220 Days In A Unhinged JRPG Sandbox Life Sim | Elin Playthrough | Ep. 1

220 Days In A Unhinged JRPG Sandbox Life Sim | Elin Playthrough | Ep. 1

Januarie Stories

55 лет назад

31,797 Просмотров

Here's my 220 Days in the Madworld of Elin. This is a Not So Cozy life sim of the most extreme variety. And I think I really like it. Don't let the anime vibes, and Stardew Valley approach fool you. This is anything but cozy. Yes, there's all the hallmarks of your standard life sim. Like fishing, farming, crafting, building, etc. But the humor is twisted, ideas & concepts twisted, the mechanics esoteric, and the combat...well actually, pretty fun, ngl.

If you're into some twisted spins on the life genre, this is it. Don't say I didn't warn ya'.

Steam Description: Successor to the roguelike RPG "Elona". Adventure, survival, crafting, home-building, myths passed down, and stories of humans and Elea spun. What scars will you leave on the land of Ylva?

A sequel to the legendary Japanese free game "Elona," which has inspired countless tales and adventurers who never returned. While retaining the traditional roguelike gameplay, Elin introduces crafting, survival elements, and base building/management, creating an even more open and chaotic experience.

Live freely as an adventurer with your companions and pets. The marks you leave and the scars you inflict upon this world are entirely up to you.

Steampage link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2135150/Elin/

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@ubertuna1 - 10.12.2024 11:28

Crafting is pretty well developed, there are only a few stations like Alchemy that are not yet fully implemented. Being able to make guns and armor out of grass or any other material you can conceive is definitely a feature, not a bug :)

@dmsys6516 - 10.12.2024 11:36

crafting isnt fully fleshed out and hence you will see items made from weird shit? i wholeheartedly believe this was intended and i hope it stays in the game. On another note material converting hammers exist so it will still be possible to change materials and conveting material does change some properties of it

@dmsys6516 - 10.12.2024 11:45

If your character has negotiation skill then talking to npcs will increase it
if not you will have to learn it from trainer in merchants guild which is next to mysilia

@dmsys6516 - 10.12.2024 11:48

i recommend you disable exit warning.... then while leaving if escort npc is with you it wont show warning and show warning if he isnt with you
same with some other quests

@randomdweeb8211 - 10.12.2024 11:49

For the escort quests getting some spare bandages or a couple of rods or scrolls of healing spells could help just press "R" or middle click to gift it to the npc. Don't forget to feed your pet as well they go hungry after a time, also the way to level up their stats, and yours. Dodge's raw stat is Perception too btw, I enjoyed your playthough. My first year in the game wasn't as cozy when I started farming without knowledge of anything XD.

@dmsys6516 - 10.12.2024 12:11

In ability tab use host(symbiosis) on your pet and give it a throwing weapon
Congrats now its on your head and same tile as you (it will never die) and while you run it can keep throwing boomerang/use bow (pets have unlimited ammo) - so wallah you dont have to fight enemies you can just run and your pet will slowly kill it also you dont have to worry about your pet dying anymore. If your pet has taunting ability then enemies will first attack your pet most of the time so you will have two health bars(you pet wont die if its health is zero but it will go unconcious for a few turns and start healing). You can purchase taunting book from or get it from nefia shrines rarely
Guns can only be used if the pet has a skill for it tho

@Al1SV2 - 10.12.2024 23:27

HEI MAN:) love the vid have a good day:)

@pinkeye6803 - 11.12.2024 02:31

Lovely video. Hope you turn this into a long lasting series!

@RTKizzzle - 11.12.2024 03:11

On my first character his shirt was made out of food and by the time I realized that, it was already rotting. So I had been walking around with rotting food scrapes hanging off me. And the first random question I got in my town was to acquire 10 “shit”. …. I still don’t know where to get “shit” at

@Numbbii - 11.12.2024 23:08

How do you actually see the dmg numbers you do and see those little spell icons on scrolls?

@WickedBlondie - 12.12.2024 21:12

elin is pronounced like ee-llhin(kind of like how you would say chin but with with e and l in front) //a nordic person, the name elin is fairly common here

@magnusarsland6887 - 13.12.2024 03:40

So it¨s like ADOM but anime and stardew valley and uh... tailchasing?.... Looks great. Kinda reminds me of those fire beetles those hermit crabs. Not something you would want to fight with 7 strength as a archer.

@akiraversago5083 - 14.12.2024 00:43

Firstly love the content and thank you for making it, i look forward to seeing more! Secondly id like to offer some unsolicited but life saving advice. Escort quests can easily be completed by abusing the fast travel system from the overworld by clicking on the map icon, just make sure to check you have the rations and time to complete the trip. Farming quests are easy if you have an ally parasitize on you (the wiki page for this game is your bible in this game) and thirdly if you struggle paying taxes early an easy way is to search random field tiles for the altars that sometimes spawn and if you haul the pillars back to town they sell for hundreds apiece and help you level weightlifting and the tiles dont refresh for a few days if you need to make multiple trips! Hope this helps and good luck!😊

@aeseiri1618 - 14.12.2024 06:41

Like the FFT-esque visuals and Ivalice feel

@StorybookDreaming - 15.12.2024 07:22

loved this! youre pleasant to listen to. happy i found your channel ♡

@RenoKyrie - 17.12.2024 02:24

I learned about Elin the same day it got put on early access and decided to play the game before it Elona(Specificly Elona+ Custom GX, a fully translated fan made expansion of Elona that is approved by the OG Devs soo much they added some stuff from it to Elin)

And yeah, Elona series is basically just Japanese Dwarf Fortress but somehow more unhinged than Dwarf Fortress

@Bael536 - 20.12.2024 18:02

This game is rimworld level addiction!

@Dr4wfox - 20.12.2024 19:53

Based on the status bonus, Gunner seems to be more an engineer.

@ricksanchez7849 - 22.12.2024 17:21

my only issue is the portrait dont match the age or gender sometimes i wish you can disable portrait of npc untill they fix it

@R-N-W-F2P - 23.12.2024 01:55

Just curious. Is it building a base is mandatory? Can we just become a Travelling merchant?

@janglur - 23.12.2024 23:17

ROUGH pronunciations, and they're English words! >.<

@mr.fantastic7756 - 28.12.2024 07:03

Hawk tuah

@SonosAzai - 30.12.2024 21:43

You mentioned escort quests being shiet and there was only one game that did it right; Silkroad online had the greatest trading and escort to ever happen in my gaming history with Star Citizen becoming a close second

@WorldofSoupS - 31.12.2024 22:16

I remember ashland mentions after giving you the land deed that he doesnt care if you throw the deed away so maybe if you never redeem it you can completely ignore the base management part of the game and have a nomadic lifestyle? Might be an interesting playthrough.

@ModMassive - 31.12.2024 22:17

Just found this channel and Elin and this was great. Looking forward to the next episode.

@Caladir - 01.01.2025 16:22

So glad I found this channel!

@arisuyurika - 06.01.2025 02:06

the game seems very fun with your playthrough! can't wait for more videos

@brednbudder - 07.01.2025 21:58

take a shot every time he says oh boy. you will die in 10 minutes.

@Hinguckah - 08.01.2025 18:26

Taxes are based on how many years have passed and how much fame you have, property value increases what people pay YOU in taxes when you activate tax collection from your residents. there are different things you can tax your residents for and you have to find books for most of these and the tinker's camp hase a trader that sells books with policies but those are random.

@angelo6647 - 14.01.2025 13:19

is that outfit from a mod?

@LS19981 - 14.01.2025 17:57

i didnt know the home board was different so i never knew my tax due dates and now im a criminal trying to pay off taxes

@dra6o0n - 15.01.2025 08:25

I wonder if the bgm of this game is what got popular with many vtubers and streamers who uses it? Or is it a free bgm from Japan?

@JadenTSlime - 16.01.2025 17:13

"The best laid plans pf mice and men often go awry"

@Jikkuryuu - 18.01.2025 08:48

I haven't played Elin yet, so I'm speaking from my Elona experience here. Harvesting is a racket. It's possible to starve or crush yourself if you aren't paying enough attention. And it takes a lot of strength to harvest anything in a timely manner. I've heard you even lose karma for "stealing" crops if you are still carrying them when the game forcibly teleports you out.
That said, if you exceed the requirements by a lot it can be an easy source of platinums. I think the rewards go up if you harvest a lot more than the minimum?

@CalgarGTX - 19.01.2025 22:01

Gotta get a pet you can drag around with you, going solo in dungeons/travel early game is brutal

@sergeantsapient - 24.01.2025 12:07

If you find the place you die you can get your coins back.

@swivelkeyring3512 - 24.01.2025 16:53

I downloaded the demo but I doubt I will genuinely play this myself. thank you for the video. subbed. ; D

@SabrinaHawk - 28.01.2025 14:41

Can you start a elin playlist plz so it’s easier to sleep watching 😊

@cibiboo - 29.01.2025 08:20

I keep forgetting to subscribe cause of how long this vid is. Too sucked in the episode. ^_^

@cibiboo - 29.01.2025 08:51

a mercenary (easy): pay up
januarie: try me
a mercenary (easy): so you chose death
januarie: 😮

@Mantelar - 04.02.2025 02:04

This sandbox is really a sandbox. You can do what you want and you will die how the game wants.

@decro3177 - 05.02.2025 10:19

Why are you editing every 5 seconds of the video... just let it play >_> Multiple times i'm curious how something goes but you just like skip it completely.

@Dustmadeout - 15.02.2025 19:45

The game developer is Japanese, the game is called エリン, which you read as something in between Erin and Elin without English accent. Go ahead and put it in Google translate and listen to it in Japanese.

@grimrider3807 - 23.02.2025 04:30

The hermit crab gained a level, that was legit hilarious

@downich6348 - 26.02.2025 03:10

Guys, i want to buy it but i need to know can i build my home on the beach or game choose starting location itself?
