Best and Worst Fantasy & Sci-Fi Reads of 2024! Q2 Book Rankings, Must Reads & Must Avoids

Best and Worst Fantasy & Sci-Fi Reads of 2024! Q2 Book Rankings, Must Reads & Must Avoids

Spaced Out Wizard

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@Krisandmads - 19.07.2024 07:54

This is such a labor of love! Not sure we could rank every single read of 2024 😅 but this was so fun to watch. It’s been so exhilarating watching your sun eater journey. It’s so fun finding a series that works so well for you!

@Alithia451 - 19.07.2024 10:02

Children of Time is S-Tier and way better than Sun-Eater.

@sCWasP - 19.07.2024 08:50

Not liking Project Hail Mary's humor while putting the Stormlight books in S tier is a very strange thing to me

I thought the humor/interactions in it were quite similar in style and role dynamic to the stuff in the Stormlight books that happens between certain characters, especially in book 2 and 3 (haven't read 4 yet)

@irishknight6893 - 19.07.2024 06:19

I read both lesser devil and way of kings no way those books are even on same level imo,one is under 200 pages and one is 1K but I get it if your saying that’s best novella you ever read ?

@irishknight6893 - 19.07.2024 06:13

Do we read just the first story on tales of the sun eater before demon in white or the whole tales from sun eater book ?

@irishknight6893 - 19.07.2024 05:46

What tier would you rank all the bound and the broken books by Ryan Cahill? About to read the exile and of war and ruin next.

@Dugrath - 19.07.2024 05:18

I added Silence of Silver to my TBR and all your S tier I plan on reading next year I'm thinking.

My Worst of the year was Name of the Wind 1/5. I did not enjoy this book at all, and was thankful I listened to it.
Best was probably Before They are Hanged - or the First Law as a whole.

Honorable mentions - Word Bearers Trilogy is all 4.5/5
Alot of Black Company are 4-5 only one 3.5
Gaunts Ghost - The Lost Omnibus was super stellar with everything hitting 4.5

This year overall has been a great success overall in comparison to my low end raters.

@Tessa_Ru - 19.07.2024 03:16

Well, I'm adding significantly to my purchase list for the year. 😂Actually just bought Dungeon Crawler Carl from a Prime Day deal yesterday because you spoke so highly of it. I'm looking forward to it a lot.

I'm gonna throw out a recommend of my own, because i forgot all about it until I realized it got a paperback/hardcover (it was kindle/audible exclusive before), and i gotta tell someone about it LOL. "Mechanical Failure" by Joe Zieja. It's sci-fi. It's no epic, but it's a funny and easy read. Also the audio book is read by the author. idk I like when authors narrate their own books lol.

@chrisgoods - 19.07.2024 01:14

Damn, I had no idea there were some books to read inbetween the mainline series of Suneater... and that's a good thing ! Will have to check em out..

My top 3 reads so far this year: Empire of the Vampire, Empire of Silence (almost finished it), Will of the Many. I'm a slow reader, have read 12 books so far this year so a quarter ranking won't do me any good haha...

I agree with Sword of Kaigen, there was so much hype behind it but it didn't really hit for me neither, glad I read it but yeah I moved on pretty quickly...

@BoclanBenkins - 19.07.2024 00:26

If you're reading The Stand and The Shining after Salem's Lot... damn you're in for a treat

@williamgwynne - 19.07.2024 00:25

I just started Sword of Kaigen! I'm glad I know it has a bit of a slower end, so maybe I won't be as disappointed as I have the right expectations. Salem's Lot is awesome. What King book will you be checking out next? So glad to see Hunger of the Gods in the S Tier!!!!

@IanTerronesReads - 19.07.2024 00:12

I personally loved the sword of Kaigen, but the writing style was a bit strange
