Zoomit Tutorial

Zoomit Tutorial


1 десятилетие назад

2,668 Просмотров

In this Video, I will be showing you how to download Zoomit and how to use it.
Zoomit is a zooming program for windows which also allows you to type things and draw things on your screen with a shortcut which can be changed.If you require any help with Zoomit, feel free to comment below or message me on youtube.

Zoomit: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897434.aspx

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/VolcanicJake

Thanks for watching, Comment, Rate & Subscribe,



#Zoomit #Software #Free
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Phaedron Ennius
Phaedron Ennius - 15.08.2014 16:31

Hmm. 5/10. Are you speaking with a pencil in your mouth, Jake. Clearer, please.
Prepare a script; a run-sheet, at least.

haikal mam
haikal mam - 12.08.2014 15:01

how to make a arrow

Erica Henderson
Erica Henderson - 06.10.2012 03:04

I'm 11 now

Erica Henderson
Erica Henderson - 14.07.2011 16:39

cool im nine and im trying this and i kinda dont understand you but thanks for the help anyway!


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