Scientists Blow Whistle On True Age of The Great Sphinx?

Scientists Blow Whistle On True Age of The Great Sphinx?

Mystery History

4 года назад

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@alanyoung261 - 22.10.2024 12:28

6400 years old.

@ronlumsden3164 - 18.10.2024 14:44

Sounds good to me!

@राजन्यसिंहवर्मा - 17.10.2024 13:51

स्फिँक्स अर्थात् सिंह।।🦁🦁

@7seriesmax - 16.07.2024 16:30

Even to the eye of a child the Sphinx is way more ancient than a couple thousand years. The only problem is it will blow the lid off of every single religion currently in use on our planet. You can’t have scientists up ending peoples beliefs too quickly, it takes decades. It’s not just the academic establishment holding onto their tenure . It’s men attempting to hold the fabric of society together because it would collapse if religions were proven wrong. God was an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow and Midian is where the monsters live. Sometimes the truth is hard to accept.

@MediaLieDetector - 23.05.2024 14:28

Carved in the last age of Leo.
10 to 12 thousand years ago.
Another Sun God personified.
The great year is wonderful.
Mankind corrupted a beautiful way to worship.

@paydayjay - 09.03.2024 06:55


@Ebabyz3 - 13.11.2023 01:00

Reptilian humanoids built this & were later repurposed by another civilization i don’t think even the pre dynastic people touched these if so YES these could be up to a million or so years old.

@darylkeeton8658 - 24.08.2023 21:46

A lot older than they say they are

@lanceedward6199 - 25.06.2023 15:50

Maybe they flooded it on purpose to move blocks around? Just a thought

@erlingurthorsteinsson7607 - 08.06.2023 01:03

This is nonsense Sphinx was built 2576 to 2484 BC.

@JB-1138 - 30.05.2023 22:33

Must be an Obama fan. Lol

@nicoscarfo4486 - 01.05.2023 18:29

Back when the Sphinx was built, the Nile was much closer to the Giza complex, years of the annual floods of the Nile might've created the water erosion on the Sphinx enclosure

@jonathanhensley6141 - 25.02.2023 22:35

Yes because u can't carbon date rock so it's age can be very old and how long ago was the Sahara and gobi desert green.

@karyn6143 - 13.02.2023 08:33

I love r ur thought of somewhat 'loguc' bit stop being so illogical

@EasyStreet88599 - 26.12.2022 00:16

this is so huge! 800 000 years ! I want want so much to know what happened!

@jurgenammerschuber6281 - 19.11.2022 01:33

their much much older than they say

@burningember8531 - 17.10.2022 09:30

The sphinx has a resemblance to that ☻️guy

@Koontah - 11.10.2022 16:11

LOL!! Where did you guys find the face photo sphinx? That smile took me by surprise. It's funny and creepy at the same time.

@elioneal6192 - 24.08.2022 23:15

I say the opening on top of the head that has be capped off, is-was a docking port for some type of air bourn craft ... What say ye...

@imafackinjunglist - 11.07.2022 19:22

Yeah let’s date the rock to see how old the carving is. 🤦🏻‍♂️

@Hallands. - 21.05.2022 18:18

In all probability both the pyramids and the sphinx were built well before the great dryas dying, 12,500 bc, which could’ve created the bottleneck effect on humanoids, thus removing gigantic forms just like it did among many animal species. 
Is our analysis of genetic material enough to conclude with certainty the age of intelligent humanoids, I wonder. 
Have you noticed the stone circles of South Africa? Millions of them could be counted when google maps came out. What are they? What culture built them? The only possible use I can fathom, is for them to be traps, used to feed hundreds of villages of people. 
But traps for what? I suppose some sort of lethargic land creature is a possibility, but the circles look like fish traps used in Asia to trap fish in shallow waters. 
But I suppose we have to go back quite a while to see South Africa submerged in an inland see — although this was once the case in North America…

@michaelrazza5391 - 29.04.2022 04:07

There's no way the great Sphinx is 800 thousand years old. A limestone structure could not last that long. The water erosion on it is immense and the effects of the sun and wind have also taken it's toll on it. Who knows how many times it has been altered and who knows just what the original structure looked like. Easily made thousands of years before the pyramids were built. Some unknown civilization built the Sphinx a very long time ago.

@nicoscarfo4486 - 17.02.2022 00:07

The head of the sphinx was recarved, look at how small it is compared to the rest of the body

@NeetchianQueen - 12.01.2022 23:18

The second Sphinx has been hunted for YEARS. Robert Schock hypothesized the massive antiquity of them. Someone did computer regression of the constellations. It was a great vid.

@johnnybumpous9108 - 09.01.2022 10:42

the more we learn the less we know !

@jamesellepullen7570 - 09.01.2022 06:16

Why wasn't Robert schoch mentioned when he was the one that discovered the water erosion on the sphinx?

@tommychook4552 - 01.12.2021 06:47

wonder why they admit it know ,,they have already known this,?

@eddiel798 - 26.11.2021 21:25

Having Obama’s face on the Sphinx in beginning made the entire video content questionable.

@snowman333- - 28.09.2021 03:16

how impossible could it have been for the Pharoahs to only have placed the granite casing on a much older pyramid complex? thereby taking ownership and authorship of said older pyramids?

@shannonwaipouri1730 - 10.08.2021 03:42

Some how I don't think we would like the answer to this question as it would obviously mean we modern humans are thick as thieves

@progressivegranny4207 - 28.07.2021 12:32

and the base of the Pyramid>???

@napoliansolo7865 - 27.07.2021 00:01

And somewhere, wearing a straight jacket in a padded room, Hawass is screaming NO! They are only 6 thousand years old!

@1234BABBS - 15.07.2021 01:38

Obama face om theis discuss we don’t his face

@chapmanmccollum6291 - 12.07.2021 06:09

Why...why was the communist Obama placed on the Sphinx?? Why?? 😐

@Random_IDK209 - 12.06.2021 23:07

Why is it still a theory? Idiots.

@averaver9257 - 29.04.2021 20:03

There is a Giant Black Bear of about 600 meters death somewere in the Desert near the Sinai Penninsula or the Red Sea, I wonder that maybe, The Sphinx was actually a Creature that got petrified as the Bear, and maybe is not 800,000 years old but only 12,600 to 26,000 years old.

@AhJodie - 25.04.2021 03:51

So bizarre. Love it.

@salparadise1220 - 23.04.2021 19:49

What Hawas is doing to the sphynx is appalling. Literally covering up evidence with new bricks, to "restore it", despite not knowing what it looked like originally.

@jaco7675 - 09.04.2021 18:10

Somewhat compelling.

@savedbygrace9626 - 27.03.2021 10:45

I am a Christian and believe the New and old testaments as true and accurate as to what happened to the Hebrew people, specifically Adam and Eve, but also Lilith of Jewish traditions if you believe the stories. But I believe the thing people got wrong is the time line of the time Adam and Eve spent in the garden. Did Adam sin on the eighth day? I do not believe so. Does the count of time start at the birth or sin of Adam? So my hypothesis is, while Adam and Eve lived in the garden for GOD only knows how long, Gentile races lived and flourished outside of the garden, hence, Nod, Atlant'nod'ous? If you believe the South American stories and Archaeology there is a story of 5 Earth ages 100,000 years each. The seven pairs of clean animals on the Ark of Noah could have been the Gentile races.

@draven3838 - 16.03.2021 06:21

Think about this all being build when all the continents were still together

@steshar2975 - 08.03.2021 05:14

Cats built the pyramids n sphinx 😸😸😸😸😸

@garymorrison9179 - 21.02.2021 03:32

Some photos of President Obama never fail to bring out the racism in privileged white supremacists. If only they would make themselves useful they would feel better about themselves. Then perhaps they would stop their unwarranted complaining.

@houseofMtattoos - 01.02.2021 17:23

That's awesome. Finally, we may get to the truth after all.

@jdtsb8856 - 23.01.2021 19:59

Well, to a layman that technical part of the explanation was just as difficult to understand as it is to date the sphinx.

@jamesfulerten8494 - 23.01.2021 11:23

Their a small amount of evidence that the Pyramids and the Sphinx were originally constructed by an Alien race once also based on Mars. The evidence has been captured by NASA's rovers now on Mars. Images taken by these rovers show Pyramid structures on Mars in many locations pointing to the possibility that the Earth may have been settled by an Alien race in the past.

@mikewalters - 19.01.2021 19:13

I know I'm stating the obvious but would be so awesome to know what/when really happened. Fascinating. I subscribed
