Tips on Kickstarting the Paleo Diet

Tips on Kickstarting the Paleo Diet

The Wall Street Journal

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@user-vt4kf6kk5k - 21.03.2024 03:22

Some grains we eat are gmo and not always what our ancestors ate.

@iJackson007 - 04.02.2024 11:23

Losing weight very fast after starting paleo diets is an indication that you need to watch your body closely .

@iJackson007 - 04.02.2024 11:22

Smart paleo is completely doable 👍🏼 just remember to substitute . Do not just take away .

@King-Bird-2TV - 23.01.2024 06:34

I can’t unhear the bias in this anchors voice

@eddiejones3243 - 16.01.2024 03:45

I can’t unhear the bias in this anchors voice

@Txjen123 - 07.01.2024 21:54

i have been doing paleo for 10 years lost 20lbs and my lab work is great!

@jessicah3450 - 06.11.2023 06:33

Humans used to eat dough pastes, grains mixed in milk or water. Then they started baking it on hot stones and made flat bread.

@benironside1264 - 29.08.2023 08:08

It’s getting worrying that there is an apologetic undertone when people talk about eating animal proteins.

@SuperBuggerz - 31.07.2023 04:39

The paleo diet is common sense to suggest that we need burgers and soda for optimum health is comical

@Araanor - 07.04.2023 21:22

absolutely no real evidence suggests that red meat is bad for you. it's an old myth based on bad science done on rodents.

@bookworm5433 - 23.02.2023 09:52

I do paleo, I also don't eat processed sugar. So when she mentioned maple syrup, not something I would normally eat. I do allow myself to have a cheat on Sundays. However, I don't usually take myself up on it. It's become more of a special occasion thing. When I do have a cheat, my favorite thing is ice cream.

@formosamilan9552 - 07.02.2023 01:40

she looks fit/ strong

@blackola7559 - 22.01.2023 09:05

They always forget to stress that every person is very different, what works for one may be a disaster for another. Start with optimal nutrition - meat and animal fat, then add the survival foods gradually

@Shorttimer825 - 13.01.2023 15:38


@glennwhitt7375 - 13.11.2022 14:18

No paleo video mentioned honey as a sweetner yet. Surely paleo man ate raw honey ?

@leibmoshe - 12.11.2022 21:35

The Paleo diet is ranked number 30 out of 39 diets intensively studied by the Longevity Institute for human health and longevity. It scores 2.4 out of 5. The Mediterranean diet consisting of mostly plant based food with small servings of fish and fowl is rated every year over and over as the number 1 diet for human and health and longevity with a score of 4.2 out of 5. This video is bad advice and would advise against the information contained there within

@Alice-rm9ge - 03.11.2022 18:11

I tried this diet a few years ago and it did not work for my spiked my blood sugars.....I'm now doing Keto and doing well

@Bangle9 - 04.08.2022 19:41

“If a modern heart doctor could give medical advice to the iceman Ötzi — the man who was preserved as a mummy after his murder about 5,300 years ago in the snowy Alps — it would be this: Stop eating so much fatty meat and consider taking medications that lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. [Or eat a WFPB diet!]

This advice is based on a new comprehensive look at the iceman mummy's cardiovascular health. A full-body computed tomography (CT) scan showed that Ötzi had three calcifications (hardened plaques) in his heart region, putting him at increased risk for a heart attack. “

See Livescience article, “Ötzi the Iceman Was a Heart Attack Waiting to Happen”

@sadeosoba3875 - 13.12.2020 19:14

I love the Paleo diet. Please consider adding African food to the carbohydrates like bololo, Amala, fufu and garri. It is from yams and cassava

@thesouljournerstarot6678 - 09.06.2020 00:48

Idiot. The people back then exercised for a living by searching for food and ate whatever they could find. The agricultural corporate farming complex wants for us to keep gorging on wheat, corn, and soy so they don't lose their bottom line. They need to CHANGE. We need more micro- and phyto- nutrients from plants that are nutrient dense and full of antioxidents instead of pesticide ridden, carbohydrate laden, insulin producing, depleted, abused and heavily government subsidized food sources from which to try to be well.

@amandarenske - 07.06.2020 16:47

They cannot have eaten grains - which by definition did not exist until agriculture bred them. Or they were not hunter gatherers - this makes no sense. It is possible that the ancestor plants, like wild grass seeds may have made up a small proportion of their diet. But we know these plants are a tiny carb content next to the modern varieties.

There is no way primitive man subsisted on these to any large degree, because they do not provide enough calories, as either fat or carb to live on.

The whole premise makes no scientific sense from an archaeological point of view.

Otherwise she is talking about post agriculture. Not Paleo ancestors referred to on the diet.

@JdogFla - 04.02.2020 15:14

No eggs on the paleo diet but yet she put eggs in the pancakes no shade

@222pav - 11.07.2019 13:51

You should not be evolving the original Paleo.

@222pav - 11.07.2019 13:48

Also the maple syrup and other things you mention in this video are counter productive to weight loss.

@222pav - 11.07.2019 13:44

If you follow the Paleo (unprocessed meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts and seeds) you would not be overweight. You might be overweight because of the flours you are adding. Don’t promote these.

@rockoramadevil - 12.06.2019 06:38

she isn't fit at all....not a good thing when you promote a diet...

@markiegreen5214 - 29.09.2017 20:20


@florin8055 - 06.09.2017 09:17

Cheers for the Video clip! Excuse me for the intrusion, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you heard about - Elijaarqey Paleo Smasher (just google it)? It is an awesome one off guide for discovering some amazing paleo recipes without the headache. Ive heard some great things about it and my old buddy Taylor at very last got excellent success with it.

@rehemanzilani5816 - 24.05.2017 19:20

Great Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you thought about - Millawdon Perfect Body Trick (google it)? It is a good one of a kind product for getting the best paleo cookbook without the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my old buddy Taylor got cool success with it.

@countrygemlife6989 - 20.02.2017 18:53

realistically, Paleo man ate what they could find. plenty of plant matter, furit, meat when available. but the likelihood of them eating every day or foods with full flavor is slim at best. I'm on Paleo and have lost 30lbs and gained plenty of muscle. to address heart disease, yes it's already been proven that Paleo man suffered from this but there are plenty of medical records showing folks that have been vegetarians their whole lives who have heart disease. the fact is, we still don't understand why some people get it and some don't.

@xxnotmuchxx - 19.10.2016 23:19

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of global warming, deforestation (1-2 acres/ second), and species extinction.

@beegum1 - 22.09.2016 22:34

I always hear people on Paleo say they eat "Paleo + Oatmeal for breakfast", lol. In fact, whereas I've heard that... I don't think I've heard any Paleos recently that are not eating oatmeal for breakfast, lol.
