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Breno Barbosa
Breno Barbosa - 24.10.2023 01:42

I think I understand the system but It just feels so convoluted for new traders that don't have market niches yet

Recently i downloaded 10 mmos looking to be a trader in all of them, I have about 1500 hours in Gw2 and got to be a master crafter there and started flipping on my last 100 hours

I'm playing pokemmo now and I'm always flipping and breeding/crafting mons for profit

I do have about 500 hours in ESO, I used to play casually exploring and questing and I dropped the game but was looking to get back for the market alone looking to get some flips done and level up all my crafting skills once and for all, I've been watching a lot of your videos because they're very good content, but still I haven't been able to wrap my head around eso market yet ;~; I have 0 guilds, about 100k gold and the goal to flip

Jan Daniel Nel
Jan Daniel Nel - 11.07.2023 08:41

Ah Artea just love you content , i made my first million yesterday following your advice so, i would have been there sooner, but i like spending on fashion

lee mills
lee mills - 12.05.2023 22:27

doesnt work in a non centralised system either, i've seen ppl on different games travel differnt distances to get things, a general rule is if the price is okay & its not that great a hassle then ppl will travel to get it, you mention the word lazy =d yep thats what it is, was grouped with a guy on SWG back in the day and he went to an entirely diff planet for a hat lol, just because of the colour =D

gregory coleman
gregory coleman - 11.05.2023 18:57

I didn’t know Aubrey plaza played eso. Nice.

Ryan Ketchum
Ryan Ketchum - 20.03.2023 00:43

Trading guilds on PC are trash they never accept the application and idk why.. I make millions every couple weeks sometimes every week if I have time from the zone chat, their loss I guess.. on console I get accepted easy

Vessel of the Auditor
Vessel of the Auditor - 19.03.2023 05:47

I’ve been in a great trading guild that is in dagger falls…it’s a great guild with no pressure to farm your life away and no fees involved…I contribute what I can..but I’ve made over 50 mill there…a good guild in a good location is key…and even more so if the leader and officers are good…which my guild I feel are the best!

Jeremy Butler
Jeremy Butler - 10.01.2023 21:55

Very helpful thank you but very
Complicated ☺️

Kodi Kowalko
Kodi Kowalko - 24.11.2022 22:32

Great video and sure to help as I just joined two trade guilds! Also what chest style is that? Looks awesome!

MrPenobe - 13.09.2022 07:45

lol i'm new to the game and my guilds trader in in Mirkmire. But in all honesty I've been selling stuff just fine, been playing a week just hit 50 the other day and just hit 1 million gold. Idk if that's good but it seems to be a decent amount.

Andrew - 04.09.2022 23:26

Awesome!! You have an extremely informative video...

Which has led me to the conclusion I shouldn't join a guild lol

Maybe if I can commit to this game for more than a month I'll consider these tips and actually join one.

DCBeatsMarvel - 01.08.2022 04:34

Tbh I was going to join one and now I seen they undercut you. I'm better off selling in zone chat where I keep all my money. In the past 1 week I've made almost 2 million selling motifs and style pages from selling in zone chat. Now I know not to join a trading guild. Thank you.

DragonzEye Magazine
DragonzEye Magazine - 21.07.2022 07:33

tysm, we joined a few weeks ago n thoroughly enjoy eso. this headsup will be most helpful when deciding on trader guilds...ur tuberstyle is refreshing! 🐉💅🏽

Ilse Mul Author
Ilse Mul Author - 19.06.2022 12:53

Darn... Those are some hefty dues for a casual starter..... I'll have to think about what I want and can manage besides my normal daytime job and projects that I have going on.
Thanks for all the tips about guilds :)

Tim - 19.06.2022 06:21

is there any point in joining a trading guild as a very new player? I want to buy/sell on the 2nd hand market, thats like all I enjoy in MMOs

Alex - 22.05.2022 21:52


BBRocker75 - 13.05.2022 05:45

Murkmire? The shitty hole in all Tamriel? And inside Outlaws Refuge? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mysty X
Mysty X - 30.04.2022 05:54

I had to like just for the intro 😄.was looking for vid to send to friend rather than explaine so went to my girl with fun vids. Hug

Asmoden3444 - 21.04.2022 03:14

Vivec less popular? Vivec and craglorn are where the top guilds usually bid.

EQOAnostalgia - 18.03.2022 02:23

I wish they would get rid of this crap and just make a standard AH for buying/selling lol, it needlessly complicates things.

TosinAsLeader - 14.03.2022 05:53

Holy crap, the intro was great. Also, I erect the spine of approval

revolt81 - 27.02.2022 01:00

Might seem crazy, but almost all the gear I sell, is at 5k. It works I get lots of sales. It's mostly PvP gear and I could probably get more for it, but I like the idea of just having everything at one price. Keep in mind I do up the price for certain high demand items. Also, if I sell in bulk, the per unit price is less. That is how it works in the real world when conducting business. Buy one, pay more, buy ten pay less per item. I used to sell glass smoking utensils, when I bought them, I would buy at a certain price and then retail it at a higher price, but if the bulk price wasn't low enough I wouldn't buy.

revolt81 - 27.02.2022 00:51

I am in three of the trading guilds in rawl'kha pc na

Danny C
Danny C - 07.02.2022 18:18

Im on ps4 and have not been able to buy from the guilds. I have an option to look at all wares but it does not let me in the item list/menu. Is there a ps4 eso expert that could help me? I would be grateful for any help

Zig Rakudo
Zig Rakudo - 02.02.2022 21:57

English is one of the worst languages out there. They have a bunch of rules for pronunciation, but more words exempted from the rules than the number of rules. Let's not forget how some words are spelled the same, read the same, but have different meanings, and then people who are not satisfied with that and make more meanings for their own use and popularize it, so we don't only need an official dictionary, but also an urban dictionary.

Imperial Wyvern
Imperial Wyvern - 02.02.2022 02:33

Arttea your content is the perfect blend of useful information and comedic value. I applaud you. 😎👏

strbskepleso - 27.01.2022 17:32

that intro music reminds me fixed gear bike building videos :)

Anthony Yan
Anthony Yan - 26.01.2022 07:41

The intro had me ☠️☠️☠️

Salvador Torres
Salvador Torres - 06.01.2022 23:00

People are so stupid. They don’t know how to economize pfffft. Good thing you have these videos

Dan - 05.01.2022 20:32

it seems like trading in this game is more for a older player than someone just starting it out seems i could be wrong but it comes across that way

FelineElaj - 17.12.2021 15:04

I just want to sell extra style pages I sometimes get from loot and events. Do I have to join a trading guild for that? Will a normal guild with a trader be enough?

Ora Monika
Ora Monika - 10.12.2021 00:47

As a fairly new player I found this so informative and helpful. Thank you so much 🥰

Terence Carter
Terence Carter - 21.11.2021 00:43

Excellent tips!

For the most part I just chill with FGM1 and FGM2 for my trading needs, the Grey Manes for questing, dungeons and trials (because it is filled with older folks, like me!) , the Cutthroat Mutineers for dungeon delving, and now your very own TTS guild.

All of them offer me something different, and it is important to learn to understand what the specific guild is about.

You’ve put together an excellent video. I’ll be sure to save this one to my library for future reference!

New Faith
New Faith - 15.11.2021 00:39

Vivec is Jesus.

James OKeefe
James OKeefe - 14.11.2021 22:37

That intro is hysterical 😂 I don't know how you deal with that kind of stuff. I am just starting to get into trading and housing and your content is just excellent. Thanks! 👍

Bryan Guilbeault
Bryan Guilbeault - 08.11.2021 14:50

Never over price stuff only remember between 500 to 1k per writ

JH - 07.11.2021 00:40

Fantastic video! Is there a website for current prices? Unfortunately I play on PS4

TommyDaGreatest - 06.11.2021 00:20

I'm actually frequenting the outlaw refuges pretty often... No special reason.

Short N Sweet
Short N Sweet - 31.10.2021 21:16

Idk about you but personally I just travel to several zones to find the cheapest price on something. Are people really too lazy or something to shop around?

Seraph - 16.10.2021 13:00

Recently joined Tamazon in stormhaven on xbox and ive made 200k in motif and set sales just through the blackwood event alone 😀, trying to break a million lol in my dreams, maybe if i get a great mothers sorrow inferno staff or something similar lol im so bad i dont know what im doing half the time and i always find myself back at your videos for good farming spots, so thank you for making trading a more approachable means of gettin gold 🙏

MegaFregel - 12.10.2021 00:54

There are servers where vivec isn’t far and away the best spot? I’m really surprised by that.

Sk0lzky - 05.10.2021 19:10

No it's bug-loss so it's pronounced like in bug.

S L - 29.09.2021 14:45

For how small the player population is in this game it still shocks me that guild traders are still a thing. You would think that centralizing the traders market into something similar to what WOW or Runescape has would be a better and more efficient way of trading. Since switching to consoles this and the lack of add-ons has been my biggest issues with the game so far. Most traders hardly if ever get visited in my experience outside of the major trading towns which is a shame because it allows the more popular markets to raise their prices since people normally don't want to waste their time traveling to out of the way traders.

HipHop2U - 23.09.2021 22:21

This is hella helpful, thank you

HipHop2U - 23.09.2021 22:15

Any good trading guilds on Xbox US server?

Timothy Hitchcock
Timothy Hitchcock - 20.09.2021 15:46

LOL fun video! Love your humor! Great info.

Rob Kovacich
Rob Kovacich - 10.09.2021 23:25

I'm moving over from wow, and I'm completely confused about guild traders, is there a more basic beginners version of how the whole thing works. I don't understand what you mean by your guild has a guild trader or the guild trader moves from place to place. I don't understand why the different guild traders aren't showing all of the same auctions.

BeOhBeK - 10.09.2021 08:46

Ayyyyy, shout-out to Sorcery! I've been in UU for a while, we share the same guild hall as LA.
