Enlightenment Is Not an Exotic Experience

Enlightenment Is Not an Exotic Experience

Rupert Spira

1 год назад

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@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc - 12.01.2024 04:45

This man is an ego just like the rest of us

@Apokalypseplease - 06.01.2024 22:03

"The I am, when it is relieved of the qualities that it borrows from experience." This is it.

@AlexHop1 - 26.12.2023 23:46

Thank you, very helpful.

@Benny_000 - 20.12.2023 04:44

Rupert (and other teachers) need to start talking more about the different levels of Samadhi or Enlightenment. Many in the West seem to be mistaking lower levels of Samadhi for full Enlightenment.

When Rupert says that Enlightenment is not an exotic experience, he clearly hasn't attained the highest level of Samadhi yet.

@NeilEvans-xq8ik - 14.12.2023 08:59

The Muslims say that Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein.

@timruth8767 - 07.11.2023 03:30

"is it that simple" says it all. The constant need of the EGO to project will keep you hostage as long as you believe the need for it.

@zeeeeroin9981 - 28.10.2023 06:28

These teachers.....talk too much.

@richardbond4496 - 26.10.2023 02:02

Title: "Transcendent Symphony"

Intro: In realms unseen, vibrations dwell, Connecting spheres, in sacred spell. A symphony divine, where spirits soar, To bridge the heavens, earth to explore.

Holy Spirit, essence pure and true, Flows through beings, both me and you. Ego, illusion's captivating plight, Transcend its hold, seek spirit's light.

Ferraris and control, greed's disguise, True purpose lost, as love belies. Allow the energy to gently flow, Revealing joy, seeds of truth to sow.

Activations occur as energy blends, Projections formed, as the journey extends. Illusions of ego, veiled in mind's attire, Conditioned beliefs, self's limited fire.

Summary: Within, the spirit's dance takes flight, Christ consciousness ignites the inner sight. Observe the flow, devoid of strife, Allowing truth to shape this sacred life.

From spirit's realm, the divine flows free, Connecting dimensions, in unity. In this transcendent symphony we find, A path to liberation, to leave ego behind.

@charmjasmi - 04.10.2023 09:18

the more videos i watched and listened to, the more I realized how dangerous it is to follow any meditation guides, and concepts. how easily people are misled and misunderstood whole things about the reality and so called ENLIGHTENMENT. so called "how to get yourself enlightened and awakened" videos are everywhere! everyone talking about it. but if anyone thinks or believe that you feel exotic pleasure or explainable bliss or just anything good beyond words or realizing something you never did before such concept as you are as one in universe, or in energy closer to GOD or something like that, is ENLIGHTENMENT ? then, so called this ENLIGHTENMENT is very cheap or the word itself is misunderstood terribly. all of these wonderful experience or realization above are merely the result or side effect of medication after the mind is calm. but it is only the surface of ocean, you have to dive in to see what is real underneath this surface of calm mind! it needs certain insights and practices! there are so much more to reach the real state of REAL ENLIGHTENMENT . some people said they are awakened and enlightened, and cant even get out of ideas of Creations and GOD. what an absurd realization!

@chadkline4268 - 02.10.2023 06:07

What Rupert says is confusing and can have at least 2 wildly different contexts. And most commentors are wrong. At first, i exclaimed: this is BS! Because i heard the context where it is said that enlightenment is ordinary and available to everyone right now. And that is BS in one sense, but in another sense there is truth to it. So, i am going to change my comment to: monks+nuns didn't train under the Buddha for years in seclusion, doing walking meditation until their feet bled, until they went blind from never closing their eyes, because enlightenment is instantly acquired by everyone via simple understanding. I doubt there are more than handfuls of enlightened beings on earth. Even a glimpse, an initial stage, is beyond anything most are capable of. But, it is true that it is just the essence of what you are. It has a mundane nature, supra mundane. But don't for a second think that understanding is anything noteworthy. The work is in dropping everything until nothing else remains, not space, not time, not world, not body, not mind, not anything. And it is not a result of a simple common understanfing or insight. It is a nearly impossible experience to attain. Even so, that's just a beginning. So, yes, you can get an idea and understandung easily enough, but to manifest the experience is nearly impossible, and the only thing of real value.

@Sandra-fc8pc - 23.09.2023 14:48

Ha ha!! I don't agree! When you suddenly realise that you and everyone is God! And everything is alive and created in the world, the universe it self is God!! That is a very exciting experience. An exotic experience, when so many people have been trying to tell you God does not exist. Even Einstein and all scientist know.

@PostAutonomy - 15.09.2023 06:48

Perhaps the key is to undo the notion that we are our own projects. And the journey is indeed letting go that idea and embrace of the fact we AREN’T and never was a project.

@ShockwaveZero - 08.09.2023 04:56

Rupert needs to listen to Jim Newman and Tony Parsons

@lostsoleful - 07.09.2023 13:44

Enlightenment is just the first stage, step 1. Step 2 is wearing a gigantic nappy 24/7. Step 3 is changing your name to a word of 25 letters.

@jeffrey3498 - 06.09.2023 19:56

Enlightenment is existing in the eternal present.

@bparcej6233 - 01.09.2023 17:03

When I was 5, I experienced I am, and was thrilled. Now, at 70, I consider how ‘I am’ came into existence and am thrilled. ‘I am’ has emerged from infinite time and space, it’s particles and processes, evolution of life, transmission of genes from ancestors who survived ( reproductive processes), human time and socio cultural context, personal factors that shaped my life and perspective etc. F’n amazing 💫 the extraordinary ordinary

@SnakeAndTurtleQigong - 19.08.2023 02:47


@myndspot - 01.08.2023 13:11

Gotcha 🙌

@micktbaby - 29.07.2023 22:23

I started my journey towards enlightenment over 20 years ago. So true it is not an exotic experience. It occurred recently for me, not on a mountain, by the ocean, sunset, or sunrise. Not while meditating, or practicing yoga. I was in my car and someone cut me off in traffic, I responded by going to my breath and saying let go. It was so complete a release that I will never forget it, and in that instant I was forever changed. The understanding of where my journey had been leading in a moment that I was not searching and seeking, simply revealed. Truly astonishing !

@upmasharma8823 - 18.07.2023 20:45

I want to travel to higher divine worlds by astral body.

@BlindfoldedSight - 18.07.2023 08:48

I think the title clearly shows your lack of understanding of what enlightenment is… enlightenment is immortality. You must retain and transform the body into a finer light based material imperceptible to the undeveloped. Angels are those who lived not those who died. You escape the cycle of life and death by living. Why is enlightenment so widely misunderstood? Too many people want to change the meaning of words to wear them rather than changing themselves to truly become the words.

@Bambamboliaghori - 17.07.2023 13:18

Americans are so brainwashed

@Queenie-the-genie - 25.06.2023 19:46


@KoyomiMojo - 17.06.2023 14:53

Talking enlightenment is very deceptive. It's a true achievement to be sure, but what they speak is not true enlightenment but just a simple realization one can make at any time.

@jamesdawkins5331 - 17.06.2023 12:57

I am is a mystery to those who have never truly experienced ego death.
The experience is mind blowing and the understanding then is very simple.
We are not who our egos tell us we are. The I is not the I. The me is not me.
Only through surrender, putting down the sword of status and protection and understanding that that which we have fought all our lives to protect holds us in fear.
Love and enlightenment awaits the on the other side. But every fibre of the ego will insist on the separate self identity- we need to realise we are nothing before we understand that we are the everything.

@edgarmorales4476 - 04.05.2023 08:41

Enlightenment can come in various ways - it can come as a mind-blowing experience which immediately transforms our perception of the SOURCE of BEING and our previous intellectual understanding of the world. Or - through persistent study of the Christ Letters, A Course In Miracles and A Course Of Love, little moments of extraordinary insight, little times of illumining shafts of LIGHT will enter our mind which will shift the focus of our inner sight - or clear the lens through which we see the world and judge the validity of all its opinions and beliefs.

But True Enlightenment is the inflow of Universal Consciousness into our human consciousness which we will never lose and which permanently transforms our attitudes to the Creator and life generally.

Gradually, we shed the illusions which previously blinded us and we find ourselves gaining mastery of our mind and actions, leading to wholeness in every aspect of our individual being.

Walking the CHRIST WAY - as set out in the Christ Letters, A Course In Miracles and A Course Of Love - is a lifetime work leading directly to freedom from anxiety and want.

As we read, we will find in them the Presence of Jesus and the Love of Jesus.

@compedious591 - 30.04.2023 01:25

Well if I’m already enlightened it’s not very good 😂😂

@baharam98 - 27.04.2023 19:34

What a simple, yet powerful explanation. Thank you Rupert. Thank you for these wonderful short videos that are packed with light. Your words light up in the "center of being," and not just my head as simply more words! Thank you!

@michaelkelly3401 - 16.04.2023 22:38

Check out Bankei’s unborn. The unborn is the spontaneous energy: the seeing, hearing; thinking, etc that is happening all the time without any “I” controller. You recognize the caw of a crow without any effort; when your eyes are open, you just see, no controlling effort is required.

@michaelkelly3401 - 16.04.2023 22:34

Notice the Energy that is spontaneously happening. I AM is the basic energy, the Tao, the force, vibration , etc

@Edopriv1 - 16.04.2023 11:20

I believe that the purpose of our earthly life is simply to re-learn, recognize, and remind ourselves and others, that we are one, we are part of God, and one with God. Creation and Creator at the same time…

@peterneumann7145 - 13.04.2023 00:13

Spot on. He recognises the source of not being . No difference between east and west cultures, clearly in both there exist great men. He is one

@marikeb6813 - 12.04.2023 01:56

Are you enlighten mister?

@kitspics526 - 11.04.2023 00:05

This gave me affirmation that I’m not a mess Lol

@myscat - 09.04.2023 01:55

Awareness is a subtle thing, it's not that easy to find. It is like a formless void within you but it is not truly empty either

@24Alien - 08.04.2023 08:47

I am happy, peaceful, tranquil...and then what...is that good enough? Yes, meditation is happening finally, and that itself is an achievement...but is that all

@catsinbc - 07.04.2023 06:35

Thank you

@jensmansson9224 - 06.04.2023 03:24

The world will soon be filled with people dellusional like this. This is a joke.

@GuilleFernandezGarcia - 05.04.2023 17:46

According to my experience, Enlightenment is far from something simple, far from the deep understanding of the statement "I am". I see it as THE second birth of the human being, a step of the lifecycle when, through certain suffering and curating events, oneself realizes a certain deep learning of some aspect of one's life... Knowing that this realization orbits in a deep understanding of a superior feeling of LOVE.

@wayofspinoza2471 - 05.04.2023 16:29

Ruppert gives us wisdom, many of us go to his meetings and retreats. The goal is to be enlighten. Unfortunately, going to meetings, retreats, listening and watching his videos isn’t enough. We must learn how to look at what triggers our emotions when our desires and expectations are not met. We automatically feel pain, hate and anger. Jesus the prophet was very clear when he said “we cannot put new wine in old bottles.” Meaning, we cannot put into our mind new wisdom, when we are already full of beliefs, attitudes, habits; a preconditioned nature. We must learn to see from another part of the mind that want to understand and know “THYSELF.” Lewis Almeida explains the “Way of Spinoza and Gurdjieff.”

@craig6753 - 05.04.2023 04:40

The looking IS the problem. There is no separate ‘you.’ It’s just a thought ‘It’(and that includes ‘you’) is all one big ‘now,’ constantly changing.

I have a peer who spent 10 years in a monastery meditating for 10-18 hours a day, 7 days a week. After all that, he said ‘there is nothing to get enlightened about, because you already are!’

No individual can ever become enlightened, because there is no individual. And the mere effort of trying become it only serves to push it further away, because it reinforces the idea of a separate ‘you.’

You’re ‘it’. Tatvamasi! Jesus said ‘I and the Father are one!’ Buddha said ‘there are deeds being done but no doer to be found.’ Laozi certainly understood this as well. If you read the Tao Te Ching knowing this, you’ll understand totally differently.

@kamesh5846 - 04.04.2023 18:38

There is no use in trying to reason out with advaitic affirmations. Unless untill you figure out your own existence in this world without the aides of words, you will feel you are missing out something.

Truth can be lived through and cannot be found in advaitic satsangs. No awakening happens, maybe illusions of awakening can happen.

@JamchesterBoozle - 04.04.2023 18:24

Maybe it's the words which confuse people...there's no doubt that there are levels of seeing this or not, i.e....

You're completely unaware and don't spare a second thought about it
You're on the journey (seeking) this state, desperately trying to understand it
You've already realised it and practice realisation everyday.

I guess most people here are in the second stage, why else would we be here. Try and find language that works for you. Maybe enlightened is too much of an exotic word, what about recognition, or something else....good luck everyone!

@bobkelly3162 - 04.04.2023 11:34

Much coolaid has to be consumed I fear.

@TheHmmka - 02.04.2023 14:58


@ananda224 - 02.04.2023 13:02

It's easy to recognize that I'am, and that is it, "Enlightened". If you "Always" are this I'am, why does your experience of this I'am in deep sleep differ than the I'am that is awake. When you wake from deep sleep, you can say I'am, but if you try to find this I'am in deep sleep, it is "Absent". What is this experience of Absence in deep sleep? What is described as Moksha is the realization of The Self, The state of The Self is the 4th state or Turiya. Turiya can be described as being both Awake and in deep sleep at the same time. Turiya is not your normal every day consciousness experience. It similar to your waking consciousness experience but without a center or an I that identifies with anything, this I is absent. Your experience yourself as being everywhere but at the same time nowhere. There is non-doership and all actions seem to arise spontaneously. So, to say that drinking tea is more exotic than this is misleading. There is nothing like this in your everyday experience.

@gregjoly2310 - 02.04.2023 03:51

No I'm not a Christian but this guy is inaccurate! False teacher to be sure. One will not get out of the cycle of births and deaths by listening to this poser!

@keys639 - 01.04.2023 23:38

Keep doing positive things with negative thoughts one day at a time… hip hip AA
