The HARDEST Boss In Every Final Fantasy Game

The HARDEST Boss In Every Final Fantasy Game


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colossuemadam - 23.09.2023 14:44

Ff15 can be done with casting holy lmao.. easy

A Normal Dude
A Normal Dude - 14.09.2023 22:20

when you are done with adamantoise Noctis literally said: I have nothing left, you can feel his words

Mr Green
Mr Green - 11.09.2023 04:48

Omega weapon in ff8 shouldnt really be considered the hardest whwn he can be one shot by...... i think it was an insta death lucky reel special. Sorry its been awhile. And in ff11 i think dvirgir was on par or harder than AV

KRVGAMES - 11.09.2023 00:54

Hey Ruby Weapon is the harder Superboss in Final Fantasy 7, not Emerald Weapon. Emerald Weapon is actually, ironically, easy.

Triborn - 09.09.2023 11:19

Do a research before make a video about this, we all know Ruby was waaay harder in 7

Chrisheart322 - 06.09.2023 13:44

Random encounter by definition means it's not a boss

Ahmed Khamis
Ahmed Khamis - 06.09.2023 12:11

this was easy boss , kist use the ring to suck him , he will die in the end

Cote Nelson
Cote Nelson - 04.09.2023 20:09

For me, it was (and still is to this day) Dark Yojimbo and the Dark Magus Sisters which were the last two dark aeons I had left (PS4). Dark Yojimbo always ambushed my party giving him a chance to use Daigoro which, inflicted instant KO on one party member. Immediately after that attack would be Wakizashi, which would not only inflict maximum damage (99,999) but Petrification instantly to all characters regardless if I had Stoneproof on or not.  

Game Over.

The Dark Magus Sisters weren't any better. They'd start with their Overdrive completely full and unless you made a quick, hasty retreat on Mushroom Rock Road, and lose at least one of them, they would be unable to perform Delta Attack. Regardless, this still made them very dangerous. What strategies did anyone else use?

Will - 04.09.2023 01:16

I beat Adamantoise in 1 hit in FF15 before they nerfed The Ring of Lucii.... lol

SinaFlips - 03.09.2023 16:40

Dang, was curious about 13-2, but its not on the list lol
Was gonna guess YUMI

Lewis - 02.09.2023 11:00

Ruby is about the only battle in the whole game that certainly requires a plan, so I always think it's tougher than Emerald.

Aerus Raizel
Aerus Raizel - 02.09.2023 07:48

Omega weapon: Meteor!

Selphie : The End 😂

James Hohmann
James Hohmann - 31.08.2023 17:56


Noktum Whatever
Noktum Whatever - 31.08.2023 08:49

Having played all of the mainline games except 13 (gross, tried it and immediately saw why people were complaining), I can tell you for an absolute fact that Yiazmat is not the most difficult fight in FFXII. That title goes to Omega Mk.XII. Absurd fight that can only be beaten if you utilize a strategy that requires lots of micro managing. Yiazmat is just attrition defined.

Wes Moxley
Wes Moxley - 30.08.2023 05:16

FF3 - Iron Giant
FF4 - Brachioraidos, Geryon or Proto-Babil
FF5 - Shinryu
FF6 - Czar Dragon
FF7 - Ruby Weapon
FFX2 - Trema
FF12 - Omega Mark 12
FFT - Velius or Elidibus

Paul Kolios
Paul Kolios - 29.08.2023 19:06

I can agree with a lot on this list, but I would change a few...

FF3: Iron Giant
FF4: Proto-Babil
FF13: Vercingetorix

I know for 3 and 4 those bosses weren't in the original games so I'm not sure if that is why they weren't chosen or if you never actually got around to fighting them, but those three are undoubtedly the hardest for each game. Although with Iron Giant, he's really not that hard if you know what you're doing. It's just more of a chore to beat him because the game literally REQUIRES you to be at a super high level, which is why I don't even bother with him... I just find it tedious to run around for hours post-game leveling up when there is literally no pay off to beating him... like maybe if you got some good accessories and there was a New Game+ then it would make sense. But nope, nothing lol. Other than that Metal Card which is literally just proof that you defeated him.

Marcos - 28.08.2023 21:29

There isn’t really THE most difficult one. Many of those come with their own difficulty and truthfully, on my end, it’s always been harder to prep for them then it was the actual fight. Ruby Weapon (FF7), Omega Weapon (FF8), Ozma (FF9), Penance (FFX) and Omega (FF15) and many others I’m sure follow that same pattern. I still think Ruby Weapon is tricky because if you aren’t prepared for it, you will lose both party members right in the beginning and then be stuck on a one on one against it and maaaannnnn…lol

admentlore saruno
admentlore saruno - 27.08.2023 21:35

Yiazmat was my most epic and longest battle. Emerald Weapon and Ozma were my hardest.

Droppy - 26.08.2023 00:00

Ozma is a joke… Steiner amaranth freya Zidane

All with ultimate weapon ( Excalibur for Steiner is fine )

And other several tweaks

One Steiner « charge » k thx bye u win the hardest boss of ff9 in less 1min…

Beefy - 24.08.2023 05:31

Ruby Weapon was exponentially harder than Emerald Weapon. And Yiazmat was not the hardest one boss in FF12. Even though it's an Esper, the fight with Zodiark is way more difficult.

Raf43l S1lv4
Raf43l S1lv4 - 22.08.2023 08:49

Bro totally forgot iron Golem is harder than anything in ff3

Lopsided Grin
Lopsided Grin - 21.08.2023 21:20

FF14 TEA is harder than UCOB ngl.

Marc Tosh
Marc Tosh - 20.08.2023 01:40

Penance is absolutely the hardest boss I’ve ever fought. Even with the most optimal strategy, you have literal 0 room for error, or it’s a game over. That with the fact that it’s easily a 30-40 minute fight makes it super easy to mess up

ZanarkandRose - 19.08.2023 20:20

Ugh dude I'm not looking forward to penance. I just beat omega weapon and was all haha nice let me go fight dark valefor. I couldn't do it for shit lmfao I've got a long way to go before I attempt any dark aeons, let alone Penance

Bozzy&Liz Kamberovic
Bozzy&Liz Kamberovic - 18.08.2023 02:19

Bahamut on FF mode in 16 is very fun, but not difficult, but every boss is amazing is final fantasy games. The artists that make these dont get enough credit for the beauty they bring into our world

Simon Schnelle
Simon Schnelle - 17.08.2023 23:30

Kind of a bad list. For sure V had harder bosses than Exdeath and for sure IV,V an VI had harder bosses if you consider later ports like the Advance and DS versions.

keckert - 17.08.2023 23:22

Would not put the ones for 5, 6 or 7 on this list as none of those are the most difficult in each game, least not for me. I have not played anything post 12 so not i know nothing of the difficulty in them.

John Grace
John Grace - 17.08.2023 08:02

Penance is easy to kill. Just use Yojimbo and pray he uses Zanmato. 🤣

Sean Borek
Sean Borek - 14.08.2023 01:21

In FFIV, hardest was Dark Bahamut. Pre-emptive attack of mega flare could wipe you out before the fight even begins.

In FFV, Shinryu was much harder than Neo-exdeath.

Chase Kiddy
Chase Kiddy - 11.08.2023 16:38

Selecting Emerald Weapon over Ruby Weapon for this video is objectively incorrect.

JayBigDadyCy - 10.08.2023 21:57

I beat Yiazmat with a decent setup. I wasn't maxed level or anything, but I realized that the the way i was setup, he couldn't KO my group. So i wedged my controller in a drawer to hold the X button down and checked in every so often. Even went fishing for an hour lol. I think it took about 7 hours.

Vato32 - 10.08.2023 02:52

The Pixel Remastered’s are waaay easier than the originals.

J Ellis
J Ellis - 09.08.2023 22:03

Yazmait took a good player 3+ hours in the original game. Normal game speed plus the 9999 damage cap made this fight ridiculous.

Deathpage1 - 09.08.2023 12:35

Where's zeromus EG instead of the final boss🤣

Talxes Delma
Talxes Delma - 09.08.2023 12:23

FF1 didnt rly had any hard encounters, jeah warmech maybe but even he can be 1-2 turned with proper prep, and by the time you triggerd his fight you probably did a bunch of level ups and overpower him easy.

FF2 isn´t hard overall since the game balance breaks your party by default, even the emperor is just a small drop on a hot stone. If we speak other versions there would be Deumion in the PSP version.

FF3 cloud of darkness is literally "spam 1 move for aoe dmg" which is countered by "whitemage/sage heals every turn" if i go for hardest boss without cheep strats in FF3: Garuda

FF4 zeromus is hard hitting no doubt about it, but that is literally his entire gameplan: DMG, which can be countered again by rosa healing on every turn. More dangerous where healing dosnt help at ll (considerd you play blind): Giant of Babil CPU which can nuke your party if you play it wrong.

FF5 has something way worse then exdeath: shinryu which needed a proper setup to counter spells like tidal wave. I speak btw "legit fighting" and no cheese strats involved.

FF6 had only kefka as a decent challenge so thats a no brainer. If we exclude the dinos in the pixel remaster

FF7 surprised you picked emerald, compared to ruby you can overwhelm emerald with sheer force and without any proper preperation besides leveling and having 3 chars with 4x slash and 1-2 AoE nukes to disable the gems.

FF8: Again a no Brainer i agree there

FF9: Same

FF10: Again

FF11: the only hard part about that fight is to stay awake

FF12: the judges in trials are way WAY worse

FF13: long gui can be difficult but considered you farm him to be prepared for a way worse enemy named Vercingetorix ...i would say long gui is place 3 (he is not even a boss)

FF14: bahamut and ultima, ultimate are considerd those days as "babys first ultimate" only speaking from my experience, but hardest boss goes to TEA in this regard (i still work on DSR and TOP)

FF15: just a bullet sponge and nothing else to it (like everything in ff15) if we go with challenge i would consider the DLC extra bosses as way harder, even Omega in royal gives you a bigger run for your money, but nothing heal spam cant solve.

Miinero - 09.08.2023 11:57

The hardest "Boss" for me was FFXVs Pitioss Ruins... Nothing made me die and start over as much as this place😂 took me 9 hours to beat it🥲
Adamantoise of XV also took several hours but not because it was so difficult (it's actually a really easy Fight) but because it had so many HP😮‍💨

In FFX I never even tried to get to Richter.. still have problems with the Monster Farm creations and dark summons but one day I'll do it xD

Star Platinum
Star Platinum - 09.08.2023 08:05

After playing the Pixel Remasters of each game from 1-6, I got some suggestions for better options
5: Omega. I mean come on. This guy dishes out damage ridiculously quickly and can literally delete party members whenever he wants to
6: I’m not sure if this counts, but Siegfried. This guy isn’t even funny, he’s probably the most luck based enemy in the entire series

Jack Pierce
Jack Pierce - 07.08.2023 23:40

Penance was in the original PS2 version of FFX. I managed to get to him. After beating all the other Dark Aeons. But just couldn’t be arsed to beat him.

Dc - 05.08.2023 22:25

The ff8 video had squall named john... shame

Monosalx Sark
Monosalx Sark - 05.08.2023 22:03

Hardest final fantasy boss ive ever beaten was ff15 omega it took me brobably 2 hours To Beat it

k3ntris - 05.08.2023 20:36

Wrong. Penance was available in the original release. Source - my OG EUR PS2 copy of the game.

Paul Anthony - MusicHaven
Paul Anthony - MusicHaven - 05.08.2023 12:44

Penance isn't that bad as long as you keep focused and stick to the rhythm. Break HP Limit, Auto Haste, Auto Regen, Auto Protect, ensure the arms don't get a turn, proper setup, it is actually kinda easy, Penance really cannot kill you. I don't even have some Celestial Weapons maxed and even these ain't super essential!

JhayGamingIsLife - 05.08.2023 06:53

I played ff7, ff8, ff9 and ff10 currently playing X-2 and the hardest boss for me is Penance from ff10 without break hp limit or zanmato.. its impossible for me to defeat it even 255 all stats

xXGhostStalker - 04.08.2023 22:57

Admantoise was definitely the hardest fight in XV. It was incredibly easy and only took as long as it did because of its hp

Joe Drinkwater
Joe Drinkwater - 02.08.2023 21:55

Final fantasy 16... That damn king behemoth... that one kicked my ass more then I care to admit

Kyle The Caregiver
Kyle The Caregiver - 01.08.2023 17:52

I miss turn based combat.. Final fantasy 8 and 10 are my favorite. Now all final fantasies will be Action RPGs for the new generation of ADHD kids 😢 Edit: The most annoying thing in Final fantasy? Chocobo chaser in Final fantasy 10 to get Tidus final weapon..

thatDADisGAMING - 01.08.2023 12:09

Where is FF X-2?

Barbora Blaskova
Barbora Blaskova - 01.08.2023 10:09

actually Emerald weapon isn´t that hard if you are prepare and also there is something in game called "underwater materia" which allow you to breath under water, so no time limit and is easy to obtain, for me worse was ruby weapon and for omega weapon in FF8, I kill it with Selphie limit break The end, easiest battle in whole game
