Collaborate and Conquer: How Body Doubling can help your ADHD Brain

Collaborate and Conquer: How Body Doubling can help your ADHD Brain

I am MindBlind

1 год назад

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@allisonschempf2230 - 01.03.2023 15:21

I can't begin to tell you how much I have needed this in my life as a late-diagnosed woman with autism and ADHD. I really wish I had friends nearby to help with this. A lot of times I have trouble getting started on things, let alone staying focused. It's good to know there are several different approaches to this.

@magalimasson9472 - 02.06.2023 18:57

that so interesting, I often ask my husband if he wants to come help me with something and he's like "what do you want me to do? and I'm like "uhhh I dont know , nothing just stay with me" I'm mind blown now LOL

@jenbloom6848 - 28.09.2023 01:51

Body doubling makes so much sense! Also, the sudden onset of clouds and rain has me feeling all the things.

@christaverduren690 - 18.03.2024 13:24

if I have someone to talk to while I do my task, I blaze through it! I can get something done and have "healthy focus" the entire time. I don't hyperfocus and wear myself out, nor do I get scattered and end up doing a millions things and getting none of them done.
It's like when I have something to stim with my hands while I watch TV or a movie, I can enjoy the show, if I just sit there (it takes a REALLY good show - LotR Rings Of Power - to grab my full attention) I fuss and fidget and lose the point of the show.
The person does not even need to help me! I usually have a specific way I want things done and I enjoy doing my tasks and chores, except when I don't! LOL
I think if my brain doesn't see the thing I need to do as a high dopamine reward, then it just throws a wrench in my Executive Function and I physically can't do the task. If I push and make myself do it, I get so pissed off, I just get in a foul mood and will snap and snarl at everyone!

@Maggies87 - 18.03.2024 22:03

Talking to a friend on the phone while doing household tasks works too

@Theleaddog - 19.03.2024 01:55


This is a horrible Idea for me. Not staying here. Going to another of your videos.

@erineddy7999 - 20.03.2024 07:33

Thank you so much for sharing this information! I’ve been asking family members to sit with me while I work on things for years without success. I don’t know if it will change anything, but I feel better.

@janicewinsor4793 - 22.03.2024 16:34

Just on first listening I would say the sound quality is pretty bad. The title is enticing but it's really hard to listen to.
That said I think I did this as a child, when I created an imaginary friend. I was all alone, and no one understood me. I was in 6th grade, so I knew exactly what I was doing when I created this. I imbued him with all of the positive qualities I wished I had and he was always there as a comforter and a sounding board. Whenever I had to do something all on my own, I didn't feel so alone.

@kathybergeron9410 - 28.03.2024 16:25

I often wondered if I was a twin since I seem to need at least a voice to keep me focused. Music, the TV or videos. Having a real person wouldn't work for me though. Interesting. Great concept.

@jpopelish - 18.05.2023 05:01

I am having trouble imagining how to go about being the body double for someone else. You make it sound like it is almost completely passive, But I would feel a bit mean and cruel if I was with someone who was working at a task and I was not making some contribution toward completing that task. Especially something so easily divided between two people, like folding cloths. I would feel like a jerk, watching them work, without lifting a finger to help.
