The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy (Official music Video)

The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy (Official music Video)

tom cardy

1 год назад

5,083,201 Просмотров

Some say on a still night, when the moon is high, you can still hear the ghost of ol' Smokin' Joe on the midnight wind telling you to absolutely go f*$% urself. Big thanks to Julia Robertson, what a talent hey!

Album is out now (on the 9th, sorry if me am Australia, it already tomorrow)! Stream it, or buy it on Bandcamp!

Oh shit we got some fresh merch! Smokin' Joe poster by Galoo Game is my fave she is incredible!

Listen on Spotify -

Merch -

Bandcamp -

Itunes/Apple Music -


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@anorawalker441 - 04.12.2023 09:59

This was number 2 on my Most Listened To songs of 2023 😂

@nikolaymadzharov209 - 03.12.2023 23:25

Mr. Cardy, I have but one critique!

We got a heartfelt family reunion (so much so that we see Joseph 'Smokin Joe' Rudeboy give a thumbs-up foe the first time in eighteen years), and now we have a formidable duo with Daughter Rudeboy in the picture.

However, we never did find out what happened to the Velvet Man.

Sooo... you know...

Part two?

@manulouve4478 - 03.12.2023 21:44

Despite how many times i've watched this, the Red Dead Redemption 2 jokes never fails to make me chuckles

@blackrapier713 - 03.12.2023 08:21

So the daughter was unborn at the time the Bandit showed up. This means that Bo wasn't killed and survived at least long enough to give birth. But as far as we know Joe didn't get any kind of ransom note, this means the Bandit kept Bo for some reason. This paired with the fact that the daughter grew up thinking Joe was a deadbeat implies that she was told he just ran away instead of running for help. So either Bo was actually unhappy in her marriage and was using the bandit to escape or Bo died shortly after and the bandit raised the daughter, either way this would explain why the daughter would think Joe ran away since neither of these situations would have the caretakers view Joe in a favorable light.

@Cyntail - 03.12.2023 04:05

Somehow this song became my 4th most listened to song this year. My Spotify On Repeat is literally 29 metal songs and then Smokin' Joe

@CrustyTheMoist - 02.12.2023 11:16

No one commented on how he held an old western accent/american accent throughout the entire song, and it sounded natural. Impressive

@an0mie1 - 01.12.2023 09:23

I can not say enough about how great this song is

@JoeMama-jz8zt - 30.11.2023 22:02

My (somewhat dark) headcanon is that when Smokin Joe flips the bird, the recipient is so demoralized that they commit suicide.

@EhmJB - 29.11.2023 14:51

Why did you put feelings into this one?! I'm going to go watch the man's man one now

@dingo4530 - 29.11.2023 05:11

I've never seen someone do so much with so little screen time as Julia did here.

@TemronTM - 28.11.2023 19:17

Pretending to pick something up or pull something out of something, but then flipping people off, is now my favorite thing.

@swimteamizzle1114 - 28.11.2023 06:30

So wait, was the daughter the baby his wife was pregnant with? Then how did she "see it all"?

@blazejorszulik4414 - 27.11.2023 20:34

Lemme make sure I heard you right - you want me to give you my planet F. YOU!

@nerradmw - 27.11.2023 16:12

the oddest part is that the story structure is VERY old western, this is good, well done.

@duskpede5146 - 27.11.2023 13:39

i've listened to this a couple dozen times now and i just noticed the backround vocals saying "f*ck off" all distorted

@Axel_the-Axelotl - 26.11.2023 13:45

Vishnu be like: Joe can have some body horror, as a treat

@charcoaldreams5203 - 26.11.2023 04:05

Got a dog for my camp in Red Dead Online yesterday. Named him Smokin Joe.

@xanianjamfalcon - 25.11.2023 01:26

yeah this rules great job legend

@ConManAU - 23.11.2023 16:50

How have I only just now realised that Joe pulling out a thumbs up at the end is a call-back to his past as Joseph when he was a happy man? I thought it was a sarcastic gesture but actually it's a sign that he's finally found happiness again knowing that his daughter is alive and is even better than him at flipping the bird.

@Drizztonian - 23.11.2023 02:18

I love that Joseph Rudeboy, though he thought he lost his wife and daughter and died inside, becoming smoking jo, still stick to his wife's final words. Never did he raise a gun, he found another way to take down villainy.

@benjaminhilliard9550 - 23.11.2023 01:15


@cry.skull745 - 22.11.2023 21:12

man, the music video for this one's gonna be wild!

@ryanbolson23 - 22.11.2023 20:55

Ok but like bare with me here, wife tells Joe not to kill the man, wife sends Joe away, wife goes missing presumed dead, daughter is raised and wears the outfit from the man he last saw his wife with. 🤔

Sounds like to me the wife knew something Joe didn’t…

@lukaswyszynski9210 - 22.11.2023 10:18

I want a movie about this fucker

@Brogboolius_Maximus - 22.11.2023 06:49

I absolutely love this song. From beginning to end, it's a good story, fun to listen to, hilarious, and has the perfect ending.

@italialyanoboi - 21.11.2023 18:12

Yas, can't wait for the Netflix series :)

@razenburn - 21.11.2023 12:11

I'm calling it. This is my favourite Tom Cardy. Even HYCYB can't quite reach how fucking solid this piece of art is.

@Neceros - 21.11.2023 03:00

Honestly? Smoking Joe can be considered a hero to look up to. Real stand up man, with real priorities and morals.

@NemoVonFish - 20.11.2023 11:13

...Wait a minute. If his wife died while pregnant with their daughter... how does his daughter exist? Is it a different daughter? Was Bo pregnant with their second child? I'm confused.

@dullkara2169 - 20.11.2023 03:42

Now this is the ideal finger guns.

@ksaw3212 - 19.11.2023 20:41

The "Leroy Jenkins" bit completely flew over my head the first time

@Silverdenn - 19.11.2023 20:27

"The Mongoose Montain Crew played dirty with a 20 man crew, but tales are told that Joe grew 18 arms that day as a gift from Vishnu"

I think to me thats the best couple of line of this entire song.

@Silverdenn - 19.11.2023 20:26

"The Mongoose Montain Crew played dirty with a 20 man crew, but tales are told that Joe grew 18 arms that day as a gift from Vishnu"

I think to me thats the best couple of line of this entire song.

@Silverdenn - 19.11.2023 20:26

"The Mongoose Montain Crew played dirty with a 20 man crew, but tales are told that Joe grew 18 arms that day as a gift from Vishnu"

I think to me thats the best couple of line of this entire song.

@shallotMan-dbl - 19.11.2023 15:53

This was a nice birthday present

@diddler9000 - 18.11.2023 14:15

i would unironically watch this movie and buy copies for me and my five amazon prime accounts i give the password to onlyfans girls for

@TorrentialVengeance - 18.11.2023 07:36

They should change the like button from a thumbs up to a 🖕for this video

@unikracoon1913 - 17.11.2023 16:26

Really one of his best

@justaduck4897 - 17.11.2023 15:55

Bro needs a permit to be this good

@joeyhemlock - 16.11.2023 08:44

this is catchy as hell

@lukethepotatoking - 15.11.2023 20:41

This was actually fire, i fucking love ballads

@Spacemongerr - 14.11.2023 21:23

It is so good 😁

@derlovermachine9402 - 14.11.2023 15:42

I love the lead up to the end where tou make a tune out of the word "fuck" being repeated over and over

@QwertyDFTBA - 13.11.2023 07:52

Love that she respects the no guns rule too lol

@Neceros - 12.11.2023 05:52

Tom, this song is my soul. Please, I need a reprise to know what happen to the daughter, Joan

@johnriley4342 - 12.11.2023 04:24

You know what’s crazy is this has more plot character development and story than the entirety of SAO plus it has a reasonable ending I love this

@barelyrayssa9808 - 11.11.2023 19:19

I'm addicted to this song, listening to it in a loop. It's just too good.

@ciangriffin9630 - 11.11.2023 06:26

Back in the wild west era, there was the Rudeboy family. The father, Joseph Rudeboy, the wife, Bo Rudeboy, and their unborn child. But one fateful day an outlaw came to town wearing a distinct, haunting velvet cloak. Joseph was ready to go defend his town from this outlaw, but Bo made Joseph promise to never brandish a gun. Joseph was told to go run for help, but he wasn't fast enough. He found his town, and his home, burned to the ground with Bo nowhere to be found. After this tragic event, Joseph Rudeboy set his life goal to hunt down the velvet stranger and tell him to fuck himself. He trained for years to be faster, so he would never make the same mistake again. This is when Joseph learned the power of his family, being able to flip the bird so powerful, it caught fire. He spent years hunting the Velvet Man, while never breaking his promise to his late wife Bo. But somewhere else in the west, there was an abandoned little girl, Lo Rudeboy. Her mother was able to escape the town before her death. Lo grew up with thoughts of vengeance for both the Velvet Man who burned her parents town, and for her father who she believed ran away to save himself, not knowing he was going for help. As she grew, she also learned of the Rudeboy family power and used it to defeat the Velvet Man, taking his cloak as a token of her victory. Joseph eventually got the reputation of being "Smokin' Joe Rudeboy", and he adopted the name. Joseph burned with his family, and Smokin' Joe was the man who rose from the ash. Joe defeated many capable duelists. Including Leroy "2 Guns" Jenkins and all 20 members of the Mongoose Mountain Gang in one duel. Many outlaws came to duel the man they heard whose fist would burn when he flipped the bird. And one day, a new challenger stepped into town. A man, wearing a flowing velvet cloak. The street was empty, just the Velvet Man and Joe. The Velvet Man felt different than Joe had remembered, but it didn't matter to him, as he had been through hell because of this man. As the clock struck 12, Joe balled his hand in a fist, but so did the Velvet Man. The Velvet Man's hand burned bright purple as he flipped the bird faster than Joe ever could. Joe fell to the ground out of the shock of seeing a middle finger, just like his. The velvet man dropped his cloak, though it wasn't a man. it was Lo Rudeboy, finally finding her father after tracking him down from the rumors that spread of Smokin' Joe. Lo spoke to Joe about how he finally gets what he deserves for abandoning his family. Joe exclaimed "You been telling everybody I'm a deadbeat daddy, didn't know I tried to save ya? Fuck you, daughter!" Lo retaliated with "Now I found my father and I learnt the truth we can be reunited? Fuck you, old man!" Joe stood from the ground, facing his now adult daughter. They both had a laugh. All of this chaos over one misconception. With the family finally reunited Joe and Lo walked off to the rest of the wild west as the Rudeboy Duo.

@coltonruscheinsky7863 - 10.11.2023 08:53

The actor part of me is pretty impressed with characters you created to tell this story. You’re a triple threat of another ilk. Not every music nerd can write lyrics and act without their movements looking awkward as hell.
