Twitter is On the Verge of Bankruptcy as Musk is Running Out of Options

Twitter is On the Verge of Bankruptcy as Musk is Running Out of Options

Steven Van Metre

1 год назад

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J Marie
J Marie - 12.11.2022 02:04

Thank you Steve! Take care everybody!

paul marino
paul marino - 15.02.2023 16:51

Fine by me, let it die, let it die a slow painful death.

Laura King
Laura King - 20.12.2022 09:34

Leave Musk alone and let him run his company, he bought it, he can fire lazy people.

Ron - 01.12.2022 19:55

Awe shucks! The Twit-bots will have no place to spread dis-information now.

Trace - 28.11.2022 10:44

Twitter is NOT close of going bankrupt! In fact, there's a huge increase in new registers. Get it right!

ra dow
ra dow - 28.11.2022 05:05

He will just write it off as a buisness loss and be out nothing.

John Doe
John Doe - 20.11.2022 08:54

Steve you turned out to be dead wrong

Joe - 20.11.2022 01:13

Is anyone surprised about the student loans getting blocked?

Darrol Dewey Jones
Darrol Dewey Jones - 19.11.2022 16:39

Twitter might hit the 💩 er .😭😭😭

MN Guy
MN Guy - 19.11.2022 06:19

This administration knew exactly who they were buying votes from; a bunch of idiots who constantly look for handouts. As soon as the election was over, the rug got pulled. Alas, these people are so stupid, they'll vote for this administration a second time.

Icriedtoday - 18.11.2022 03:37

Metre is so full of BS. A company that has NEVER made a profit is now going to go bankrupt after its acquisition by th world’s richest man? You funny Mr. Junah.

Harold McAllister
Harold McAllister - 18.11.2022 00:08

If Twitter goes under, that will prove that most people in the world/US love and want to be controlled and believe the lies of the democrat communist party and its members.

Josh Wendeburg
Josh Wendeburg - 15.11.2022 08:09

It sounds ridiculous to say Elon is going belly up. He knew what he was getting himself into. Just wait till he figures out exactly how may many of those "real" accts are bots. He will sue and get nearly half his purchase price back. Guarantee it.

James Robinson
James Robinson - 14.11.2022 12:36

Back in the early 1980s the need for student loans was less because the government would often provide help in the form of educational grants. Of course the Reagan administration they could provide more trickle down Reaganomics if they drastically reduced the so-called free money provided in grants and replaced quite a bit with government back student loans. Oh but these loans had one caveat (they were non dischargable). Meaning you couldn’t file bankruptcy on them like our free market business world does. So if you want to stay on track for schooling? You signed your name on the dotted line. This was often described to young people as “good” debt. Like a mortgage. Because you were investing in yourself. Sadly many did not realize how onerous those payments would become when they picked a field that didn’t guarantee great wages? The schools didn’t care. They just wanted paid. Thus, it kept a steady stream of income coming which allowed them to push through double digit tuition increases. As soon as I paid my student loans off, I had pay for kids student loans. Therefore, I do not resent anyone who attempts to get up to $20k of their student loans paid off. If we put on our free market capitalism hats? This reduction would actually improve one’s consumer spending capability. We always have government money to reduce taxes when conservatives are in office. Even if it raises deficits. But how dare we spend government money on helping alleviate the financial picture of those on the lower end of the income spectrum?

Voice_from_Desert - 14.11.2022 07:07


Best song from 2020-2030 🐦🦀

Dholmastersherlock - 14.11.2022 01:00

This is so stupid!! The tuition is just outrageous, government should get out of college tuition aid, let the free market determine tuition rates, everything government touches it gets super expensive, what we really need to do is get rid of the government, it’s a failed overlooking power

Desizgirl3 - 14.11.2022 00:57

Very interesting!

Joseph Edlin
Joseph Edlin - 13.11.2022 23:38

Student debt forgiveness is more cancerous money printing… cut the bs and crash this gravy train already.

E Man
E Man - 13.11.2022 21:54

Just shut Twitter down. It is and was a toxic environment in the first place. Student loans is not the population’s problem. I paid off mine and it took a little over 10 years and it sucked. It felt great getting rid of it. College’s will just raise the prices constantly if they know people will take on any amount of debt to go. For most jobs it’s a waste of money anyway. I know I wish I didn’t go. I would have a lot more money otherwise after shoveling all that money and making the banks richer with the high interest rates. If they want to help the government shouldn’t back the loans to begin with. That’s their screw up. Many people would just claim bankruptcy and take the hit on their credit.

Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy - 13.11.2022 18:22

I got a college degree in 1975. Turned down at 28 job interviews because of lack of experience.The degree is worthless. Finally got civil service job as mechanic for which not even a high school diploma was needed.I still owe 10 thousand to Uncle Sam for a piece of toilet paper which never earned me a dime.Good Luck to all graduates in finding any job.They will really need it.

cj Swa
cj Swa - 13.11.2022 18:19

Musk, Michael Saylor, will be nothing more than a distance memory
