I Spent 25 Hours in Allods Online, and... was shocked

I Spent 25 Hours in Allods Online, and... was shocked


1 год назад

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MMOByte - 25.03.2023 20:08

Honest question: Did you ever play Allods Online?

Overland Cam
Overland Cam - 08.10.2023 06:03

I played this pretty hardcore when I was young, the astral missions to islands were so intense

Dan - 24.09.2023 20:10

If this game had a free server it would be amazing.

HansImAffen - 12.09.2023 19:01

Those looked like firs. The pines were the ones slightly glowing.

DirtyBelgian - 11.09.2023 09:49

Allods online is still one of the better mmorpg games if you play on the subscription server!
its only 5$ a month and theres no P2W!

Allods Online 4ever
Allods Online 4ever - 30.08.2023 03:23

I'm playing it for 10 years now. Game is ruined by cash now,sadly. Best time on this game was when i just started and Kirah came in. Back then we had only runes and skilled people still could kill others that had higher runes. Now there is so much of it,i could make this post too long,so i won't. Long story short:if you wanna be competative player in pvp and pve,prepare to cash in,a lot of money. Also,i see you didn't realize you must hire a mercenaries for dungeons.😂😂 There is a skill,axe,called mercenary contract.

Maximilian Schönbäck
Maximilian Schönbäck - 26.08.2023 12:39

maybe some allods player can enlighten me but it seems there is no auto attacking, it cant possibly be that the game expects me to spam click like that. plus the animations for any attacks feel extremely awkward and wrong. hands down single worst tab targeting combat ive ever experiences amongst dozens of mmos ive played.

ArchDuke - 22.08.2023 03:29

Allods was awesome back when I used to play it many years back...I still miss it to be honest.

Deer-Dude - 15.08.2023 04:49

i just played it. I was on for about 2 hours and found 3 people. Total Online 28 according to STEAM charts.

gerry yong
gerry yong - 13.08.2023 21:26

me and my squad enjoy this game so much, espcially the pvp in asee teph and end game pvp. so fun

TURN Down 4 whaaa!
TURN Down 4 whaaa! - 31.07.2023 06:52

you picked the wrong faction, other faction is more fun to play with a better castle city which has a more fantasy feel and less quests within it.

PasOdMater - 27.07.2023 02:31

The problem with these videos is that content creators don't read instructions and don't ask questions in chat, so you get a bunch of things wrong.

PasOdMater - 27.07.2023 02:16

The game on the sub server is so good, too bad the population's gone.

Outback Yak
Outback Yak - 03.07.2023 21:37

This is my sad story & experience of Allods: Having come from the beta in 2009, part of Bloodpact pvping all day long for months, Gipat 42 patch came game changed somewhat for the better but the fun left, the pay to win become so heavy. After being part of Reborn, server firsts and dominating open world pvp I grew bored and switched sides to play with Silent Warriors, through the 47 patch, was first on server to hit 47 on a reincarnate, Invalid was a great guild and finally when all the care-bears (Monobots and his Warsong Chumps, Valiance and my old brothers in Reborn) made the game 0 fun and all politics every week the servers best formed the guild 3rd Faction, crazy people lots of fun and mad memories, I met my 1st wife in the game back in 2010. Most fun I had in a MMORPG and made some life long friends who are amazing people and had the pleasure of meeting in real life traveling thousands of miles to see them. Sailing through Astral for hours on end I left in the 51 patch just before the big server merges with EU. I was a pay to win beast, that said ..... I spent far to much time, money and life on this dumpster fire of a game, I ignored real life, family and friends and university to sit online for12+ hours a day every day. It was a great game for its time, poorly managed, far to greedy and incredibly poorly supported. In some ways I see my time as a massive waste, although playing with people in a similar point in life at the time and those bonds that were formed I have really enjoyed watching people grow post Allods.
I wont be sad too see this game eventually die, its been dead I think for 10 years and anyone else telling themselves otherwise that their time on this game is worth it, needs to re-evaluate the life they live. The community I loved is gone, the game I loved is dead. All is left is some fantastic memories of great people playing a very crappy game. Love you all, LionoiL / Deathorus

Diktator - 06.06.2023 19:41

My first MMORPG that I've played, and still to this day my most played one. I quit it after 4-5 years of playing, back in 2017 or so, because it's a p2w garbage where you straight up buy perma damage/def boosts, on top of p2w mounts, other p2w systems that increase your power, and lootboxes.

But damn was it a fun and an amazing game. The setting and the story are great, the zones are great, the music is great, CLASSES ARE AMAZING. To this day, only WoW comes close to the class design of this game imo (and many will obviously not agree, but that's just my preference). Every class felt good, unique, and enjoyable. There were multiple viable builds, due to that talent and ruby system. The abilities, and the overall class themes were greatly designed imo, I just loved it. The combat system itself was pretty much similar to WoW, and that's why I think it's amazing.
The leveling was often frustrating, but really rewarding once you finish it. PvPing in Asee Teph was fun, and it's the first PvP zone in the game at around lvl 23 or so (that is until a whale reincarnation comes).

I spent a lot of time PvPing in BGs. You can't really do anything to whales, but it was still somewhat fun, and I've managed to finish top 5 in dmg done multiple times, even when playing with and against whales who put in thousands of dollars into the game, and who can 2 shot you easily.

Maybe I'm looking it through the lens of nostalgia, but damn I never had as much fun in an MMORPG, the only MMO that comes close to it is Archeage, which also got ruined by bad monetization and p2w systems.

Btw, back when I played the game, you didn't even get any mounts for free. You had to pay real money to get mounts (or grind for it to convert currency - something I remember doing a lot). So the reason it takes a long time to travel around (just use tp lmao), is because those mounts are slow af, and the more expensive mounts are much faster. Also if I remember correctly, there's a feeding system with mounts, so if it gets hungry it becomes even slower.

Jonathon Lang
Jonathon Lang - 06.06.2023 08:34

Thats always been the knock on this game for years. End game is SUPER pay 2 win Ive heard

Murtalhas11 - 30.05.2023 02:44

Go subscrition russian server is only 4 euros a month and as alot of ppl even goblinball pops

Xell Dincht
Xell Dincht - 26.05.2023 12:35

i tried out the pay2play server for a month. I did not meet many other players but i still had on ok time. I am thinking to return. Yes it has a lot of outdated game designs but i like the world

Derek J.R.
Derek J.R. - 18.05.2023 13:05

Never expected to here you say you'd ever play fiesta again, i loved it back when it launched pre-2010, but now its just a shadow of its former self.

Axey - 12.05.2023 14:12

Played Allods back in like 2010? I think level cap was 51
I prefer EQ/P99, Vanilla WoW, OSRS type games so the XP rates aint bad
It's the cash shop man and the god tier runes that makes it all P2W
There's a $5/month server but it's quite dead sadge.

largamau - 12.05.2023 10:41

I spent 500-800 dollars on this one back in 2012. I should have not done it.

CRUSHader726 - 07.05.2023 19:15

i played Allods long ago and i liked it.. the questing not so bad you just need to organize your quests.. the starting city consist multiple "zones", taking multiple quest and focusing one zone make your travling more effecient.. when i played the max level was 45 maybe.. so thats why you gain level so slowly i think.. so many content
i think the playerbase left because bad decisions of the devs.. when i played getting premium currency was not a big deal.. but they made it almost impossible later
after i left the game another company bought this game rights.. lot of players lost their characters etc. death sentence... nothing wrong with the core game i think.. it had the biggest budget of that time..
and there is multi crew ship combat at the end game (thats why tutorial looks like that)

Shockwave - 06.05.2023 13:56

The game didn't fail because of early leveling experience you just dont apreciate old mmos anymore and you don't have the time to invest on this which is pretty understandable, the game is massive you barely seen anything, you are probably questing blindly and doing too many side quest which is of course gonna make you progress slowly heck there are even repeatable quest early on you just dont appreciate mmos that give you a variety of things to do to pass the time and expecting a linear experience which is not how things worked back then.

Kisame83 - 04.05.2023 05:09

I start this game beta test in 2010 that was a really good game i spend hours and hours on this game 🤣

Jan - 30.04.2023 09:52

LV 40-45 maybe LV 51 Times we're amazing now its pay2win

oducayen - 21.04.2023 06:17

Great game on the subscription server.

Karmas PCs
Karmas PCs - 19.04.2023 19:40

Did Play it Back in 2007 to 2013. Then a Break until 2023 and now looking Back into and have a Lot of fun but only in the P2P Server.

Not recommend the F2P because of the crazy Cash Shop.

Sarah - 15.04.2023 22:38

Allods used to be so much better they completely reworked a lot of stuff like a decade ago for the worse. It is however one of those games I download and play through every 3 or so years.

Mary Alf
Mary Alf - 15.04.2023 18:35

Man I had thousands of hours spent into this game.. sleepless nights with guild members having fights with enemies at asee teph, pvp on big scale to defend your own guild-island, randomly attacking the empire or league with two or three raids, one of the best dungueons, great lore and so much more until the pay2win got too much for me after a while with lvlcap 47 and ppl started to pump money for 13th runes. Hell this game could have been still with a large playerbase but they destroyed it with greed-- seriously the fighting mechanics felt so damn smooth and well tuned. Most of the time after big patches one or two classes were imbalanced but they fixed that always after a while. Hell I miss those days...

ZenLearner - 15.04.2023 01:36

the higher rune level u have, the gameplay will be piece of cake. pay to win cuz.

Krösus - 14.04.2023 12:48

funny how they thought it could kill WoW when they did nothing different. At least Warhammer Online tried different things

CrazySmith - 12.04.2023 23:31

I played so much allods back in the f2p wars. The character builds mechanics were amazing. Then devs introduced a chance to break armor on death with repair tool in cash shop. I left the game when my best chest armor broke the day I bought it. Rip Allods

Tansa Chart
Tansa Chart - 08.04.2023 15:44

P2P good server many new players ;)

HSGG - 08.04.2023 11:32

vanilla wow

8BitsRebelTV - 08.04.2023 05:02

allods was at its prime when you where dying just pulling 3 more ai than you thought
it was enough for you

MegaChaos91 - 04.04.2023 22:10

Here is a rant about the game from a veteran:

I've been playing AO on and off since Volume 2 came out, during the old gpotato days, years and years ago. I have every class at level 100 and I'm basically the only one in the game with the 'Talisman of the Chosen One', which was a reward for the very first anniversary of the game, in 2011. The reason why I am the only one with it is because every other veteran switched over to the Russian servers due to much better customer support and updates than the retarded MyGames BS. The game ownership goes like this: gpotato > Webzen > MyGames.

I've seen my fair share of inaccurate quest description, horrible auto pathfinding, bugs, glitches, gankers, and highly toxic players in general. For example, Mortality. I hate that damned ganker. I have horrible memories of Asee-Teph because of him.

And don't even get me started on their official Discord server! it is an absolute CESSPOOL! The moderators and other players there don't give a shit about your thoughts on the game and will troll you every chance they get. And if you start fighting them and point out how they are assholes, they'll write an essay saying that you're retarded and then the mods will ban you.

I saw that you chose the Empire. IMPs (Imperials/Empire players) have the WORST maps in the game. Literally lifeless and barren. And then from Asee-Teph onwards, the maps are the same for both the League and the Empire.

Regarding Marks of Fate, you CAN buy them from the cash shop. No surprise there since this is a PAY-TO-WIN game. And, they are a rather 'new' feature. They did not exist at launch
and were added sometime around 2016, if I am not mistaken. To add to them, the COST of Marks of Fate INCREASES EXPONENTIONALY the higher the level of the map is. The highest cost is somewhere around 120,000 marks of fate for just 1 very high level quest. Yeah, no. I have like 500,000,000 of them spread throughout my characters. I didn't buy any of them. You get a lot of them from doing TIME VOID and high level INSTANCES.

As you've seen yourself, the enemies in this game literally follow you for HUNDREDS OF METERS. This is exactly why every veteran player carries with them invisibility potions if the class that they are playing does not have stealth skills.

Now, regarding instances and dungeons: You CANNOT kill them solo if you are the same level or if your level is just a bit higher. Do NOT even try! You should use the Mercenary Contract that I saw you hotkeyed to number 8 and summon mercenaries to help you. I played the game BEFORE they added that feature and we always played with a party of real players. Nowadays, you can just summon mercs and solo every dungeon/instance. ESPECIALLY if you buy the ANIMALITY potion which turns your mercs into literal juggernauts! Guess what? You need REAL MONEY! Go figure.

As for the mounts, you need either a FLYING mount or the legendary (and expensive as all hell) LIGHTNING BOLT. Guess what? -> REAL MONEY IS NEEDED!!!

The next thing to mention, are RUNES. Runes are basically game-breaking. I have a full set of level 8 runes (the highest level being 13, only obtainable by people with very deep pockets) and I can beat pretty much any content with just level 8 runes. Level 8 runes are ENTRY level. Level 10 onwards is WHALE territory.

I remember, back in the day, that runes were EMBEDED INSIDE of your gear! They did not have special slots for them like they do nowadays. AND! Here's the best part: The RUNE PICK item BREAKS your RUNES upon use if it is of a LOWER QUALITY! Forcing you to buy a higher quality rune pick from the cash shop with, you guessed it, REAL MONEY!!!

The NEXT thing to mention would be DRACONIC RELICS. You need a full set of high-end relics to do end-game PVE and PVP content.

The NEXT next thing to mention would be ARTIFACTS. As with the relics, you need all of them to be considered viable for end-game content, otherwise you'll just be kicked out. Oh, and did I mention that most players are ELITIST children? Yeah.

That would be all. If you need any further information about the game just reply to my comment. I have 13 years of experience to share.

Gabriel Onofre
Gabriel Onofre - 02.04.2023 01:18

Beautiful, but dead game :(

markysan - 30.03.2023 19:57

yet another person who is unable to read the text and appreciate the story or the world. Do they relly like to do things without understanding the reason?

Sey - 30.03.2023 14:22

25 hours in Allods is like to play 25 hours in World of Tanks with tiers 1 to 3, you cant understand the game until you re not Tiers X, Allods is the same.

Виталий Смирнов
Виталий Смирнов - 30.03.2023 00:01

You chose the Shooter class, and he is the most boring in the game. You're a little unlucky.

godzilla giroflex
godzilla giroflex - 29.03.2023 19:46

That was a pain to watch. Can't imagine how it feels to play it. Ty for going through that purgatory for us.

spompofleks - 28.03.2023 18:08

Oh i remembered playing this a LOT.
I love how you can bring NPC's into dungeons. But's its HEAVY pay to win

Shawn Carter
Shawn Carter - 28.03.2023 16:42

I didn't know this game was still around. I played it a bit when it was fairly new, but for some reason I never got into it.

anonymous gamer
anonymous gamer - 27.03.2023 17:39

"OH, it's Mrs Stix" thinks for two seconds and realized he fucked up lol

Professional garbage
Professional garbage - 27.03.2023 13:14

It's a trash pay to win game
