You are soooo good bro 💪🏻
ОтветитьOden looking kinda nice
ОтветитьNoti gang🥶🥶🥶🔥🔥💜💜💜💜
ОтветитьNoti Gang you alr know. Love the vids, keep it up
ОтветитьIs the welgun still the best smg? If so what is second best for time to kill?
Ответитьtake off vital and put on gun ho it's much faster and it still hits hard.
ОтветитьSoon you'll hit 1mil subs❤️goodluck on your journey bro
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьI used that gun and it was cool
ОтветитьNoti gang 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI now know for a fact that ping is king i'v been running around with 180 ms with 10% packet loss and I was wondering why I was getting downed easily
ОтветитьNoti gang 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьNoti Gang🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьBro tell your friend to stfu complaining the whole video
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьThat kid you were playing with was annoying as all get out.
ОтветитьGreat video, u should rly do a diamatti video, i think its a fun gun to use with a sniper in rebirth
ОтветитьNoti gang all day
ОтветитьThe ttk on this gun is insane, W vid as always
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьBro I my comment or somebody elses from last video about the type 100 but thanks making a class of it noti gang
Ответитьi love this guys videos when i first saw one this guys videos on recommend i clicked on his video i loved what i saw i love his videos and the content i sub right away he makes know if you guys could like comment and drop a sub i am sure he would appreciate he is on the road to 70k know i am not saying that you have to go and like all his videos i am just saying if you guys could show him sum love because he uploads everyday and i know he works hard dropping 20 to 30 bombs daily so all i ask of you guys is just to show him sum love also if you show us more xm4 game play or even a better build i know you just posted one just like 9 days ago i was just asking because i use you xm4 build in my mane loady and ceep up the great work noti gang
ОтветитьNoti gang🔥
ОтветитьNoti gang❤
ОтветитьAyyy noti gang. Love your vids man💜
ОтветитьNoti gang ❤️🔥❤️🔥
ОтветитьType 100 is goated 😳⁉️
ОтветитьNotie gang
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьNoti gang
Ответитьnoti gang
ОтветитьNoti ganggg
ОтветитьTry out the As Val, it does decent damage and high fire rate
Ответитьcringe to watch u snipe... horrible aT SNIPINGGGGGG
ОтветитьNah your too cracked🥲🙌🏽
ОтветитьNoti Gang
ОтветитьFake 30 kills one gale gameplay
ОтветитьNotiiiiiii Gang Good job dude 💪
ОтветитьNoti gang
ОтветитьVITAL does not work my friend 😩 i just did the jgod test on it 😂 regardless great gameplay 💣
ОтветитьBest class in warzone:
Fara 83
1.gru suppressor
2.18.7 spetsnaz rpk barrel
3.axial arms 3x scope
4. Spetsnaz grip underbarrel
5.vdv 60 round fast mag
Tell me what yall think about it
You defo should put on gung ho
ОтветитьRoad to 70k 🚀