Elden Ring is TOO HARD

Elden Ring is TOO HARD

Feeble King

2 года назад

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@animatedmonkey5882 - 11.01.2024 05:02

i think part of the problem is just that elden ring mechanically is a very similar game to ds3 so they wanted to do a bunch of weird shit with the bosses to mix it up

@1eyedea - 09.01.2024 03:11

I've never ever played a game like this ... I'm 3 days in and I wanna throw my PS5 out the fucking window of a 747...

@mrnaibot1244 - 08.01.2024 22:57


@MOH10492 - 02.01.2024 21:47

Glad you had the willingness to speak up on this issue. The community has gotten so toxic that you can't criticize this games unfair difficulty at all without being massacred with "git gud" comments. I actually think most of the bosses before Mountaintop of Giants are pretty well designed but after fighting Morgot in the capital, it seems like EVERY boss beyond this point isnt balanced properly. Bosses do so much damage that instead of fighting them like a dance its just get hit, roll away, heal, and repeat. Endgame bosses have barely any openings and you have to result to hit trading, resulting in having to roll away and heal again. Oh yeah and the bosses obviously have input reading. The second you decide to heal they hit you with a fast projectile across the room that you just cant dodge away from fast enough. Its like the game doesn't allow you any leverage to actually improve at the fight. Mistakes are sooo detrimental that the fight becomes so discouraging and exhausting.

@MacronLacrom - 11.12.2023 12:12

This game is very boring.. when i get sick of the bosses, I just use summons

@undead_inside8634 - 27.11.2023 12:44

I always first-run souls games with no summons, no cheese, melee builds. ER was great first half, slog 2nd half. I threw a godrick attempt because poison was too OP, and a radagon attempt because parry was too boring. I was incredibly impress and disappointed by ER playing that way. My friend had an absolute blast 10/10 rating experience and he used player summons, mimic tear, cheese and OP spells to the point where he would 1st attempt bosses with little input. I don't get it.
Godrick, Maliketh and Radagon are my favourite bosses (for context)

@attrage7545 - 06.11.2023 14:52

Great video. I laugh at the ridiculousness of people who say if you use summons/consumables/throwables etc you're somehow not playing the game the "right way". So, the devs put those things in the game to um, what...never be used? How ridiculous. I'm all for patching out exploits, because exploits were things the devs did not intend players to do/use to beat the game. But am I going to get RSI spamming the attack button when I can spam the boss with fire pots and significantly reduce his health bar? You bet I am. Am I going to stand back and watch my summon destroy a boss all by itself? Absolutely. And yes, that's still playing the game "properly".

@blubeard7324 - 05.11.2023 20:04

As someone who has beaten all the souls games (sekiro, bloodborne elden ring, etc) i can confirm that elden ring is way easier than Nioh, the enemies are slow and have long windups comepared to nioh's fast paced, and nioh's combat feels better and looks cooler. It does not mean that Elden Ring is worse, the amazing open world, the lore and the weapon designs are better than the nioh games. (The lore part goes for all the fromsoft soulslike games, Nioh's lore is kinda boring to me)

Also, i found Radagon much easier and fun than whatever the hell Elden beast was with his AOE spamming and running away

@gooseloose682 - 29.10.2023 23:17

i guess that is one of the reasons why vigor goes off the deepend when you lv from 30 to 40. I always found it a bit...odd as no Dark Souls Game before Elden ring did that.

@BreadButLikeReallyGoodBread - 19.10.2023 08:20

I love Bloodborne, and I want a Bloodborne 2... but this? This is the reason that I don't want Bloodborne to ever have a sequel or possibly even a remake. They would just make a good game needlessly harder even though it was perfect before.

@WashingtonAirsoft - 03.10.2023 23:17

u lal realize that.. elden ring is supposed to be hard?!?!11

@TheKripox - 11.09.2023 03:01

So I just tried the Margit fight again real quick. Made a lvl 1 wretch, ran right up to Margit and fought him with my startign blub, baseline level of healing and nothing else. After dying 3 times I beat him on the 4th attempt, and while it was very close he clearly has far more openings than this video suggests. I never had to run away from him to heal, I simply healed when he was locked into other moves so I could stand within his range or barely outside it and still heal just fine. I could find multiple openings, hitting him after he did his 3 hit combo ending with him stabbing the ground, I hit him after his jump where he stabs the ground, I hit him after his jumping hammer slam, after his standing hammer slam, I hit him with running attacks immediately after his dodges, I hit him DURING his massive windup slam, I hit him after his forward dash into 2 spin slashes. I can't remember right now if I found anything else. All of these seemed reliable and safe, several of the mactually allowed me to get full charged R2 atatcks which are the slowest of all attacks in my arsenal, and all of the times I took damage it was pretty clear I did somethign wrong, and I generally never went more than 5-6 seconds between each time I hit him. Only time I DID go over that limit was when I missed a charged R2 and he dashed away at the same time, but if I actually released my R2 fast enough I would have had him.

Really, Margit has lots of openings, and they come fairly close to one another. He tricks you into thinking he doesn't by having a few attacks with combo extenders, by having long windups on some moves and by having a good chance of attacking you if you just run at him in neutral, but all of these can be dealt with. You can learn which moves got the combo extenders and be careful with those, you can hit him during his windups (at least with smaller weapons like hammers or smaller, I have not tested with bigger and slower weapons) and always after the windups, and you can find attacks on him in neutral by not attacking. Simply walk into him, he will atack first, you dodge his move and he will give you an opening. This way you can actually be very aggressive against him, it just means that you aggress by moving at him and forcing him to respond rather than by throwing out your own attacks first hoping he doesn't punish them.

I get the impression that most of the bosses are somewhat similar to this, they HAVE openings coming up quite often and most of them don't really require you to adopt a very passive playstyle at all, but it takes some getting used to when the openings are and the larger/more complex movesets with combo extenders means that learning their movesets takes more time. In the end though I find it makes for good fights, IMO Margit is not only cool as shit, he's also a joy to fight now that I feel like I have a solid grasp on his moveset.

@lewis18051 - 10.09.2023 18:24

As someone who gave up in Darksouls 1 cos I was bad and found it too hard I’m 250 hours into Elden Ring actively making it last as long as possible! I’m finding it quite easy in parts but I am playing a mage

@Ash456-gm8sy - 05.09.2023 01:29

I have to agree I think hard is good but like I can’t learn from mistakes at time like what am I supposed to when a boss fucking one shots me I try dodge same thing like I didn’t have a hard time second run first run at the start was to hard but later on it was to easy Elden ring kinda struggles balancing still it’s my second favourite game I love it has many great things

@sergeantdornan - 22.08.2023 12:32

I'm going to have to disagree with the game being slow like DS2. The boss design is supposed to be a mix between DS3 and Sekiro. By using items like throwing knives and fire pots you can break the bosses poise at a more consistent rate to give you an attack opportunity to dish out some damage. If you just wait for the same two attacks over and over again then of course you're going to be frustrated because you aren't truly engaging with the systems the game offers you. Lasty when it comes to spirit summons you don't really need to use them. If anything it's more of a detriment because that's FP (or HP with mimic) that could go twords using spells/ashes of War. Though I do agree with the delayed attack statement, it can be a little goffy.

@nemtudom5074 - 18.07.2023 01:31

I dont think Elden Ring is too hard, in fact i think it does difficulty better than DS3, it just does it in a more subtle way, and all of us veteran players who played a souls game before came to this one with pre-dispositions on how we're going to play, which prevented us from playing as dynamically as we could.

For most of you, who played a lot of DS3 it was just light attack spamming, for me who has been playing these for over a decade, its been adapting to the speed of the game, because im still used to the slower, more methodical pace of the first few souls games, and even though Elden Ring's combat is rather methodical aswell, its not obvious to the player, especially if they come in with previous experiences. In fact, i do think Elden Ring's combat is A LOT deeper than DS3's shallow dodge and light attack chain that was trying, and failing to emulate bloodborne.

@zoidsfan12 - 15.07.2023 18:33

I actually really like the delayed attacks and heal punishes myself. The difference in attack timing makes every fight feel like a rhythm game, I never finished sekiro but it's what I've seen that game equated to. Yes you do spent a lot of time dodging and not attacking but it honestly makes it feel like your are surmounting an insurmountable challenge because of that. Like even though I beat most of the bosses of ER my first try I still enjoyed the fight enough to immediately be curious how it will play out on challenge runs.

The heal punishes actually makes me genuinely smile when it happens. When I can tell it's practically an input read I laugh because I feel like I'm having a dialogue with the devs. It's another time they have seen how I engage in fights and are punishing something that was obviously sloppy.

I think also part of the reason I probably have absolutely no problem with the combat changes is the fact I default to ultra greatswords for my first runs. Because my attacks have such long wind up times I have to really understand every window, but got nothing can compare to staggering the boss after 3 hits then doing a full charged heavy. That feeling of cleaving a third of the bosses health in one combo, I wouldn't give it up for anything, the only thing that compares is the fully charged true charge slash in monster hunter.

@steakcrust558 - 24.06.2023 05:06

So many wimps and chumps need to git gud. Elden Ring is by far the easiest game. Any time you die, its your fault

@siemabyq6703 - 12.06.2023 03:01

I'm just gonna say this
Oprhan of kos killed me 5 times which is the most in my bloodborne playthrough
And in elden ring i died 72 times to radagon/elden beast

@Big_Dai - 10.06.2023 07:06

Though the word I used at the time was "frustrating" more than hard.

@LeonardPC272 - 07.06.2023 05:01

if someone told me it'd take 2 years to beat the game I would've not bought it lol thats just too much time grinding /-\

@beermageddon4323 - 26.05.2023 21:40

I cheese the bosses as often as I can because, fuck this game and it's sad because I want to live this game. And before all the "git gud" comments flood in, except for sekiro, I've beaten the soulsborne games. This game is cheap as hell.

@aaronvittore2596 - 21.05.2023 09:54

I did a str vit build with a rusted anchor. Fun build and not that hard but i played all souls games.

@Rage-_-Quit - 19.05.2023 10:12

My estimate is that 90% of people going "lol git gud bro, it's ez bro" are cheesing. Most skilled people are rather humble and provide actual helpful tipps to people who struggle

@naegleriafowleri2230 - 12.05.2023 06:37

I use cheats as the gaming is fucking cheating from the start bosses with unlimited stamina so i applied unlimited stamina to my character lol i still can lose health and die so not god mode

@slamjam7676 - 02.04.2023 06:20

Damn I was expecting clickbait not facts

@onearmedwolf6512 - 22.03.2023 09:03

Margit is extremely susceptible to being stance broken. Wait for an opening and hit him with a charged attack. He will be staggered and open to a riposte multiple times.

@jacobrjager - 21.03.2023 23:50

There's no structure and too much grinding needed just to get the "basic" bosses, I've never liked souls games but this one is truly the worst. I just want to explore the world but that is almost impossible because enemies can see you from a million miles away and they can hit you one way or another...I hate it and wish I could get a refund...

@ASAFYY - 15.03.2023 16:28

iv tried to play that game but its to hard

@LongBeach88 - 09.03.2023 04:01

I kind of agree with you. I really hope they don’t abandon sekiro. I really want a sequel. I thought we would get more but we didn’t get sht.

@roddy7256 - 26.02.2023 14:31

i never game, i bought the game cuz it looked cool, regular enemies are too hard like i wanted to play a cool fanatsy game to play not pick up a new job to learn

@Magorgames - 07.02.2023 00:37

You masterfully put into words something I couldn't explain myself through many conversations with my ER friends. You are absolutely right on every single point. Thank you for this. 🙏

@palerider2132 - 05.02.2023 15:26

Half of these bosses are like maxed out bots playing chess.... but your forced to play checkers. It feels like they cheat and break their own rules all the damn time.

@horatiohornblower741 - 04.02.2023 00:13

just lvl up and come back worked for me im new to souls games

@horatiohornblower741 - 04.02.2023 00:02

bosses have to be hard, i grew up in the 80s thats when bosses were hard

@gingersnaps2982 - 03.02.2023 22:44

Elden Ring is basically as difficult as you want it to be. With summons and how strong your character can get game can be very easy as well.

@David-db1kv - 03.02.2023 05:14

This is just old man yells at clouds personified

@tehSunBro - 03.02.2023 02:02

Elden Ring is by far the easiest game in the franchise making it the perfect entry point into the souls series if anyone is interested.
What do all of these people that complain the game is too hard have in common?
They don't use the spirit ash system the game was build and designed around. How is this not blatanly obvious? 80% of all rewards are related to the spirit ash system allowing you to experiment with them and figure out which one fits your playstyle best.
Playing Elden Ring without spirits is a self imposed challenge, and measuring a games difficulty based around a self imposed challenge is just bad.
Thats like breaking off the block button of your controller and then complaining Sekiro is to hard. No shit sherlock....

@whiskeysour1179 - 24.01.2023 22:00

Shields feel really bizarre in Elden. They block so many attacks that would flatten your stamina and hit you through your guard if you were in Dark Souls. I like the animation where you're knocked off your feet into a backward roll, but it seems to be completely random which attack will trigger it and which will just boink off your shield. It makes the guard counter a reasonable option more often than it would have been previously, but that's not exactly a positive for its own reasons.
So, you're encouraged to block more than in DS. It makes some sense, with so many enemies having blazing fast animations, enormous AOE, and constant aggression, and ridiculous mobility. Problem is all of the statuses, lifesteal, and damage through even 100% block, so you're punished for leaning on the crunch the game has given you. This game is just malicious.

@whiskeysour1179 - 24.01.2023 21:50

Kingdom Hearts 2 bosses > Elden bosses

@TheNero97 - 24.01.2023 02:47

Can we just start making tier lists of the scummiest ways to play elden and cheese the whole game

@ammanus356 - 23.01.2023 21:52

"Might be my favorite game of all time" Yet your channel was built off criticizing the game in clickbait titles.

@Lodestone8 - 22.01.2023 09:31

Elden Ring is fascinating. It's, for me the easiest of From's catalog. With the sheer amount of powerful options even at level one, you can steamroll through this game. But still, it has some awful boss design broadly speaking. I'm not even talking bleed or anything, just a normal good weapon kills the bosses, especially the uchigatana which you can start with. Malenia's a pain but very very handleable, if not fun, and Radahn used to be interesting but now he has all the power of a AA battery.

@meestristan4491 - 20.01.2023 22:15

the bosses are balanced on the fact that your supposed to use every advantage. Not summons, but gear, and ashes of war. Spells and effects. With good talismans. You will have a good time. Fowl dance can be interupted, and be dodged although that's harder. It's not the same type of combat, you can find amazing spells and weapons that you are supposed to experiment with. Also for melee weapons, bleed. Or for bigger weapons stagar damage is goated. The bosses hit harder and are meaner, so are you. I find it's the best way to enjoy this game, instead of ultra minimalist only basic weapons low armor, insert surprised pichacu face when it's harder 🙀

@boogers946 - 19.01.2023 14:54

The bosses, if you rely on 1v1 dodging and no summons, become a rhythm game. The pattern for their basic moves often matches their most powerful. Malenia's basic Swish-Swish-delay-mixup is the same dodge timing as when her blender dance first lunges at you.

@thenodger7607 - 16.01.2023 00:36

The problem you have isn't that it's too hard, it's that it is more unfair than other souls games.

@twelvesevven4678 - 15.01.2023 22:56

I've nearly beat Elden Ring. Not 100%, but I've made sure to do all the notable bosses I can reach so far.
I'm playing without no magic, no buffs, just using 2 Godrick's axes.

I really don't think it's too hard. Delayed attacks are rough, yeah, but then so is any attack in any game until you know the timing of it.

The only hard part is the horse combat, because it sucks ass, and a menu popping up asking if you want to revive your horse, THAT PREVENTS YOU FROM DODGE ROLLING WHILE IT IS OPEN, is stupid.

It might be hard if you run to an area that demands near perfection to survive, but you could easily throw that argument towards DS1 catacombs as well.

The gigantic bosses and dragons are all just crapshoots though.
