Starfield vs Fallout 4 vs Skyrim...Wow

Starfield vs Fallout 4 vs Skyrim...Wow

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@cuteandfluffypikachu3405 - 17.09.2023 02:11

I know starfield is not fallout but they still have the music for fallout 4 😊😊
Also imagine a ship full of khajits that would be awsome 😩🤣😂🤣

@ThreeSalmonCircus - 06.09.2023 19:58

This did not age well

@asr1el942 - 03.09.2023 14:44

a GT1030 on 1080p native and low settings can run fallout 4 at 60 fps. on starfield is 1 fps.

@sunnelyons394 - 07.08.2023 23:28

thomas haden church game account

@Ironarm011 - 12.05.2023 15:59

Wow Starfield looks terrible. Bethesda sucks.

@danielmartinbenitopalomo7236 - 25.02.2023 15:41

Really the gameplay of starfield run at 4 k at 30 fps? Someone knows is this true

@cmdrgogen3203 - 22.02.2023 22:56

Hoping they take the best from Fallout and Skyrim, mix it and add space.

@ryndaman2855 - 01.02.2023 12:32

they need to release new gameplay trailer so we could know the improvement, or downgrade

@anonymousone6075 - 10.07.2022 20:50

they hope to see more modders make a career out of it = paid mods

@0Linerider0forever0 - 04.07.2022 20:14

I think it's the textures that look so bad

@museken - 02.07.2022 16:39

I'm new here.. Skyrim Rocked... F4 Rocked..I'm playing Elden Ring now.. (Elden Ring is Not Skyrim..Not F4) . Elden Ring is a excellent game your choices are limited. The focus should be on games like Skyrim and F4. Why?... You can interact with every item in Skyrim and F4... Some few people talk about the graphics. Who cares.. really absolute you need decent graphics.. but is not adventure more important.. How you live now and putting it into the game. Is that not how it should be.

@rodaswolf - 20.06.2022 19:05

Biased cuz i did pre order fallout 76 lol but i see a lot of the same and not a lot improvements especially with all the cutscenes we'll have to endure just to land

@michaelfoxall78 - 19.06.2022 19:02

facial expressions and quality, thus far at least, while improved, do not look particularly impressive.

@WAFFLEooFILMS - 18.06.2022 18:50

All the weird eye stuff can easily be fixed with updates.

@RagingUtai - 18.06.2022 14:13

if you think the grphics are good, take a pause at the locations in the game, and see the low quality /flat textures used , along with aliasing.

@jordanberezin2621 - 18.06.2022 03:33

The opening had me dying

@unicyclepeon - 17.06.2022 18:55

I think the characters actually look worse in Starfield than in Skyrim and Fallout 4. The technology may be better, but it's way more uncanny valley in Starfield. They actually managed to make the eyes worse in Starfield than even in Skyrim. The shapes are even weirder in Starfield, and the eyes look mostly dead. Many of them are even cross-eyed or slightly bulbous.

Also, despite the graphics being higher quality technically, the art/direction/character design looks WAY more bland in Starfield, despite the better outfits and technology. Other than maybe the old man character who talked about the artifact speaking to the guy who sold it, none of the characters visually look even as visually distinctive as even Preston Garvey. I'm talking strictly the immediate visual of the character design ... we obviously don't know these new characters. But I feel they look "space-opera generic" as all get-out, so far.

I'm sure there will be cool-looking characters in the game, in terms of the design of the look, but right now most of the ones we have seen look flat.

This comment is just a random internet comment, feel free to disagree. :) I know that I will play this game for 1000 hours easy. Looking forward to it.

@personalvoid - 17.06.2022 03:47

Starfield, graphics wise, looks pretty good. I just hope the game isn't a letdown.

@justinmabb1997 - 17.06.2022 01:17

I REALLY hope they add mods like in fallout 4 and Skyrim on xbox. But it's Bethesda so it's probably inevitable overtime. Just IMAGINE what people will do with mods. Entire storys based on random planets new cities built new NPCs everything. The sky is the limit with mods

@TheNibbleWitch - 16.06.2022 11:40

If you can build a base on a planet of your choosing, and you can apparently have a home (one of the traits shows this), then it is my assumption that there will certainly be a marriage/family mechanic. Skyrim had it, albeit a very basic one. A lot of people really loved that immersive feature, so I don't see any reason they wouldn't do their best to include it in Starfield (hopefully a bit deeper and more fleshed out).

@TheNibbleWitch - 16.06.2022 11:32

I've always played Bethesda games in 3rd person. In fact, I play 3rd person in every game I possibly can. It's the only/best way to play them, as far as I'm concerned. First person gives a lot of people motion sickness, and I am one of them. So glad they're including a 3rd-person perspective for Starfield, and not forcing 1st like silly 2077 does (still a superbly dumb choice on CDPR's side, imho).

@travisace - 16.06.2022 03:53

I really hope you can customize the interior of your ship like home base in fallout 4.

@travisace - 16.06.2022 03:46

It'll be a loading screen when leaving the planet and landing on a planet. But I do think we will fly from each planet in a solar system. Possibly there will be a loading screen between solar systems as well.

@djmonk3ysstudios898 - 15.06.2022 20:02

Starfield is basically no man sky but skyrim and outer worlds, that made a baby = the fallout of the sky worlds. I hope we get a pet cat my world will be complete dogmeat is awesome but I love cats, my rl cat and cats in games

@DarthDainese - 15.06.2022 18:23

Well the double barrel shotgun in fallout 4 looks a lot better that the bullet firing shotgun in Starfield 🤪

@KyleandPrieteni - 15.06.2022 12:34

Another thing I have noticed is that people seem to be pointing out that some of the guards are like bullet sponges. The problem with that is that we don't know how strong the enemy's armor really is there probably wearing something more advanced. Because if you see other animals getting hit they end up getting affected more than some of the others.

@obikenkenobi30 - 15.06.2022 06:50

From what I've seen it looks like they need to work on the eyes. They are a bit freaky looking to me.

@frozone-yeah - 15.06.2022 05:38

I am really impressed by what I saw with this, I am hopeful for this game for sure and it will be one of the first if not the first physical copy of an Xbox major exclusive. The one thing I would like to see tweaked upon some is the smoke effects and some of the particle effects, as to me they feel a bit one-dimensional compared to how good the rest of the game looks, it lacks something of depth to not make the smoke billow and plume out. But maybe this will be enhanced closer to release. Other than that, I am very impressed, and the faster-paced combat is definitely a nice welcome for this game.

@a1racer441 - 15.06.2022 03:30

first thing i said when i watched the trailer was thank God the npc look 100% better then fallout 4. the facial animations are looking good the faces are looking good npc way way better then previous games.

@johanfunes - 15.06.2022 03:23

I can get over how fucking bad the "new creation engine" is I'm hoping they switch to UE5 in the future

@user-lk7cv8vg7r - 15.06.2022 01:43

Really? Pushing Daisies at the beginning? Nice.

@slinkyfpv - 15.06.2022 01:27

I really don't see how a multi million dollar company, like Bethesda, can't license some AI to animate the faces. I mean, they're owned by Microsoft, for god's sake. You can't tell me that don't have access to something like that with all those studios under their belt.

@ragingmonk6080 - 15.06.2022 00:53

Q: How many hours of gameplay will be in Starfield?

Todd, This is the same as I told you with Skyrim. A game should last 10 years.

@captainzebra2516 - 15.06.2022 00:04

Won't lie I'm very disappointed in the graphics besides the planets everything looks last gen even ps3 at best why does everyone look like plastic and have such jenky movements. I wish Xbox would make them Bethesda update the engine I've been a fan all my life but they need to upgrade

@MrMorden00 - 14.06.2022 23:43

I want a dog in a space suit.

@MrMorden00 - 14.06.2022 23:39

Skin and texture is vastly improved. Expressions still wooden. Everybody looks like they had a botox overdose. CP2077 has better expressions.

@mistro0014 - 14.06.2022 23:38

I like the way some of the lighting looks and some of the interior areas. They looked very good but the outsides looked laughable. When they do the pan backwards and up in the city/town ot at the end of the trailer, the trees look so fake and awkward, and the grass looks painted on. It reminds me of the landscape from the late xbox 360 Era. I hope this game is good but this game should be in unreal engine 5. Did you see the skyrim in unreal engine 5 tech demo. Someone made it and it looks astonishing.

@wolfbite1984 - 14.06.2022 23:37

The game isn't even done yet

@wolfbite1984 - 14.06.2022 23:36

The faces didn't look bad mfckers love complaining about sht

@mistro0014 - 14.06.2022 23:26

Isn't it early to do this the game isn't out and you don't have all the crazy glitches yet. Lol. Besides this should be compared to all the other games coming out. Comparing it to older games doesn't make much sense. Actually there are older games that came out years ago that look so much better. Detroit become human comes to mind and I'm sure there are many others.

@arminius504 - 14.06.2022 23:22

Do people hate complex RPGs now? The comparisons in this comment section are laughable. These big RPGs are the most difficult games to develop and they compare it to generic games like HFW and complain it doesn’t look like that? WTF people are nuts... games like Skyrim, fallout games, Kingdom come deliverance etc. are special and require a huge amount of work (the dialogue and dialogue options alone require a very different approach than some easy polished cutscenes or short generic polished dialogues etc.).

@blackbarba5450 - 14.06.2022 23:21

Funny how everyone forgot that Fallout 76 even exists

@lordofsloths9985 - 14.06.2022 23:18

the star wars mod are gonna good

@lordofsloths9985 - 14.06.2022 23:15

I imagine it's gonna be like fallout Where'd you can go melee but most of the focused twords guns

@NoName-ym5zj - 14.06.2022 23:12

Eyes of characters in Starfield are little weird

@dannyhernandez4181 - 14.06.2022 23:09

Tbh, the eyes be wayyyy too glossy
