A Look at Xubuntu 18.04

A Look at Xubuntu 18.04

Joe Collins

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@EzeeLinux - 14.08.2018 07:54

FOLLOWUP: Ctrl+Esc is the preset shortcut to open the Whisker Menu. Reassigning it to the left Super key breaks a bunch of other shortcuts in Xubuntu. The Nvidia setting added to start up is the best choice for dealing with screen tearing. Several folks have suggested installing Compton so I tested it. Compton looks nice and does fix the issue but it also adds to CPU usage when compared to the XFCE compositor. Thanks for all the nice comments and Likes, y’all!

@John14vs6_ - 06.02.2020 23:48

Which is better xubuntu 18.04 or Peppermint os 10?

@prshendra - 13.03.2019 17:05

xfce seems so stable and use little memory. i write this in xubuntu xD. i love it...

@manningcustom - 17.02.2019 00:29

is there touchscreen support? Multi touch?

@lowghanb.787 - 23.10.2018 22:43

Good Job! I was just wondering what OS you were using to run VirtualBox Sorry if this is spam.

@WiccaRobin - 12.10.2018 00:02

Joe in Hardware you have addtional drivers setting, that is locked, when it is locked like the is Conical spelling doing that does it mean its unavialible to the user? Since Windows bought the rights to there program I have to wonder if they are calling the shots here. that is something Wins has done and I can't have it, I have to be able to set up my own machine for games.. that means running drivers that may have some issues I don't need a parent looking over my shoulder telling me NO! I did that years and years ago I grew up in the 60s was married in the 70's and I build systems.. I took l software classes in programing so I could better take care of the machines I built... So far I find unbuntu more reistrictive then Wins but not by much. I here some of the Linux programs let you install drivers of your choice ubuntu needs to get off the parenting idea.. lots of people need it.. they could have software just for them, They never look at there machines, nor care, as long as they can do what is needed.. but many people like me Care.. and in fact need control of the machine.. I really blow a fuse when something is ruined because what WINs and their mistaken belief of everyone needs the newest drivers and it kills something I own.. they don't have to pay for it and you can't sue them to get it back..

@igorthelight - 28.09.2018 00:34

I want to ask about default distros for DE. For example:
* Default distro for Cinnamon is Mint.
What are others?
* Default distro for Xfce?
* Default distro for KDE?
* Default distro for MATE?
* Default distro for Gnome?
* Default distro for LXDE?
* Default distro for Bungie? (Budge? - I forgot how to spell it :-( )
* Default distro for Unity? Never mind - it's dead and it was on Ubuntu.

@romymedina7355 - 02.09.2018 03:30

Does anyone use Enso 0.3 (based on Xubuntu 18.04)? It uses the Gala window manager from elementary OS so it has that beautiful workspace switcher. It has the beauty of elementary OS and customizability of Xubuntu. But is it as stable? If it has the same stability of Xubuntu, I would seriously consider using it as my daily driver. What are your thoughts about this Joe?

@loyalty_cham1042 - 01.09.2018 04:27

Xubuntu is the best and most polsih version of ubuntu. It's stable like debian.

@mrhunterf2869 - 30.08.2018 09:52

I thought this was zoombuntu.

@xalgiadotcom - 28.08.2018 18:27

i3 still trumps all the other desktop environments

@dergrunepunkt - 27.08.2018 23:24

I switched to XFCE years ago, well... since unity appeared and I love it. It's really focused simple, fast, I have a MBP Retina that's 4 years old and it's lightning fast, kinda amazing for people that's not used to see a 4-years old computer to be this fast, odd but true. Two features I love: "Recent", really great that saves you a lot of the annoyance of looking for you just used, and second the Magnified, I do conference calls and sometimes I have to show terminal, having that at hand so well integrated, is gold.

@byrongilbert3720 - 25.08.2018 17:55

you mentioned "don't call me lenny" just wondering if u know where he has been? last i knew he was battling some serious health problems.

@PlaiasuConstantin - 21.08.2018 11:02

XFCE is great and very fast. Thanks a lot for tip to fix screen tearing, that was the only reason to switch to cinnamon. Tried compton but it added some load and was tricky to customize it how I wanted. Back to XFCE now, I love the speed of it and numix looks great.

@chrissre7935 - 18.08.2018 01:12

I dont like the UI it looks messy

@davidcollins1853 - 17.08.2018 23:44

Went from XP to xfce, used it for years. I can do it, anybody can. Nice vid, Joe.

@stevew270 - 17.08.2018 08:42

Len hasn't made a video for 6 months, I'm starting to think he is no longer with us. :( I really hope I'm wrong.

@johanb.7869 - 16.08.2018 17:29

You need to turn off allow flipping to in Nvidia settings to fix screen tearing.

@kennywhiddon1497 - 16.08.2018 05:18

Linux Mint Xfce is good also, the super key also opens the whisker menu by default.

@mirsadbehram4769 - 15.08.2018 12:37

Hey Joe! Thanks for the Look at the distro that I have been using for years now. Maybe it's not currently my daily driver (which is LM 18.3 Cinnamon), but for these last 12 years that I have been using Linux extensively, most of the time I was with Xubuntu and I keep coming back to it. The point is, if one needs a good, stable, reliable, "just works" operating system, focused on production and not on the glitz, then she/he should go for Xubuntu. There can be no mistake! Cheers. M.

@robertcrawford4009 - 14.08.2018 17:40

Great Video as always. Xubuntu is by favorite. I run it on my HP Probook. The HP has Intel graphics. No screen issues.

@MegaManNeo - 14.08.2018 07:12

Xfce is solid for your average user or those who just need something without fancy looks and a stable base.
It's really great at that and even better than MATE and LXDE, if I may say so.

I myself have never been a fan of Xfce for personal use however.
Having the desktop icons stick to a large grid and cutting off text always annoyed me, also the menu bar rather feels poor compared to now MATE when it comes to customization.

My buddy runs an Acer netbook with Xubuntu for ages now though, he is totally pleased with it.

@megustaeljamonelchorizoylo560 - 14.08.2018 00:31

Great videos! What about containers? A little series about them would be great. Thank you

@23angelful - 13.08.2018 22:47

xfce still rocks,ftw

@peterfixit7221 - 13.08.2018 16:34

just installed this on my htpc, replaced win 10

@ravenpluim9050 - 13.08.2018 15:53

Lubuntu master distro. I never liked XFCE defaults. They seemed kinda gross. Great video though!

@0779BooBoo - 13.08.2018 15:34

I love XFCE, period! I use it in all distros I download. Great video as usual, would not expect anything less from you. Great wallpaper, al well, I spent a few minutes to find it for my MX17.1 install.

@Vamsibl - 13.08.2018 14:53

Super key left one woks with Mx Linux ( I think you can change it in keyboard shortcuts) but we can only choose one superkey either left or right but both don't work at same time 😀😀

@PearComputingDevices - 13.08.2018 13:06

I am with Steve, I love the simplicity, almost Mac like without being a mac. I think a bit more elegant at times too considering the modern Mac isnt so elegant.(personal opinion) I certainly like the light and fast approach.

@Bl1ndB3holder - 13.08.2018 11:25

Then map it to the super key

@samiordning9708 - 13.08.2018 10:01

I love the zoom in xfce, helps to get things done. One of the many reasons I use xfce.

@eddieoconnor4466 - 13.08.2018 04:10

Just curious, where'd you get that desktop background? It looks really interesting!!

@TheRealDrWho - 13.08.2018 03:27

I love xubuntu !!!💜💛💚💙
So easy to customise the GUI, shame for the super key, I need to spend some time to find a solution

@zordanxxx - 13.08.2018 03:22

I'm sold, will try that distro out and stop the hops searching for my 32 bit old PC-tablet. It looks cleaner than my mint/mate set up that I have. thanks for the pointers.

@necktwister666 - 13.08.2018 02:27

xfce was and is allways my favorite

@jerodburnett6422 - 13.08.2018 01:54

By default in xubuntu whisker-menu is Super + esc I believe, all you have to do is search "Keyboard" in the whisker menu, go to shortcuts, find xfce4-popup-whiskermenu and rebind it to super, that's what I did at least

@trubadyr99 - 13.08.2018 00:42

Sounds like you shy to pronounce things right. Strange.

@perdomot - 13.08.2018 00:13

The Mint version of XFCE lets you use the Super Key so it is possible.

@SamichHunter - 12.08.2018 23:55

Well....ya hit my weakness! I have tried a lot of different desktop environments (DE) over the years and I always come back to Xfce. So I had to take a look see at this video. I find I can make it very comfortable for myself in that I can really make if functional. I have tried to make other DEs as functional but they are always lacking in my experience.

One thing I did want to point out when you mentioned 'fixes' was a problem I had a few years back. I put my neighbor's sister on Linux and she is a Spanish teacher at a local high school. She wanted to know how to add accent marks to letters in Linux because the Windows way of doing it don't work. What I found after several weeks of searching was the COMPOSE feature in the keyboard settings.

In Xfce go to 'Keyboard', then click the 'Layout' tab, and un-check the box that says 'Use system defaults.' Now the 'Compose key' field is active. With the drop-down box you can now choose your compose key. I chose 'Pause' because I have no other use for the 'Pause' key on my keyboard. To make an accented letter, press and hold down the compose key, press the letter and the accent (in any order) and then release the compose key. Viola!! You now have easy access to accents. à á â and so on.

I thought I'd mention this while I was here and maybe you could mention it in a future video for anyone who can use such a feature.

Thanks again Joe. This is why I subscribe to your channel. I really like that folks help each other in this community with no expectation of rewards other than 'You reap what you sew.'

@josephroblesjr.8944 - 12.08.2018 23:41

This is my current distribution of choice

@amitmondal2069 - 12.08.2018 23:09

Which microphone do you use?

@SandorDaroci - 12.08.2018 22:56

using xfce on arcolinux. works great and fast. WTG.

@eznix - 12.08.2018 22:48

Thanks for the shout out. I have been using Xfce ever since KDE4 was made default in Kubuntu. Xubuntu was my goto distro for the longest time, except for a 2 year foray into Lubuntu. Xfce is just perfect for me. I use it with Debian now, and if I ever switch to another distro, Xfce will run on that. My Xubuntu respin is a side project based off the look and feel I constructed for my own eznixOS95. Thanks again. :)

@henrymach - 12.08.2018 22:43

I like XFCE. It's very configurable without the mess that is KDE. And whisker menu is the best menu. The only thing is that Xubuntu doesn't come with good dark themes. I like dark themes

@BaDitO2 - 12.08.2018 22:01

I like the old video format <3

@stevenanderson3205 - 12.08.2018 21:02

Welcome Back Mr. Collins

@peterjansen4826 - 12.08.2018 20:51

If you want a non flashy desktop then why not use a window manager like i3WM? Lighter, faster and it does everything which you need.

@Svetlio0989 - 12.08.2018 20:39

Love your videos,thanks man
