EUROPE (SCHENGEN) 90/180 What happens if you overstay

EUROPE (SCHENGEN) 90/180 What happens if you overstay


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@williamgeorgefraser - 05.09.2023 16:41

So glad I don't have to put up with any of this nonsense because, like yourself, I did all the necessary paperwork many years ago and I didn't/couldn't put the cross in the wrong box. CdS up to date, tax affairs up to date, French registered car. Why do people go out of their way to make life difficult for themselves?
On the subject of Google translate, many years ago we used to have fun doing word-for-word translations of English sayings into French. I came up with "Baisez ça pour une alouette" as a translation for "f@ck that for a lark". Just checked Google and they give "Merde ça pour une plaisanterie". I prefer mine. 🤣

@Paul_C - 05.09.2023 16:50

It is easier to apply for a fixed time visum. Basically most nations can accommodate that, sure you need to apply beforehand but even a 3 year stay is possible. A few travel channels use it travel without having to worry.

@stevemcgowen - 05.09.2023 17:01

I know someone who was a digital nomad in Prague who overstayed a 1 year visa by over a year. He used to joke about it. He was caught on a immigration check- police in Prague routinely do immigration enforcement. He got a 90 day departure order. Overstayed it, was caught again and immediately deported. He had to arrange for his things in his flat to be picked up. He got a 10 year entry ban.

@timothysimpkins6229 - 05.09.2023 17:36

It's a lot of red-tape coming shogun area. If I went to Ireland, an EU member, does have the same rules. 90 over 180 days!

@nicks4934 - 05.09.2023 17:47

Each country will have its own visa. But will not allow movement to other EU states?

@nicks4934 - 05.09.2023 17:48

What a complete cluster f caused by lying brexiters. ‘No down sides’ ‘All the same benefits’.

@tonyy452 - 05.09.2023 17:58

So if they overstay the 90 days limit then surely they become illegal immigrants.

@simonsays5587 - 05.09.2023 18:02

You are welcome to enjoy our 💩 free waters, but 90 days max🤣

@spuvenk - 05.09.2023 18:04

All that you said is correct Marcus. And is informative for Brits that don’t really look at the rules. This topic reminded me of my wife who was from Turkey. She had automatic free movement everywhere in the Schengen area except for GB. She needed a separate visa for GB. Long trip to Rome and stay over night in a hotel because you know when you get there but nobody tells you how long it will take. Bring all documents such as bank statements and proof that you do not intend to become an immigrant. ( Her not me )She was my wife so I supplied all the documents and proof that she had a job in Italy ( my employee ). Expensive trip to Rome with one night in a hotel and no documents on her to go back home as the UK Border force take everything and send it back by DHL at your expense like 2 weeks later. And in Italy you need to have ID on you just in case. Tell you what: GB was not really in the EU properly as they kept their border. Nightmare each time my wife had to come to GB with me! We were going to see family that was critically ill……. What a nightmare…..! I tell you what: I speak 100% better English than anyone who works in the UK Border in Rome….. most have accents that are very difficult to understand. My wife was fluent in English as she went to an English school in Istanbul but she just could not understand anyone at the UK border force. I had to translate from Indian English to English English….. for her to understand…… I am not complaining about this as for me it’s normal, but at least some compassion for English speakers that can’t understand your accent…… so the trip would cost us minimum € 500 for travel ( 300 Km to Rome and 300km back ) and hotel and travel within Rome to get to the Border Force all inclusive. If you want to eat while you are there, these costs have to be added to the bill……..

@ChristianeWinzenburg-uo4xb - 05.09.2023 18:19

EORI…. An important/import tax number if I am not mistaken. I purchase an item for a French Acquaintance, a private person and we had a ‘ bumpy ride & road to travel to get the item to Tours…. Mon’ Dieu🥴
Hello Marcus, thanks for yet another great info’ video.🤔
I was in Germany for 10 weeks, initially I intended to stay 4 weeks and due to a cardiovascular issue my elderly Dad encountered, I extended to 10 weeks.
I have a German Passport though and am not affected by these rules you highlighted.
What I have however heard is, individuals who reside in the UK long term and who have EU passports are increasingly stopped and interviewed or sort of reminded that they are foreigners when entering UK Borders!
Settled or Pre-Settled Status not withstanding.
All this so unnecessary and unfortunate.
Naturally I would never think of overstaying in any Country of travel choice.
I have traveled quite a bit, always considerate of local laws and regulations.
The idea that the Uk left the EU, they were never part of the Schengen Area, and nothing would change is a painful symptom of imperialism and grandiosity!
Pardon, it’s just tragic.🫣
Regardless of the MADNESS, thanks for your awareness sharing 😉😁👍

@martinabcbeers - 05.09.2023 18:36

I hear they want to introduce a Henry 8th fine , it will then cost your head but you certainly do not repeat offend 😂😂

@chichestermaritime8174 - 05.09.2023 18:51

Hi Marcus. Was this video misnamed? Nothing about EORI but very interesting.

@madcapjourneys9014 - 05.09.2023 18:53

Have you said a lot of people are having more hassle re-entering the uk than Europe? I think the British border patrol has gone mad checking bag asking long questions of where you are from where you were born it ashame they didn't do this years ago

@JAmediaUK - 05.09.2023 19:20

Didn't mention EORI in the video, despite the title. They were an absolute pain to get issued. Until we realized they were the VAT number with a 000 suffix!! So we did our own and no one worried. 9 months later, HMRC "issued" us with an EORI that was our VAT number preceded by 000!

@michaelmacdonell4834 - 05.09.2023 23:06

I may need to Electronically Integrate an Advanced Entrance Order - or as they are known in the trade, an E.I.Ad.E.O.

@massimilianodelgiudice3595 - 05.09.2023 23:26


@andrewrobinson2565 - 06.09.2023 01:48

I was waiting to hear what an EORI is. Then I read in the comments that you don't mention EORI in the video.
Pull yourself together Marcus 😮.

@stuartwalsh7005 - 06.09.2023 07:54

A ticket with a €1200 fine issued by Hellenic Customs at passport control seems to be the norm in greece. No re entry to Schengen until paid.

@yannmaenden7236 - 06.09.2023 15:02

If you do overstay a Schengen visa you should check to see if your health insurance and car insurance are still valid after the 90 days.
If you go for the long stay visa you might have to reregister your car after 6 months.

@FatWhiskyDrinkingGuy - 06.09.2023 18:07

And then there's the UK.... They didn't stamp my bloody passport when i went to Scotland this year.... Clown island! What's the use of a passport then?

@sinisatrlin840 - 07.09.2023 20:27

I have met some British youth that are here for few years now and no one is bothering them.
In turistic places and large towns there are slim chances that police is going to ask them to produce their ID if they are not making trouble.
If you are involved in car accident, or need emergency service than it will be revealed, but i do not think that autorities would make fuss about it. Do not get your self involved in drugs, do not carry a knife, do not attack anyone, do not be drunken idiot that jumps off 70m cliff, and you are pretty much safe.

@theface7088 - 13.04.2024 19:17

I overstayed by 19days in France, when I learned we aren't allowed 6 months I immediately left, had no problems with immigration, but would I face problems going back? I'm visa exempt btw

@AllShortsPolitics - 06.09.2023 02:43

I mixed up my VIDS today the EORI Video is next, My Appologies but I blame it on the guests ! xxx
