5 Typical Mistakes Made By Behringer X32 Users - And Midas M32 - And How To Avoid Them  X32 Tutorial

5 Typical Mistakes Made By Behringer X32 Users - And Midas M32 - And How To Avoid Them X32 Tutorial

Alan Hamilton Audio

3 года назад

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Stevie Rico
Stevie Rico - 21.09.2023 04:57

Excellent video you explained things well

Keith A. Rick II
Keith A. Rick II - 21.06.2023 23:11


Nate Chugs
Nate Chugs - 10.06.2023 17:58

lol hipassing every channel 🤦‍♂

Mark Fletcher
Mark Fletcher - 07.06.2023 21:03

I agree with the set it and forget it concept of channel gain. I especially love the fact that you emphasize the essential nature of having the channel gain properly set. Of course any adjustments in mid flow will change compression, gating, and monitor sends. I find that my vocalists will often sandbag me during setup, because they are not confident to sing out at full volume when they can't hide in the midst of all the vocalists. I find myself needing to adjust their gain stage, not to increase the gain, but to decrease it. This ensures that the signal hits the compressors at the right point, the gates at the right point, and prevents them from increasing their send to everyone's monitors because they are now singing at a higher level.

djabthrash - 16.05.2023 12:20

One big mistake that cost me : looking at the mute buttons on and fader positions at -inf and thinking you are safe and can play some sources without checking the tap points before !
I sent some white noise through a wedge with a fader really low just to test it and got blasted, because i didn't check before that the mixbus for this wedge was PREfader !
Now i will always check that what needs to be post fader post mute is that way before i send any sound sources thru the console !

djabthrash - 16.05.2023 12:07

Fantastic video !

Clark Bush
Clark Bush - 28.04.2023 00:54

wooliness huh haha

S Trippi
S Trippi - 30.03.2023 17:07

I'm trying to figure out how to connect this to fm transmitter

Chandler Kessler
Chandler Kessler - 28.03.2023 06:21

Great video!

Deanna the Audiobird
Deanna the Audiobird - 12.03.2023 00:33

I’m trying to figure out how to send only a band of frequencies to my subs from one channel. (Electronic drum kit, I only need bass level things to go to the subs at the club owners insistence) and I can’t figure the process on this board if it’s even possible! Argh 🤦‍♀️

LesgOw - 11.03.2023 19:23

Hi, can u give us tips for the range frequency for each instrument? Like for bass it s on a range 60-80 maybe, and each part of drum , and other instrument, thanks!!

Christopher Headcase
Christopher Headcase - 20.02.2023 04:51

I'm a noob to the x32.. so last night was our first attempt at using our new x32.. and there was no audio coming from the main L&R.. the mix busses had signal to the in ear monitors. The card out was sending signal to reaper. The master L&R fader had signal but there was no sound coming out the speakers. Any ideas?

Jonathan Frohne
Jonathan Frohne - 02.01.2023 13:04

In fact, I think, you should mainly mix on the Gain Knobs. Mixing is mainly adjusting for Changes in the Signal. Say a guitarist is changing from finger picking to hitting entire Chords. At that Point, you want to take down the entire signal path. Including Compressors, effects and Monitors.
If you are running some Cues like a Solo part, where the Soloist is supposed to be louder, that's where you should change the Fader. Faders are for adjusting signals relative to each other, Gain is for compensating Signal changes

Robert Hooper
Robert Hooper - 26.12.2022 20:07

Nice no nonsense video! I would add to #1 in that typically the offending player is playing louder because that's where he/she wants to be in the mix. Giving their instrument a slight bump in their monitor mix will often cause them to back off and put everything back into focus. (8/10 effective)

Rob Friedrich
Rob Friedrich - 22.12.2022 18:23

The German translation has some mistakes.
I understand, the musician is requested in soundcheck to play loud as possible and in the performance it's possible much more, so the 18 dB headroom is good.

Rob Friedrich
Rob Friedrich - 22.12.2022 18:20

In my case I need a lowcut above 100 Hz, because the room has an overload in the low mids, what causes a honk feedback. The voices sounds thinny, but that's better than the unwanted feedbacks, I prefer a stable sound over a excellent sound, that does an excellent job in annoying the audience by feedbacks and also kill the tweeters.
About synthesizer, it depends to the quality. In some cases the sound is annoying and I use the equalizer to make it pleasing, in other cases I reduce about 2 kHz, that this instrument doesn't hide the vocals.
About guitar: Cheaper guitars has an midboost, that sounds cheap, so I turn down the middle frequency range, better guitars has a piezoelectric pickup's resonance about 4 kHz, I cut and boost above it.
Violin tends to sound like a cello, so I cut below 500 Hz and boost high frequencies.
