10 Signs That You May Have A Narcissistic Mother

10 Signs That You May Have A Narcissistic Mother


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greenbanana1001 - 16.09.2023 14:59

Try having autism and bpd and a narcissistic abusive heroine addict mother

donna henshaw
donna henshaw - 16.09.2023 09:52

I feel guilty for even thinking she was a narcissist

neo - 15.09.2023 16:29

Keep pissing me pressing my emotional buttons and I'll walk round picking you off.

tam bam
tam bam - 15.09.2023 05:35

Although the Bible says honor thy Father and Thy mother but ,some parent use their authority as a threat against their children and that's wrong .

Italay Davis
Italay Davis - 15.09.2023 02:06

I have a few narcissistic traits and I truly need to heal some of these things. I didn’t realize I was midway narc. SMH I feel terrible after reading this

『Mochi』 - 15.09.2023 00:06

I think My whole family (aka brother,sister,mom,dad(not aunt’s cousins etc.)is narcissistic my friends left me my only hope right now is too grow up and leave home too find some love I wanna stay home till then tho idk how I managed all those years with almost no affection at all

jpeero - 14.09.2023 23:48

my mother emotionally abused me, has been physical, and minimizes me to the point i retreat into my room by myself to avoid her. then, when i avoid her she becomes more angry and abusive because i am avoiding her. it's such a brutal cycle and she will never go to counselling for it. i should not be in this environment but sadly she has the upper hand due to legal reasons (I'm on bail and forced to live with her)

today first thing in the morning my mother started getting on me about my responsibilities; reminding me i needed to make phone calls. i had asked her to stop because i am an adult and know what i need to do. I made all my calls just fine. she started the silent treatment and passive aggressive thing and left the house in her. it made me feel guilty of doing something wrong when really i just asked her not to confuse my priorities and that I will take care of my things.

later when she came back she did not say hello and ignored me again. i asked if she wanted help with some outdoor stuff (recently did over 8 hours of work for free landscaping her property) and she said yes. She needed a garbage bag at some point and could not find any and then decided to ask me if I knew where her garbage bags were. I said I did not know, but without thinking about it I had used them the other day to clear out garbage.

She then goes on snapping on me for using a garbage bag. She called me a ****head. Told me to shut up after she "got me going". Belittled everything I have done for her in the last two weeks (only been here two weeks and shes already threatened to call the police) and started nit picking every thing i do. I even got that vibe that she was going to try and get physical but because I am a man and am likely not to take that and slap her back she backs down and uses other tactics. Anytime i spoke she would interrupt with some pointless question. I struggled to get my camera on but if she notices i do that she because even angrier and says its illegal.

i am so over this. the law forced me to live with her to get out of jail for something i did not do. I spent over 6 months in jail without bail and now this is what is happening. i had a really great apartment even after 6 months i was able to hold it but now I am losing that apartment and going to have to pay these new absurd rates at over 1000+$ per month when I was only pay $600 before this.

She has no accountability and I have nowhere to turn.

parinaz Az
parinaz Az - 14.09.2023 16:52

It’s a blessing to know who they really are and not fall for their lies and the different masks they were daily just to manipulate, control, and condemn, and get supplied from those who are naive enough to fall for their tactics.. no one can help or “heal” these bitter hard hearted individuals but the Lord Jesus Christ.. and that’s if they acknowledge him and turn to him genuinely and want and let him to change them from the inside.. also praying for their victims victims/ones who are still under their spell .. for their eyes to open to the truth and be set free in Jesus name, amen.. whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Dee - 14.09.2023 07:00

Does anyone elses mom bring up old arguments and disagreements as ammunition to pick a new fight?
"Remember when you didn't include me in that lunch with your sisters.....so disrespectful."

laura m
laura m - 14.09.2023 00:02

You described my mother literally word by word. Ans her favourite tool: we misbehave because we don't love her, or she won't love us back (my son and me, trapped in the jail she built for me) unless we behave and be properly humiliated even in public. As my psychologist said, she needs a psychiatrists ans some meds and therapy... Imagine, I was told to need a therapy dog, I could have right now slapping the 2 years waiting list (all express of these dogs are covered by our system) and she said no, no and no... The reasoning she offered is that she can't take care of more "animals" home (my parents, my son and me), so no. My therapist insisted ans told her that if someday I have a bad sugar drop or my mind starts with something Lome anxiety thr animals would help me, and would be with me 24/7. Still a no, when my mother left I told my therapist that I'm sure that if the dog was there for me, she (or my father or sister) wouldn't be able to end bit from a threat from them, and the dog would get away with it showing abuse from the one that made the dog jump to protect me. Really, narcissistic

Patricia Payne
Patricia Payne - 13.09.2023 23:28

8 out of 10

inlyst - 13.09.2023 18:04

It’s a serious mental illness but it doesn’t have the same reputation as cancer or multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s. It’s just as bad however.

Priya Christy
Priya Christy - 13.09.2023 00:51

Why people don't believe tat ur mother is not toxic

Sadie Lattea
Sadie Lattea - 12.09.2023 23:49

It’s so sad…but this is my mother to the T… it wasn’t until I was an adult until I figured this out.. just sad

warthogA10 - 12.09.2023 09:49

My kids have been dealing with this all their lives, and will be trapped in this BS their entire lives.
The hardest part is not being able to do anything about it, but only to see how it destroys them.
I have always been the punching bag for all the BS their mother puts them through,
And there are far more mom's just like this than most people know or are willing to admit or even talk about.

warthogA10 - 12.09.2023 09:45

Narcissist is just a polite way of saying ässhölë

Cheryl - 11.09.2023 15:30


Julie Stakweather
Julie Stakweather - 11.09.2023 15:08

Some of the points made here are very ill given an incorrect

Hilarie Calijo
Hilarie Calijo - 11.09.2023 05:57

Most all of them.

Diana vargas
Diana vargas - 11.09.2023 04:12

Why isn’t she wearing pants

Donna York
Donna York - 11.09.2023 02:20

We need more info on narcisstic siblings...

IEatCrayonsForBreakfast. - 11.09.2023 00:10

I’ve notice that a lot of the times when I tell my mom about something she did a while ago because it was wrong she will straight up gaslight me and tell me it never happened cause she doesn’t remember it. Like when I was a kid I really wanted to get into Pokémon but my mom didn’t want me to cause it was to boyish but 6 years later my 5 year old sister starts to gain an interest in it and she supports so I asked her why she didn’t want me to when I was younger and she acted all confused and told me it never happened.

Oh and this other time she got mad at me because I didn’t want to wear certain shoes for church and she got mad at me and said “you can wear what shoes you like but I don’t want to be seen with you, your an embarrassment” the same day my dad noticed I was crying so he asked me what was up and I told him what she told me and she acted like she never said that and said that I shouldn’t put words in her mouth.

When I was a kid my mom got so mad at me and my siblings cause we didn’t want to clean are room that she took are toys and put them all In a trash bag. She told us she put them in the trash. She didn’t actually and we got are toys back a year later. But still!

And I’ve also notice that ever sence I started being more involved in art (I’m good at drawing and play 3 instruments) that she brags about me to almost everyone she as the chance to have a conversation with.

About a months ago the hairstylist my family went at for years! (before I was born, my mom was even friends with her before she was her hairstylist) anyways the hairstylist forgot about her and now we are not allowed to talk to her.

I also had to post this on my alt acount because if she finds this I won’t be allowed to have a phone anymore (lol) it’s to the point that I hide my phone everytime she is somewhat close because if she sees it, she wants to go through it and if you tell her not to she will confiscate it. (Please if you have any advise I’ll listen to it)

D Deeze
D Deeze - 10.09.2023 23:05

💯 % across the board. It’s horrible- an eternal nightmare-

Dí B
Dí B - 10.09.2023 21:59

I want to send this to my mom

FFlores79 - 10.09.2023 19:04

My mother in an effort to make me feel guilty said..you don't love me like the dog does. Obviously a ridiculous statement and expectation but as years have gone by and as I have gained more awareness...I realize that she was being very honest that that IS her expectation of me to be like a dog. Any attempt to be a self or an adult is not tolerated even though I have my own children...even my tears are an opportunity for her to turn it all around on herself as the victim

Robbie Higley
Robbie Higley - 10.09.2023 18:41

I grew up with a narcissistic mother, and this video 100% explains exactly what I had to go through. Getting far away from her was the best solution for me and my siblings to start recovering mentally. For people who don’t understand, this video is a great resource to explain

lunchboxhb - 10.09.2023 12:18

She never apologizes.

JoanDenise Wanner
JoanDenise Wanner - 10.09.2023 06:20

Be very careful here. Sometimes moms get tired and upset. Moms get periods too . Even adults become short tempered. Communicate.

Sandra Spruill
Sandra Spruill - 09.09.2023 20:35

My older brother and sister were the golden children the other 3 older ( an older brother also born in the '60s, and the last 2 bowel movements born in thev70's me& my identical twin sister) we served a purpose very very brief purpose and then she notices us it was liked,"OH YOU'RE STILL HERE?!" She's now yrs gone but God thats her to a T. ...😢

Reefer Sutherland
Reefer Sutherland - 09.09.2023 15:29

That disgusting person is not my mother

Eric Manuel
Eric Manuel - 09.09.2023 15:13

This is my Mother

Rideout Poppy
Rideout Poppy - 09.09.2023 14:17

I just recently learned that mother is a narcissistic or has this as a personality disorder. Growing up, she displayed all of these traits. She has been going to therapy the last few years and shes a bit better but her traits still shine through. I like to try and look at her conditions growing up and think what couldve made her turn out that way. I think she's likely copying off of the way her mother treated her and just passed it down to me. My grandmother is totally different now, because of her mother treating her the same way. Generational traumas are a real thing and my mission is to have it stop with me.

Thomas Vaverka
Thomas Vaverka - 09.09.2023 09:55

That is one thing I'm Truly grateful about life My parents and sisters aren't narcissistic pictures, b****

Daizieluver - 09.09.2023 09:22

In my experience there was never praise and if I wanted to do or learn anything that was a for sure a no.

Let The Boy Watch
Let The Boy Watch - 09.09.2023 08:49

There's a great podcast called Disaffected Podcast hosted by Joshua Slocum that discusses these topics and much more.

Elizabeth Pascal
Elizabeth Pascal - 09.09.2023 05:12

This was my Mom.😢

teacherondabeat - 09.09.2023 04:33

C’est ma mère à 100 %. En plus, elle joue la victime en se plaignant constamment, elle ment à propos de tout et se prend pour la reine d’Angleterre. Quand je suis en sa présence, elle ne me regarde même pas quand je prends la parole: elle fait autre chose ou me parle par-dessus. Avec le temps, j’ai appris à me taire. J’ai tenté 100 fois de lui en parler, mais rien à faire, elle est incapable de la moindre introspection. Je la déteste. Et c’est fou de constater à quel point on est nombreux à devoir vivre avec cette triste situation...

Fortis - 08.09.2023 21:30

Americans mothers by and large are the worst women and mothers in the world. Narcissist mother and fathers, if you want to call them that, should be registered in a database much like s3x offenders.

Inevitable Sonority
Inevitable Sonority - 08.09.2023 19:13

Narcissist mother creates narcissist daughter.
The irony was my toxic girlfriend left me. I didn’t leave because she realized and admitted her toxicity during our early stage, she said she would love to learn to have my kindness and patience level. I believed and always trusted she could change and improve. Overtime, it became worst and became one sided. She took my honesty and vulnerability as her weapons. I was verbal abused, manipulated and gaslighted. Little things can be mentioned as break up. I started to stand up for myself with making more demands to have her do her part. She was not happy with it and decided to leave. When she left, I begged her to stay because I was optimistic that we can work it out as my philosophy is “she can change and be better”. Worst was her mom is an extreme narcissist person too, disrespected and bullied me.
I did not realized she is a narcissist until she left me. The terrifying part was I questioned my own sanity if I was the narcissist. Took me weeks to reflect by going back to the messages and memories, wrote couple long reflection pages to check if I was the one causing the mess or her. Luckily, I wrote a diary for us since we started dating, toxic behavior patterns repeat itself as it already started since our honeymoon period!!!
Don’t let love blind you! Trust your gut feeling, if it’s true, leave before it’s too late!

Swati Chowdhary
Swati Chowdhary - 08.09.2023 09:58


Learn with Comfort 008
Learn with Comfort 008 - 08.09.2023 09:21

She they give birth they go to mental hospital instead to giving disgusting life to kids babies and surrounding

Jeanine Todd
Jeanine Todd - 08.09.2023 02:08

That's not a parent that's a manipulative human. You don't need to respect or love them. Tribe is stronger than blood

1Time Slime
1Time Slime - 07.09.2023 20:54

WHERE ARE THE SIGNS OF NARCISSItic DAUGHTER? I’m 59, and Nearly everyone I know who has a kid in their 30’s, well we ALL HAVE AT LEAST ONE NARC adult kid. This is happening in that generation cause of their extreme spoiled ness, entitlement, and after having been told by us stupid parents that they’re “all winners”….they received TOO MUCH PRAISE & adoration.

Walter Huston
Walter Huston - 07.09.2023 18:30

The list fix in my mother personally to well

Eve Howard
Eve Howard - 07.09.2023 15:40

This is the MOST SICKEST podcast ever‼️ Doesn’t take long for you ‘to spill your beans’ & the outcome is sure to spread your evil content in influencing! Just shows how skewered you are for zero understanding do you possess, zero wisdom, zero experience, nothing learnt from the miniscule experiences that you bring to the table! Skewered & sick - a long flight do you need to experience to gain wisdom ❣️ I wish you well, just maybe maybe you will gain true wisdom❗️

Samir Bhalerao
Samir Bhalerao - 07.09.2023 09:40

Agree with most of points as per my own experience from childhood till now.

lannister84 - 07.09.2023 07:12

Very early on I learned from my narcissistic mother that it would be wiser for me not to have any children. I wouldn't bring a child into such a toxic and dangerous environment (my family) nor do I believe I am mother material. I'm 39, single, childless, and can't wait for menopause to come already.

pamela H
pamela H - 07.09.2023 04:41

My mother definitely was. Growing up with my mother was very difficult

Brian K
Brian K - 07.09.2023 03:47

My mother checks all ten of these. But it turns out that she was severely bipolar her entire life, only we didn't know it. So I have to wonder if there is some kind of link between bipolar disorder and narcissism.
