These Sails Ruined Sea of Thieves

These Sails Ruined Sea of Thieves


1 год назад

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@rasithasenevirathne1604 - 29.12.2023 00:07

we got the bad ending

@westlock101 - 23.12.2023 15:22

no the sails are fine you are just a Karren. I never cared about anyone sails EVER. you ruined great sails for no reason.

@Moatje9000 - 21.12.2023 23:38

well okay nice, people complained and now i wasted 8mil.... and now i'm here to complain

@RealTalk681 - 14.12.2023 18:48


@briancox-zi4mp - 29.11.2023 23:21

Just make it real. Less sail boat goes slower.

@uss_cushing - 09.11.2023 21:52

In my opinion this is a non issue. I can’t afford it and those who have bought the sails have earned to use it however they want. A good crew is better than a perceived advantage in a sail.

@blackbyrd7171 - 08.11.2023 22:43

This is such a cope lmao. >im mad that ppl arent expressing themselves through other sails >ppl with 8 mill dropping it cuz they want the D.A sails. (No express ypurself how i want you to)

Even if you can see more than the average helmsmen you still need the skills in order to act upon enemies. So its not much of an advantage other than you can see where youre going. I think the legend status and 8 million price tag is fine. These sails look badass and honestly signify your skill. Honestly had no idea they had this cut out till a few months ago. All im seeing is people crying about its use. "Its unfair to new players" if youve been playing for years and you run up on a two day sloop. Your sails wont change the outcome of them sinking. Everybody is on equak footing. Once you het to legend, and habe the gold, you can afford it

@jamqdlaty - 08.11.2023 18:53

Of course there is a downside to this solution. I think he cutout looks stupid, I don't like it and I don't like the fact that my choice is using it or having a disadvantage.

@hebny1956 - 30.10.2023 22:26

That’s actually brilliant

@douglasmitchel942 - 17.10.2023 21:50

I’ve been drooling over this sail i have over 6mil gold i am almost there.

@OGKhuri - 04.10.2023 06:15

i do agree i stoped playing SoT because of ESP users that see you everywhere and also because of those sails and pve servers , first year was a pvp experience later on years passed and all i see is non pvp just weird sails and ppl using non legal stuff.

@PrimalNomad - 02.10.2023 23:43

100% agree with the cutout idea. I hate the da sails everywhere I look 😅

@bloodtatar8989 - 26.09.2023 01:11

Yes to buffs, no to nerfs.

@kenobi52 - 01.09.2023 13:41

I am pretty good at helm myself with normal full sails, but I just want DA sails cuz they look so cool in my opinion, and the way I’m grinding for them is just by doing world events as reapers with my friend whenever we feel like it. But why do people see it as a problem? It’s just a sail that people want?

@ne0ndark946 - 30.08.2023 23:42

This is an amazing idea man, I think that would even allow more customization, especially if they made it so more items could appear damaged or smth.

@charliekill88 - 26.08.2023 19:32

I mean but it’s still giving you an advantage over new players even if they do what you said

@SkilledKill - 20.08.2023 19:21

"Cheese their way with alliance servers" implying thats wrong or something lol. God forbid not everyone wants sweaty pvp all the time earning 0 gold, spending on supplies, and instead simply want to earn the things all the pvpers already have, and are willing to work together to do so... I feel like content creators make Rare think the community of this game is something it's not. The average SOT player does not want this game to be what most content creators want it to be and these last couple seasons with such a heavy PVP focus that streamers seem to love yet player numbers steadily dropping by the month show it.

@verdun16 - 15.08.2023 21:40

The sails are trash I think

@candlestyx8517 - 09.08.2023 21:09

Honestly I think the cut out should be mad smaller, and they should add a new system where you can further customize your sails

@jirisykora2104 - 27.07.2023 19:11

I know u prob wont read this but you are the same guy thats against the devs removing harpoon boarding yet you argue about soime stupid sails that do nothing if ur good

@Totalinho - 20.07.2023 01:05

buy ot only for vision, dont like this sails

@joeman24_ - 17.07.2023 19:09

I think puting the cut out alone from the sail is the best idea since harpoons

@SquidMonkey76 - 15.07.2023 21:52

I have an idea, Rare should refund everyone the sails and make them just like all the other normal sails, so if you still want them you just rebuy them for free and if not you keep you gold

@dehaaktas7113 - 13.07.2023 19:52

having advantage is bad (not just becuse ı dont have them) but there is no good way to change that ıf you dont include making a new feature and make every single sail a new + look just for one sail

@httydmrdragon1409 - 07.07.2023 08:36

Umm i think its not a big deal
I guess it should stay how it is

@xeric1953 - 29.06.2023 08:25

Yes either make the cutout available for any sail or just change the design to make them like normal sails. It’s a dumb advantage but it really can make a noticeable difference

@uptoscrach9958 - 18.06.2023 01:55

Fuck da sails

@369Sigma - 02.06.2023 21:13

That's.... a really elegant solution, Blurbs. I hope they hear you and consider.

@HFSTitan321 - 02.06.2023 10:11

I ask someone “are you good at this game PVP wise?” They say “I have DA sails” then are trash do not use DA sails if you’re trash!!!

@coremagnumplays4684 - 01.06.2023 13:21

i vote Pay for the cutout or sail style. this would be a great addition to cosmetic features.. Get on it RT

@siek4015 - 30.05.2023 05:45

So whiny XD

@reiokimura6519 - 26.05.2023 21:36

Let's say you get more visibility but your ship will be so slightly slowly because lack of wind. Win-win?

@minkcs8073 - 22.05.2023 01:20

Anyone who grinded to DA sails deserves the advantage. But it isn't good enough because you can't express yourself? Be grateful Rare even added them. The set has its own style, not everyone has to like it..

@thelionman39 - 10.05.2023 19:34

I was just talking about the same solution with a friend! I’d much prefer “sail cuts” being an option, since there are at least 4-5 different cuts I’ve noticed, and probably more! As it is right now, the mindset is “why wouldn’t you use da if you have access to it” and tbh I’d rather be able to switch frequently for mood rather than always have the same sails… having cuts separated feels like a solid fix to me!

@hjalli5532 - 10.05.2023 04:32

i would like the option to upgrade any sail for 8,3mill id even pay 8,3 per sail for the upgrade if that was an option

@vojtacermak531 - 09.05.2023 10:26

to be honest you could remove the cut from them as such without much of a problem - DA set itself is expensive so it still would make sense for the sails to be so expensive - I honestly dont think they´ve put them behind 8 mil bcs of the cutout

@vojtacermak531 - 09.05.2023 10:08

there is something that I dont like on one item with advantage like this but on the other hand I feel like that advantage isnt as big - tbh I want the sails bcs of the set as such rather than the cutout

@slazak1476 - 08.05.2023 22:27

half of ships in hourglass pvp have DA sails...

@noahdude628 - 04.05.2023 19:54

The cutout shouldn't be that expensive. I believe the solution is to make the cutout pricey, but not crazy, like 500k at most. Since the other items in the DA set are crazy expensive, you could keep the sails priced as how they are. You could also have different sail options, like trimmed, cutout, tattered, etc which would cost different amounts, but once you bought them for that sail, you could apply them on and off, or EVEN BETTER, you can apply them to any sail.

@DconStarstormGaming - 03.05.2023 19:18

Pay for the cut out would be nice. I like my tattered sails but it would be nice if they were cut out like that.

@assasinKHV - 30.04.2023 07:10

Then I play with these sails...
Its littiraly OP, mostly on brig

@MXFoX408 - 24.04.2023 19:28

A pvp player whining about this? Cry me a river bud, if PvP is your thing then yes this is going to happen because, ofcourse people look for an edge, why not? You cannot blame people for taking these sails when the risk of PvP situations are high. This is the result of people being forced into PvP. Also I do agree woth your cutout argument tho it would restore the uniqueness of seeing different sails. However until that is added, just deal with it i say.

@dadegroot - 23.04.2023 14:26

I must say, in the last few months, I've seen way less use of the DA sails in the wild.
I don't know if that's because the sweats using them are all doing allegiance battles, they've just gone out of favour.

@CameraGuyClyde - 18.04.2023 15:57

Just remove the cutout, I want more sail variety on the seas

@jabuxas - 16.04.2023 17:37

that's a good solution even though I don't feel it's a problem at all. it only makes the game less troublesome, if a crew is bad, they'll be bad. but im a very biased player so there's that

@aquanide9321 - 16.04.2023 02:19

It would be so easy to fix DA sails too. The only cosmetic advantage that should exist is different ironsights on the flintlock/cannons.

@Messoniz - 15.04.2023 03:04

I agree.

@stephensdia00 - 14.04.2023 04:48

lol this guy needs some copium.
