Stop Using the Wrong Defensive Skill - Xeno Explains How Tanking Works in FFXIV

Stop Using the Wrong Defensive Skill - Xeno Explains How Tanking Works in FFXIV

Xenosys Vex

2 года назад

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@demored3017 - 29.12.2023 19:45

this is a loop ass!! bald asshole looping again

@wideBuhh - 13.11.2023 02:22


@samwilkinson9309 - 07.11.2023 20:00

So I know this is old compared to now, but why has PLD got no abilities that apply a personal shield? You have veil that shields, but you're the only tank with a physical shield but all you have is mits, block and a regen on your 25s mits. Every other tank can stack a mit and a shield on themselves and they have an easier time self healing for the most part, PLD heals once within 7 GCDs and during burst, that's it. (Not counting holy sheltron)

@cruciblejr4770 - 19.09.2023 08:39

So question: as someone who mains healer and is trying to get into tanking, does mitigation apply to the shields a sge or sch apply?

Like will the shields last longer? Or is it only once the shield breaks it takes effect?

@Xinderkan - 06.08.2023 23:46

Shields are flat damage mit, applied after your percent damage mit

@KagagiouX - 20.06.2023 08:51

Not wrong at all. Tired of arguing this with folks. Thanks!

@guylaub8505 - 17.06.2023 05:48

Xeno you can shield between hits the same way you heal between hits. So if you use TBN or get a shield from a Sage or a Scholar it will be the same effect as healing.
So shielding and healing are the same in that essence. If TBN was up all the time like a PLD has Clemency for example, it would be great to use between hits.

@excaliber3bb - 10.06.2023 09:48

god hes annoying bro

@candyskiies1128 - 04.05.2023 01:26

who the everloving FUCK thinks TBN is OP????? TBN is spit on it's face, utter dogshit in comparison to Bloodwhetting, HoC or holy sheltron

@moo3oo3oo3 - 19.04.2023 01:22

People actually believe that healing and shielding are the same!?

@katerinaquinn5482 - 21.03.2023 19:49

I've taken question and it might be stupid but does tenacity matter anymore? I'm always seeing it on tank year and I don't know why. I've always thought that the stats that matter are Crit and det the more damage do the better

@Strykerx31 - 07.03.2023 23:35

What about DoTs?

@foxypoxi - 06.03.2023 15:19

4th way of tanking... sprinting. XD

@foxypoxi - 06.03.2023 12:29

Asmonswap 🤣

@F3nryl - 27.02.2023 18:35

"DRK sucks defensively" this didnt age well after Abyssos DSR and TOP

@Benfly12 - 01.11.2022 20:59

Teach me da way

@InvictusRed1911 - 31.10.2022 01:10

I would love you to revisit this now that we have bleeds and everything in the new Pandemonium tier.. since the bleed is seemingly based on how much damage you take and their forcing tank swaps, I've just throwing the kitchen sink at tankbusters so that the bleed and the auto attack don't kill me. No more can I just Holmgang and laugh..

@joemiller1653 - 28.10.2022 17:21

how do you NOT know that tbn is a shield? it literally says it in the tech tips????

@brianr2093 - 24.09.2022 04:03

This is a good sage guide thank you

@JohnDoe-rd2zm - 10.09.2022 06:09

I can't believe you have to explain that healing and shields are different. had no idea people thought they were the same.

@alaineninmah7040 - 21.08.2022 23:01

Reprisal is op on big pulls. 10% damage reduction per enemy. As a healer, i get upset sometimes when tanks don't use it in dungeons on large pulls.

@craigabbott9944 - 16.08.2022 13:41

Scholar = shield+small heal

@st0rmbreaK - 15.08.2022 12:28

I don't play FFXIV but got randomly recommended this video. Whatever Xeno is mentioning applies to ALL games, not just this one. Anyone who has played other games should be able to tell the difference between the 3 and learn how to. I don't understand how anyone can come to the conclusion that any of these 3 are the same or similar in any way, because they're not.

For me, if I were to explain it, generally:

Only has value if you have lost HP and don't get oneshot. There's 0 value in healing someone already at max HP, and it doesn't prevent you from taking damage.

Acts like a temporary flat HP increasing buff, and doesn't decrease the damage you take. If you're meant to take 10k damage you're taking 10k damage. If you have 10k max HP and you receive a 5k shield, your eHP is 15k.

Same as Armour/Magic Resistance in other games, functions as % damage reduction. Reduces the damage you take, but doesn't give you more flat HP. Mitigation is extremely broken in high values due to exponential scaling.
If you have 10k max HP and receive a buff with 30% mitigation, your eHP is 10k/0.7 = 14285 (x1.43);
If you have 60% mitigation, your eHP is 10k/0.4 = 25k (x2.5) ; and
If you have 90% mitigation your eHP is 10k/0.1 = 100k (x10).
It's pretty clear that even though mitigation keeps increasing by 30%, the eHP you get out of it is much more than 30% per increase. This is why 100% mitigation mathematically makes you immortal because you take 0 damage (dividing by 0). This is also why damage reduction is almost always multiplicative regardless of game, because it has to be. If you stack 20% reduction with another 10% reduction, it's quite often calculated as 0.8 x 0.9 = 0.72 (multiplicative, you take 72% damage), not 10 + 20 = 30 = 0.7 (additive, you take 70% damage). If it isn't multiplicative, there usually is a cap to how much you can have, or the game makes it very hard to keep building.

To illustrate a numerical example, if you have to pick between [10k HP + 5k HP] vs [10k HP + 2.5k HP + 20% mitigation], you go with the 2nd option.
eHP with the 1st option is 10k + 5k = 15k
eHP with 2nd option is 12.5k/0.8 = 15.625k

When Xeno mentions tank buster, I can only imagine that it's "true damage" that's not affected by armour/magic resistance/any kind of mitigation. This would make shields the obvious choice to keep the tank alive, then heal up back after because mitigation is completely taken out of the equation.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Playing other games has value in playing other games, people.

@NotExplicable - 26.07.2022 02:37

Just throw out more shields

@NightMare-og4hx - 31.05.2022 02:50

Then there is tanking by dodging the atack by an dash ar jump atack

@danmarshall4812 - 10.05.2022 15:59

Good tank swap Dom.

@bartscustoms - 09.05.2022 15:49

I was going to say you can just invuln the TB then you said it at the end. Nice job on the explanations to the differences of tanking. I agree. Keep the content coming

@shadymalibu8729 - 15.03.2022 09:22

Hollowed Ground- I'll give you Invincibility free of charge with no catch!
Superbolide- I'll give you invincibility....but's it's gonna cost you almost your entire life force!
Holmgang- You'll get the invincibility when you need it most. (Near Death)
Living Dead- You got 10 seconds to pay back your Walking Dead loan or else you'll be just Plain Dead!

@nachos1162 - 24.02.2022 05:32

What I wanna ask is how does anyone think a heal is a shield or mitigation, a shield is a heal or mitigation (that second one I kinda get, shield being mitigation) or mitigation being a shield or heal? Like, the heal someone their health needs to be gone, and they can't mitigate if they have no health and die.

@rajgopee1245 - 24.02.2022 05:08

Healing mitigates the effects of damage. It's not a damage mitigator.
I see shields as ideal for low damage attacks from multiples as it buys you u time to think the herd and mitigation as great on high damage attacks.
Saying that I've not come across anyone who thinks healing is mitigation or shielding is healing so maybe I'm lucky so far. But then I main gunbreaker 😂

@Ajiryn - 24.02.2022 03:52

Xeno, this is the most useful explanation on the different tank skills I've seen so far. 😊
Also, thank you for emphasizing that mitigation, shields, and healing are very, very different things. My main healer is a Scholar... we can't stress this enough to Dark Knights.

@vorg858 - 20.02.2022 02:07

Me. Beginner. Confused. Taking in information. Brain doesnt recognize information. Puke the information out. Me. Begin to look for beginner tank guide. I'll come back to this vid after i become an advanced tank. Btw i love thw asmon references!

@Mellow_Owl - 13.02.2022 22:07

:O This video is just what I needed! Picked up tanking a lil bit ago, and I've been struggling with how and when to use my defensive skills and abilities. Found a lot of guides, but none go into them like this. I appreciate it! :D

Love yo' face.

@odstzero22 - 10.02.2022 01:39

I learned so much man. Thanks. You are a wealth of knowledge for tanking.

@nadirreeves819 - 08.02.2022 06:57

Honestly, I just discovered your shit last night, but it's good shit. Take my subscription

@brandonkaminari - 07.02.2022 18:20

me, a 50 DRK, seeing Living Dead for the first time:
"What kind of garbage ass skill is this? Just Rampart/Reprisal/Wall into TBN...I swear if the healer doesn't 100%"

In fact, are there any potions that just 100% heal you? macro that.

@Sammysnows - 05.02.2022 04:32

I been trying to call everyone TBN is not a mitigation dammit it's a shield.

But current FF community from friendly community becoming toxic and call TBN a heal WTF???? And also a mitigation..........
I'm done with this kind of players I'm just stay silent.

Therefore If we has multi hit tankbuster
TBN sucks because flat mitigation perform better since it's a flat dmg reduction.

@immortalcbox8769 - 02.02.2022 14:25

How do people think shields and heals are the same. Like, what? Reading comprehension must be low for the playerbase or something.

@zsoltlang2144 - 02.02.2022 02:08

Until today I thought pld players are gods, but today I saw that bullshit that as drk main tank and him as pld off tank trying to kill the boss (10% left) cause my whole team died. I thought I die cause I was 15% hp with 0 mana, just to see that mf heal me for 80% of my hp twice and fail at 0,1% hp, cause he gets yeeted by boss, and cause yoshi forgot to increase living dead up time from 10 to 12 sec. That fight made me to lvl up my pld and practice to become a pld main, cos they are broken af

@Trozomuro - 01.02.2022 21:24

I started tanking with WAR at the end of SB, and before i used WHM, AST and RED (Healing was always with me, hehe), and entering tanking i have previous knowledge of how healing, shielding and mitigation goes. But i called it proactive/preventive healing (shielding, delay heals like horoscope, and regens to an extent) and reactive healing, and the same can be said for tanking. Im still learning the more subtle stuff about tanking, but i would classify everything (increase in max HP included) but healing as proactive tanking, and healing as reactive.

The proactive part is the most interesting part, what kind of damage you will receive, single or multiple hits, how the tankbuster is, blahblahblah.

Then you have bloodwhetting and all are welcome to paintrain, chooo chooo, aaaaargggg!

@acamacho023 - 31.01.2022 21:05

There is only ONE way to tank, manmode!

@MalikA-ks4mw - 30.01.2022 20:46

Lmaoo yoo I love this guy

@ZetoTarken - 29.01.2022 04:39

I have to add a correction on shields vs mit. It's not that (%) shields are less effective on multi-hit attacks, they are simply frontloading the damage prevention they apply. What makes a shield better/worse than a mitigation is the total unmitigated damage you take in the duration of the mitigation vs the damage the shield mitigates. Flat Shields are a completely different beast because of stupid like how much HP% is the flat shield and blah blah blah but fortunately, most sources of flat shielding are not part of tank CDs so I'm just gonna ignore those.

Assuming the shield breaks, a % shield is better than an equal % mit IF the damage you take during the duration of the mit is LESS than your max hp. If you take damage equal to your max HP, they are equivalent and if you take damage GREATER than your max HP the mit becomes better.

For a simple math example, for whatever reason you have no autoregen, you're in potd and have a no regen floor or something. And you're topped off at 50k HP(for simple math). In fact, being in palace works perfectly because at level 60 and max HP, Thrill is effectively a 20% max HP shield that lasts 20s for the purposes of these calculations and also perfectly mirrors Rampart.

If you take 40k damage during Rampart, you'd have 18k HP at the end. If you pop Thrill of Battle and take the same 40k but have 20k hp at the end.

If you take 50k damage during Rampart, you end at 10k and same thing with Thrill.

If you take 60k during Rampart, you end barely alive with 2k hp. But if you used Thrill, you'd be exactly dead.

You don't want to look at it as % Shields are worse against multi-hits. You want to look at it as % Shields are worse as total damage taken exceeds your max HP over the duration of other sources of mitigation. Which makes sense, you're multiplying against the smaller number now.

@XChadKlatz - 28.01.2022 18:55

i struggle to sue magical /physicaldefense because sometimes isn't oblivious if a skill is magical or physicalr

@mukakruda8474 - 28.01.2022 03:08

tbh I feel like TBN being so incredibly overhyped by people who don't understand it is the largest factor in what led to DRK's current state in *Dungeons*, and it makes me sad

@beyneruckshaw8906 - 25.01.2022 10:37

Hears ‘it is better to invuln the TB than mitigate it so healers don’t have to aid you’. Me as a GNB: “Yeah… about that. I need healing.” Granted a lot more of that plus tank swapping is more for savage raiding than just casual play where a TB can be shrugged off with your 30% mitigation skill and a shield. Although learning that the invuln is best used that way gives me a bit more knowledge to actually try doing current savage stuff if I ever have time.
