Tax 2022 SSA Worksheet Converted to Spreadsheet

Tax 2022 SSA Worksheet Converted to Spreadsheet


1 год назад

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@JT_70 - 11.09.2023 03:12

Any way to download your worksheet?

@todddunn945 - 08.08.2023 22:58

Good to see someone actually using the SS worksheet from the 1040 instructions. There are tons of "financial planners" who talk about this without mentioning the SS worksheet and consequently make significant errors. In your case You will find that your cap gains are favorably treated if they are long term gains.

I have a spreadsheet with all the worksheets programmed that I use for tax planning. My spread sheets also calculate both state and federal taxes. They were well worth the half hour or so they took to set up. That makes everything very easy.

@tomj528 - 04.08.2023 10:16

I did the same several years ago, a fantastic decision. Mine also kicks out the percentage of my social security that's taxed, the dollar amount and my taxable income which helps me perfectly dial in my Roth conversions and still remain tax free. Very few of us will ever do this but those of us that do know how great this is and what a useful tool it truly is.

@tulsatom4307 - 30.07.2023 22:08

Gentle Correction . . . What you refer to as a Comma ( ‘ ) is an Apostrophe

@jkbc - 23.04.2023 20:17

my brain works better by looking at formula vs wording explanation

@alandeveloper - 23.03.2023 15:48

OR you could do the subtract and use the MAX function


If G11 is greater, the result (G10-G11) will be negative, and the MAX function will take the greater, which will be 0
