The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Huberman Lab Clips

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Jesse Aletheia
Jesse Aletheia - 06.10.2023 20:58

My two favorite people!

LoveThySelf - 05.10.2023 10:57

I have quiet borderline, complex ptsd, major depressive disorder, and 20 years of abuse from a narcissist. I have started using mushrooms. I have had more breakthroughs with mushrooms than any therapy or pharmaceutical ever.

I watched a lot before growing and taking them. The trials and risks of folks with personality disorders. I felt it was worth the risk as opposed to suicidal ideation.

I am doing my shadow work I have needed to do for years. I deserve these. Amen

* I will add that I have taken them in small amounts to start. And I have prepared my set and setting well. Thank God for that.

Also, I was worried my borderline could get worse. But the exact opposite is true. That’s my journey though.

Shem Doupe
Shem Doupe - 04.10.2023 05:30

My 5 gram trip was so difficult but so transformative. I can't believe how much it changed me for the better b

Shroom_Wurld.. - 10.09.2023 03:54

He's got the best stuff and ships too 👍👆👆👆👆👆👍✅✅

xJRx - 22.08.2023 19:07

The conversation between Dr. Sam Harris and Dr. Andrew Huberman revolves around the complex and multifaceted subject of psychedelics. While it covers the ground of scientific observation, medical application, and philosophical implications, it also ventures into a deeper realm of consciousness, self-awareness, and spirituality. Below, I'll analyze several prominent themes, delve into the underlying implications, and provide insights from the conversation.

### 1. *Scientific and Medical Perspectives:*

The dialogue begins with a discussion about the clinical trials and scientific insights into the nature of psychedelics. Both speakers recognize the multifaceted characteristics of various substances, acknowledging their differences in effect, pharmacology, and application.

The use of MDMA in a clinical trial by Dr. Huberman highlights a move towards employing psychedelics as tools for therapy and understanding the mind. This signals an important shift in medical perspectives on substances that have been stigmatized or misunderstood in the past.

### 2. *Altered Consciousness and the Human Experience:*

One recurring theme is the exploration of altered states of consciousness. The likening of psychedelic experiences to dreamlike states reveals a connection between psychedelics and natural processes of the mind. The discourse acknowledges that psychedelics offer a window into states of consciousness that are often inaccessible but deeply rooted in human experience.

### 3. *The Illusion of Self:*

Dr. Harris emphasizes the utility of psychedelics in breaking down what he refers to as the "illusion of the self." He connects this idea with Eastern spiritual traditions like Buddhism, suggesting that the ego or self-concept can be a barrier to profound realizations about the nature of existence.

Psychedelics, in this context, serve as tools to dismantle self-boundaries and foster unity with the world. This theme provides an esoteric angle, transcending the mere material or chemical aspects and approaching the existential and metaphysical dimensions of being.

### 4. *Guidance, Safety, and Responsibility:*

The conversation places a strong emphasis on the safe and responsible use of psychedelics. Mention of age-appropriate, context-appropriate, legal, and clinical guidance signifies a responsible approach to a subject that can be prone to misuse or misunderstanding. This is indicative of a mature discourse on a topic that has often been fraught with controversy and fear.

### 5. *Critique of Religious Dogma and Spiritual Insights:*

While embracing spiritual insights from religious traditions, both speakers are wary of the dogmas and superstitions that often accompany religious thought. Dr. Harris, who is known for his criticism of organized religion, draws a clear line between mystical experience and religious doctrine.

This part of the conversation is particularly provocative, as it challenges conventional religious narratives while simultaneously validating the experiential and transformative aspects of spirituality.

### 6. *Connection to Everyday Life and Practical Wisdom:*

The dialogue concludes with an emphasis on integrating psychedelic insights into ordinary life. The discussion moves away from the idea of being "high all the time" to exploring how these experiences can inform everyday existence.

The conversation touches on the pursuit of freedom, unconditional love, and the connection between altered and normal states of consciousness. It highlights the importance of mindfulness and meditation, not merely as spiritual practices but as essential tools for living a fulfilled and conscious life.

### Final Thoughts:

The conversation between Dr. Harris and Dr. Huberman represents a rich exploration of psychedelics from various angles. It is a synthesis of science, philosophy, spirituality, and practical wisdom.

While offering a comprehensive view of the current understanding and application of psychedelics, it also invites us to ponder deeper existential questions about the nature of consciousness, the self, and reality. The discussion challenges conventional thinking and presents an enlightened perspective that transcends traditional dichotomies between science and spirituality.

The conversation not only enlightens us about psychedelics as substances but also serves as a metaphor for an open-minded approach to the human experience. It encourages us to look beyond surface appearances, question established narratives, and seek authentic understanding through direct experience and critical examination.

In the age of renewed interest in psychedelics, both for therapy and personal growth, this conversation serves as an important testament to their utility and a guide to exploring them with caution, curiosity, and consciousness.

Daniel Martin
Daniel Martin - 17.08.2023 03:26

Sam should talk with Alan Rockefeller. It'd be great to both draw him out into conversation and get Sam to lean into the biological "substrate" of the thing he's centrally talking about here.

Chiara Hiller
Chiara Hiller - 15.08.2023 12:30

Amazing work!!! I would love a video about ketamine

John T Nguyen
John T Nguyen - 09.08.2023 14:26

Psychedelic mushrooms really healed me years back. Totally got rid of depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. I’ve been looking to try some recently but I can’t find anywhere to source.

Music Brain
Music Brain - 21.07.2023 11:50

Stop promoting useless drugs which damage the body

Doctor James James
Doctor James James - 10.07.2023 03:12

I almost turned into a zombie when my doctor took me off shrooms luckily I got hooked up with this dude who sells authentic bars, he ships discreetly to any location and 100% reliable...

Spit Bol
Spit Bol - 28.06.2023 19:35

I see a lot of positive reactions and I’m very happy for all the people that had wonderful experiences with it. However, I would also like to warn people such that they are aware it can have a very negative impact on your wellbeing as well. I tried psylocibine around 4 months ago, I had a bad trip which gave me random panic attacks and the inability to sleep due to anxiety for weeks after while I was perfectly happy before. I’m doing a lot better now but still baring the consequenses… just be aware of the risks before trying… And believe me, I’m not an isolated case.

Raihan Khan
Raihan Khan - 23.06.2023 00:23

This man said absolutely nothing but spoke for 20 mins holy shit

Victor Franca
Victor Franca - 16.06.2023 01:39

muito bom

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 14.06.2023 06:44

caveats means warnings

ᄒᄒ - 11.06.2023 20:08

the way he talks is absolutely disorganised

Emmanuel Uma
Emmanuel Uma - 26.05.2023 03:10

I've been microdosing on the batch of mushrooms I got from one guy online for the last few months for depression and the results have been immeasurable. The world has beauty again whereas before it was grey and painful.

Lee Barker
Lee Barker - 25.05.2023 17:08

We have a very little understanding of Psychedelics. Huberman and Graham Hancock need to spend some time together

Astraestus - 19.05.2023 17:26

Masterful description. Grateful

ARCHER BIRCH - 16.05.2023 12:05

I like to get on a level with my woofs. Treat them a little more like a human, let them treat me a bit more like a dog. We're just differently-shaped members of the same pack, and taking that approach with dogs in general seems to have cemented my place as the dog-whisperer in my friend group. It could also just be that I lather them in attention and have no issue with licking (kisses or puke-prompt, I don't discriminate) 😂

rossiikhan - 13.05.2023 20:17

Sam said that he wouldnt care if he found out that hunter biden had the bodies of dead children in his basement. Trust me, this is not the guy to take advice from in regards to psych matters 🙄

Brad Ballah
Brad Ballah - 12.05.2023 06:05

I wonder if Sam could work through his TDS using LSD?

Common Sense
Common Sense - 12.05.2023 03:41

But have you tried meditation… on shrooms? 🎉

Jordy - 11.05.2023 21:48

Funny how MDMA is mentioned so much. I’ve abused quite much of it as a teen and never experienced it as a “spiritual” experience. Just remember the depressing hangovers and serotonine deficiency.
However I just tried acid for the first time, this really changed the way I see myself and the world around me in a good way.

monique sacks
monique sacks - 10.05.2023 21:58

LSD has been reported to be effective against personality disorder and anxiety

Savedbythetrees - 09.05.2023 08:51

Sam clearly didnt embrace his inner Trump..

Buck - 08.05.2023 01:43

I love nature. I am open to psychedelics being helpful in therapy. Meditation can be helpful. Buddhist practices can be helpful.

He lost me when he talked about spending hours infatuated with a tree. I love trees but I don't aspire to commune with one for hours.

W1SH - 06.05.2023 17:23

Ive been on a psychedelic journey myself and what you said about "walking the highwire between ecstasy and agony" is something we do every day. This is one of the core realizations i made. The only path between them is Jesus in my belief. Psychadelics for me have only confirmed that. And by that I don't mean ive seen God in a literal sense or something like that. I mean that even now when completely sober in my own natural state of mind i'm now able to, if i pay close enough attention, see God's great design at work. God's plan if you will, and its magnificent and totally perfect and complete. If you don't believe me, just give Jesus a shot. You don't even have to straight up believe right here and now and follow all the Bible's rules (which you will eventually see why you need to). All it takes is asking him to show you, then listening to the music of the universe as it filters through the lense of your own mind. That means being honest with YOURSELF above all else and not dismissing your thoughts until you follow them to their conclusion (this is part of prayer). When you do all that, then you'll see. Please give it a chance. For your own sakes. One LSD trip (100ug) was all it took and now the joy i was capable of feeling on that substance NEVER LEFT ME

Time management
Time management - 27.04.2023 02:24

LSD Cured My Brain From All Addictions, High Dosage Would Do It 😂😂😂

M. Chavez
M. Chavez - 25.04.2023 06:38

Rambles too much

Recusant Recluse
Recusant Recluse - 17.04.2023 02:04

SH is a downer. He hasn't been helped by Psychedelics.

igotwhips - 15.04.2023 23:27

Before shrooms I was just existing on this earth. After shrooms I decided to live with greater awareness and passion and gratitude. It's not for everyone but it helped me within the right set and setting and spiritual guides.

David Foster
David Foster - 13.04.2023 18:30

I'd still be doing LSD if I trusted anybody on this planet to give me the actual chemical. The last couple of times I wasn't so lucky. No real way to describe it, except to ask: have you ever seen the movie Jacob's Ladder?

Daniel scott
Daniel scott - 10.04.2023 20:24


Daniel scott
Daniel scott - 10.04.2023 20:24

His on tele'gram as

Daniel scott
Daniel scott - 10.04.2023 20:23

I can refer you to this dude who I met online who guided me through my first ever dmt experience he's got mushrooms LSD MDMA and other psychedelic he ships discreetly

Bobbi Aqua
Bobbi Aqua - 07.04.2023 17:57

So in the world that I have grown up in we call them sacred medicines where is applicable specially with plant medicine not so much with MDMA or ketamine but with all of the things that are natural psychedelics we called them sacred medicine and we use them to grow our consciousness! So I would prefer that to drugs in the 60s we call them drugs but in the 60s we didn’t know

Greengo Jacinho
Greengo Jacinho - 03.04.2023 23:26

Ice baths have cured basicially all my addictions, except porn. Even daily ice baths still didn’t fully cut my porn addiction (although it has helped) shrooms however seem to be making a huge breakthrough. I went from watching porn 3 times a day to zero times in the last 4 days, (4 days ago I had my shroom trip) I went into my trip trying to get to the root of my sexual issues and I feel like it’s definitely changed my perspective at least. Hoping I can nip this horrible habit in the bud

HipToBeJarrod - 02.04.2023 19:41

I can recall nearly all of my trips, but I can’t explain the feelings I had (well maybe the main feelings like sadness and sudden shocks in my head)

Joy Dot
Joy Dot - 01.04.2023 11:46

I was like Sam. So disconnected, worst girlfriend ever. sport aspiration dramatically ended in a single day - fortunately I eventually fell into Pilates (rowing without pain). yoga didn’t work, brain wasn’t having it. 15 yrs on after additional signif trauma (!?) & new related health issue yoga became better choice. Wierd how it just shifted without me noticing, great demonstration of how trauma can teach & progress one’s spiritual life.

Michael Ray
Michael Ray - 31.03.2023 18:50

Going to try mushrooms this weekend and I’m nervous and excited to see how it’ll benefit me

Aggie88 - 31.03.2023 05:37

You’ve gone off the deep end…

streezus - 30.03.2023 03:06


Chad Dickerson
Chad Dickerson - 28.03.2023 01:57

I used to live Sam Harris. Now I'm willing to ghost Ubermensch to not promote his existence.


Jason Becker
Jason Becker - 26.03.2023 20:26


Horus Lupercal
Horus Lupercal - 22.03.2023 19:17

I'm bipolar II, have used Psilocybin twice and had nothing but fantastic experiences.

Dartski&Hutch - 22.03.2023 06:35

Wow... This was the most engaging description of psychedelics I've ever listened to. I was glued, rather in a state of flow listening to this as sam describes experiences I've had on psychedelics, and also a similar battle once out of them. Sometimes the smartest people are those who are the best at communicating their inner thoughts, rather than those who have the most interesting and complex thoughts. Seems Sam has a good combination of both and it's not a word salad, but very comprehensive.

Walter Meyer
Walter Meyer - 22.03.2023 02:48

I tried lsd when I was 17, wonderful experience. Not crazy visuals but was a spiritual trance, every single bit of information contained in my head was put together and made sense, was like compacting all my life into a unit and then my brain was fresh, open and ready to a new chapter in my life.
My friends did it too, one ended up with hard depression, other one is locked down at a psychiatric with severe schizophrenia, other one lost conplete control for hours thinking of himself like a moth ( that one is actually a functional human being )
I was lucky ( for the moment ) but all drugs hit different to each individual and can be very hamful.
Before getting to those things you gotta learn about the drug, active investigation on the topic to have a mental preparation, know yourself and try to speculate how it could affect you, do it at a save, healthy and good mood place, surround yourself only with people you really trust and do family research on mental disorders and if you find any of those avoid it totally!!

BagoFit Reborn
BagoFit Reborn - 16.03.2023 23:57

How exactly do psychedelics help a person heal from mental illnesses ?

Samuel - 16.03.2023 22:01

I got my psychedelic product from this online store,the sells LSD,shrooms,chocolate bars,Xanax,lean,Adderal and other psychedelic stuffs and the ship discreetly to any location*

Pedro Amaral
Pedro Amaral - 14.03.2023 21:58

After 12 years of therapy, 15 psychiatrists, 3 years on antidepressants, 3 years of meditation, 2 hypnotherapies, and 7 ketamine infusions with no symptom reduction, I was almost done with this life. So I studied the John Hopkins protocols on this mushroom, did the heroic dose, and even used the same playlist (available on Spotify) and bam.. I've heard the message “90% of your depression is your gut.” - and then my true healing really began. This medicine is sacred and it saved my life 🙏🏻🍄❤️
