Make An Android App Like TINDER - part 12 - MASSIVE CODE CHANGES

Make An Android App Like TINDER - part 12 - MASSIVE CODE CHANGES


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@narkotrillergang6479 - 29.05.2022 22:03

Если у вас проблемы с отображением карт, то обратите внимание на эти строчки
Database reference userDb = usersDb.child(user.getUid());
userDb.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
The second line should be userDb, not usersDb

@silvergoose7932 - 04.03.2021 18:36

For anyone having the issue of not seeing the cards in main activity . . make sure you check the spelling in the 'case' section of checkUserSex . . In mine, I had used lower case male and female instead of Male and Female . . once I change that it worked perfectly.

@mounishbadireddi311 - 04.12.2020 06:56

HALLOO, my database just doesnt show any children. users are getting registered in authentication but my realtime database is showing nothing. my data is not getting saved on the real time database. it worked perfectly fine before the changes in the structure but it doesnt now and this is causing error in mainactivity because there is no body to get the Uid from. i checked the forum but i couldnt find anything

@znpr0 - 11.11.2020 13:31

Hello sim coder the profiles are not shown, in the card view

@tenzinchoeney8094 - 15.08.2020 22:24

On CheckUserSex() method he had addChildEventListiner and than at the end he has addListenerForSingleValueEvent and ValueEventListener gives me an error

@jaypark1544 - 12.05.2020 17:15

I found the problem. The problem is there anyway when someone sends a message the page automatically scrolls down, because now when someone for example sends a lot of messages you'll have to scroll down to see them.

@dannyvo6962 - 20.04.2020 10:11

hi everyone, I have a problem with my card, It's doesn't show anything. However I fixed it, Check item.xml -> frame, check for layout_height to "wrap_contend" , It was 0dp that's wrong!! I hope this helps.

@malithileperuma9831 - 09.02.2020 08:36

Same here . my code is exactly same as yours and everything works fine but swipe cards are not showing. and there are no any solutions in your forum . found any solution?? @SimCoder

@mesutyldz831 - 23.12.2019 22:46

I watch and write same time, But ı have two problems,
1a- Glide.clear(mProfileImage); from SettingsActivity
1b- Uri downloadUrl = taskSnapshot.getDownloadUrl();
2- Glide.clear(image); from arrayAdapter

ı implemented these;

implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.0.0'
annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.10.0'

What can ı do now ?
ı search many forum but not solved

@DatNguyen-fj9lp - 11.11.2019 20:17

Why my cards are not displayed ? I have followed your video but my cards are not displayed ? Can you help me ?

@kipkemoiderrick1742 - 23.05.2019 00:12

Thank you. This fixed my problem.

@hotwuk212 - 02.12.2018 04:26

i dont understand the point of this. only that it has made my app not work correctly. no cards are showing now and i have done evcerything preoprly. may stop here. good videos but not clear enough sorry

@patrykzackiewicz8683 - 23.08.2018 23:48

After this code change I can't see any results in MainActivity. I've watch video three times and I'm pretty sure I've done everything exactly the same way. Please SimCoder, help.

@irenkebadics4165 - 01.05.2018 17:46

I really like your videos, they are a huge help for my work. Could you please help me with one thing though?
I have implemented your code and made some code changes regarding the data and I added one more imageview to item.xml.
Do you have any idea why my swiping cards move too slowly? Thanks in advance for your help. Iren

@fazzkarimi - 24.04.2018 15:33

my main activity goes into a crash loop when i made these code changes

@777colin - 14.03.2018 19:05

I'm a bit confused, did you create the name, phone and profileimageUrl fields in the database or did the code generate them. Just wondering because I'm getting a signup error now after the code changes

@IgnacioAinol - 08.01.2018 04:59

Perfect!!! lml

@myclemushie9557 - 25.10.2017 18:11

Dam sim. Back at it again with the great code.

@kwanburadinsahim2953 - 25.10.2017 17:01

Thank you so much... Can't wait to see Tinder app series completed ..

@RacenDory - 25.10.2017 16:49

Thanks! :D
