDragonSpirit - 18.03.2015 14:17

This isn't ready for normal car drivers. This is basically an aeroplane which can drive on the road. While less obstacles are in the air, it's landing with out crashing that is hard, and also controlling the plane in the air, if you turn to hard in the air you will crash in to ground as the wing flies off because it looks very unstable. So it has to be stable, and people would need a flying licence to fly it so they didn't crash in to the ground.

With out technology doing most of the flying and limiting the person flying it so they could not do anything stupid or could not land in a way which would crash the vehicle, not just anyone could fly these. It would be naive to think they could.

However I can't imagine it would be hard to make technology that made it so when you turned you would  only go left or right and when you pulled up or down, you went up or down and if you, were close to the ground an object below using sensors the plane went in to a landing position. Obviously it could also have a height detector using magnets so if the ground wasn't near and they sensed something below them they didn't crash. A long with any other methods to prevent crashing. The key would be software and technology that made it very hard for anyone to crash or go too high, or do anything stupid. Simple as that, while giving very basic control. So this is no where near ready for any normal person with a driving licence. Needs to be near impossible to crash. Plus if their is a malfunction the person would need to know how to glide and land it on there own... so it didn't crash in to a building or people and do they didn't get hurt. As sometimes software malfunctions.

So it's not as simple as it seems. However if you could make it near impossible for the software to malfunction and use mechanics to ensure when going down the plane went in to a landing position and made it so they could only move slightly up or down with out electrics so they could not crash and so even with out software they would be able to land without doing anything stupid then it would be safe. The key is making it hard to crash in all situations and being able to use basic logic to go up down and left and right. So in the end it's about making it hard to do anything stupid, and easy to fly.

@feras81111 - 18.03.2015 11:37

Sorry but it Doesn't even feel/look safe on the ground LOL:)

@mal9310 - 18.03.2015 09:28

love it. keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

@gohargoharlaw3334 - 18.03.2015 09:05

Am I the only one who thinks this is just a small plane and not a flying car in any way?

@E_Stew - 18.03.2015 09:03

This whole idea about mass producing flying cars just won't fly.

@tahititoutou3802 - 18.03.2015 08:28

It does not seem ready yet.  It obviously has some stability problems : the on-board camera shows that it shakes all over.  Furthermore, don't think you will be allowed to "drive" that with a driver's licence!  If you look at the way people drive on roads, which is a two-dimensional space. do you have an idea of the accidents we would get in a 3-dimensional space???  Legally, this is not a cas, but an airship (or airplane, or aircraft, whatever you like).

@mickeybunts - 18.03.2015 07:52

People still can't drive on the ground very well...

@djeezas - 18.03.2015 07:48

It's awesome but it's not a flying car, it's a rolling plane.

@ViolentJ117 - 18.03.2015 07:26

im calling bullshit

@AtanasTanevski - 18.03.2015 06:52

Start saving up some money people

@pwhs8 - 18.03.2015 06:24

beautiful design

@Hugooo35 - 07.11.2014 13:02

Где там наш Прохоров с его ё-мобилем?))))
