More than half of workers concerned about lack of skills and their employment future

More than half of workers concerned about lack of skills and their employment future

Yahoo Finance

2 года назад

741 Просмотров

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@hybridinfodesk409 - 27.08.2021 22:50

Going from bad to worse fast.

@hybridinfodesk409 - 27.08.2021 22:54

Well you can't get blood out of a turnip. Wouldn't it be a good idea to help mend the 500, 000 you injured with the covid vaccines? A lot are past workers mandated by their jobs to get vaccinated and ended up disabled for life.

@hybridinfodesk409 - 27.08.2021 22:55

Looking like karma is a mother...the energy you put out is the energy you get back.

@Octovisuals - 27.08.2021 23:45

So study more. Period.

@superblondeDotOrg - 28.08.2021 02:05

More worried about millennials as a whole being slackers and lacking critical thinking, gen z is worse and trained to believe anyone non-white and non-male should get continual free promotions without any requisite knowledge or results

@luciacelis3419 - 28.08.2021 03:37

I just saw a video about the Vaccines, The Vaccines save lives, check out a video from today 8-27-21 at Sectors Made Simple the guy explain very, very well about Vaccines. God Bless you all!

@IsaOscar - 28.08.2021 06:16

Let's Learn Programming? Who's with me?
