Conversion vs Traffic Campaigns for Spotify Facebook Ads

Conversion vs Traffic Campaigns for Spotify Facebook Ads

JC Flores

2 года назад

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@roddy9372 - 01.02.2023 17:25

do you run pre save campaigns? Also, do you bother with waiting a few weeks before release for playlist pitching purposes if you're running ads?

@bbgstudios - 06.09.2022 21:37

Thanks for putting yourself out there and keeping it real. I've had a traffic campaign driving traffic to Spotify through a redirect link (feature fm) and it generally performs around 0.15 per click for Tier 1 countries. I just set up a conversion campaign with the a duplicate audience to drive to a landing page where I can capture link clicks to the music service (Apple or Spotify). However, my CPC went up to 0.77 per click and my conversion costs even worse at over $6 (per click on the landing page)! I don't see other people having this big of a difference between traffic and conversions. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

@Cosmopolis-official - 29.08.2022 09:54

Hi there. For your traffic campaign you sent prime straight to the Spotify song page?

@Denots208 - 21.08.2022 22:41

Anyone here ever try just running ads directly on Spotify? I've heard a few people say it's the way to go as it's so hard to get listeners to cross platforms. Most people are on IG and FB on their phone and if their account is free then even with the correct landing page they would have to jump through hoops just to hear that song. I've blown a lot of cash on Meta and and am considering paying Spotify this next release.

@KtraaOfficial - 25.07.2022 09:55

Con you do videos showing how to do this

@jonfunnell1224 - 08.07.2022 00:00

For your traffic campaigns what targeting are you leveraging? (Interests, LALs, etc.) Same question for Placements as well.

@ChicagoStyles23 - 01.07.2022 10:20

are you saying we should move to traffic for now while they have this conversion fiasco figured out? that's what i've been looking at

@spotifymarketing - 27.06.2022 00:37

Just followed you, I'm about to make a video about this. The quality on conversion ads is still much better than traffic ads, especially for saves and playlist ads.

@MaxiZee - 14.06.2022 21:21

haha respect for the shoutout fam, and love for sharing your insights on here again man, its well appreciated. and yo once you mentioned bot traffic man I got so pissed off again hahah the damn platform is really annoying when it comes down to bots. I actually just recently spent little over a 100USD on snapchat ads running traffic and conversion ads. the traffic ads were targetting the UK was about 12Cents a swipe up - 2-3 cents for european countries but unfortunately Portugal and Czech Rep. ate most of my budget up in that adset. I had about 1000 Swipe ups in that Campaign within 2 days at a cost of 50$. though for the song I was actually running the ad for it only gotten 200 Streams and a couple of saves here and there. Unfortunately only gained like 8 new followers on Spotify. expected more as my landing link was a straight redirect to my artist porfile via my own domain. anyway just a quick report from my side since you mentioned snapchat ads.

PS: oh yeah I also just check my spotify for artist insights again. the song only gotten like 7 streams from Portugal and not a single of Czech Rep so them bots deffo ate up my ad budget on that one. lol

anyway looking forward to your next video G, Keep it easy.

@MaxiZee - 14.06.2022 21:07

man good insights bro. one thing thats pissing me off though is the damn bot traffic on the damn app lol. anyway on we move haha keep feeding us with that content bro. dont stop now

@testsubjectone9494 - 13.06.2022 00:36

Great video and info. Thank you so much and keep up the good work.

@PRAFITJOSIAH - 12.06.2022 20:35

Curious where you get your stock footage from for your ads.
