What it was like to grow up under China's one-child policy | Nanfu Wang

What it was like to grow up under China's one-child policy | Nanfu Wang


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Austin Tgod
Austin Tgod - 15.09.2023 19:13

This is so true.
Propaganda exist in every country....some are just too hidden to notice it,but it influence us unknowingly.
Props to her for sharing the story.

Sd Skf
Sd Skf - 28.08.2023 19:13

China is the worst of all

Naresh Saklecha
Naresh Saklecha - 21.06.2023 07:54


CC - 15.06.2023 04:18

you couldn't force me to kill a baby. They'd have to put me in jail.

DorisTheChicken - 03.06.2023 16:59

Now they struggle with finding spouses for all those men!

DorisTheChicken - 03.06.2023 16:57

Thank you for sharing!

Juanita - 15.05.2023 06:26

the nazis would also say they were just following orders for the greater good too… propaganda is mind control some are too far gone to ever question injustice anymore so they just do as “told”

Sanju George
Sanju George - 05.05.2023 07:28

Princess charlotte prince louis prince harry are not chinese@narendramodi

p51wildfyre - 03.04.2023 16:37

A true China will GENUINELY protect its children & their future! One Child Policy- approximately 300 million abortions all for the sake of economic recovery/money! A corresponding number (300 million) medical/surgical procedures upon Chinese mothers in order to complete the abortion (it takes two, mother and child). Note that the abortions were by default by state law not by choice. This occurred in PEACEFUL TIMES (1980 to 2015, of their own Chinese blood, all for achieving state economic objectives of PRC! The RAPE of CHINA!

Aiden E
Aiden E - 24.03.2023 12:02

That sounds like my dear old Germany...

That those gruesome mindsets still have a place in our world...
That whole societies can be blinded so easily and
That WE can lie to ourselves so perfectly that we can't even understand how wrong it is what we are doing...
Or not doing in some cases...

youtubehost - 18.02.2023 00:50

I'm absolutely very impressed to see the fact this native Chinese woman learned how to speak English. Great!! 👍🏼😃

Rhiannon Jones
Rhiannon Jones - 16.02.2023 02:33

The magic number is 3. Not including gay people. And people who don't have kids. And the age to have children is 24-34 years old in men and women for optimal fertility health. The age of adulthood is 18-21 years old. And the age of consent is 16-18 years old. That's what we learn from Nazism and Communism. And capitalism was still better. And religion still exists and always will. And less taxes less welfare more jobs is still better. And Fair Trade is just a joke by now. So like the Bible said slaves exist and genocide.

Jonathan Reiland
Jonathan Reiland - 01.02.2023 10:21

They screwed themselves out of becoming a superpower with this.

Pepper - 12.12.2022 07:48

Thank you so very much for a brilliant speech.

Pepper - 12.12.2022 07:48

We're suffering with propaganda all around us every day like being blackmailed into something or brainwashed into buying something. You never know where it's coming from. What to eat, what not to eat. Constantly told what to wear, or where not to go.

firestarter2861 - 09.10.2022 04:38

Thanks for posting.

Anna Cichocka
Anna Cichocka - 18.09.2022 16:23

Since money is not everything but is important and if the state gots to pay for your children bc you have to beg for money for your children bc you have no money state should sterilize you 🤷‍♀️ also the world will have less psychopaths

FryGuuuuuy - 14.07.2022 22:15

Its not the one child policy which is flawed. Its the traditional mindset of the male “name carrier”. Primitive thinking

An exploding population is not good when people end up having no ressources

Colonel Marcellus
Colonel Marcellus - 28.05.2022 19:37

I said back in the 1970's when they were planning this malarkey, and I've said it since and I'll say it now: It won't work. It will result in many males having no wives, only the richest who can afford to pick a girl. It will result in other males importing brides from places like Cambodia or Thailand, etc., which will replace many of the females denies life. Fewer people working and paying taxes only increases the control the totalitarian government has. The only ones to benefit, though arguably not much, are those females who survive to adulthood and will have their pick of many single males, since the single males will outnumber the single females by many times. The few who remain will have to take care of the elderly, either physically or economically or both. The government of the PRC was shortsighted and borderline stupid. Piss on this policy.

Daisy Lee
Daisy Lee - 08.05.2022 09:34

裹脚、堕胎……大规模全民运动,推翻了前者,创建了后者 每个朝代都有一些匪夷所思的自杀式操作 恭喜你们逃出去了的人

Miguel Parada
Miguel Parada - 07.05.2022 03:09

Pull out game is weak. Pull out, problem solved.

Kaan Murathan
Kaan Murathan - 18.03.2022 21:35

What if China didn't do this and became 2.5 billon? It is already hard for them to feed 1.5 billion

Chlorophyll - 15.01.2022 14:05

In the end, no country is free, only you should be glad where you're born if your country great enough

Bernard James Wilson
Bernard James Wilson - 12.12.2021 12:38

What happens if a child dies or is kidnapped? Are you allowed to have another one?

Yo Yo
Yo Yo - 28.11.2021 13:02

Honestly, this was too short. Would've loved to go into more detail but I guess they don't want to reveal more of the doco.. but would've been good to look at how to spot and identify propaganda yourself maybe

Charlie Wales
Charlie Wales - 19.11.2021 17:51

man pillar

Charlie Wales
Charlie Wales - 19.11.2021 17:50

lovely video

Jeno Csupor
Jeno Csupor - 11.11.2021 02:49

Global 2-child-policy is coming, with semiannual forced vaccinations, with covid/flu/Talwar mixed vaccine.

好心Zhang Yong
好心Zhang Yong - 05.11.2021 00:27

It's best to though way the girls. Nobody wants a baby girl, all families want a daughter in law.

Shan - 13.10.2021 01:55

Thanks Nanfu for the sincere and deep sharing.

Hydro Aegis
Hydro Aegis - 12.10.2021 20:23

Perpetrators: CCP
Victims: Chinese people

Danny Hughes
Danny Hughes - 23.09.2021 21:10

60,000 murders on your hands must be an impossibly hard load to bear.

kalaiarasan subburam
kalaiarasan subburam - 21.08.2021 05:05

China was correct and so india also needs it truly to stop the population boom
The largest country Russia 🇷🇺 population is just 14.44 crores.. And they are so powerful
So why can't 🇨🇳China and 🇮🇳 India can reduce the population so...

Republic of Taiwan's lover🇹🇼
Republic of Taiwan's lover🇹🇼 - 08.08.2021 08:34

Terrible story 😱. Forced sterilization means that China kills slowly its future. And there 's nothing that Mister Xi Jiping, in his Mao style suit, can do about it. 😵

Waldemar - 07.08.2021 18:32

The PRC vindicated Humanae Vitae and everything it warned would happen.

Engtea Hmar
Engtea Hmar - 30.07.2021 12:18

No siblings, no aunts and uncles

Ed’s reFocusZone
Ed’s reFocusZone - 28.07.2021 20:50

Imagine… if just ONE midwife carried out 60,000 forced Abortions and sterilizations, imagine how many other midwives did the same. At least we know from the Bible that the Billion aborted babies are in heaven for eternity. Demons on earth can kill their earthly bodies but their immortal souls belong to God.

June Chen
June Chen - 24.07.2021 23:51

I'm actually glad that my parents moved to Italy and gave birth to me and my siblings.

Shanghainese - 22.07.2021 22:49

Just an FYI that this rule pretty much no longer exists since 2000

j f
j f - 21.07.2021 00:02

that policy started in 1980, not 1991. maybe she was nervous

Kev Dev
Kev Dev - 20.07.2021 23:16

This is super relevant today.

Ashe the Boston Terrier
Ashe the Boston Terrier - 13.07.2021 06:12

Education is so important. You would think the government is the worst, but when you hear the parents left the kids to die, who is the devil? When you hear these grandparents only want boys, whose fault? Education is the medicine. Hope our sacrifices could bring a different future for future generations.

NEW ARTS NU ARTニューアーツニューアート
NEW ARTS NU ARTニューアーツニューアート - 09.07.2021 16:19

Auntie and Uncle was literally a foreign concept. Sad

Zoko Todosiev
Zoko Todosiev - 30.06.2021 15:30

Nanfu Wang...Bill Gates hate you! :)

Alice LIU
Alice LIU - 09.06.2021 09:40

I am CHINESE, i have a big brother.

Aarya Ghuge
Aarya Ghuge - 02.06.2021 13:41

And now they are implementing the 3 child policy.

Sun East
Sun East - 20.05.2021 09:58

= once upon a X story
= fart
= bs

Little House in the Woods
Little House in the Woods - 14.05.2021 23:30

And yet it’s always costed thousands of dollars to adopt a child from China 🤦🏻‍♀️
