5 Signs You've Been Mentally Abused

5 Signs You've Been Mentally Abused


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@HeidiPlumb-yz6pp - 01.02.2024 21:54

How do I tell him he is not a burden.... I'm just trying to find the source of those truly trying to inflict harm upon me

@lilypad7313 - 01.02.2024 21:49

I think it's safe to say i can related to everything you just mentioned

Like empathy error have been with me for so long that i thought it's from my personality.
And i always hate myself, like when i look into the mirror all i see is flaws and stuff. i even hate my own smile

@Katyusha-nw9lw - 01.02.2024 03:09

it feels worse understanding and nothing helps

@Madhu_76 - 31.01.2024 19:57


@Tom-re6zo - 30.01.2024 16:36

This is jogging my memory. So I'm on the spectrum, it's pretty severe, but I just happen to have a personality that hides it very well. I come off as eccentric, rebellious, arrogant, and amusingly passionate when I'm angry; but in actuality I'm just hyper active and autistic, and that's just how it presents. So my family didn't realize just how autistic I am until way later. My older brother is not, he is a middle child. He is very abrasive and controlling sometimes, saying things like "I'm just holding you accountable so you don't get lazy and squander your potential." He's always been like that, he's always worked on engines and stuff, and worked hard. And he never lets up on anything, not easily anyway.

And one time, when I was little, he was doing some yard work for a neighbor, and he was left in charge of me, and he expected me to help him just because he thought I should have to do things like that. I did not want to go help him, I wanted to stay home and play. Eventually this broke out into a physical fight where he was crying because I didn't want spend time with him (I really just did not want to do yard work, I hated the way the bushes made my skin itch), and I was screaming and kicking because he was literally trying to physically force me to do something. Like he was older than me, but not old enough to know that he couldn't literally beat me into submission like a slave. He literally had me by the leg and was trying to drag me to the door as I kicked, screamed, and cried because I guess I thought he was attacking me. I wasn't really old enough to understand why he was doing that, but i was old enough that I remember it, maybe I was 8 or something. Anyway, I don't know why but he eventually let go, and I ran away to another room. Then when he came and found me, and just silently sat on the other side of the room and looked at me I started crying again. I remember his response very clearly "I make you cry? Seeing me makes you cry?" I don't remember if I said anything but then he said, "Then GET out. Go away!" So, once again I ran away to another room.

I don't think that was an isolated event. I feel like things like that were a common occurrence in our household.

@user-ik8my2pi7l - 29.01.2024 08:13

For me my low self esteem began as a child when my parents told me to eat less cuz I ate a lot and eventually I developed severe anorexia and body dismorphia and know my parents watch me eat and don’t let me go to the bathroom after meals for three hours because they don’t want me to throw it up and they are forcing me to eat when I’m not hungry

@lefloofz - 29.01.2024 07:18

I remember a time that I had pointed out to my mom that my dad was mentally abusing me and all that she had in response was that I was not a victim of “physiological warfare,” and that I was making things up, even though my dad had done everything mentioned in the video.

@reynoldthakur4006 - 28.01.2024 07:38

Is there a diagnosis for when you get excited you become aggressive.🤷‍♂️

@Secret-jg1bk - 28.01.2024 04:46

How can I deal with a job that mentally abuses and bully's me?

@zendakongaming5159 - 27.01.2024 14:19

Another sign I've noticed is when I try to stand up for myself, suddenly my mental abusers insult me with everything I internally insult myself with. I think what happens is I don't realize how much I'm being insulted until I start thinking of myself in the same way after years and years of hearing it.

@Blu0nPawz - 27.01.2024 14:10

Tw: SH and suicide mentions

My mom always told me that I had no empathy for others and my parents would tell me to kms . They also told me that I could never do anything and everything I tried was worthless and helpless. I didn’t know how to cope so I sh my wrists and my hands. I always told people that u should never look up to things because you’ll always get an answer like no or they wont care. I learned to agree with everything my parents said so I could avoid her yelling at me for doing nothing wrong. Every time I was around my family I would think “”im just wroth nothing I hate myself and should just die anyways “” I always got bullied EVRY SINGLE DAY OF MY FRIKIN LIFE at school . So I gave up
Hope on humanity too. I would never be sure of myself when anyone asked me something either. Although I never had fatigue but I had insomnia.

Now that I’m older…. I’m starting to wonder if I was abused

@7Write4This9Heart7 - 27.01.2024 08:49

I talked to a therapist for literally, like, maybe 5-10 minutes tops the other day, just telling her what BS has been going on lately and how my mom's always been 'really, really mean to me', and she told me straight up that I was being emotionally and psychologically abused. That last point about being fatigued and emotionally/physically drained 24/7? THAT IS MY ENTIRE LIFE. Sometimes, I'll even have a TINY BIT of energy, want to write (my hobby), but then mom does her shit, and BOOM! I am DEAD and depressed AF the REST OF THE DAY! It REALLY sucks! I HATE it! ;A;

@ArtisticAudrey-ej6ii - 26.01.2024 00:30

It scares me that I relate to much to this lol, I relate to all

@matthewgargan8168 - 24.01.2024 13:08

Sadly I'm all five, now what?

@IamnotNoah1 - 24.01.2024 05:40

It’s hard realizing I’ve been mentally abused by my friend of all people

@justinragland9399 - 23.01.2024 15:54

I'm lost because of this. I was played at the end

@Deleted20245 - 23.01.2024 15:38

Trauma from a fake parent since childhood ruined me

@kirisakikuro4756 - 21.01.2024 17:55

All of these r literally me

@accatz29 - 21.01.2024 01:41

I've wondered a little if emotional abuse from my parents for a majority of my mid to later childhood and continuing into adulthood could be contributing to my chronic fatigue that I've experienced for as long as I could remember. Long before I ever even considered started taking medication for anxiety and depression. For the longest time, I figured nah, it's probably just a hormone thing. But then I went to an endocrinologist, who found nothing wrong with any labs that could explain my severe fatigue. And he ordered almost a dozen labs. Nothing. I've really been starting to wonder if the emotional/mental abuse could be the cause of my fatigue (I already knew it was a major cause for my massive self confidence and self doubt issues). And obviously, this just further confirms it for me, especially since I also struggle with chronic pain (with some of it having an etiology, others not). It's just so much fun when you're bullied a ton as a young kid and then emotionally/mentally abused by your parents from about 12 or so and on. Causes a ton more issues than people typically realize. However, at least it has taught me how to NOT raise my future kids. I definitely know I'll try my best to break the cycle and do better by my future kids, as no kid deserves to be abused in any way.

@chaudhary7663 - 19.01.2024 23:42

hey i really like your videos and found them educational it would be really helpful if you will be able to make some solution videos for those who are actually suffering it would be very grateful and appreciable. thankyou for you videos some really help me to tell myself that yes i matter.

@kot_gry123 - 17.01.2024 22:51

I finally know what is going on. My classmates did this to me

@evolutionofCi - 17.01.2024 21:30

As a child I was constantly told I was selfish like my father which damaged me and made me a people pleaser towards family members and I am overly selfless now. I feel extreme guilt when I put myself first. Therapy is helping but this is deeply embedded into me.

@-iismax- - 17.01.2024 06:39

Is it possible to mentally abuse urself? Bc I can relate too much to almost all the things listed but ive never been mentally abused by anyone and the main stem of all my mental health issues is myself

@AriL716 - 17.01.2024 01:13

I'd rather they had beat the crap out of me. At least that's something tangible and real.

@sumsumnight807 - 16.01.2024 10:20

this changes the way I look at these things I've felt especially, the last one thank you so much

@maehachidori - 16.01.2024 00:11

I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple months ago, and have a mentally abusive parent. I had no idea that being abused or neglected like this could be related with it, but it's interesting to know. It also makes a lot of sense considering the physical aspects of the mental abuse

@tsuna148 - 14.01.2024 07:13

What am I supposed to do If I'm being mentally abused? I've brought it up constantly with my family but they couldn't care less.

@DogEatingRace - 14.01.2024 02:54

Being mentally abused when you have mental illness and chronic pain is hell. You have no escape because your body needs to rest after taking a shower so forget a stable job

@kat6695 - 12.01.2024 02:06

To everyone here who can relate, I love you guys ❤ you are all strong and eventually we'll be okay one day. This shit's really hard to deal with but we're even harder to break!! Stay strong!

@AnthonyDelosreyes-yy9uv - 11.01.2024 18:21

I belong may lord help me or guide me

@lunaashling5590 - 11.01.2024 05:21

Guys, I think IM my own mental abuser

@lilliespeelman3477 - 09.01.2024 05:20

I am the first three and it all from school because every since primary school in 1st grade someone called me fat so I always thought someone was taking behind my back so I only have 4 friends because I thought people was talking behind my back

@That1whitecat - 02.01.2024 06:41


@user-dm5uw6ni3i - 01.01.2024 23:17

What if I have some character traits that are similar to the signs from the video, but I don’t think anything so serious like physical or mental abuse has happend to me before? How to understand the diffrence between having the other kind of trauma or beeng healthy and just a little stressed? Expressing emotions is a little difficult for me, but it's just a part of my character. In that example with a friend whose pet has passed I’d say something like the healthy one. But even though the situation is familiar to me, I'll say something nice not because I feel the same way, but rather to feel sorry for him because I don’t want to see my friend sad or seem insensitive. I feel like I must sympathize him because it’s required of me as a friend. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll be labeled "incompetent." I still think I’m too overthinking it... The other's needs not always come before my own. I can even be too egoistic and selfish at times. But every time my best friend calls me I can’t say no and always agree to go for a walk, even if I wanted to stay all day at home. My friends never resent me for refusing or not being able to come, but somehow I feel guilty that I refused to come. I’m just too worried and I feel like I have responsibilities and that they cannot be violated. And about self-doubt... In school, for example, I always studied well, but after a while, I got scared to answer in math, grammar, or anything, too confidently. Even if I was right, I just feel too anxious. It all looks like I'm too overthinking it, or the problem is in me. Maybe I'll find the video on this channel where I can fing out what it's called. So I'm just wondering is everything okay with me or not. Have a good day

@Animeboysimp - 31.12.2023 07:33

4/5 all but the last one

@rosimariacoelho5276 - 29.12.2023 22:19

Yes so well

@THEALABAMAGOD - 29.12.2023 13:41

Depressed, mental abused, and also anxiety? danm I got it bad.

@nonelost1 - 27.12.2023 10:04

When I was young, I asked my dad permission to have two pieces of candy from the candy box. He said "yes." But when he a couple minutes later found out they were the LAST two pieces of candy in that box, he got mad, and then berated me about it. I always knew to ask permission before eating the candy. But I NEVER knew that it made any difference whether or not they were the last two pieces. It was as if I should have easily figured that out and stated that they were the last two pieces when I asked permission first. Well excuse you dad for my not knowing that! This happened around 40 or 50 years ago. Dad has since passed on. Of course it goes a lot deeper than this being just about the last two pieces of candy. This sort of thing just doesn't happen in an otherwise good relationship.

@user-zx4nh4qe1c - 27.12.2023 06:44

The fact that when its your own parents you cant do anything,youll become the bad guy.

@mkeplanespotting2024 - 26.12.2023 14:34

There was TWO PEOPLE in fourth grade. They hated me because they were richer than me. After watching this, I realized what I’m going through is real, and others go through it.

@shazaamcrazylegs - 26.12.2023 10:57

I heard that a lot of times people try to hide their mental fusion by acting happy as much as they possibly can but all of these seem very relevant😢😕

@natetoews2421 - 25.12.2023 09:34

A few years back I was mentally abused by a toxic homeless person and they told me that my parents were not good people and that I had to be punched into a metal institution and unfortunately I didn’t tell my parents anything about it because the toxic person said if you tell your parents something I will do something bad and now I’m paying a price for not telling my parents and I have anxiety and depression because of it but the toxic person is really suffering now because she is back living on the streets and I have been for a couple years now seeing a therapist and I am back on track to being normal

@jeffjones4654 - 22.12.2023 00:21

What about if you just stop caring about yourself?

@creative_galaxies6066 - 21.12.2023 04:48

Some other signs Unable to control emotions correctly Slow reactions. Hating your own family if they are the one that does it, etc.

@femiadejuwon7814 - 21.12.2023 01:42

And I also find difficulty picking up information 😔

@femiadejuwon7814 - 21.12.2023 01:40

I was physically abused by my father at age 3 hit beat me up with belt till I was bleeding and he's has anger issues and my mom abuse me verbally sometimes and they have been doing it for 14 years now and I fell useless and hopeless

@AnAnimatorIsHere - 19.12.2023 05:54

I already know that I have been mentally abused but it helps to hear that I’m not just making up stuff and that what I’m feeling is valid

@-Midnight_Roze- - 19.12.2023 02:07

Is it possible to mentally abuse yourself??

Bc I feel like I've been doing that for years...

@user-lo1gv3jv3o - 18.12.2023 01:09

