7 Mistakes That Keep You Streaming To 0 Viewers

7 Mistakes That Keep You Streaming To 0 Viewers

Stream Scheme

1 год назад

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@aj656666 - 01.01.2024 05:38

hahaha, that was a hit on the right place. I am in the stage: "Eh.. Good enough" before strating a stream, because I know if I try finishing all and do the things better, I will never stream. So in the streams I adimt that it needs improving, but.. before it its just ehh.. (for the protocol, it's not for games, it's for art... I don't know if that counts)
But I get the point when mentioned from someone else. Thanks for the video!

@hazybrush - 28.07.2023 22:22

I've realized I get super quiet after about a hour or 2 and can't think of stuff to talk about

@hazmatkhod - 17.07.2023 06:09


@pile1983 - 30.06.2023 23:53

1.5 year of streaming and my viewership barely gets up from 5. And when I stream games? Oh boy if I have 1 viewer I am glad. I do stream pretty consistently.

@ZaniteKnuckles - 27.06.2023 18:44

Wanna know the biggest mistake you can make when streaming? Trying to stream while still living in your parents' house.

...or would that give you the opposite result idk

@chamm0ns151 - 17.04.2023 01:42

Where's the discord link??
Much love

@ShadyNefarius - 13.04.2023 23:33

I got a message on Twitch while I was streaming, idk if it's from a bot but it's all about promoting to buy views, followers and so on; I banned that person because he is suspicious about that and I think that is not how to grow your Twitch Channel, idk if I'm true or not.

@ow3nnnh - 26.03.2023 12:29

is it alrgith if i have like 1 new chatter every stream? but they leave

@flobrio - 23.03.2023 23:40

sometimes my only viewer is nightbot lmao, bros a homie he seems to have alot of time on his hands

@Moistmachine89 - 20.03.2023 06:58

Where is the discord link

@Hayde_ - 18.03.2023 05:23

The invite link expired

@noobmaster531 - 16.03.2023 19:06

hey @streanScheme can u make a tut on how to make the cloudbot loyalty programe press/perform actions on my behalf like press G in order to drop the gun in games like valorant for say 1000 points when redeemed by the viewer, etc. pls would be gr8 if u taught me how to!. thanks.

@ogdj22 - 16.03.2023 14:43

Man I been streaming for 3 years everyday for about 6
Hours a day and haven’t gotten at least a decent fan base… literally all I want is like 1-3 people who like to watch video game content and actually tune in to my videos almost everyday just 1-3 actual viewers who comment and interact with me😢 here are some info about me ❤….im a father of 2 who loves playing video games i recently lost my job so I'm streaming full time right now... i support who supports me and appreciate everyone for tunning in and watching me play love you guys and lfg!!!! ❤

@ogdj22 - 16.03.2023 14:42

Man I been streaming for 3 years everyday for about 6
Hours a day and haven’t gotten at least a decent fan base… literally all I want is like 1-3 people who like to watch video game content and actually tune in to my videos almost everyday just 1-3 actual viewers who comment and interact with me😢 here are some info about me ❤….im a father of 2 who loves playing video games i recently lost my job so I'm streaming full time right now... i support who supports me and appreciate everyone for tunning in and watching me play love you guys and lfg!!!!

@sierm020 - 16.03.2023 07:51

If the barometer for success isn't how well a product is received or show doesn't land, then how do we move forward? "Good enough" will never be good enough, which is something I think you missed mentioning here: setting realistic goals and expectation management. I don't have the level of success you, or most, have. I think it is worth mentioning in your how to's and advice messages....because you've done it in the past. Anywho, good stuff and I look forward to your next session here.

@troglodyte8791 - 16.03.2023 02:07

Well I will do my first stream tomorrow. And most important for me is to learn how everything works. I am 50 and think learning new skills is never a waste of time sure followers is fun a specially to create more content i will play one game and not even the most popular game but I am not a pro game either so I think it will be fun for me fumbeling around while others find it so easy and obvious but beginning a game at the start and getting good at it is a journey on it's own.

@MvFreeze - 14.03.2023 19:10

This! I've been creating content for 6 Years and I'm just now feeling comfortable with being myself and my content quality is going up significantly now that I'm just having fun learning instead of comparing myself and my progress to other content creators.

@LimitedChillzzz - 14.03.2023 16:07

number 1 mistake is 99% of people do is care about there viewership and it then puts them in a bad mood because they don't have the expectation they wanted and there mood then puts the people who are there in a mood and leave

@sara2th - 13.03.2023 03:05

From a twitch viewer:
Another streamer “mistake” I sometimes see is streamers mentioning the business aspect of streaming to the viewers. For example, streamers saying; “Thank you for helping the channel grow”, “We just reached 100 subs”, mentioning how a raid off is good for the channel, pushing hype train progression and so on. As a viewer this always makes me feel a little put off or even uncomfortable.

You will never hear a company use “thank you for helping our company grow” or “thank you for helping us reach our sales goals”. That would be very off putting to the consumer.

I’m not in someone’s stream to support a business. I’m there because I like the vibe of the creator and the chat – the person… the people. I cheer, subscribe or gift subscriptions because I want to show my gratitude to the streamer, not because I am a shareholder and trying to grow a business – I get nothing back.

@ApSlayz - 12.03.2023 16:18

idk if youll see this, but my payout for this month is at half of what my estimated revenue is, do u know why?

@itsdarkos - 12.03.2023 16:03

What i take from that video:
Dont quit
Dont be pointcrow
Dont talk with a british accent
Dont throw balls at viewers

@Linkyv - 12.03.2023 13:42

eljay i dont have a niche, i was inspired by ludwig and i do what i think of good ideas/challenges. It would be a great help if you could give me some advice(i know you said to put yourself in a niche in this video and it forces you to make better ideas and content) thanks

@gripsed - 12.03.2023 06:16

I just wanna let you know that I think your videos are awesome brother. I've learned a lot from them over the years and it's great to see the explosive growth you've achieved.
Congrats & thanks for all you do!

@OmruKnight - 12.03.2023 01:43

I can't find the discord link someone help!?

@WaRhammYza - 12.03.2023 01:29

I just want to say thank you for your videos. I have to work a normal job and i started streaming because i love gaming and i enjoyed sharing awesome moments with friends and i learnt to love the interaction when people do come watch and chat. Because of your advice i started doing some TIKTOK and YT shorts, but its hard to find the time with work, and actually wanting to do the thing i love which is the gaming/being live part. I have realized from your videos and experience that the stuff you do outside of being live like TIKTOK/YT is the important part for any growth or sustainability. But its so disheartening to be taken away from the thing i love doing (Gaming and live streaming), and still having to work and earn a living. I guess i just want to say thanks for giving us the advice and tools to at least try make a difference in spite of what we up against. <3

@MxJynx - 11.03.2023 22:39

remember; there are no two words more harmful, than "Good Job"

@just_SteveO - 11.03.2023 16:40

I'm looking for that chat theme you are using for your stream. Where can I find it?! Please tell me!

@SpookyDeer - 10.03.2023 17:40

I feel like the "eh, good enough" issue also needs to be balanced with "ugh, its not ✨PERFECT✨ yet" - one of my biggest mistakes has been sitting on ideas or content too long, polishing and polishing and never uploading or never streaming the fun ideas I have because I'm too worried about refining it until I'm blue in the face. Definitely some learning to be had with knowing when to "let go" and just do it

@TayTayUzumakii - 10.03.2023 16:55

I need help, my stream keeps ending/crashing. I use streamlabs console, and I don't know if it's because I use gifs as some of my scenes. Any solutions?

@rweisel - 10.03.2023 10:47

Ive learned so much from the channel to get me started. Thanks so much for taking care of us.
Community: I’m doing a gamer vs girlfriend series where we compete in a best of 7 games with various twists thrown in. These 7 games are all different however. Would you guys recommend I change the category every time we switch games or instead leave the stream in just chatting or something?

@HyuniiLee - 10.03.2023 06:22

Streaming in your native language, but when a really nice and active english speaking chatters shows up, you completely switch to english and then you lose your non-active in chat native language viewers. Im seriously having a dilemma with this. I feel like switching from my country audience to world audience is going to be much harder to grow. I was also thinking about having english only streams and then my native language only streams... whats your tip Eljay?

@zuljindragon8346 - 10.03.2023 05:54

Il stick with mistakes I've made sooo for over a year I spoke into the wrong side of the microphone sad to say

@GitGudFoxVODs - 10.03.2023 04:09

Eljay, you said some time a go you played Minecraft but eventually felt burned out by it. Pokemon is quite a bit different than Minecraft. Did you simply have to build a totally new audience for Pokemon and more or less abandon the Minecraft audience?

That is currently what I am doing. The game I was covering I more or less can't stand anymore, and while I have a core of fans who are dedicated to me, it's still about a 60-70% reduction of viewership (which I also expected).

Did this also happen to you when you switched from Minecraft to Pokemon?

@stealthquil1sants870 - 10.03.2023 03:58

youre an inspirational speaker.

@Draconaa - 10.03.2023 03:38

"Consistent" ... my lil ADHD and ASD butt is screwed then. sighs

@Phishfps - 10.03.2023 02:13

My biggest problem when I review my vods is being “stale” when I have no viewers. Sometimes I get really locked in to the game and forget I’m streaming and don’t talk at all. Need to be consistently speaking about SOMETHING to keep it entertaining

@cuddlylillie - 10.03.2023 02:07

Mistake of not being consistent and not diversifying early

@yennagamez - 10.03.2023 01:38

i think a big mistake i have been guilty of and see other small streamers making is not taking advantage of all the free resources that are available to improve streams. simple things like overlays, and little bots for chat to interact with have helped me grow much more rapidly since i've started using them!

@Orion_98989 - 10.03.2023 01:28

The biggest mistake I made when I was still on twitch was that I only streamed overly saturated games like Overwatch and Valorant without any other type of supplementary content like videos or shorts.

@BrickedUpShann - 10.03.2023 01:15

My biggest mistake, was not having a niche or a brand for my stream. Ever since i sat down and thought about what i want. my results are way much better now and now my audience understands my goal and purpose which makes them come back a lot more.

@theenoodlegod4672 - 10.03.2023 01:12

I'm chronically early, love the content man! Appreciate all the work you do for the community

@ImGriief - 10.03.2023 00:37

I dont See your discord anywhere. Also great tips!!

@ivy4104 - 09.03.2023 23:13

Man, thank you, genuinely. I just got off a stream with way less views than I got usually and I felt very bad about it. But watching your video really made me realise; 1. my „usually“ has only been about two months 2. I haven’t done even near as much as I could have done (Ive got a lot planned but only posting on one platform atm) and 3. I actually tried something new today, so it was to be expected
I love this video, it put me right back on my feet, just what I needed 👌🏻

@attovidoes - 09.03.2023 23:07

Changing habit because of stream scheme. I used to stream from 5 till 1 AM for 3 months. And 0% progress i got. But now I've changed my schedule and spread more. Stream less to grow more is the right motto and whoever said was right
