11 IMPORTANT Qurios Crafting Things You Need to Know - Full Guide - Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!

11 IMPORTANT Qurios Crafting Things You Need to Know - Full Guide - Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!


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Sub you won’t
Sub you won’t - 22.04.2023 19:10

Rise desperately needed more rng

nate hill
nate hill - 05.01.2023 23:10

i only have a few word i hope i have luck i want atleast 3 perfect peices and 4good and i kinda dont care about the 5th if posible

ANONM60D - 27.12.2022 21:17

New player comment: Does this mean any armor set can be end game worthy?

- 04.12.2022 06:00

I hate it so much that I just installed a mod that fixes it. As it is, it's an infinite RNG loop with no exit condition. Which means you very much realistically could roll forever and not get what you want. Or even anything good. But theres a couple mods out there that let you lock things, so it's still RNG heavy but you slowly work out and build the piece you want. That's how it should have been from the get go.

Kalsefer Gratoon
Kalsefer Gratoon - 02.12.2022 14:37

I personally love qurio creating.
Now with it here I can honestly say that my build is unique to me and me alone.

SmittyWergan YangerManJensen
SmittyWergan YangerManJensen - 16.10.2022 01:19

I love quiros crafting. I just wish getting a good tailsman was as easy as quiros crafting lol

Sparta Rage Kick
Sparta Rage Kick - 26.09.2022 01:30

there needs 2b a qurious tailsman crafting cuz im bout to fire Oboro...he has yet to give me a two 4 slot tailsman even after end game content...& i made over 500 of em that i no of...this is totally ridc rng bull....this is the type of fustration that makes u wanna get a mod Capcome...u hear me...get w/the program & do right by ur players....

Johnny Jay
Johnny Jay - 13.09.2022 16:54

I noticed the more new augments u accept the better they get even if it’s worse then a pretty good roll. So if u get an extra slot then accept another augment even if it’s worse bc the next roll will be better. It’s weird I fucked up and ended up rolling a great augment but I could be wrong just something I been having luck with.

Jyomi - 06.09.2022 11:56

So far I'm just feeling like I get so few afflicted parts that I can't even do anything with qurious crafting yet. I enjoy the fights, honestly I think blood blight is a great mechanic for just going wild and seeing who comes out on top, but if the RNG is as anything like the talismans I don't know how much I'll really worry about it. I can totally see the benefit, but I've been pretty happy with how little constant grinding I've needed to do in Rise. I'm not really looking to start on it now. Plus, I feel like it ruins the point of having a collection of armor sets because you could just completely change up what that piece was originally for. Why craft a piece to get a niche skill if you might just luck out and slap it onto an objectively better piece? It's a strange system... I would've just preferred some special sets with more slots or even a new talisman system. This feels like a bit of a mess at the moment, but again, I haven't been able to try it just yet. It still might change my mind.

Mark Chong
Mark Chong - 31.08.2022 17:02

To get the most out of adding skills to armor, I recommend writing out a list of the sizes of the decorations needed for the skills you want to add.

My value of crafted skills is based on the size of the decos and number of slots needed that would otherwise be used to add them.

For instance, Spare Shot requires a Lv.3 Spare Shot decoration to add 1/3 points, and there are no Lv.4 Spare Shot decos in existence, making Spare Shot extremely valuable to have as a Gunner craft.

Meanwhile, Wide Range requires a Lv. 4 deco to add 4/5 points, a Lv.3 deco to add 3/5 points, and a Lv.2 deco adds 1/5 points. To get 5/5 points, you would either need a Lv.4 slot and a Lv.1 slot or two Lv.3 slots. In other words, Wide Range is extremely flexible when it comes to the decos, so you could actually choose rolls for large enough slots than to roll for the skill itself.

Just having a sense for how much deco space you're gaining when a desirable crafted skill shows up can help you make better decisions when you're comparing between craft results. Sometimes you need more deco slots, sometimes you need larger deco slots.

Also, sometimes a larger deco slot can fit in a large deco that saves you from having to equip multiple decos. So this is why writing down the possible deco layouts that you're trying to cram into your build is so helpful when you're crafting.

I also have a separate set of armor when I craft so I don't scuff my main build because the deco layout is something that is spread across all your pieces of armor.

And you should absolutely make use of tools like the simulator on the mhrise wiki to create your own builds, to try and get as many desired skills as possible implicitly from your armor to reduce your requirements from crafting.

wowsulfate - 31.08.2022 02:54

loving this kind of end game content in monhun, perfect to keep you min maxing your hunter. seems like a cool middle ground of materials/choice with rng

Heru - 22.08.2022 07:33

The only thing that bugs me about the qurious armor crafting is the MASSIVE pool of skills possible. Add in the possibly of skill removals and you have too large of a variation. Just a little less RNG would be nice. I like the concept in general, but it's just too much. The other thing that bugs me is that with the addition of all these RNG features, not having an in game armor set builder is becoming very frustrating. I know there are third party sites that have them, but I really wish Capcom would simply create a set builder built in. Maybe that's wishful thinking though.

ThatPerson18 - 20.08.2022 23:33

Right then, I’ve done 150+ re-rolls on my barroth vambraces, what I can say is, this is really like a duplicate of the talisman system. There also seems to be a “rare” roll. The rare roll has a sort of flame to it, I only got it 4 times in 150 rolls.

Onyx The Wolf
Onyx The Wolf - 19.08.2022 08:03

Im already not to hot on the charm system, as the grind is just ridiculous to get even a passable one, let alone one that actually benefits your build.

im even less okay with the armor RNG, i already run a pretty comfy build depending on if i am fighting afflicted or not (ill swap between malzeno and valstrax depending on the fight) . and using those materials for weapon augmentation is 100% okay by me. but the more time i spend at the smithy trying to get rolls, the less time i am spending fighting monsters. which is kind of the whole point of the game. as such i will likely not be qurio upgrading any of my armor sets. as the skills i would even want are neutral due to the amount of overlap between my builds.

JanusHoW - 16.08.2022 19:46

I got pretty lucky with one of my very first Qurious Armor crafting rolls - my Anjanath Coil X got a rank in Evade Extender, and one of its deco slots turned from a level 1 to a level 3!

As a SwAxe main, this is a massive boon for me, especially since most of the meta SwAxes need 3 points in Handicraft to reach purple, and Evade Extender is probably the best comfort skill in the game. Sure, it lost 14 defense, but it's not a huge issue for me when I mostly avoid taking damage entirely by evading or using a counter.

Rocky Essig
Rocky Essig - 15.08.2022 11:03

What he’s not saying about the “tales” is you’ll go through a 1000+ rolls before you even see it. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible but it’s basically God tier so the odd are basically non-existent.

Personally, the 4U Guild system was better which I’m assuming is what this is “inspired” from.

This whole roll for mats system is probably the worst thing Capcom has came up with for Monster Hunter. Instead of engaging monsters, I’m sitting my ass in front of the smithy or store re-rolling on RNG hell for basically skills I may never see. Seriously, it’s a scummy fluff mechanic and disengages the consumer from actual gameplay.

Aldarune_Valheim - 13.08.2022 21:32

I would love to see less RNG personally I would like to see a system where you simply hunt monster parts and then you're giving a list of monster parts you need in order to make a specific item that list then rerolls every 24 hours or every 72 hours however difficult to hunt maybe or items are to find whatever the case may be gives you the added difficulty for the end game. No RNG people are still hunting and playing the end game but there's a lot less angry people out there because of the RNG.

Jared Manwell
Jared Manwell - 13.08.2022 18:24

I got very lucky with most of my armor rng being "hey we heard you like slots, here, take another two one slots per piece

OniRyu2000 - 13.08.2022 14:40

This does not look like a fun time. It's filler for fillers sake. It's essentially a ingame lootbox system, and you are celebrating it, lol.

Prevalent Darkness
Prevalent Darkness - 13.08.2022 12:39

and it also kills speed running. Basically...if u were into speed running WR(Very niche group of people) then you will basically be forced to throw away pride and save scum for perfect rolls. All in all though...curios system is so nice. Can make super gimmicky builds and enjoy playing XD.

phillipfavors2001 - 13.08.2022 08:08

I rolled razor sharp on kadaki legs but lost in defense and constitution so I rerolled and just got defiance.

Rey Clorox
Rey Clorox - 13.08.2022 03:29

"It will probably take you a lot of time to get a completely perfect piece of armor"
Well, around 21500000000 hours on average (based on datamining calculations), so you're not wrong, it will probably take a lifetime

T-POISE - 13.08.2022 00:42

The better question is do these skills benefit from stormsoul on the ibushi and narwa armor?

RookePlays - 13.08.2022 00:28

The japanese really seem to love their RNG. Very bummed out about how the armor system works. I love minmaxing but this game really wants to make that impossible.

James Y
James Y - 12.08.2022 23:04

They took away the talisman rerolling, but someone found out a way to reroll these augmentations until you find good ones, quit without saving and then switch to a new table.

Iggy V. Ram
Iggy V. Ram - 12.08.2022 18:13

I'd say the biggest opportunity for this system is on armor that have both Gunner and Blademaster skills on them. For one or the other, you essentially lose nothing from losing a skill you can't use anyway.

Dor Bar Yosef
Dor Bar Yosef - 12.08.2022 17:37

they should add battle pass to the game that would be awesome

Eivind GJ
Eivind GJ - 12.08.2022 17:34

I like the near-infinite potential of the new crafting... but at the same time, I think more RNG is the last thing the game needs - and add to that the fact that this crafting is seriously expensive, considering the number of rolls you need in order to get anything remotely decent. All in all, I like the weapon augmenting, but I'm not a fan of how the armour augmenting turned out.

chi - 12.08.2022 17:34

Would this work with the ibushi or narwa set bonus that gives +2 to all skills?

Imagine how good that would be.

Jax Man
Jax Man - 12.08.2022 17:14

I'd much rather have a more concrete way for Armor than just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Some people can get extremely lucky, while others, not so much. Plus we already had this RNG heavy system for Talismans, why make another system so RNG heavy for your armor? I really think doing something along the lines of the weapon system where you had a limit of what you could change and pick and choose what you want would've been fine.
Or maybe something like a locking system. Like right now all you can do is either keep what you have or pick the new options. Well what if both have good aspects to them? Like your current one gives you deco slot boost and better defense but the new on gives a skill or two that you really want. So instead of having to pick either new or old, you can lock in the deco slots and defense stat and take the new skills. Maybe balance it by only allowing you to lock like 4-5 things (Since you have Def, Deco, 5 resistances, and potentially 3 skills, so 10 things total). Or don't, and let people slowly make their armor more and more powerful. Or maybe have the lock be permanent once you do it. So say you got a high defense roll you can lock it in but that's it. Your defense will never change again, same with skills, once you got it locked in, it stays there. Till eventually there's nothing left for you to augment on that particular piece of equipment. If you want to change something you just have to go to the smithy and make a new piece of the equipment and get to rolling again.

killkillerBR - 12.08.2022 16:50

look man, i like your content and i know that most of the info you put here is tested or at least makes sense, but that thumbnail, thats just wrong

That Hunter
That Hunter - 12.08.2022 16:20

The type of Afflicted materials can be displayed in the quest info (lower right side of the quest page).

Levi Dever
Levi Dever - 12.08.2022 16:07

My regios gauntlets I use for purple sharpness now has 4 levels of Handicraft for one piece of equipment ;)

Catteo Mustacheo
Catteo Mustacheo - 12.08.2022 15:43

Does narwa soul effect the augments.

12463trf - 12.08.2022 15:01

I'm not there yet ;( still soloing my way through. Atm at MR Ibushi.

master2873 - 12.08.2022 14:41

Yet again... You're video thumbnail is IMPOSSIBLE to get in the game as proven with the recent datamine. Stop misleading people to watch your videos that are mainly filled with hyperbole...

Touch TheBacon
Touch TheBacon - 12.08.2022 14:40

They took what could have been a fun system and turned it into a POS Gacha game. We already have enough RNG with talismans we didn't need more to be added. I would have rather had another grinding lands than this trash.

Chrono_S - 12.08.2022 14:15

In Iceborne augmentation gave 10 attack or 10 affinity for 3 slots. Here we have 5! WTF

zhansheng leow
zhansheng leow - 12.08.2022 14:03

I welcome this system with open arms. It makes me want to keep playing this game until I get what I want. RNG is what makes me want to keep playing this game

TrueSight - 12.08.2022 13:44

Tried a couple.
Got 1+ Handicraft on serregios Hands, so they give +4 handicraft on their own 😅

Elite-Noob-Tidus - 12.08.2022 12:46

Does anyone know if Ibushi's/Narwa's Stormsoul upgrades augmented-in abilities? That would be BUSTED!

Tim McC
Tim McC - 12.08.2022 11:44

Y'know, I am actually ok with the RNG system ... At the start, I look at what builds tend to be meta for the weapon I'm using, but I find myself not sticking to meta builds for long, tweaking them to suit my playstyle ... if I'm rolling skills that aren't exactly the meta, that's ok ... I don't know how many hammer builds I see without evade extender, but I find it essential for repositioning/getting around wings and legs to the head quickly. Plenty of other skills around that tend to benefit greatly to playstyles that aren't considered, especially if they're not purely focused on attack, or solo hunting, where your survivability is your own responsibility.

Blug0n - 12.08.2022 10:31

I'm a huge fan of this RNG honestly, it adds a ton of diversity in builds. i wasnt as big a fan of the talisman rng because you needed to give up monster parts but since with this, you only use designated items i think its a much more rewarding system overall

Moog Honk II
Moog Honk II - 12.08.2022 10:10

Don't know if this is known or not, but I just rolled defiance on the armor augments. Which I think is a unique skill to the gold rathian armour. Which means that unique armor skills could be in the augment pool, or I'm stupid. Definitely one or the other

CriticaLink - 12.08.2022 09:54

I don't mind the RNG since it's basically a bonus; I still don't like the RNG on Talismans since they seem a bit more integral, but it's still preferable to the decoration nonsense in MHW.
The Attack Jewels still haunt my nightmares. Taunting me, even after I eventually got 7 of them.

Jason Racheck
Jason Racheck - 12.08.2022 09:23

As much as RNG pisses me off, I know at the end of the day when it comes to killing monsters with the quickness it comes down to how you know how to kill a monster vs having enough strength to kill a monster

Kaiko Solano
Kaiko Solano - 12.08.2022 08:12

Any type of upgrade is a welcome upgrade even if I myself have a bad time with RNGs.
I mainly use an full archfiend set with crit boost, handicraft, razor sharp, speed eating and evade extend. this system just helped me get other useful skills like partbreaker, evade window and speed sharpening, aside from the defense bonuses, overall I'm happy with what they've done with the update

Fran G
Fran G - 12.08.2022 08:08

Capcom paid opinion or something
How can anyone think this is better because it makes for "endless hours of gameplay "? It's just beyond stupid.

windstar120025 - 12.08.2022 07:56

i dare say that with the Ibushi 5 piece set this can get really wild

Bigg Swigg
Bigg Swigg - 12.08.2022 06:45

Oh boy I can't wait for speedrunners to hack in God armor as well as God talismans
