Ben Shapiro & Leftist Clash Over Transgenderism

Ben Shapiro & Leftist Clash Over Transgenderism

Ben Shapiro

2 года назад

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@dstmarie1 - 26.01.2024 01:03

How about this - go milk a bull and see how that goes for you.

@timmcgravey9778 - 17.01.2024 01:18

dude looks like a lady?

@guero1555 - 13.01.2024 08:40

Cause "THEY" have to push that agenda CONSTANTLY. After Bowel Movements Matter, EVERYONE said... "well if THEY can do it, then WE can get our way too"
Pathetic. "Like, umm, well"... signs of a confused, cornered and stagnant individual.😅
Get em Ben! 🤙🏽

@user-iu6ug5cr9g - 31.12.2023 07:47

Argument from authority. Doctors with biases can easily fudge numbers to adhere to specious reasoning. It happens everyday.

@maxcox7097 - 29.12.2023 22:19

Ben’s mind is like a “closed box” he will be left behind with his archaic beliefs, it’s obvious that Ben derives “entertainment” from these debates which he insists he is always right, in his mind, this gives Ben a false sense of superiority over others.

@krakatoa1200 - 02.12.2023 01:15

These organisations don't want to appear anti PC, they might lose their funding.

@babyshambler - 21.11.2023 02:31

It's just all so...absurd. That's a boy in a dress, pretending to be a woman. It's no more complicated than that.

@zDialecticChaos - 04.11.2023 03:31


@scratchy1704 - 28.10.2023 16:20

So dumb.Thetes is only male and female and you CANNOT,I repeat CANNOT change your sex.

@rogerioueharamarcus4577 - 28.10.2023 04:20

I think it's funny that these idiots say:" oh, a transgender person is someone that disagrees with their biological sex assigned at birth" as if the medic was the one that chose if you would be a man or a woman, and not simply stating a fact

@delilah9349 - 20.10.2023 02:36

I love Ben tell that idiot the logic in biology 🧬

@user-db6my8ei9j - 10.10.2023 22:14

Tell a lie loud enough, often enough, and sure enough, many will believe it. Scary shit.
BTW, you left out the scientific anti-relaism concept this time, guess the concept doesn't apply to this bs

@lilygreen9143 - 10.10.2023 10:48

She said right..the doctors she knows have the IDEA. IDEA IDEA.

@carleenfuller1370 - 09.10.2023 14:16


@Raz0666 - 03.10.2023 19:13

The amount of people agreeing with him is sickening

@jurassicsmackdown6359 - 29.09.2023 21:51

If Benny Boi had an OnlyFans, it'd just be him getting railed by facts and logic and then afterward pretending it didnt happen

Jokes aside, Ben is too much of a pussy POS to answer anything she said

Synth: "Hey so literally every expert specializing in psychology, gender identity and human biology disagrees with you and MAP Walsh about trans people, what's your defense?"


Meanwhile Ben actively lies and spreads disinformation about trans people to further his political agenda. He's a hypocritical turd.

Oh and then all of his idiot trained seals proceed to shout and clap

Bears and walruses dont have gender identity, Ben. It's a human exclusive thing.

@kristinab9103 - 20.09.2023 23:21

More than 2 decades ago I considered to move to US. Thanks to some circumstances it did not happened.... What an absurd country it has become.....

@UltimoDragon83 - 08.09.2023 09:58

Explain this nonsense to someone 10 years ago or outside of the 1st world countries and they just look at you like you're mental.

@itsruf1 - 05.09.2023 20:47

@DysALexander : Sorry you fled, would not answer simple questions. Kudos for trying alone, your friends left you hanging.
You came for a clash and got one. I'm sorry but adults spit straight facts. Your friends cannot alter the gender assined at birth. You were destroyed on here.

@timperalta9430 - 29.08.2023 18:25

As a social scientist and a researcher. I agree with Ben’s take on the first question, but he has to be mindful that sex and gender are separable, but not wholly. People are endowed with the anatomy of a male or female. That’s sex. Gender is preference. Yes, men SHOULD like women, but we’ve come to understand that they can also like men. So, men do not always like women just because they’re opposites. Whether or not this is normal depends on the norm you’re referencing. APA agrees with the person asking the question.

So Ben, sex and gender are relatively separable. What Ben did get utterly right is that a man cannot be a woman simply because he believes so. That’s why APA must prove that man believes so by reason of genetics or anatomy. Otherwise, “believing” you are a woman is just… and I’ve never heard of any medical institution saying that sex is not dichotomous. My goodness. Where did that person get that? There is a middle ground to male and female when a child is born with no distinctive male or female genitals. I forgot the name of the condition, but that’s the exception. Seriously, the person asking that question is making that up.

@jcm1997 - 22.08.2023 23:10

I clapped along at "full of shit", what a guy.

@seyonmahendran7182 - 22.08.2023 19:38

Thank god I'm not American, I thank god for that😂

@mathewdick3178 - 16.08.2023 12:53

The guy at the first like, 10 seconds of the video sitting behind/to the right of the man with the mic and blue shirt is trying so hard not to laugh 😂😂😂

@axiomist4488 - 15.08.2023 09:49

Look at her at the end, she's still trying to keep going in spite of being hit with LOGIC, something none of these idiotic "students" know exists . She wants to keep going, arguing until he will agree with her. If he doesnt accept her insanity, then she'll go out of there saying what a bigoted asshole he is. Meantime, she didnt answer his very simple question : What is a woman ??? All these imbeciles do the same thing when asked to define "woman". They go off on a tangent and change the subject. Pastor Gino Jennings has the answer to "What is a woman?" He says that "A woman is Your Mama !"

@CoZmicBluez12 - 10.08.2023 19:16

"Ben Shapiro DESTROYS leftist with FACTS And LOGIC!" This should've been the video's title.

@RyanMadsen67 - 24.07.2023 17:05

Ben is so right they are full of shit

@wildflower401 - 22.07.2023 07:45

Wait a minute. Is that trans woman from another video where he was a man. Wow, he has changed!

@lorriemamoet9406 - 21.07.2023 10:45

Just the Diemer twins story should be enough to stop everybody's argument.

@ashlesha21 - 13.07.2023 05:17

I think this guy had asked the same question in some other forum also… he was wearing a white shirt and that time was dressed as a man as contrary to now…. He is dressed as a woman now…

@rafaelsegismundo6478 - 05.07.2023 15:11

The next gender they would discover is pedophile.
With the excuse of being a boy trapped in an old man's body they prey on the children.

@J80MBO - 05.07.2023 10:51

Good to see two men on opposite sides of argument have good debate

@jonathancruz5716 - 05.07.2023 07:41

So we need scholars to explain to us what we are. I always though i could just look in my pants.

@rs72098 - 01.07.2023 17:36

Awe the transgender is using the old Donkey Brains Defense argument from It's always sunny. "You don't have a certificate proving that you don't have donkey brains? Well then how do we know you're not a donkey brained man??"

@rs72098 - 01.07.2023 17:31

I don't have a degree in optometry, but I can tell you that red and blue are different colors. If you brought on a panel of optometrists who said they are the same color, it wouldn't prove me wrong.

@daz1648 - 01.07.2023 00:32

Transgenders are BOTFLIES of society

@beyondthemasquerade2626 - 26.06.2023 02:50

Honestly, I don't know what concerns me more. The fact that Americans have way too much time and money on their hands to come up with this crap, or the fact that Americans think it takes a genius to slap this crap down. As for all these organizations pushing this agenda, it can easily be explained in two words. Elite capture. Control the nodes of influence and access within a society and you will control how people think and what they think.

@user_anonymous000 - 22.06.2023 19:24

My man really willing to hold the mic the entire argument

@morganmaharet - 16.06.2023 11:07

How is Ben getting all this strenght to tolerate these stupid people? I really admire him!

@tammie1078 - 13.06.2023 02:21

You go Ben! I always thought that too, that Sex and Gender where tied, I actually thought it was just one word and that was gender but either way, coming from a non religious person, this trans thing needs to be stopped and these people need a therapist or someone to help them with the trauma that causes the confusion mentally if they think they are a girl or not,,so they can de transition. While it is confusing how you can think science on trans which I agree with, to then believe in god where there is no science and is by assumption and faith, I do wonder how you could believe in this ideology as I think science and faith contradict one another.

@OreoandLadyshorts - 11.06.2023 22:11

Get rekt

@Ysae791 - 09.06.2023 20:59

If these people insist so much on gender not being related to biology, then why are things that exist for biological reasons being questioned? Bathroom divisions, sport categories, documents of identification... all of these were clearly created because of the biological differences between man and women and if gender isn't related to sex why does the left have a problem with all of those?

@Sixxter85 - 08.06.2023 17:38

I believe I am a carrot, therefore, I am one.

@Stanley_Baby - 20.05.2023 19:26

What if men just decided to be women when ww2 broke out? Think they would of had a tough time. This world we live in is pathetic

@MadProperBeats - 11.05.2023 00:41

That creature wasn’t having it 😂😂😂

@snoopysnoopy6448 - 25.04.2023 14:58

I like how every single one of them cant even say what a woman is.

@godwinmageta6868 - 24.04.2023 18:11

These debates have gone out of hand. Women are female. Men are male. Why can't you just create a new category for transpeople in all things; sports, legal system and more bcoz in no aspect shall they ever fit in any traditional and biological category

@allainaouadi7511 - 23.04.2023 22:53

1000 years from now

No one: well another human bones but you know you can't assume the gender it might offend him or her or maybe they,

Same no one: Shit i quit"

@sleepo3615 - 22.04.2023 07:23

A lot of dumb people
