5 Signs of Inattentive ADHD (ADD)

5 Signs of Inattentive ADHD (ADD)


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Cindy Cheong (Psych2Go)
Cindy Cheong (Psych2Go) - 24.05.2022 21:32

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Psych2go's mission is to create awareness on a daily basis about all mental health and psychology topics. Hopefully, starting the difficult conversation topic will encourage those in need of help to seek out the help they deserve. Our videos haven't been seen lately due to the algorithm. This has impacted our budget and production. We need your help to make our content more visible by sharing this with all the people you know who might find our videos helpful. To continue to create these amazing digestible content. We need your constant help to share our videos. Let's start a dialogue and encourage those in need of help to seek the help they need. Thank you! p.s we do read your comments 😉

Lux - 20.09.2023 03:46

This explains every thing for me... I defintly thino I might have add

Vynie TheGreat
Vynie TheGreat - 19.09.2023 13:21

Very helpful, thank you

Avenged Prophet
Avenged Prophet - 14.09.2023 16:31

One aspect for those who try to get checked for inattentive ADHD / ADD:
Do NOT use only the term inattentive ADHD. I did that and got only tested for the hyperactive form because of my choice of words which means I didn‘t get a diagnose because the wrong thing got tested. Make it clear that you think you have ADD and specifically use this word, because chances are that the psychotherapist who does the diagnostic only knows the ICD-10 which only considers hyperactive symptoms for ADHD. In my case, ADD didn‘t get tested because of that despite severe attention and short term memory issues.

Mari - 13.09.2023 06:45

The biggest sign is that I’m not able to focus on the beginning without skipping it to see if I have the symptoms 😅

Tia-Shari - 09.09.2023 19:43

Me having to rewind a 5 min video six times bcs I keep hyperfocusing on the comment section and can’t multitask 😭

henkman00 - 09.09.2023 12:35

my thoughts during this video:

That poor working memory thing really hits home. also boredom. I can't handle being bored.
Is the trash bag downstairs full enough to throw out? it usually lasts a week, but lately, it's 5 days or so to fill completely I shouldn't forget to take it out to the bin (again) I wonder what the Adam West show would have been like if the show lasted more seasons. they started with 2 parters then experimented with 3 and during the third season they had 1 episode stories Would they have continued that if 'Batman' got a fourth season?  Wait, what am I doing? OH avoiding tasks that need a lot of concentration. yeah, I guess that rings threw. no, true not 'threw' Hey that sounds similar. funny how words can sound the same but have completely different meanings. video is over. okay.

Lilia Torres
Lilia Torres - 08.09.2023 18:48

Thank you so much! I suffer from this since I can remember and it's not easy living life like this, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.

selbarton - 08.09.2023 03:17

Considering add hasn't been used since the 90s because it is adhd, this feels like the video isn't reliable. The daydreamer's hyperactivity is mentally hyper, and still hyperactivity.

Zabuza17 - 08.09.2023 01:53

When i started working i would dread having to type in a phone number because i cant keep more than three numbers after that its like they disolve in my brains eye ,it sucks

Nyx - 07.09.2023 21:49

When you have all of them

Mereru - 07.09.2023 13:20

I’m 33 and pretty sure I’m undiagnosed adhd

KidKdm - 07.09.2023 04:48

Watching this makes me want to cry

🍄Mona🍄 - 06.09.2023 18:48

I got diagnosed with ADD

Melissa Oubre
Melissa Oubre - 05.09.2023 19:19

Having this, I love seeing “neurodiversity” is natural because I do NOT like seeing that its called a mental disorder or a mental illness

Merp Animates
Merp Animates - 05.09.2023 06:10

I relate to this a little too much, maybe I should go get an official diagnosis

Darkopolypse98 - 04.09.2023 21:21

Now that we are on the subject, I'm so glad these videos are only 5 mins long ❤

Yuuto Miruka
Yuuto Miruka - 04.09.2023 21:06

I wish i could get diagnosed properly. My school has high standards that it really makes me feel depressed when I can't remember something even if i tried. Can't focus. And trying to avoid my habit of avoiding tasks.

William Tan
William Tan - 04.09.2023 02:20

I have all the symptoms but I have'nt been diagnosed yet. So I don't really know if this is my trait or really is ADHD.

Centered Circles
Centered Circles - 03.09.2023 15:03

115. Your videos has helped me alot. Thank you.🙏🏻

Dexterian - 03.09.2023 02:56

PLEASE! Tell us ways of helping people like me with ADD... It's killing me!

ockay16 - 03.09.2023 01:07

I got bored halfway through the video and started to scroll ahead, is that a sign ?

Okabe Rintaro
Okabe Rintaro - 02.09.2023 21:08

modern people with clip thinking have found an excuse for themselves in the form of ‘disorder’

REEM - 02.09.2023 12:26

Yeah I have add it sucks

Jo Jo
Jo Jo - 01.09.2023 23:39


Kyle - 01.09.2023 09:04

Makes a video about inattentiveness… makes it sound monotone and sad… I couldn’t finish it

Arlene Shanley
Arlene Shanley - 01.09.2023 08:32

I've suspected for over 20 years that I have combined ADHD. I'm hoping for an official diagnosis next year (that's the earliest I can be seen by a neuropsychologist). Had anyone noticed their symptoms being inconsistent - on fire one day and completely unable to focus the next - and getting worse as you get older?

Liam Waters
Liam Waters - 31.08.2023 09:41

My mother of all people went to alot of effort to try and have me diagnosed with this but I just hated school.... Fml

KratosPS - 30.08.2023 22:33

I fee like I have this, it explains my life. However I finally worked up the courage to talk to a doctor about it. Had a 30 min phone interview and was told I don't have it. So I'm just lazy.

ICS - 29.08.2023 20:38

Your voice is very sweat and calm. I also like your video.

Cookiemonster_Art - 29.08.2023 19:55

Well my parents know i have ADD but sometimes they ask questions like. Why do you always forget that or why didnt you do that. And the worts part is that i dont know the answer so I just say over and over again. "I dont know". Each time with more hesitance because I know that my parents grew sick of it. I try to do the stuff im told but it never really works. And they told me that I have ADD when I was 13 that I did a test for that when I was 8 and I had no clue that I had ADD I thought it was normal. And that other people also have problems with the things I do.

ArchitectOfDreams73 - 29.08.2023 19:38

For the longest time I struggled in school and in life and always got told I have ADHD, yet all of the medications for it, such as Adderall made things worse. All just to find out recently that the doctor thought I have OCD, now everything is so clear and makes so much sense.

Nate Camacho
Nate Camacho - 29.08.2023 18:13

I have had trouble focusing, getting distracted, not finishing task

Draw with a meltdown
Draw with a meltdown - 29.08.2023 10:00

I always forget the chore part

Akemi B.
Akemi B. - 28.08.2023 12:38

when i was young my teachers and fmaily suspected i had ADD, but then they send me for private lessons and the teacher there convinced my parents that i didn't have ADD because i was focusing when they teach me, but I'm pretty sure I have it...

Rain Thompson
Rain Thompson - 28.08.2023 01:51

I used to be sooo sure that I didn't have adhd. But these last few months, I've been seeing more and more signs in myself as I understand the disorder better.
Including some mentioned in this video. Like me having to edit my comment just now, because I didn't proof read it, or even look at what I'm writing at all. lmao
Edits: 4

Mahelania RektBB
Mahelania RektBB - 27.08.2023 14:48

I wish there were cute, easy to consume videos like this when I was a child (90s) to help both my family and myself understand. Now, at almost 40, they have a slightly better understanding, but still don't forgive my childhood behavior...and one of them is a child psychologist.
Hopefully, understanding mental/behavioral disorders will continue to be explained to neuro typical people. However, it's hard to understand something a person has never experienced.

Shakar Garmeny
Shakar Garmeny - 27.08.2023 02:58

I zoned out around the beginning of the video until past the middle. What yall think?😂

Cristy B.
Cristy B. - 26.08.2023 03:53

So how to make a kid focus on schoolwork?

the dark gaurdian
the dark gaurdian - 25.08.2023 23:06

I have ADD, and I hate it a lot whenever someone says to me, "Pay attention"

Amber Flowers
Amber Flowers - 25.08.2023 17:40

What’s the best med with the least side effects? I prefer natural remedies but my life has been hell over this and I don’t think I have a choice anymore. The way I’m treated makes me suicidal. My family and friends always bail, I’m too hyper and I can’t focus for work and have like a zillion tabs open. I can’t afford therapy it’s bs how our system is. Mental health care should be free and basic medical too, or hella cheaper.

Greg Hart
Greg Hart - 25.08.2023 08:07

Matbe school is just as boring as f-k and the teacher is just crap. How many kids have been put on destructive drugs because of this? Maybe we should stop trying to make hyper-INTELLIGENT kids conform to some unimaginative predetermined norm and find out what really makes them tick? Too many suicides from forced drug addiction already!!!

WhenTURTLESattacK - 24.08.2023 21:00

😭😭😭😭😭😭 I feel so validated. I was told I have ADHD but I always felt like I couldn't even be ADHD correctly, im not the most hyper active all the time and im constantly struggling to get things done. Sometimes finishing a task even as simple as finishing a sandwich can feel like a daunting task if I get bored of the flavor twords the end. Idk man brains are weird haha iv found that anti depressants help me more than ADHD medicine like vivance or ridelen 🤷‍♂️

Charlie Hatch
Charlie Hatch - 24.08.2023 00:52

Recently had a therapist suggest I might have inattentive adhd and I can’t make it through a video about it without getting lost in a daydream or becoming incredibly bored… he might be on to something 😂

The pokemon adventure and more
The pokemon adventure and more - 21.08.2023 23:58

I feel like i have some of these symtoms but I have a lot of doubt to ask my parents to check because I feel like i'll waste their time

Ackelia Alexander
Ackelia Alexander - 21.08.2023 04:58

I have ADHA from i was in grade 3 and now cause of it i am repeating ninth grade ( am 16 years old )how do i fix this 😢

Veganeverydayy - 21.08.2023 04:09

I got my disgnosed with ADD yesterday and this video is so helpfull, thank you for creating this video 😊

LazerWolf - 17.08.2023 06:35

I have problems finishing everythi
