How I Cracked the Google Coding Interview (from unemployment)

How I Cracked the Google Coding Interview (from unemployment)


2 года назад

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VK - 06.09.2023 16:40

It's 50% luck...the vibe that day...Just learn your subject matter better than everyone else, be passionate and demonstrate some hacker out of the box thinking

BitCoinputer - 01.09.2023 01:14

How long have you prepared before your interview?

Choose Life
Choose Life - 26.08.2023 06:26

On your Algorithms and Data Structures for Beginners course, you speak about 8 bits but you only draw lines for 7 bits. You even circle the 7 lines and say it's "8 bits". Just a heads-up.

Sumit Sharma
Sumit Sharma - 07.08.2023 14:27

can you list which question you were asked??

SCJ - 04.08.2023 18:51

Ive started learning DSA 6 momths ago. But im feeling like im just trying go remember the solution approaches instead of understanding it. I understand that leetcode questions will not come in the actual interviews as it is. There will be some twist too. And i think at this point I'll get stuck. HOW should i fix this? What can help me understand and not remember the solutions?

arthur arash briceno heidari
arthur arash briceno heidari - 02.08.2023 16:07

congrats man

Janaílton Gonçalves de Souza
Janaílton Gonçalves de Souza - 01.07.2023 18:11

Does Google care about previous experience on their stack language, or is that ok we have a different coding language experience?

Handsome Lancer
Handsome Lancer - 25.05.2023 23:25

What about System Design round?, Does Google don't take it?

P - 12.05.2023 09:14


ClosingTheLoop - 20.04.2023 09:09

We are waiting on the follow up video: From google to unemployment.

Mars Park
Mars Park - 16.04.2023 09:44

Was there any technical interview question that was not coding problems? Kind of like your video on "how to build twitter"

Nin 3se
Nin 3se - 11.03.2023 00:55

ahaha, please use more ambient clips in such videos, like people walking around or talking to each other. Because when I watch these screencasts showing solutions for problems, my mind completely target locks on the screen and I don't hear the "unrelated" story you're talking aloud at all, so I have to rewind the video and listen to it again while looking in other direction from my monitor, lmao. Happened to me several times already

rohan kulkarni
rohan kulkarni - 09.02.2023 06:21

After layoffs : From Google to unemployed

Weeping - 01.02.2023 09:16

This title didn't age well 😐

yokoraki - 28.01.2023 01:32

Why many channels that claim work for Google never showed the real code problems they had in the interview? They really had the interview ? It's not about memorize the problem. It's about see real questions from the interview.

KAF - 15.01.2023 12:55

Hope I'm back to this video when be improved at algorithms

Jim Lucas
Jim Lucas - 12.01.2023 17:52

This moke likes to talk about himself; most people do.

Batman Fan
Batman Fan - 08.01.2023 16:53

This is very inspiring because I am in kind of the same situation.

exspider64 - 23.12.2022 06:07

Thanks for sharing! I failed my 5 rounds of interviews last year. I'm looking to reapply this year after subscribing to your site!

nayan dhabarde
nayan dhabarde - 07.12.2022 13:44

One question, did you draw something similar to how you teach in your videos in the interview?

degree2Phd UK LIVE!
degree2Phd UK LIVE! - 30.11.2022 05:31

Escaped unemployment? For 1.5 years? That's how old the channel is. It says he got hired 7 months ago.

degree2Phd UK LIVE!
degree2Phd UK LIVE! - 30.11.2022 05:29

NeetCode. Is that a cheap imitation knock off 'Made in China'?

Toshev Islombek
Toshev Islombek - 26.11.2022 22:32

this is your qadar

ThreadPool - 31.10.2022 22:21

I'd second the recruiter thing from what I've seen on LinkedIn - at most companies: they're not the sharpest tools in the box! Tools, definitely. Find the good ones....

Hoang Nguyen
Hoang Nguyen - 29.10.2022 17:47

Thank you for your videos

Kevin Villegas
Kevin Villegas - 29.10.2022 05:44

Jesus loves you! Come to Christ!

Tucker - 25.10.2022 03:42

you are such a beast, thank you for everything you do

Fabito Viajero
Fabito Viajero - 22.10.2022 01:30

What about your background as a Developer or Engineer? Do they care about how good you are in a specific tech like .Net, or React Js, Web API, etc. Or if you are good at DSA, that's all what you need? Thanks

LeetHaxington - 20.10.2022 04:39

I had this interviewer give me a leetcode problem at a non FAANG company to do on a whiteboard. I was writing it out. He just kept constantly fucking interrupting about every little thing. "OK is that a string? Is that a capital S on string because it looks like it might be a lowercase s. Do you know that strings have to have a capital letter just like you did in above with Integer?"

"OK... I can see you're struggling with this question... Are you going to be able to solve it?" (while I was writing down the bullet points of what he wanted).

"Umm..... You never defined the "getNext()" method... Do you know that you have to write methods before you can call them? What does this "getNext()" even do? Does it return a random element or...??? I'm just not following. You're not being clear."

(cuts me off while explaining my final solution) "Oh too bad, I guess you fucked up. You actually gave 99% of the correct answer. You were so close. The actual trick was you had to (proceeds to pull out a paper and read off the answer which is the solution I was explaining before he interrupted me)."

Me: "Oh, I forget the Java syntax for populating an array with data off the top of my head. Could ya remind me real quick, or is it ok if I just write it like this for the interview purpose--"
"You don't know what a fucking array is? LOL. You don't know what an array is? And you're interviewing here? Without knowing what an array is? An array is a structure that can hold a predefined amount of data in it, riitard."
Me: "Yeah, I know. That's what I just said I'll be using in my solution but I forgot how to write it on the whiteboard... Can I write int[] i = (1,2,3,4,5) so I can move on since time is a bit of a constraint?"
"HOLY SHIT. You didn't even include a semi colon in that line. This code won't compile, so your solution is wrong. Also, that's not how you declare an array. Holy shit, have you never seen an array before?"

Actually, that wasn't an interview at one company, that's basically how every technical interview goes. Jesus Christ, the elitism.

When I interviewed with some FAANG companies, people were generally more respectful, atleast, but man they're quiet. Nobody gives any amount of feedback. You explain a solution and they don't let you know if they're going to be mad about it later until 5 minutes before the interview is over. Or you ask for clarification on a question, and they just reread the text that I can clearly see.

"How many unique days are there?" "What, what do you mean? In a week, in a year, in a lifetime? There's an infinite amount of unique days.... What question are you trying to ask?"

5 minutes before interview ends "Well this question is actually asking how many unique days there are, and there are 7 days in a week. So 7. There's a hint for ya, buddy. Let's see if you can do a one line fix to implement that change. I believe in you!"
... "I guess you just rushed into the solution so you didn't consider that or maybe you just can't read. I thought we were on the same page when you wrote the 100 line code calculating all days including importing ancient Egyptian libraries and determining the rotation of the sun, but it looks like you're just lacking on the technical skill we need here because when I read the question I immediately knew there were 7 days in a week."

Mier Ta
Mier Ta - 03.10.2022 17:47

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience ❤

Phantomx79 - 30.09.2022 05:39

Do other companies have such an extensive interview process or are there jobs out there you can get without having to do some much coding in the interview?

Hadaytullah Kundi
Hadaytullah Kundi - 29.09.2022 09:21

i am a software engineer. i never dreamed of any company. i think small company is usually more interesting. you can try new ideas and learn a lot. also, google or anywhere else, it is all up to me to build good software, so why should company matter?

Axel Engelmann
Axel Engelmann - 25.09.2022 17:19

Nowadays I have the same issue with the 2nd interview. Nobody contact me and I texted to the technical recruiter and nothing. I don’t know

Mahima Chaudhary
Mahima Chaudhary - 22.09.2022 21:16

Your explanations are really good and easy to understand. Very helpful. It will be very nice if you can explain it in C++ too. ❤

jeffrey horton
jeffrey horton - 17.09.2022 19:55

@NeetCode .. I pressed play on a video... listened all the way up to the part of you saying "I created NeetCode" ..I said "holy shit, no way" .. scrolled down two notches and said .. This guy is a genius .. youre too modest bro ...

Cindy Su
Cindy Su - 12.09.2022 03:12

I really appreciate all your sharing and all the amazing instructional videos, got an interview next week, still working the way up there. Your videos definitely helps a lot!!

Zainab Shaikh
Zainab Shaikh - 02.09.2022 09:21

Is Data Structures and Algorithms knowledge enough into google?

TopTickTom - 23.08.2022 09:35

I just wonder, what has been your previous experience before getting unemployed. Have you been coding before privately or have you worked at a company as a developer?

lav kedar
lav kedar - 20.08.2022 15:05

I am really happy for you sir :)

Smriti - 17.08.2022 21:10

I got my Google interviews result , it was negative 😕. Just to remind myself to not stop working 🤓hard , hopefully I’ll have my One Day to Day One 🙋‍♀️

XYZ - 17.08.2022 00:29

Was there any system design interview round? If you could share any system design resources, that would be great. Thank you so much, appreciate content on this channel!

Abhijit Jodbhavi
Abhijit Jodbhavi - 09.08.2022 17:51

Thanks for the list...

greyreynyn - 03.08.2022 19:49

What level did you join in at? I recently passed for L4 and it was only 1 behavioral and 3 coding

Claude - 30.07.2022 23:40

You say that telling us the questions won't help us, but how can we gauge the difficulty of the questions if you don't? You saying "it was easy" or "it was hard" doesn't mean anything to the viewers if you don't tell us what the question was. (Perhaps Google won't let employees discuss interview questions publicly?)

Soumyadeep Mondal
Soumyadeep Mondal - 30.07.2022 14:35

Channel's name should have been "NeatCode" instead of "NeetCode".

Fraktalia - 17.07.2022 22:09

It seems these questions feel like a hidden IQ test, packed as an interview. Either you grind out all possible questions and learn them from guides/bootcamps or your brain power allready is good enough. I saw that some have up to 10 failed interviews to get into Google despite practising alot.

jeff wei
jeff wei - 12.07.2022 08:03

i have my google on-site tomorrow, and the fact that you struggled with the interview makes me even more nervous! I know a lot of people comment this, but thank you so much for all of your explanations, they are immensely helpful in my interview prep!

Minimeow Cat
Minimeow Cat - 10.07.2022 05:46

Please say, Did you face system design interview at google?
