Jared Polin

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@funnymarco1 - 25.08.2018 17:41

Nothing that can`t be fixed in firmware updates hahahahaha.

@wildlifeecology - 25.08.2018 18:10

I think it is a fantastic move and a no brainer for existing nikon shooters. As a profession shooter, I can't understand the hype around dual memory card slots.

@Wiglefish - 25.08.2018 19:26

Sorry but a professional price but 1 card slot and 50/1.8 costing $600? :D What a failure of a release. This should be no more than $2500 with $250 50/1.8 at the absolute most. No professional should find themselves with one of these over an A7 III

@Holo8liveClip8s6 - 25.08.2018 21:11

WORST CAMERA EVER, 370 shots per battery, only 10min video recording per battery, single card, slow focusing, evf blackout delay. what else?

@anomalyirservicellp2676 - 25.08.2018 23:05

I have been watching you shows for some time and enjoy your knowledge. I’m not a photographer but I dabble with a D500. I totally agree with your dual card issues on the the new cameras. I use a $15,000 Flir T 540 Thermal Imaging camera that has one card that has been compromised and lost images. One time is all it takes.

@paultaylor5513 - 26.08.2018 00:09

i learnt that 46 < 55

@anubisking433 - 26.08.2018 00:31

Im assuming they only have 1 slot for a card bc you have the ability to send filed over WiFi or blutooth

@bcBiz - 26.08.2018 00:57

Thank you, Not sure which version, but going for it

@GodfreyMann - 26.08.2018 01:34

No Eye-AF probably because it’s crap with the ADAPTER and Nikon wants to limit the negatives on this critical release.

@NueVue - 26.08.2018 01:43

so no 30fps in Silent mode shooting like the D850?

@donaldballphotography5906 - 26.08.2018 03:19

thanks Sir, have a great weekend

@budakPancing - 26.08.2018 07:24

Z6 / Z7 reviews shouldn't compare itself to other mirrorless cameras in the market because it will itself look bad.
With limited hands on test, reviewers needs to hold back on giving it rave reviewers until production camera and full hands review. Consumers also shouldn't be too guillible.

@p__jay - 26.08.2018 11:32

No flip display is a big no buy argument for me and every vlog maker / social content creator which is a huge market. Nikon 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

@edwardnoble9897 - 26.08.2018 11:56

"AI style of focusing"? AI means 'Aperture Indexing', it has nothing to do with focusing because there was none back then. I'm curious why they left off non-AI lenses (from 1959) because they work fine on the Sony. If they don't meter at all on the Z that will be annoying as I have a few of those. I imagine the Sony will be far better at adapting other mount lenses in general, especially autofocusing Canon EF, which I imagine we will never see on the Nikon Z.

@arkon6084 - 26.08.2018 14:42

It is "easy" to make good optics with large lenses (large amount). I think only leica knows how to make great optics in very small lenses (M series). If you have smaller body but larger lenses, you don't gain much with respect to "portability". It looks like the 2 cameras are not the Pro version (like D3,D4,D5). I think that we may see the pro version of the mirrorless in near future?

@rolandgomes88 - 26.08.2018 17:44

why is no one talking about the Z6?

@melvinjohnson7033 - 26.08.2018 18:14

Just a Sony clone.

@Camrographer - 27.08.2018 02:05

So will the D series of lenses retain focusing ability with the adapter?

@lisalinegar - 27.08.2018 03:00

Main question... maybe you can clarify. How did the F mount lens do when using the FTZ adaptor in regards to auto focus noise while shooting video?

Thanks for all your videos and info on both Sony and Nikon mirrorless.

@tomwolniewicz - 27.08.2018 05:50

AF to Manual switch is on the lens, same area just on the lens

@tiktaalic2933 - 27.08.2018 18:50

These new cameras will have focus peaking. Will you still not use that manual f.95 lens even with focus peak assist baked in?

@ivanpena6905 - 27.08.2018 21:28

R.I.P Nikon. They needed something way better than this to compete against Sony. This is a camera than only Nikon fans will buy because they are afraid of letting go their Nikon glass and move into the future. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my D850 and D500 but they are still being held back by Nikon when it comes to technology. Once I outlive those 2, Sony it is.

@dalesdervin - 28.08.2018 03:35

I can't believe the whining millennials that cannot possibly fathom "Professional Photography" on a camera with one card slot. Really? How many of you "professionals" owned a film camera that held TWO FILM CASSETTES OR ROLLS? How many of you youngsters hauled film through an airport in lead foil bags? To say these cameras aren't worthy, you identify yourselves as whimps. You cry babies need to FOCUS on your craft, and NOT on the perfectly good camera. Maybe, just MAYBE, Nikon is trying to teach you something.

@manilamartin1001 - 28.08.2018 03:53

I preorderred it and am excited.

@nnalujim7848 - 29.08.2018 02:41

All of the people that pretended to be photographers do not even know what is R&D time line. They only demand this and that. Like the guy in the same outfit and hat on every YT video I saw him, who switch to Sony. He is talking about laziness, he wants his camera to fly to location take a pictures and fly back. By Sony instead and end of discussion. Nara

@CriticasDeCineEn2Minutos - 29.08.2018 07:03

OMG! 1 Card Slot?!... Is that really a big problem? You sound sooooo millenial...

@tellthemborissentyou - 30.08.2018 00:38

Nikon are repeat offenders. I have a Nikon 401 film camera and it only has space for one roll of film at a time! Seriously though that film camera was so unreliable I swapped to Canon 25 years ago and I won't ever be going back. If canon ever do that to me I will try Sony or Fujifilm.

@ChrisCameronPhoto - 31.08.2018 01:16

So tired of so called pro photographers whining about one card slot. If storage is your only point of redundancy then you have little credibility calling yourself a pro.
Film shooters (pros) used two or more bodies. There's an idea, PROPER redundancy. Also take another idea from film days, work as if shooting film, shoot on smaller cards and change often. Todays camera buyers are a bunch of spoilt brats.

@charlietuna9427 - 01.09.2018 18:06

This review is based on Nikon specs not what is actually true

@gurpalstudiolive7857 - 01.09.2018 20:10

Gurpalstudio India

@trevondelaney1836 - 02.09.2018 09:34

The Nikon Z is a great camera. Grant new Z mount. You can use your Nikon dslr lenses. It's a tool to make great pictures. It's mirrorless, with all the mirrorless functionality. It will take great pictures. It feels great in your hands. The Nikon cameras just works. I would love to have one of these Nikon Z cameras.

@stanspb763 - 02.09.2018 19:23

All the complaining about card slots missing posted by non-Nikon shooters seems rather childish. Cards are not the only storage system sd is about the worst option so 1 XQD is likely more reliable than 2 consumer-oriented SD cards. But how many people really want to trust any card when Nikon offers 1000g/s dual band real time transfers to 660 feet? Or without the bottom mounted WT-7, they can still transmit via the new Snapbridge replacement to 160 feet at a slower data rate and no accessories, just out of the box.
The complaints seem to be from lack of imagination more than a problem. A problem is being stuck with using SD cards. SD cards don't add command and control functions either.

@DueVolvi - 04.09.2018 13:08

I am not DEAF!

@mickrobert633 - 04.09.2018 19:01

haha!! anyone who thinks the D700 can't do weddings anymore makes me laugh! let's do some camera prints from the D700, D800, D500, D5 etc and shuffle them up! i'm sure everyone would be able to point out which came from which?

@D3athW1ng - 08.09.2018 13:43

Yea the card slot thing is odd .. really don't get that

@photolarry6918 - 13.09.2018 20:41

After 25 years of using Nikon, time to order a Sony A9. Nikon is this the best you can do??? This is a joke for the money...

@Ron_Boy - 14.09.2018 11:15

Here's the reason(s) for having only one card... Nikon chose to use XQD cards because they are so much faster than SD cards. BUT they are also a lot larger, and there isn't room for two of them in the smaller Z bodies.. The faster read/write speeds are nice, but having the backup is nicer. IF you are a pro. For everyone else, it won't matter that much. Nikon is still testing the mirrorless market. And they are obviously trying to expand their business by going after the non-professional market segment. Their pro mirrorless cameras will come later. Canon is doing the same thing with their EOS R.

@robbieedwardes1615 - 15.09.2018 15:49

Nikon has a 50mm f/1.2 Lens since the 80's and you can still buy it. People seem to forget that every time cannon make a new system

@angelisone - 19.09.2018 18:20

Jared Polin, ATG said this long ago that Nikon and Canon are in trouble.
Beginners/amateurs want light system, hss, af and cheap flashes.

So what do you think C/N are doing now?
Making $2,000.00 amateur bodies with pro lenses prices.

Real photographers are leaving the fields /or doing reviews to make end meets.
Nikon is the world's first to pull out of Brazil.

Jared Polin, remember when you were shooting & getting just 12 shots and out of film?
Did anyone every complaint at that time?
But I bet many drooled & dreamed just to have that camera.

@oldgrumpyjim5003 - 06.10.2018 01:02

All seems a bit pointless now as the Nikon Boss has confirmed that the Z series was not aimed at the pro market.

@cpowerca - 10.12.2018 10:45

Because this is an amateur camera. They will release z8 in 2019 with dual slots which sells for 8000

@Eduardo-zh5eb - 12.01.2019 14:26

I got face detection on my Sony A37 which was released in 2012...

@karmagod8477 - 24.01.2019 00:44

Noobs with their obsession of 2 card slot

@GummiAnd47 - 17.03.2019 20:02

Heeeelp what camera should i choose. Im jumping around. And they only get more and more expensive 😂😭

I do not earn money on taking photoes i am not a pro. I am amature pro who loves good quality. My current camera is a samsung nx20 i got 3 lenses pancake, kit 18-55 and a 50-200. The pics are good. But it lacks some better f stops.
I like the mirrowless concept.

Help plz

@tectorama - 02.09.2019 10:46

Nikon will have to bring out a dual card slot mirrorless pretty soon. It's what the Professional
Nikon users are patiently waiting for. They aren't going to move away from Nikon, as they are
heavily invested in the brand. I don't really understand why they released the Z6 & Z7,
other than for the people who feel they must have the latest camera.

@carlosserra9528 - 31.08.2020 03:02

My two Sony A7 Mk1 bodys in 6 years with just 1 card slot never failed until now! My Hasselblad have 1 card slot and never failled!! The Nikon Z7 have no space for 2x sd card slots! You all, will never need two slots! U just need fidelity fast memory card in your cameras! Forget the two card slots. The XQD will never fail. Because of that, the Z7 it's more fast than Sony A9 (Buffer and 4k video processing) - Nikon Z7 has a perfect size body to adapt in a gimball! Nikon brand never does anything at random!
