The 7 CRITICAL MISTAKES New Players Make in Guild Wars 2

The 7 CRITICAL MISTAKES New Players Make in Guild Wars 2

Caffeinated Dad Gaming

1 год назад

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@L00pTroop - 25.01.2024 18:46

One if my greatest mistakes was leveling a crafting skill on my own. Oh boy did I waste materials on this 😂. Highly recommend the guides here. Saves A LOT of materials. Any missing crafting recipies can be done afterwards step by step once you understood the system which I didn't either at start....

@gokkiyoutube - 24.01.2024 16:38

Funny thing about roles: all classes can "tank" if specced properly. My Thief is an amazing tank underwater due to the block/counterattack combo on the spear

@shastamcnasty2159 - 24.01.2024 01:39

All of them except boosting. I lvld Ele to 80 then boosted a char firebrand haha. I'm glad I lvld Ele all the way through... IDK if I would enjoy the class if I was just thrown into the deep end.

@bisayatechtips - 21.01.2024 16:49

saying that using the boost is a mistake for new players is toxic advice. because of this and that. I'm one of those who fell for this trap. really? "giving bugatti for a new licenced driver?" thats how you see the boost? as a not so recent player i play without using the boost. biggest mistake I made, I got to level 80 with map completion and hey guess what? I still have no Idea what to do back then. there is no difference. oh maybe there is, because boosting gives you a full sets of exotic. now my boost is completely useless.. why? because i have a lot of tome to use if i wanna create an alt. the boost work like this " hey new player here is a car it will drive you to the destination where you have no idea what to do", but veteran advise is " no dont use that car and just walk there, enjoy the scene admire the world blah blah blah, and when you get there, you still have no idea what to do.

@windsof - 18.01.2024 03:55

Great video, old man

@Xeit - 15.01.2024 19:47

I did first 20 lvl of the story then just decided to do it later. RN lvl 65 and not going to the story yet, will do at 80... or later xD

@smokawho - 11.01.2024 21:42

I just started playing last week. Made a necromancer and bought the dlcs around level 12 when I realized I’d be playing this game for a long time. Then boosted and kept doing the story. I just boosted to start getting the hero points and get a build put together. Did some world vs world too so far

@iFUCKINGp - 09.01.2024 16:23

I just started playing but made the characters years ago. Is there anything I have to keep in mind?

@tiagopassarela - 07.01.2024 09:33

The fact that there is no holy trinity is what makes me avoid this game

@FireChildSlytherin5 - 06.01.2024 20:54

new players PLEASE ask for help. Besides dailies i spend most of my time in gw2 nowadays helping new players. Either giving stuff for free stuff that I don't need or worth to sell in the trading post; helping players unlock a certain map; helping do a collection on a event/mission. I always invite them to join my guild as well, so they have a way to get help and have friends. PLEASE there is a LFG where you can find a group; if you see none ask in map chat along with putting out a "Looking for Group" LFG up. There is a even a lfg for role playing I am not kidding.

Too shy? Type /wiki in map chat and gw2 wiki will pop up. you are able to look up anything just type what is with /wiki

Need a break? That great! I took a year one myself since beta. There is NO punishments on your account for taking a break. Everything will be there when you come back; you will even have a birthday gift send to you on your characters when they hit a year.

Do you want to know a secret? I been playing since beta and I haven't finished the whole story yet. LOL

@Ral0run - 06.01.2024 00:40

Not burning the boost early is 100% right. So many layers to class mechanics and the game does a good job feeding them to you in layers as you level - rushing to 80 via boost just puts too many things on the plate at once - which can lead to frustrations because you're not understanding how the specializations and utilities can weave together, etc. and you get curb stomped as soon as you get into a DLC zone.

@greez499 - 02.01.2024 00:19

My "mistake" that i spend to much time 100% all zones when was playing for first time. But I just can't hold my self if i see not finished jump puzzle 😂

@KuroNekoji - 30.12.2023 01:46

For all the new players:
Yes, ppl in sPvP or WvW may be "salty"
Yes, ppl in Strike Missions or Raids may hate on you if you don't pump out your ~20k DPS
But those people will always exist and in all the years since I play Gw2, I've met a lot of them. Sometimes their hate was directed at me, sometimes it was someone else in the group.
Nevertheless, don't let those ppl ruin your fun. Join another group, you're not depended on them. There are a lot of great players out there, as their is a reason why the community of Gw2 is said to be one of the best.
I myself had to learn a lot over the years since this game released and now it's time to give that back to other players. And thats not just me thinking like that - there's a whole bunch of ppl in the Community who think like that. And they overshadow the "salty-kill-proof-kickers" by miles.

@WilliamPabonJr - 30.12.2023 00:25

Coming from World of Warcraft after 8 years, the legendary armor here is so great knowing i dont have to grind any more for gear. I have all 3 legenday armors and weapons. And trying out pve finally, after 4 years of pvp and wvw so yeah is like a whole new game. So take your time you will never run out of things to do amd learn.

@BeatrixMatocsi-vg8gq - 29.12.2023 10:42

I wouldn't call this a mistake however it did hinder some stuff.. I am not a native english speaker but my brother played gw2 since launch and I tagged along around HoT. And I couldn't really speak english back then. I still enjoyed the game, crafting was not any problem I only had problems understanding the lore, but I can say I'm fluent because of this game. So now I'm playing in german (Scarlet's german VA is more fitting imo)

@Code-dn9rt - 23.12.2023 12:57

Destroying gear and iteam when i ran out of space instead of selling them😑 That's was my biggest mistake

@avirei98 - 22.12.2023 19:31

it feels like they took gw1 and tried to make it a big mmo vs the online game we got with one

@rotip309 - 09.12.2023 03:07

>avoid this! (downstate)
>sad elementalist noises

@cadenjsmith - 08.12.2023 04:52

Okay I think I’m just being stupid but what menu do I spend attribute points in? I’m brand new.

@john-paulfaulkner235 - 01.12.2023 04:41

love GW 2, one of my mistakes I made when starting out was making a Mesmer.

@lime123net - 21.11.2023 03:45

Could you please not call out my straight ot of story elementslist duying from everything in the maguma djungle! That hit way too close to home😅

@semichargedclock4005 - 15.11.2023 10:35

The mounts in the gem shop are just skins and require unlocking them through xpacs. I learned this the hard way.

@kasuroperation6590 - 05.11.2023 20:15

i always follow the story quest not because of the same mindset of yours, but because its simply giving good-constant exp to progress

@georgelayton6641 - 21.10.2023 22:59

Right after you use your lvl 80 boost, you can go back to "My Story" and follow through the entire story line in release sequence.

@marcosfranco1815 - 29.09.2023 21:18

Gw2 Efficiency - This is a beast of a tool. For the curious skritts out there who don't know it yet.

@beardsandbikes3172 - 29.09.2023 03:05

My only hot take is, boosting to 80 immediately was extremely beneficial to me personally. As someone with a background in MMORPGs and turning everything into a spreadsheet, throwing myself into the deep end really satisfied that itch I’ve been missing. End game content with 10 tabs open on my other monitor, intaking as much information as possible, I really FELT my understanding for the game skyrocket. It’s case by case for sure, but for me, sink or swim in this game was my jaaaaaaam. Your videos have been a regularity in my algorithm because of your information. This game rules, thanks for the content brotha ❤️

@mofogie - 25.09.2023 11:26

There is no collison detection. Maybe this is obvious now, but when i started when GW2 launched, there was an option to force your avatar to not go through enemies, and it was on by default. That was a HUGE misleading default, especially for pvp.

@hunthealthy1018 - 20.09.2023 00:55

I did exactly what you said not to do. I started playing about a year ago.. Bought the game because it was interesting and a break from the WoW luls..😂 Saw that I got a character boost, on a Mesmer no less, so I used it. Got to end game, had no idea what to do, turned the game off, uninstalled it, and didn't look at it again until about a week ago. Dragonflight was NOTHING like I thought it would be, Diablo 4 was nothing like I thought it would be. One of my guild mates from WoW says he started playing GW2, so I figured what the hell.. I started playing it for real and understanding that WoW stole a bunch of stuff from GW2, but some how made it terrible..?😂 I'm pretty new to GW2, but I'm loving everything about it!

@raiezo6040 - 17.09.2023 05:58

Not me watching this video after already going Guardian to be tanky 😅 still fun learning though

@FoulPet - 17.09.2023 05:07

Warriors can group heal?

@Reibaku - 15.09.2023 04:51

I don’t know, I think looking up guides and builds makes the game less fun. Where is the “open mindness” and “the game is a sandbox with that”? Discovering that part of the game, what works and what doesn’t is a very fun part of any game, especially in gw2 where you can adapt your build very easily and top gear is so easy to get.

@rtheactech - 13.09.2023 11:04 mistake about the boost. 😅

@edstargazer6753 - 06.09.2023 03:52

regarding gold and lazy people asking for it, i have always replied that there is plenty of free gold outside the cities in the explorable areas. Critters are just DYING to give it to you. 😁😁

@mathiashugohorstmannnieto8054 - 04.09.2023 16:23

How bad it is to complete the maps that the main story is taking you before moving on?

@Wolameda - 02.09.2023 00:31

newish boosted lvl 80 watching this video lol

@andrewross3005 - 01.09.2023 16:13

i used both of my boosters :D
(and :( my first was on my ele, which is fun.... but hand cramping hard)
xD i just realized i can access the trading post anywhere, i was dragging out of invo XD shoot ill just keep roasting myself as i watch this.

@jaradsmethers3601 - 31.08.2023 17:17

gw2 being so different is why I got into it I was burnt out on ff14 when I started playing and wanted something I could sink a lot of time into but was very different from ff14 for my first like 50 hours I mainly just played it like an open world game I just wandered about doing random open world stuff with no rhyme or reason. I upgraded to exotic berserk set and was using an actual build I was still shocked at how big a leap hot was from core I remember clearly being killed by a pack of tiny raptors mainly cause I was in shock that I was being attacked by a pack of tiny raptors

@louissachanson2767 - 25.08.2023 09:22

My mistake was starting with a thief.

@K.Gottlos - 25.08.2023 03:34

8 days into gw2 and i love it. Started with a reaper, reached pof story line and starting a mesmer as second char.
And got a legendary greatsword... money kinda usefull in gw2 xD but i needed it for the style of my dark demon reaper 😂

@theamazinghaole2384 - 21.08.2023 22:34

I made the LvL 80 boost mistake and got stomped in HOT. Came back cause of friend 2-3 years later. Now almost full legendary cause I got addicted to shiny.

@esbam2002 - 21.08.2023 15:16

So for those that know what they are doing in the game, how do I get my effective level to reach my player level?
Such as I am a level 16, but my effective level is 8.

@MrsHjort - 15.08.2023 12:22

Regarding the lvl 80 boost. Sure, if you're completely new to the game, maybe play a while to get how the basics work, but, if you know the basics it doesn't really matter when you use it. Once you hit lvl 80, you'll be going inte an elite specialization anyway and that means you'll basically throw out what you've learned about how to play the character you chose and learn how to use entirely n e w mechanics. So, you might as well skip that first part, jump straight into the elite stuff and save yourself from learning some stuff you'll likely never use again...

I started out as a guardian myself. When I hit lvl 80, I was like "cool, I know how to play this character now". Then bam, I'm a Firebrand, and I have absolutely no idea of how to play that, so I need to learn how to play my character from scratch, a g a i n. Weeks later, I'm finally comfortable with all the new skills, and I'm never going back to regular guardian again because the elite specialization has way more punch. See what I mean? Learn the basics of how the combat works (like, what is cc, aoes, stun, boons, combos, dodging etc., and how do they effect gameplay), when you know that, boost to lvl 80, and learn what you'll probably be using for the rest of your playtime.

@akinoob - 09.08.2023 21:05

To be honest there are not many punishable mistakes in GW2 but one: gambling your gold at the skritt or at Amnoon Casino:D

@Koakoa45 - 06.08.2023 03:18

My biggest mistake was going into a fractal and thinking GW2 had Tank, Healer and DPS roles. If you are healing or dps, do not be shocked if the boss likes you a little too much. There is not tank to take aggro away, so gear up and be ready. Sadly this takes away from enjoying dungeons and raids as it is utter chaos, you can't tell what is a boss mechanic vs another player. And there is NO WAY to turn off other players effects. So good luck! I just refuse to do anything in group. GW2 is a very long, very boring but extreme fun solo play game.

Save up all your mats you loot, get from breaking gear down etc... max out your bank then sell everything after. Level up crafting, if you are into it, then sell out. You will make so much gold. I just came back after 9 years had 3 gold, here I am 1 week later with 80 gold. So it goes fast. 0-80 takes about 7 hours play time if you do map completions with food, guild and other buffs.

@ccharlton7688 - 01.08.2023 19:24

This is the first mmo I’ve ever played because my girlfriend convinced me too, your videos are really helping me get the hang of it! She’s so good at these that I feel a little bit judged in a way, when I’m just trying to be a little magical plant man making maps of a new world :)

@Hazelthenerd - 01.08.2023 17:50

Okay so, I recently started playing the game with an open mind, I was a wow player for about 16 years and i really just couldn't get away from the game. That was until recently when i finally fully gave up hope on Blizzard-activision. I found out a few of my friends play GW2, As an old school OG guild wars player i was intrigued. So i decided i had the time and care now to learn and get into a new game. Last night we spent hours doing jump puzzles and doing random events and i just had FUN. Something I haven't felt in other games in a long long time. Very excited to explore and get 100% map completion!

@mcgym6106 - 29.07.2023 00:08

Instant sell at trading post
