Dominance is PSYCHOLOGICAL not PHYSICAL: an important message for men

Dominance is PSYCHOLOGICAL not PHYSICAL: an important message for men


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Madeleine Younze
Madeleine Younze - 29.09.2023 16:26

very true... insightful videos

Nicolas SALMIERI - 27.09.2023 12:40


Pixelpanscher - 26.09.2023 13:59

My Chihuahua would say: "I kill you!" 😂

Bill Buyers
Bill Buyers - 25.09.2023 04:22

this has more to do with how the laws have been feminized than with the intelligence of women

Nelson Zambrano
Nelson Zambrano - 24.09.2023 16:18

100% spot on..see how women sweep the floor against Men in Family court, divorce and being able to obtain restraining orders against Men (many times with no actual proof)...

artawhirler - 24.09.2023 02:27

Excellent advice as always! Thanks!

Kev Amor
Kev Amor - 24.09.2023 02:05

Weight training is the perfect crucible to weld an iron will. I believe physiognomy is very real and instinctual. Sure there can be the occasional big guy who is soft but those are the exception. If you see a big man, those muscles were won through fierce struggle and discipline. He has become the physical form his will decided. The mental game can easily be guys in their head psyching themselves into being dominant when really they aren't.
I have my own personal experience as a scrawny dude and a very fit dude. Fit is radically different and superior.

Hamilcar Barca
Hamilcar Barca - 20.09.2023 04:36

I am 5ft 5 in and have never weighed more than 165 lbs in my life , even when I was a gym rat. Size means nothing. I have punked out many dudes that were larger and stronger than me. As far as women , I will not engage them. Their illogical thought processes are a formidable weapon in verbal battle .Ignoring their rants robs them of their power.

Pepito Clavo 1 clavito
Pepito Clavo 1 clavito - 19.09.2023 07:19

Retain semen watch men respect u

L Antonio Chevalier
L Antonio Chevalier - 16.09.2023 03:08

I worked as a bounce for years. I was a physical freak with skills, but that wasn't my edge. You figure out what people are afraid to loose and what they desire in a given situation. The physical capacity was simply a tool at my disposal. My job was to gain compliance. I rarely resorted to being physical.

justathinker - 15.09.2023 18:07

We can win any logical debate but how do you win an illogical wimmins womanese one? 😂😂😂

Anosh O
Anosh O - 14.09.2023 02:56

This is terrible advice in that context. A relationship isn't about a "verbal spar". It's not good for men to hit women and it's not good for women to manipulate men. But you're being one-sided. You're saying it's not fair for an average man to hit a woman and fair enough, but you're arguing men should step up and meet women in a verbal spar? How does that make any sense? Why do men have to compete for psychological dominance but women don't have to compete for physical dominance? Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather be single than deal with an argumentative mouth-babbler every single day.

Chopin Nocturne
Chopin Nocturne - 14.09.2023 01:05

None of that was helpful no applicable advice

Mark Rcca
Mark Rcca - 13.09.2023 16:59

I never strived to be dominant in my relationship with my wife. I just want things to be fair, and over the years we have worked out a way to make joint decisions that seem to be reasonably fair to both of us. Part of it is we learned to make decisions jointly; also we learned in which situations one of us have particularly strong preferences and the other doesn't - so that the decision can be mostly deferred to the one with the strong preference.

I did have to fight for this for a period of time in the early years of the marriage. For example, we both like to go out to eat, but our preferences aren't always the same. At first, she almost always insisted that we go to a restaurant of her choice; eventually I got fed up with that, and started pointing out that it's not fair that I never get to choose. I never had to make any elaborate arguments. I simply insisted, that since she chose the restaurant the last time, it is my turn to choose one this time, and if she doesn't want to go along with my choice, we'll just stay home. We actually stayed home a few times, until she realized I was serious about this. And she couldn't really argue why it would be fair for her to choose more often than for me, since I also have my preferences, etc. So, soon enough we worked out this issue, as well as many others.

I also don't agree that in most relationships the woman is more dominant than the man. It isn't the case in our relationship; but also I haven't observed this in other relationships among my friends. But, most of my friends and their wives are immigrants from Eastern Europe or Russia - maybe that makes a difference. Perhaps for most Western families it's different, and perhaps that's why I never succeeded in dating an American woman - they intuitively felt that I couldn't be dominated the way they all expected me.. ? I don't know.

Phoenix Risin’
Phoenix Risin’ - 11.09.2023 11:03

XXs are not dominant in my world. If she’s not logical and gets passive aggressive you just walk away. Toddlers can stay toddlers

Nope - 06.09.2023 23:18

Never fight with a woman. Verbal or definitely not otherwise. That’s a zero tolerance policy right there. No need for right or wrong. She gets sent packing immediately with zero fucks.

Luciano Castillo
Luciano Castillo - 06.09.2023 09:29

Let’s be honest, if you’re a man of physical strength & have good ambitions & goals, no woman is going to even think about doing this to you bc of the risk it would take. Also if you’re this man and they do do this, I doubt you’d react emotionally. It’s a frame game, you stay in your frame because you’re heavily masculine.

Mar Bryant
Mar Bryant - 06.09.2023 05:31


Ifbb Pro Martae Ruelas
Ifbb Pro Martae Ruelas - 31.08.2023 07:49

I disagree to a point. The big dog didnt work to develop his size, use discipline, or go through hardship to be big. A disciplined man that trains did. Capability and competence is developed through hard work. The more competent he is as well as disciplined it can help. A ton. If a mans had to work hard to physically diet, train, etc to get to a point if being more disciplined hell not settle for less and have better boundaries. Especially if hes developed this over a period of time. This translates so much to confidence and dominance over time especially through his discipline and patience. Bodybuilding afterall is a game of patience, discipline, and competence.

Allen Efremov
Allen Efremov - 30.08.2023 21:29

The women are dominant in these relationships because they can act however they want. When the man tries to standup for himself, he is gaslit and ridiculed. They have no reproach in the physical sense like the previous generations did.

The women can then cheat and take half through no fault divorce. All of this based off how she "feels"

If we told our forefathers about the future. They would look at us in disgust.

Greg Kelemen
Greg Kelemen - 29.08.2023 00:31

I was raised never to argue with women. Not because it’s wrong, but because it’s pointless. If they need to go nuclear to get their way, they’ll do it. And if you try to call them on their BS, same.

Dan McQueen
Dan McQueen - 24.08.2023 18:42

Points well taken. However, since I don't particularly give a $hit where females are concerned, if I'm not leading, I'm not playing.

mrkns m
mrkns m - 24.08.2023 16:17

That argument woman would mop a floor with a guy in verbal argument is a bit silly tho considering females constantly seek validation thru the outside, and you can so easily make her cry by commenting her obvious insecurities in her appearance. Random female is protected by unspoken social contract - making girls (whether they are 5 or 55) cry is a big NONO, so vast majority of females never heard the truth about themselves. Arguing with a female is as easy ass arguing with a child.
With the size - if you are 6'4 240lb she'll give you more respect of the bat rather than when you are her size (because the lizard brain would be scared that this ape twice her size might snap her neck if she says something wrong) and then it's up to you to either keep her in that state or "come out" as a little b!ch in a huge body.

Yousiff Abdul
Yousiff Abdul - 23.08.2023 14:19

What is the solution?

Lauren Galan
Lauren Galan - 21.08.2023 07:10

I had a toy poodle who was very dominant. He used to dominate dogs of all sizes and was not aggressive. Not by humping or aggression but more in a sense of holding his ground and not letting the other dog sniff his butt before he’s sniffed theirs. He used to trot up to any type of dog and I had to be careful with him because he had zero awareness of his size 😂

GenericGemini - 16.08.2023 08:35

With all that said, it sounds like the only common ground is to BE emotionally dominant(out of psychological and physical). We are emotional creatures so regardless of which sex you think is dominant, it's the one that plays the "Alpha" emotional dominance card that ends up in control. That and maybe a little attraction and now I realize how/why we put certain people on pedestals, it's really about manipulating how a person feels that ends up winning. Wow, that power in the wrong hands could really.......*looks at the world* well, now it all makes sense. We're all emotionally run down from all this back and forth for control. for dominance! ( -_- ) This must be how psychopaths and sociopaths are born.

Wild Shrimp48
Wild Shrimp48 - 13.08.2023 12:06

As a debater, verbal sparring is my favorite sport!

Peter Gama
Peter Gama - 13.08.2023 10:43

Honestly I doubt I would get schooled in any verbal argument I got a degree in dealing with crazy behaviour

Red Brick
Red Brick - 13.08.2023 07:38

Two questions much of this is due to women being arrogance and ego driven? And in the realm of men, how much is this related to personality – so for example the dark triad traits (narcissism, psychopathy, machiavellianism) and is the mbti archetype “the commander” an example of how certain people might be more innately & psychologically ‘dominant’?

The Narrator
The Narrator - 11.08.2023 11:46

You can't become alpha
You can't become sigma
If you are beta. You.are beta.
And 90% of men are beta. Accept this.

Zach Hazelett
Zach Hazelett - 04.08.2023 18:38

The fact you said “only a beta wouldn’t follow through” was hilarious and you got a follow

Khanyiso kaMabanga
Khanyiso kaMabanga - 31.07.2023 00:45

Men are logical beings, not emotional. What breaks my heart is the sheer number of men who argue emotionally like women! Easy way to break these men is to insist on EVIDENCE backing their arguments. They quickly fold..🤷🏾‍♂️

Clark H
Clark H - 28.07.2023 18:30

Orion, this only works for people whose ARENT willing to go to jail. I know men who would beat your 160lb ass to a pulp if you used SmartMouth psy D. Language to try and psychologically dominate them. Obviously those people are a minority, but it's really laws that allow for your paradigm.

Ivan Hopkins
Ivan Hopkins - 26.07.2023 13:48

so true! women on average are more adept at emotional and psychological interactions than the average man and it stands to reason as women can't compete in the physical dominate against a man so instead they must become masters/ mistresses of emotional and psychological "influence"/ and a toxic woman uses emotional and psychological manipulation
whereas a toxic man will use overt aggression and violent intimidating behaviour

a balanced healthy man exudes confidence strength security and steadfastness

a healthy woman exudes
a loving
elegance and

Are You
Are You - 20.07.2023 06:31

Emotional martial arts does a lot of emotional damage 😮

Robert Immanuel
Robert Immanuel - 18.07.2023 19:17

dominance through physical means only works in tribal societies.

pz3j - 10.07.2023 23:15

Women are dominant because men are taught to acquiece. Women are dominant because the law is on their side and they can call on other men (police, the army, etc) to punish men. Women have the power to strip a man of his hard earned wealth, his children, his freedom, and his dignity on a whim. Women rarely respond positively or constructively to reason. Men are left with very little to leverage with in western society.

TOM Grove
TOM Grove - 07.07.2023 14:48

"Being able to spar verbally" would be a good idea for a topic on a video. Let's face it you said yourself men are at a disadvantage against women, they make demands and we are left with give in or else type of consequence.

The Stress Theory of Hans Selye
The Stress Theory of Hans Selye - 06.07.2023 00:19

You overlook the “biological supremacy” of the female; if men wish to mate, they must kow-tow to the wishes of a woman. Rape isn’t an answer, because it lowers the chance of successful insemination. There is more to sexual biology than meets the eye and the ear.

Armor Bearer
Armor Bearer - 03.07.2023 09:25

It makes sense that women dominant verbal arguments with men. Physical strength helps with intimidation which is not something men want to do with women. A better way would be to take classes that help men speak more clearly and with more authority.

Narcissist people I hate
Narcissist people I hate - 30.06.2023 11:24


Human Being
Human Being - 27.06.2023 14:19

I think you reduce it down to "verbal", I wouldn't. I think it's more "mental/emotional".
And I do agree that men are usually more focused on body strength domination and women on mental/emotional, and I think that this "tug of war" dynamic, is key to the evolution of humans, to a more well rounded and whole being, that is strong in both areas.

Snobbish Ruk
Snobbish Ruk - 25.06.2023 04:28

Only a beta wouldn’t follow through? Well! This is the most beta phrase I have ever heard. Alphas don’t advertise they are alphas. They just naturally act like it.

bjorn viir
bjorn viir - 24.06.2023 22:20

bouncers and bodyguards are great examples...huge but submissive to their master.

Matthew Norris
Matthew Norris - 23.06.2023 06:42

I agree, and I think 50 to 60% of dating game is establishing dominance and being able to spar and answer objections.

Clickbait Cabaret
Clickbait Cabaret - 17.06.2023 02:57

I'm a German Shepard on steroids & my wife is holding my leash.

Mick von Bornemann
Mick von Bornemann - 16.06.2023 20:15

Body building are like tattoos, they’re a tell for insecurity

Michael Garrow
Michael Garrow - 12.06.2023 04:36

Um,,, when they call the police in on made up assault charges- I consider that physical. Then there is the actual violence.
Women are property of the State. They do not bond with men.

Drew —
Drew — - 08.06.2023 22:08

I think you're spot on, but this video doesn't address the application of dominance in a social sphere. In a physical sphere it's pretty straight forward. but id like to get your assessment of the social techniques that are commonly used by successful people.
