How To Start Playing On Magic: The Gathering Online - The MTGO Guide Part 1

How To Start Playing On Magic: The Gathering Online - The MTGO Guide Part 1

Tolarian Community College

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@keagenkufner7874 - 11.03.2022 08:04

f you want to play past a few gens back dont bother its clunky its pay
to play basically u literally need to buy digital copys of same cost for
everything plus trades ... so its like buying a car u can only drive in
the metaverse for same price of real life. its just not worth it in my
opinion if u want to play more magic go find the nearest local magic
card spot and go in on fridays to play. dont waste your time literally
its retarded long to play with ppl too soo a waste of money

@addisonwilliams2221 - 19.08.2021 21:30

Lol free to play hilarious….. well if you have no life but adults will buy and boy set cost 300ish to get all in set. 15 sets atm I think??? And you can never trade or sell your collection they are actively an accounts.

So enjoy your game!!!! It cost just as much as paper cards anddddddd you own nothing and can never trade.

@josemanuelnadallopez8472 - 24.10.2020 01:19

I see lots of criticism, but I am commenting on covid19 times, when face-to-face meetings sill be rectricted for a while. After I get some more info and set some issues straight, I will probably turn into online entertainment, as I live in a small city and Legacy/Pauper are not supported. The only supported formats are the ones making you buy boosters, or acquire the very latests cards. It's all about the business, so I guess I could play Pauper and Legacy through MTGO. I hope we all can enjoy this wonderful game, on paper and online.

@mtgmason1551 - 06.06.2020 04:03

I only clicked on this because of the shirtless Ajani

@ShaphanDale - 30.04.2020 00:06

Please make an update for 2020. My daughter loves your videos and I’d like to get her interested in MOTO now that she’s enjoying Magic (thanks Arena!)

@richardbaranowski - 01.03.2020 06:28

I was thinking of getting into MTG Online kinda to introduce myself to the game like I did with Pokemon, but honestly, fuck this shit. I'm not paying just to have a digital deck. Pokemon is fuckin' free. I'm uninstalling this shit!

@newsnowtammylynnlynn484 - 31.01.2020 14:01

the only true way to play this game on line is to go to cheat sights and down load cheat codes being that over half the ppl i play have cheated i also turned them in they have not been band no responce at all from the ppl of magic the gathering nothing have fun if you want to lose your money becouse thats all this game is for they care nothing more then money

@immortalhybrid7570 - 13.12.2019 05:20

Honestly I was so excited to play MTGO thinking that it was actually cheaper then paper but I was wrong to me MTGO is more expensive then buying paper cards, if A card costs 0.03 cents in paper and 0.03 tix online then your actually paying $1 online it may say it’s only 0.03 tix but it doesn’t matter it uses the entire tix, so if you want four of that same card IRL it’ll be less then $1 but online it’s $4 that’s insane and pointless I’d rather save my money then spend it for no reason, yea sure you can buy a few cards from bots and they will actually only take the 0.03 tix but I’ve yet to find a bot selling the cards I’m looking for so I’m really disappointed

@DavidslvPT - 11.11.2019 16:44

Just a note: The $9.99 is no longer necessary, I have just created an account this weekend and was not asked for it.

@elijahbucklin7664 - 31.10.2019 02:52

Well Arena sucks right now, so here I am.

@robertharris6092 - 25.01.2019 07:07

Can we just have a game that is one base price then lets you build any deck you want without having to obtain the cards?

@spire_6451 - 12.10.2018 23:59

or.... you could spend some money on hearthstone and have multiple fun decks to play..... until the next DLC :/ than you got to spend more money...

@patrickburks2988 - 24.09.2018 04:25

There are streamers on Twitch still streaming MTGO as of today.

@xKessa - 21.07.2018 13:49

This is not even Paytowin, this is pay for everything..

@jam7661 - 14.07.2018 13:09

i like your swagger

@alecty15 - 09.07.2018 05:38

If you put this videos at 1.5 speed this guy actually talks at a normal pace

@OceanAlchemist - 21.06.2018 00:24

paper magic

@patrickdurst3495 - 20.05.2018 08:40

I didn't know Jeff Bridges was a wizard...

@kungfumcgee7992 - 18.03.2018 00:39

You're videos are unbelievably helpful> Thank you so much!

@frankenstein3163 - 04.02.2018 07:06

any sujestion on how to go about playing card games with other remotly over a mike camera and inter net ?

@frankenstein3163 - 04.02.2018 05:33

it sounds insainly exspensive

@MrPhiathao - 24.01.2018 21:20

One of the worst experience ever; crashes, bugs and expensive. Go play at game shop, support local businesses.

@Cyanide120 - 15.01.2018 00:45

There's no reason to pay that much to play, especially when there are other tcgo that are f2p, such as pokemon.

@alexzin1 - 29.11.2017 07:06

MTG Online should be free on steam, its such a stupid decision dont be there :/

@hrd2h1t - 27.11.2017 03:24

Now that Arena is on the horizon, is MTGO even worth batting an eye at?

@tonyquigley6543 - 04.11.2017 07:00

They should be ASHAMED of themselves for charging 3.99 a and over 50% of the cost of REAL printed cards for basically nothing... digital pixels (cards). ASHAMED. i'm not joking. It should cost only a fraction of the cost of real cards, considering they spend millions each year designing and printing and shopping and buying materials and ink to create the real cards, and they pay nothing but the upkeep on the servers for the digital ones...

@genlucero2974 - 17.10.2017 15:12

Very helpful indeed.

@anamiableghost2132 - 05.09.2017 05:57

If you want to play on mac, download winebottler, it's free and helps you run .exe files on mac with ease.

@henrybleisch - 30.08.2017 16:55

Does it have planechase yet?

@ReMeDy_TV - 29.08.2017 05:18

I can't believe this is the same price as actual cards. Why why WHY does WotC do this, especially in our post-Hearthstone world? I was hoping the Hearthstone competition would show WotC the error of their ways, but nope!

@CJW0056 - 08.06.2017 06:35

Looks like the recommended operating system is Windows 95

@GamerHudson - 06.05.2017 15:01

there is no casual play. vets hang out in these rooms and just trounce you. there is no AI to practice against. this is a waste of money

@thatmagicalgeek720 - 20.04.2017 21:57

We all need to keep in mind that Magic: Online is for players who WANT to buy and have the satisfaction of having each card, programs like cockatrice, tapped out, etc. etc. are for play testing, magic online doesn't allow players to just make a number one tournament deck without effort, magic online makes you WORK for it, which is satisfying to me.

@DoodTuber - 12.02.2017 23:34

MTGO is the worst $10 dollars I've ever spent.

@TheFantom_X - 06.01.2017 07:01

I tried...but I can't digest those graffics.

@Docko412 - 05.12.2016 09:11

xmage is free, and great, but illegal probably so mtgo is fun so far. but I wish they would allow us to join events for free, or have leagues for free etc.

@JorgeA830 - 10.11.2016 21:15

What formats can you play on magic online? I'm more of a commander kind of guy.

@Eqvil - 02.11.2016 20:17

I believe the only reason all these MTG games are either stripped down or downright ugly is because WOTC doesn't want people to go over to digital gaming.

@punishedbung4902 - 23.10.2016 05:32

also try tabletop simulator, play magic, and every other board game imaginable.

@lostarinokripparino4605 - 16.10.2016 13:16

I'm confused, I just bought MTGO and I'm on the PLAY LOBBY tab and I have selected KLDx3 Swiss and yes (for phantom draft) yet nothing is happening. Please help

@TheSolkorundo - 03.09.2016 05:12

holy shit....this video series was bae for the night. TY So much!!

@PsYk0paTh74 - 28.07.2016 01:00

Is it active? Why is there nobody talking about it? I'm looking for another TCG than Hearthstone since months

@incufish23 - 10.06.2016 20:13

The controls for MTGO put me in a red rage just thinking about it I couldn't get through one game before I was like fuck it to hell.
Duels any day of the week and the comments about cockatrice and Xmage sound incredible, hopefully they can get the bugs worked out.

@youriwhite535 - 10.06.2016 02:37

Oh i, i need to pay 10$ first.. Ok :/

@josspider100 - 30.05.2016 23:44

Why would I want to pay for digital cards when I can just play on MTG Duels for free? I'd rather buy the IRL cards.

@mikeseitz1381 - 30.05.2016 10:23

How to start playing MTGO? Well first have lots of money you're happy wasting on pixels.

@AngryBob4213 - 30.05.2016 09:33

I'd like to play MTGO because I'd love to play vintage but I'll never get to in real life. However I own a mac :/

@AbyssalOrca - 30.05.2016 05:47

hmmm . my local card shop closed down sometime ago. they might reopen but in the meantime Magic Duels really is getting boring....

@panossyrios2041 - 29.05.2016 23:51

Hey prof! Casual games cost tickets or not? And , O really want to start playing magic online but, my father is a bit worried if it's safe to put money on mtgo... Is it safe or not ?
