3 Landscaping Tips I wish I knew before we Built...

3 Landscaping Tips I wish I knew before we Built...

Builder Brigade

1 год назад

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@FrostyTheSnowman12321 - 03.02.2024 08:50

Sounds just like a Builder! Tryin’ to sell you S#&%!

@ciaran6309 - 02.02.2024 20:46

Plum slate mulch, alot nicer than wood chips

@jaee9586 - 30.01.2024 11:38


@JamesThomas-dn6hz - 16.01.2024 06:05

Rocks are always a bad idea. 👎unless you live in arizona or texas or soemthing.

@KalujaFlizck - 14.01.2024 09:59

Rocks are no good in environments with trees. Monoculture sucks anyway.

@carlosarreolajr2863 - 10.01.2024 19:51

Thank you !!

@finleyfendt3750 - 10.01.2024 01:18

My experience is that the gravel, or rocks fills in with dirt, then what. It is very,very hard to remove, food for thought.

@handmadeschwan - 07.01.2024 13:03

I really hate rocks. We have rocks, too. There are SO MANY slugs, that I can not grow any veggies. But now we cant change it anymore.

@brettmason1942 - 01.12.2023 04:50


@tehblacksmith9302 - 18.11.2023 00:43

This video was written and produced by a weed

@tommygamba170 - 17.11.2023 18:15

Stop with evergreens. Use indigenous planting.

@green-sc2wg - 09.11.2023 01:23

This is why Landscapers should take some kind of horticulture class . Mulch can be blown out too and by far has more pros compared to rocks that have many cons . Depending on the plant you don’t always need irrigation. Most people in the comments have it right more than this guy

@Shmity1962 - 31.10.2023 03:31

How to give bad advice about everything

@unpleasanthill - 27.10.2023 02:27

When you use mulch, not those fluffy pine nuggets, the leaves just blend in and there's no need to blow them. It's a nightmare blowing pine needles out of those rocks too.

@adelasefora - 25.10.2023 17:54

Mulch is much more beneficial for the plants than rocks

@DemonSliime - 23.10.2023 13:07


@creationslandscapedesigns - 18.10.2023 21:22

I would highly recommend planting natives!

@windowlickerug511 - 16.10.2023 08:44

Yeah nice add rocks that store heat instead of mulch that protects the dort underneath it

@TheOnlyKontrol - 12.10.2023 22:36

If leaves goes in the beds with mulch you can just leave em and they will decompose 😂

@finray2 - 26.09.2023 01:34

Get as many native plants in your yard as possible. Avoid non-native invasive plants.

@LegendaryLandscaper - 23.09.2023 03:36

Tip 4 rip out all bed and install grass lol

@robinwojcik5196 - 21.09.2023 03:19

Rock mulch SUCKS!

@ryangrow3487 - 21.09.2023 00:30

Rocks >>>>> mulch

@jnetwork7159 - 19.09.2023 08:00

your mulch areas would look better with edging.

not a pro just a diy homeowner 😎

@amya9597 - 14.09.2023 19:25

Drip systems or soaker hoses are nice but remember to only leave them for a year or so until your plants are established. We waited a few years to pull the hoses out and they grew into the plants and were difficult to pull out.

@wowitschase - 06.09.2023 21:33

Rocks look v clean but building soil over time with appropriate mulching and composting can really make your land a place you’ll love even more! Happy dirt=happy pollinators you’ll love having around like bumblebees, butterflies, song birds, etc

@jshkrueger - 02.09.2023 07:29

Please, no one listen to this guy's advice. Rocks make absolutely terrible mulch. Leaves don't stick anymore than wood mulch. Wood mulch also feeds the soil and plants as it decays. Wood mulch is cooler and keeps more water in the soil. You don't need an irrigation system in a perennial bed, at all. Such a waste.

@theblessedone9700 - 26.08.2023 21:26

Though Rocks looks good, when the Sun shines on them, they will becomes very hot & burns your Bushes. Dangerous for creating fire.

@herrherrbert904 - 26.08.2023 20:25

Yes Sure and you should ad a "fuck nature" sign

@judiumstead5484 - 20.08.2023 20:00

how about edible landscape that produces you or your animals food and a regenerative soil building regime instead of the soil life killing monocultures we have been brainwashed into believing is good because it is pleasing to the eye.

@angela_ankur - 20.08.2023 18:39

Gosh, you have no idea what you're talking about 😂

@derekfowler5503 - 19.08.2023 19:31

Uhhh rock mulch is for pathways! Lol

@tinyprecious - 19.08.2023 18:01

This is a great example why you don’t hire a builder or lawn person to do gardens. Gardening is a serious profession and can be done terribly costing you more in the long run and with poor results. As a gardener I would not recommend rocks for all of the reasons stated by everyone else on this thread, I also would never recommend landscape fabric except under hardscaping like flagstone walkways. The one thing I would recommend is low maintenance, hiring gardeners to mulch and weed can be very expensive or time consuming if you do it yourself. Larger ornamental shrubs, perrenials or grasses planted at appropriate distance from the house can add a lot of interest and are easy to mulch around with minimal maintenance. Viburnum, spirea, hyrangea, hasta are all great low maintenance flowering plants

@khasab6124 - 17.08.2023 10:28

It's "I wish I had known" not. "I wish I would have known"

@tak0kitteh - 03.08.2023 08:14

things i wish were practiced more in landscaping: incorporating plants native to the area. invasives are a huge detriment for the environment, and introducing native plants to your yard can be beautiful and improve the biodiversity of your area, too!

also, mulch can be inconvenient when it comes to keeping a neat and tidy yard, but it can be great for creating a habitat for beneficial insects and animals. it'll also supply nutrients to the plants, keeping them healthy!

edit: man i was so trigger happy writing this reply, i didn't read the rest of the comments. it's super exciting to see the majority of people commenting similar things. it seems people are becoming more nature-conscious. the earth is gonna heal, guys. im starting to believe it.

@chase338 - 31.07.2023 21:05

You could clean that size oof space with a rake in like 5 minutes and it wouldnt look like area 51...

@garysarnowski3113 - 30.07.2023 23:23

When I owned my townhouse, I used the rocks, about 8" perimeter around the deck and 4' on the one side next to the other townhouse fence. Brown mulch everywhere else, topped off every year minimally.

@raseanbenton1456 - 30.07.2023 03:12

Ehat do you do for a job this is inspiring

@davehaggerty3405 - 23.07.2023 21:51

Pine bark nuggets are not mulch. Neither is shredded wooden pallets dyed some unnatural color.
Neither is stone. Nor pine needles.
They are bedding material. Which may allow planting of hardy drought tolerant shrubs.
Mulch is shredded hardwood bark. Which can decompose to be beneficial to the soil.
It holds moisture and regulates temperature.

@vicki8042 - 21.07.2023 22:21

Hate evergreens, they stink

@TheRedlobster123 - 19.07.2023 04:36

Naaaa to all of those suggestions

@maureenmckenna5220 - 17.07.2023 08:45

Comments from the professional landscaper are right on. Buy plants that don’t need too much water. And a drip system is prone to problems, often having to be replaced yearly because of wear and tear, clogging up and squirrels eating it. So, if you want a drip system, you might be well advised to get proficient in replacing it. And, the rock comments, about heat and not good for plants, is also spot on.

@idahoseasonalcare1943 - 13.07.2023 23:11


@intangible0062 - 12.07.2023 21:39

Mulch, trees, or large bushes right up against your house are a great way to guarantee that you have foundation issues at some point in the future. Take it from someone who bought a house that had previously collapsed from tree roots cracking the foundation.

@johnhaven6998 - 10.07.2023 23:17

Rock weight pushes down on the basement walls and footing.

@vincentramirez6739 - 10.07.2023 06:04

I can agree with rock instead of mulch. As a landscaper, drip or personal irrigation is fine. But the original must have not been planned correctly. No reason any irrigation should be spraying the house. Water is the worst enemy and best friend to landscape

@sammychem5920 - 08.07.2023 17:05

You will have more weeds with rock. Also, white rock starts to look dirty and ugly after some rain or snow. Finally, It's much cheaper to replace mulch than rock.

@resolveyeetlord8340 - 03.07.2023 18:10

Where is that? Texas? Where water costs more than power for some people?

@laurieengel81 - 03.07.2023 05:59

I prefer mulch..so much easier than rock. Easy to remove leaves from and more organic. Rocks are fine if you don't have trees and someone else to clean the debris out. Too much hardscaping.
