Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

Bright Insight

1 год назад

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tracey taft
tracey taft - 11.10.2023 23:30

Jimmy... U R GREAT...!!!!!!!😊
Best wishes always...
So proud of you and your hard work ❤️

Toni Djakić
Toni Djakić - 11.10.2023 03:55

I heard about this a few years ago from Graham...

Dinky Man
Dinky Man - 10.10.2023 23:36

I really believe that you have found the true site of Atlantis. Great work and research.

Daytona Greg
Daytona Greg - 10.10.2023 18:13

“The Eighth Wonder of the World” -Credit: Jimmy

Karl Notyourbusiness
Karl Notyourbusiness - 10.10.2023 18:00

Had me half convinced until he mentioned the elevation. Checked and the peak is at 486m. No way could post-glacial uplift cause that big a lift. Also, the 'city' would be well above any onrushing water from a land-based tsunami. I live in a part of England that is still uplifting from the last ice age 12,000 years ago and the rise is miniscule.

More likely that travellers came across the structure and later on the stories developed due to the unusual nature of the rings. Could be a collapsing magma chamber that never formed a volcano.

imoo vabull
imoo vabull - 10.10.2023 13:31

every 12k years the earth flips on its axis.

Bob Kelley
Bob Kelley - 10.10.2023 00:44

The melting of the younger dryas about 12,000 years ago might be the cause of the flood in north Africa.

Jesse Potter
Jesse Potter - 09.10.2023 23:14

Scientists don't want to talk about the possibility of a world-wide flood that washed away entire civilizations. Regardless of similar stories from ancient civilizations around the world. That would open up a can of worms.

OhKayGo - 09.10.2023 11:40

This is all very compelling evidence! I would love for scientists to get in there and find substantial proof that the Eye of the Sahara is Atlantis. The breccia is good proof as well. I'm surprised you didn't mention the Younger Dryas.

shabbesgoj - 09.10.2023 11:40

Théodore Monod , the first to explore and write about this structure found four more - so not unique and not Atlantis

Tommy Gamba
Tommy Gamba - 08.10.2023 04:27

Lost Roman map. How do you know if its lost?

Brian Weid
Brian Weid - 07.10.2023 18:34

Geophysicists have said this area is to small to have been Atlantis. Atlantis is most likely under water, not in the desert of Africa.

whydoineedaname - 07.10.2023 05:32

First I wondered. Why have Egyptian statues blue eyes. Than I discovered Atlantis is in Finland according to an ancient map and a Roman discovery. They called it Atlantis now it's called helsinky you should turn the map , and read about Finland history. Its mindblowing the Cristian invaders called it hell. And there a castle on a granite mountain. It is actually a temple. Find out that history and who build that temple castle building it's build in the ice age hope you read this and study Finland. Because noone wants to mention that and I think it's a great history change in that.

ronin4713 - 06.10.2023 12:39

How often do yo think about the Roman Empire? 🤣

ven rakkhita
ven rakkhita - 05.10.2023 16:31

in Egyptian legend the tear drop under the eye , that symbol of the eye you showed, the tear drop was the birth of the Nile. WHen the Pharoah cried a tear drop and discovered mercy, and compassion at seeing pain of others.

ven rakkhita
ven rakkhita - 05.10.2023 16:28

the structure was 'open to the sea at one end....' so why the surprise its full of sea-creatures?

BlackityBlack - 05.10.2023 15:47

Could it be possible that due to a lot of racists writing then rewriting history, that Atlantis was simply a highly advanced ancient west African civilization the Greeks made contact with and were amazed at the size, scope and wealth of the civilization and wrote about it, but as I stated above, due to racist history, was turned into a myth that doesn’t exist? We know humans have existed in west Africa, specifically Mauritania, for tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of years. And we know there were dozens of west African civilizations before and during the the Greeks or Romans even established their first city states. So why are the historical and scientific communities so afraid to just call Atlantis an advanced African civilization that predated Rome and Greece?

Martin Dean
Martin Dean - 05.10.2023 06:52

It would make sense that it the main city of the Atlantis Empire would be able to be a huge city with many many people since it was the center of the empire

larry smith
larry smith - 05.10.2023 05:49

I'm thinking that if this isn't the actual Atlantis then that location would have been most certainly some OTHER city because of its geological advantages...

But then how could it be another other City if it looks exactly like Atlantis?

Build there and you would have had access to the sea, rivers behind stretching inland & the protection of living on an fortified island - Without a doubt people are going to build there

The river banks would have been extremely fertile too, able to feed millions with the incredible growing & farming much like the banks of the Nile in Egypt

That's Atlantis.

shermdeazy - 05.10.2023 00:01

In the bible is a story of a battle between a giant fish and a dragon. Mud Fossil University channel has found evidence of this dead fish and dragon very near the eye of the sahara.

Tarnoc Doino
Tarnoc Doino - 04.10.2023 23:10

Accountability is the reason why it won’t happen.
People like to believe what they want. If there is evidence of a mega flood, being Biblical in nature and it can be proven, that calls other theories into question, lays power in the hands of those who would use religious practice to control, and lend to the idea that we are accountable for our actions. It’s easier to dismiss that as unfounded.

NSV - 04.10.2023 03:07

Latin is still in use, not just by old believer Catholics, but it is also the language used for scientific naming of species.
Look up any organism on Wikipedia, the scientific name is in Latin.

Jonathan - 02.10.2023 14:18

Octopus are molluscs?

Serex berex
Serex berex - 02.10.2023 01:13

The only person in antiquity to talk about Atlantis was Plato and it was an obvious allegory. Grifter idiot.

The Omega Dragon
The Omega Dragon - 01.10.2023 19:05

Doesn't it look like where the Eye/Atlantis is located, that the surrounding area looks swept away.

It was lost around 9000 years ago. Around that same time, there was a catastrophic flood in many historic documents.

They are all most likely connected, and I'll bet if we could scour the Atlantic Ocean, we would find Atlantean artifacts all around.

Brumbieman - 30.09.2023 10:09

Jimmy - i love/hate your videos. The info/photos/logic etc are awesome, but please drop the click-bait narration style - 'and this next image will BLOW YOUR MIND' etc.

Gavin Stephens
Gavin Stephens - 30.09.2023 02:06

Granted I’m not super knowledgeable in all the facts, but based off timelines and the Egyptians claiming that they came from and advanced civilization, what if there’s no longer any riches near Atlantis due to them taking it all with them(what they could at least). They were very rich, and to me I could see that also being a reason not much has been found at the eye..?

D Major
D Major - 29.09.2023 18:31

Please read Jubilees 10 and Jasher 9, pay close attention to the description of Babel (e.g., circumference 3 days walk, 1/3 or skeleton remains) and Plato’s details of Atlantis along with the physical characteristics of the Richat

Mostakim Ahmad
Mostakim Ahmad - 29.09.2023 17:13

Commons with Plato's description
1. 3 circles of land and water
2. Red,white,black rock
3. Mountain on north side.
4. From Greece one have to go there by water through Gibraltar. ( some got confused that Plato said that it's situation just Infront of
5. Gold silver copper available there.
6. Sharpen rock tools are found there
7. Rock paint depicts that there were numerous numbers of elephants.
8. Flood occured there and can be seen from sky .
Many more similarities.......
But some people will say that it is not Atlantis. There need a massive excavation which was never did before and then we can find a civilization hidden under sand. But the question is, will the geologist ever be interested to do research there ??

JB Armadillo
JB Armadillo - 29.09.2023 00:54

.... Well dude... i have heard, seen or read about dozens of theories about every unexplained underwater structure in the world, until the "Atlantians" became sorta like the "Ancient Aliens" people..... you show a truly awesome discovery only to ruin it by asking, "Could it beeee.... ALIENS???"..... or so often now, "Could it beeeee... Atlantis?". Until now that is! You have laid out a theory that is well-grounded and worth exploring, and i am all with you on the LIDAR idea..... as easy as that is, why isn't every company in the world rushing to get to the west coast of Africa??!! The riches they could find could boggles the mind! Thank you! This made my day........... 🙂

Warren Treadwell Jr. Treadwell Jr.
Warren Treadwell Jr. Treadwell Jr. - 28.09.2023 16:58

Just because so many have never heard of it doesn’t mean our ancestors didn’t know of it. Also, the water racing through the Sahara could have been part of a tsunami created by recently discovered crater resulting from a comet or meteor strike off the coast of Grease. See Oz Geographic for details. Also, not much scientific discovery has been done on the crater itself.
As you have said, the Sahara was once Green filled with life with water, lakes, rivers, and plains.

The Wizard
The Wizard - 27.09.2023 23:34

EHEM - Pole shift.

D C - 26.09.2023 23:03

The map shows the position of the atlas mountain's

Toothlesslevi - 26.09.2023 21:57

Isn’t there a town 30 mins from there? I see it on Google maps. The town is called Quadane. I would think the residence have found archeological finds in the Richat if there is stuff there. I never here any of your videos or other videos talking about that town or the people that live there. What do they have to say about it? What archeological evidence have some of the residents found while exploring? I see they do tours of the Richat. What does the tour guide say about it? Everyone talks about it like no one has ever been there but it’s not true. There is literally a town that does tours of the Richat and it’s right next to the structure.

Alice Koh
Alice Koh - 25.09.2023 14:26

obviously things are being hidden under the guise of politics and conflict by those in power.

Danny Livas
Danny Livas - 24.09.2023 20:11

You should read the War of the Ancients by Aldinon Exilus. I think you would get a kick out of it.

Christopher Luikart
Christopher Luikart - 23.09.2023 20:58

I was so skeptical, but you totally changed my mind. That was well argued and researched🤯

Zac - 22.09.2023 06:54

Well done...Again!

Stephen Minkin
Stephen Minkin - 22.09.2023 02:34

It looks to be true. I would bet money on it. My only questions is why is it so important? It's an advanced society from long ago but isn't origins of mankind.

Adam Horn
Adam Horn - 22.09.2023 00:24

Lidar would not help. You need some kind of ground penetrating radar

Sam Barber Films
Sam Barber Films - 22.09.2023 00:20

Fantastic Job love it. Wow. PLEASE READ
THINK ABOUT THIS The Summarian / Babylonian fertile crescent dates, pre Israel. because Abraham a pagan worshiper was called out by God. The dates of their start, the city underwater at the edge of land persian Gulf, the hangings gardens, ....all reflections of Atlantis ...remnants , survivors.
Look at Gods word. He destroyed man in a catabolt and like Noah a remnant rebuilds. Egypt and its roots you got that . See how parallel all the dates line up. All the dates
ALSO huge shock in your words ...10 kingdoms...we are uncovering the Eye of Horace and its ten horns ....do you see. This is as big as it gets for humans right here. I will restudy with this new knowledge . This is pretty strong proof here . Nice job. Welcome to the pages of history my friend.

Sgt. Grinch
Sgt. Grinch - 21.09.2023 23:05

I agree that there was a great flood. I don’t believe your time scale is correct. We know the earth is not that old and precisely how and when the flood occurred.

Ralph West
Ralph West - 21.09.2023 14:02

I think you are absolutely correct, factor in the Younger Dryas event and things seem to add up. I saw the Richet area on maps years ago and have thought this theory ever since.

Marco Flumino
Marco Flumino - 21.09.2023 11:11

Whao, REALLY? The are soo many holes in the fact you provided, that Olympus Mons on mars would be swallowed by it! And not mentioning that they already did some excavation and geology test in that area and they never saw ANY man made artifacts or things that civilization leave behind even after catastrophic events, see Santorini for example!

E-Plebnista - 20.09.2023 18:44

i would add to this cacophony, for both the believers and nay sayers, go read A dweller on two planets. the story can add a sense of validity to all this. at least it is a great story which will make you go hmmm.

nigel sobers
nigel sobers - 20.09.2023 05:11

Mainstream historians and scientists just don't like to delve into the deep history of the African continent... which is sad, it's time we all set aside prejudice and race biases...
