Was Harvard Worth It? The Hidden Cost of Attending an Ivy League College

Was Harvard Worth It? The Hidden Cost of Attending an Ivy League College

Ahsante the Artist

3 года назад

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WayLovingLife - 19.01.2023 22:34

Hey, for people out there looking into these elite schools and thinking about college, and your future, there is no need to compare with others. That is the biggest mistake ever. It would only hurt your inner self. Choose the school and subjects that you feel really into, and enjoy the the process and the hard work. If you could find a purpose and joy learning what you have chosen, I am sure you could handle the stress and thrive after the hard times. Sure you choose the elite school partially for their fame and opportunities, but don't get lost in it. Save those time thinking comparing with others, and use it to take care of yourself. That's the way to enjoy college life no matter which school you are in.

Tawanda Majongwe
Tawanda Majongwe - 21.10.2022 11:11

I like how composed you are,thanks for the info

Sharath P
Sharath P - 02.08.2022 22:47

Grasses are greener on the other side! Incredible fact, But true.

GLW - 01.08.2022 11:15

Well at least you wore the pearls so that you could clutch them. This video is outstanding. I am way past college age and never considered Harvard (not that I had a choice to consider it) and attended black Harvard - Howard. It was fascinating listening to your experiences. I am sure that you have helped many people with this video.

FILEMINO KILICHO - 01.08.2022 09:49

are you guaranteed a higher pay in the work force than someone who attended community college?

EnglishwithPeter - 01.08.2022 07:22

The look on your face and sound of your voice says it all. Thanks for sharing.

Efrates Yonas
Efrates Yonas - 31.07.2022 19:16

You are really strong good job

Fortus Victus
Fortus Victus - 31.07.2022 16:57

It's worth remembering, Harvard culture goes back to its founding as a college to train ministers. I am not sure 'feeling good about yourself' or being 'good enough' was ever a consideration no matter what your race or background. Actually, I'd worry about anyone who went through the Harvard experience and felt 'It was fun, I was totally accepted by good people'...that would be a major red flag of psychopothy.

m F
m F - 30.07.2022 18:51

Well I never regret I have no opportunity to go to Harvard anymore

Charlie Zeng
Charlie Zeng - 30.07.2022 12:51

sounds very much like a source of current arrogance of some government.

******Alley******* - 29.07.2022 03:38

This is literally my medical school experience.

Std Disclaimer
Std Disclaimer - 28.07.2022 19:59

To realize how vastly over-rated a degree from Harvard can be, many individual examples can be cited; Ted Cruz and Bill O'Reilly coming immediately to mind.

B Whe
B Whe - 28.07.2022 18:10

I think there is a flaw in the reasoning here: if you want to teach a students to dance just figure out a way to make that happen. If you are constantly trying to get voted into a group of toxic weirdos to accomplish something then maybe it was never really about helping kids learn to dance. It was about validation from a group, right? Did you start you own inclusive dance group? Did you make it (the world )better or just walk around feeling excluded? Be the change.

James Hwang
James Hwang - 28.07.2022 16:45

Before you got to the end of your story, it sounded like it was worth it. When you mentioned certain things, it reminded me of imposter syndrome when I was at Cornell. Great to hear you overcame everything!

Barrier Channel
Barrier Channel - 28.07.2022 14:47


Adarsh - 28.07.2022 01:44

Cambridge is clear ong

teddrick milsap
teddrick milsap - 27.07.2022 20:16

If you graduated from Harvard you should be working for yourself only.

BOITU - 27.07.2022 07:55

Its actually your natural hair that made me click on this video..Absolutely lovee it and, appreciate seeing natural hair anywhere so, just had to check this video out from seeing the thumbnail. Keep rocking it girl. Great video overall too ! <3

djmgoblue - 26.07.2022 20:08

I did a semester at Harvard, taking a class at the HKSG, while pursuing my degree at BU. You are spot on about the culture and competitiveness. Malcom Gladwell said it best in his book, David and Goliath," better to be the big fish in a little pond."
