Elasticsearch Autocomplete Demo

Elasticsearch Autocomplete Demo

Ben Awad

5 лет назад

30,710 Просмотров

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Ben Awad
Ben Awad - 02.02.2019 21:16

Elastic Search kept crashing because I didn't give it enough memory, so I'm taking it offline for now.

pj mclenon
pj mclenon - 21.09.2023 14:16

hello you r codebase link has no files that resemble your vidoe and it doesn teven have docker compose but one of comments users below has the right code link but when i run docker compse i get an error no persmnsiion so how does this actually wowk> i wrote a commit comment on this code base link of your comments in githuvb to see the actuall eroor thxz LISA

qkdiswptd - 23.11.2021 16:11

I fucking love you breed me feed me seed me

xxx - 22.04.2021 18:48

To show "React" if you enter "Rect" you have to specify the fuziness. In this case is 1

Ryan Creep
Ryan Creep - 24.03.2021 15:07

You should be using english stopwords (the, and, digits, punctuations ...), that way you could get some results at querying `apollo graphql`.

yazer79 - 27.01.2020 01:27

Hi Ben! What's the best full text search engine in 2020? Still ElasticSearch or any new kid on the block?

Harish Narayanan
Harish Narayanan - 30.07.2019 12:57

Hi Ben, you might've figured this out already (since this video is from 2018), but if you're still interested: Instead of using Completetion Suggester, if you use a more raw Elasticsearch query (Multi-match query), you can both fully search by e.g. the names and descriptions of your video, and more heavily weight the results if something shows up in the name as opposed to the description. Hope that helps!

NACHIMUTHU N 17BCE0211 - 17.05.2019 14:40

please tell me How you broke sentence into its word and stored so that even the last word can be searched individually?

David Smith
David Smith - 13.02.2019 20:13

lol, I can do that kind of search with regex in mongodb...

Gilco333 - 04.02.2019 22:49

Hey Ben,
can you please do in the future a "Fullstack Quora clone" series?
That would be so great! :)

Egor - 02.11.2018 18:42

do you use elasticsearch right now or indexes made by postgres (Full text search)?

Marco Faggian
Marco Faggian - 17.10.2018 12:43

Hi Ben! Great video and love how simple but effective your website is! I was wondering: Is the deployment process in a rolling update, like with no downtime while starting the new docker container and switching Caddy to that new service? If so, how's Caddy behaviour? Caching the requests and then submitting to the new service? I've yet to find a way to do this without losing requests in a easy git push CI/CD manner. Maybe you know how to! Thanks for your time and awesome content!

grimmersnee - 17.10.2018 10:55

great vid Ben. I have had good experiences with azure search

Harshit Pant
Harshit Pant - 17.10.2018 05:50

I have heard from many people that algolia internally uses elasticsearch

Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar - 17.10.2018 01:14

Thank u for this great video

Dennis Tennis
Dennis Tennis - 16.10.2018 23:31

Nice video Ben! 😀👍👍👍

Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 16.10.2018 21:40

Excellent video as ever Ben, do you know if its possible to reverse proxy an express/apollo application over ssl using nginx? I've been trying to do this for hours and have been able to reverse proxy a basic express web server app but the apollo based app just times out with no error given when I try to reverse it over ssl using nginx, other than a timeout... its been driving me crazy so I thought I'd ask the master :-)

Paramjit Panesar
Paramjit Panesar - 16.10.2018 21:35

Hi Ben. Great video thanks. Is caddy just as fast as Nginx and scalable with load balancing etc. I haven’t used caddy but I do like Nginx for it’s speed and configurability. Bw.

Andrés Montoya
Andrés Montoya - 16.10.2018 21:23

Awesome! I did a fork to the code because you'll change the code then 😱

arslan ali
arslan ali - 16.10.2018 17:04

Please make series on Docker
