11 Concepts That Could Be Modded Into Subnautica

11 Concepts That Could Be Modded Into Subnautica


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@Rainwing-zp5os - 27.10.2023 01:51

Do you love Jesus? If you want to go to Heaven with him you must repent from your sins and Read and Obey the Bible everyday!you must preach his word to others!Jesus died on the cross so that you can have eternal life! He is the way, the truth, the life, and he will always be! He loves you, God bless!

@Influxwafer - 19.10.2023 13:55

Youre NOT eminem

@Pixelated18 - 04.08.2023 02:23

If i get bored i might model some of the consept art creatures

@fallenking2719 - 19.07.2023 00:05

1. Dislike it
2. Dislike it as its inspiration for the ghost leviathan
3. I am neutral about this?? Its basically jsut a small ugly reaper
4. I like this one ( could maybe be in the floating islands or whatever its called )
5. I kind of like it , but the fact its so hard to code and would kinda be annoying i say no
6. I dont like it too much but i say it fits as we need more offensive flying creatures
7. This is just THE sea monkey but still seeing this travel with maybe the big crabs as like a parent would be cute
8. He looks very cool , i like him i would say he would deserve to be either a leviathan helping us like the sea emperor or there would be like 2 / 3 on the map ready to kill us ( it looks like the skeleton in the river thingy )
9. If you would change the design by a little i would like it as its a nice idea
10. I Like this A LOT , a turtle leviathan would be very interessting and could maybe be something that protects smaller life forms or something
11. The ice dragon leviathan... i kind of like it but dislike it , it just feels like... boring but cool its hard to explain but this looks like every carnivore ever and like a reaper ( which it was propably supposed to be ) but a bit diffrent

Things i say should be added :
3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
Things that should Nuh uh :
1 , 2 , 5

short note :
Better than anything i could do

@xaviergallagher9369 - 12.07.2023 19:09

The purple leviathan that looked like a whale I think they should put it in the glass forest

@gagekelley5047 - 02.07.2023 07:52

Boy do I have some ideas for you. First, shockweed. Shochweed is a plant that lives in extremely deep cave systems near hydrothermal vents. The plant in a total of 3 meters tall on average and has a stem about 0.3 meters wide, and a bulb on top that is 0.8 meters in diameter. It has triangular leaves, that are entirely black and face the nearest vent. They collect thermal energy instead of light, and use "electro-thermosynthesis" to create electricity from the heat. This electricity then powers the plants energy needs, but not nutritional needs. It absorbs the nutrients from the soil as toxic chemicals, using chemo synthesis to create usable materials. The bulb on top of it is home to about 10 Bolt Beetles at once, which protect the plant at all costs since they can't live without it. The plant also provides them electricity that the beetles store for protection and hunting. This is done via "nodes" on the base of the plant. The beetles have an exoskeleton made of titanium and plasteel for the most part, but also trace amounts of ruby. This strength compared the size of the beetles and the water preasure means they live very comfortably, and since the inside is pressurized, they don't have trouble living in shallower waters like other creatures. The Bolt Beetles also make the plants spread by taking the seeds with them when hunting and planting them wherever a good spot is found. Bolt Beetles hunt a ray species, probably. The seeds of the shockweed plants have a similar appearance to creepvine seeds(I couldn't think of a better design), and can be used to make batteries as an alternative to whatever you would normally use. If you get too close to the Shockweed, the Bolt Beetles will attack, but don't do much damage individualy, and have to band up to defend the plant. I expect that there would be a ray species or maybe a deep sea fish that is perfectly adapted to eat either the Bolt Beetles or the shockweed by having special cells that can redirect the current to its fins, keeping itself safe.

@mapleflag6518 - 28.05.2023 17:15

Idk about you guys but the sea slug leviathan looks like it’s about to tell us about the first spinjitsu master.

@adetheaters1111 - 27.05.2023 17:08

a lot of these are from alex ries. hes super talented

@madisyngafford2868 - 02.05.2023 06:38

I’m going to make a mod for Subnautica one and two is going to be called [the return of the forgotten] and yes the sea dragon will be in the mod

@stefank566 - 27.04.2023 16:32

shut, slug big guy cool😎😎

@Mr_Miner_102 - 27.04.2023 15:10

The sea slug isn’t funny, it’s horrifying. Imagine this, you’re are deep near the giant crabs and you hear a slimy sound, then a roar. You turn around and boom, two glowing eyes staring at you.

@Mr_Miner_102 - 27.04.2023 15:08

I want a leviathan that plays dead

@donda2111 - 26.04.2023 05:30

Not sure what you're on about, every single one of these would fit in subnautica.

@connorhancock4960 - 23.04.2023 06:40


@mimikyubutitsactualyhornet - 22.04.2023 00:19

We need a charybdis-like leviathan

@TenoriteJS - 17.04.2023 23:51

"i think of it as like a massive hermit crab type creature with a shell that grows with it-"
Me: WHAT?!

@KhanjoOfEthiopia - 17.04.2023 13:25

"it stands upright on legs, doesn't fit into subnautica"
the sea treader leviathan: "WHAT AM I TO YOU?!?!?"

@theskronicles4435 - 03.04.2023 16:25

Hermit crabs shells don't grow with there bodies .... thats turtles

@rackastack - 19.03.2023 18:07

i have this idea about a leviathan called the sea ox leviathan and had two big triangle-shaped horns on the forehead and had two fins resembeling palms that it could use to push itself forwards with.

@tobiasmyhre7888 - 28.02.2023 00:36

Honestly, Im dissapointed in how little new creature mods are being made. I understand that designing and programming a new creature is difficult, but the game has been out for 9 years now, and the best new creatures mod is de-extinction. I really hope more creature mods will come out in the future

@danielmadera1144 - 11.02.2023 07:10

The rot nest looks alot like a spore from halo

@pro2go47 - 22.10.2022 01:04

Try reading concepts most ppl dnt do digital ark

@harrisonsnyder8069 - 21.10.2022 01:23

Super cool stuff!
My personal Fav was the Ice dragon
I knew It looked so familiar, and you finally connected the dots
I always forget it’s name so I looked back at the video to spell it: Pinnicarid
Yes, if anyone would be active they’d always shout at me for making LOOONNNNGGGG Typed feedback, but i really enjoy
Aaaanyyyway the only ones I didn’t like were the giant turtles and slug thingy
Giant turtle: reefback mixed with protection? I like the idea, but not the art.
Slug: Practically a meme. I found that it’s head shape was as a ghost leviathan
(Giant turtle was actually shown near the surface, for art purposes drawn that way fro lighting?)

@deoxys_prime - 14.10.2022 19:58

I really want someone to do mod that adds cut put biomes to the game

@youwotmate7705 - 11.10.2022 20:40

I don't play subnautica anymore, but I'd just like to point out that the leviathan that you likened to a hermit crab has no shell. That would be its body and it closely resembles that of a marine Isopod. Also, seeing as it also has a similar head to an existing leviathan + octopus tentacles, it just feels like they threw a load of concepts at a board and slapped together what they thought would stick and didn't get a chance to flesh out the design. Essentially I'm saying it looks ridiculous because I don't think they could decide on a theme to give it lol

@xerocree4966 - 08.10.2022 09:26

A awesome idea would have the gargantuan leviathan frozen in ice and have a mini biome something like twisty bridges but with frozen bodies of dead? Super apex predators

@MrBigGames495 - 07.10.2022 03:58

i had a nightmare about a subnautica mod that could add shops in-game

@CatpIayzYT - 22.08.2022 11:30

When played I went in the redheads and found a feedback with the reef out of the water

@that_one_guy287 - 10.08.2022 05:29

I would love the virus in the game like in Subnautica or Subnautica below zero and you have to create a cure for it

@jedstanaland2897 - 02.08.2022 08:03

I can imagine a grab squid making its way into your cyclops or habitat and stealing stuff from either. I can also see it stealing or taking a battery or power cell and recharging it or slotting itself into a vehicle and powering it or draining power extremely quickly. It would probably be funny to see your power supply suddenly jumping way up or way down while you're out there exploring. Possibly even a way to tame them by offering them batteries and stuff then you might place them into a containment enclosure and then you would have a way to produce power by feeding them and a bonus would be some friends.

@shadowy_507 - 27.07.2022 13:13

I love the idea of the ice dragon kind of like a cousin to the sea dragon leviathan

@Stop.Laughing.At.Me.Please - 21.07.2022 01:09

the turtle could be passive unless attacked or it felt threatened

@fishstick45 - 01.07.2022 17:56

Where could it live
Every singe answer…
Well It could live in the void scavenging for food

@tracynada9602 - 27.06.2022 00:23

Some could’ve fell through the corridor before the Aroura landed and flotation devices failed and they fell into the lava zone and eaten by the sea dragons or brined by the lava or starved to death or no water

@SmuggoTheLegit - 11.06.2022 19:50

I love seeing the developers realize what creatures should look like just by looking at the images of concept art like how the sea slug leviathans head looks very similar to a ghost leviathans head. It's really cool to see the cogs turning in the developers heads

@h3llva80 - 31.05.2022 23:48

i feel like the rotnest would be evolved kahraa

@nataslada - 30.05.2022 05:10

the one witch looks like a skyray id is also call ''Large Skyray''

@theparrishshow9803 - 24.05.2022 06:00

I just want the single cell biome 😫

@bckrmss - 22.05.2022 21:26

Someones probably commented this by now, but the grabsquid is actually one of the earliest versions of the sea monkeys. Alex Ries said so himself lol

@meistercerberus4070 - 06.05.2022 06:47

U watched Disneys Atlantis ?
There is this Leviathan 5x bigger than a submarine. And it can hold it in his claw.
That would be sick

@deinonychusthedumb4464 - 26.04.2022 01:51

Imagine you enter a cave and filled with tons of giant ice spikes and underwater and you feel like a menacing roar in the distance and then you like look rowdy see this thing like start chasing you that would be so cool
