How to Use the WordPress Spotify Embed Block

How to Use the WordPress Spotify Embed Block

Elegant Themes

2 года назад

17,420 Просмотров

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Fabled City
Fabled City - 24.01.2023 10:36

Ugh this was so incredibly helpful!!! For weeks I had been trying to embed my podcasts from Spotify into my wordpress site and I kept getting error messages, Had no idea there was a specific spotify embed link. Also Safari wouldn't let it embed either and switching the Google Chrome solved it. Finally got it done.

DoesntMatter851 - 11.03.2022 18:44

For the people wondering: If you're using the Divi visual builder. Press on the grey plus sign - select the code module - paste the embed code - save it, and you're done.

DoesntMatter851 - 27.02.2022 21:44

Cool! I'm gonna work with this for my artist page!

Irakli Simonishvili
Irakli Simonishvili - 10.02.2022 07:10

Thanks guys. How I am able decrease volume? Now it plays 100% loudly

Oliver Amberg
Oliver Amberg - 15.09.2021 11:43

Why should I use the Gutenberg editor when I am using Divi?

Xavier Larrea
Xavier Larrea - 15.09.2021 07:12

And how do you do that Inside a divi page?
