Pro Engineer Reacts to CRAZY HOME STUDIO Setups!

Pro Engineer Reacts to CRAZY HOME STUDIO Setups!


3 года назад

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@bigdaddy-fk5bi - 13.01.2024 08:27

some of the cooleststuff ive heard is from crap setups. i have a crap room but i use alot of isolation so the room doesnt matter. and yes you can mix in headphones.

@Hightreewalker - 06.01.2024 00:46

Boomy cheapass speakers pointing completely in the wrong direction and lots of 'wrong' reflections sound way cooler

@lozreeve2780 - 04.12.2023 02:58

I'm keen to understand the difference between recording and mixing for room treatment. I record vocals in my home studio and then mix them with backing music produced using loops. I'm gathering the room treatment needs to be different when recording vocals (ie absorption behind the mic and to the sides?). Anyone got any thoughts?

@federicoverdicchio - 27.11.2023 17:07

Why can't the speakers sit on the desk if they are at the right height?

@david_matheny - 16.11.2023 05:07

You didn't tell us anything we don't already know. Listen, those who can afford the perfect setup don't need your help since they can obviously afford a professional acoustic design company to handle everything. Those who need your tips are budget studios who need cheap solutions.

@tomkent4656 - 20.10.2023 17:27

You claim be a Pro engineer, then admit you have limited knowledge of studios. Come on!

@eabr2881 - 11.09.2023 05:24

Strange that there is no mention about all the resonant guitars in the rooms. Bass traps and panels aren't gonna help those guitars resonating with the music.

@maxprofane - 10.09.2023 04:49

I don't even have monitors, just $100 headphones which is way above my pay grade being 0 per month 😂 this is not a video for me I guess

@bartolomebrando6698 - 12.08.2023 07:22

A pro can make good mixes anywhere. If you can’t, then you’re bedroom studio is as good as it can get. Keep doing the good work, bedroom producers!

@zaccllewellyn8950 - 28.06.2023 07:39

My speakers are the size of the large sound absorber pads and even on five percent volume the house shakes but it can she changed its a quad mounted speaker and sub combo set which works well and it's a 62 double band legaliser and so are most of all these speakers which half these at the least are built to not rumble the surface below

@zaccllewellyn8950 - 28.06.2023 07:36

They're like that for perfect reason and no these speakers are punchy and some of the best commercially sold in they're size

@zaccllewellyn8950 - 28.06.2023 07:35

This is only for non fully !music naturally skilled people as right musical men can record and sound great without half this equip!ent just got a electric guitar pick up over the sound hole where a neck and middle pickup would be aswell as the an internal bridge piece pickup and a few drum pad and that all you need without editing and am these proles setups work great he has the further away one for monitoring and the one closest to the screen is a background speaker

@darkxix9098 - 18.06.2023 21:04

HELP my mic keep making weird noise i dont think its feed back and every thing i try dont work. im going crazy plzzzzzzz HELP

@SaulHoodman - 14.06.2023 02:57

interesting, wouldnt want to hear what you say about mine!

@Brutuscomedy - 22.05.2023 18:31

I have one monitor dead center (and a cheaper stereo setup to check mixes). But yeah. Mostly I mix in mono and would recommend people give it a shot.

@SongwriterPlayer - 22.05.2023 04:55

I closed my professional recording studio, which I have had for 25 years because the "pandemic generated home studio crazes" moved all my clients to a home studio set up and you can't make a living from no clients. How do you compete with free, you can't. The cost of equipment, utilities, rent, income tax, and the hundreds of professional home studio setups are killing the professional recording studio. I have sold most of my equipment and am getting out of the music industry. I got a job at Walmart and I work part-time at a small coffee shop for extra cash. As much as I loved working with bands and producing great artists and songs, there is no real money to be made, it is a disaster. I wish anyone that tries to start a Recording studio Good Luck, you are going to need it.

@timelmore2 - 12.05.2023 11:06

It's never enough.

@gorrakkandleafs4165 - 18.04.2023 08:23

My understanding was that you can’t have symmetry in your room shape for good acoustics. You need a reflection free zone and offsetting walls and following a golden ratio styled room design is key.

@legalize.brokkoli - 14.04.2023 16:40

Gentlemen, never trust an engineer who fancies the aestethics of an emergency room on LSD.

@The_Master_Brain - 12.03.2023 14:37

Who is he. Nobody know him. So, in fact.. He is a nobody who try to tell the producers, how to build their studio 🤡

Take a look to his studio, there is everything wrong, you can do wrong. 🤣

@roymorrishx - 02.03.2023 19:00

And here I am nodding in agreement but knowing full well my cheap little 2i2, MacBook, and headphone setup in the corner of a room is the complete opposite of his recommendations.

@yogapaule - 23.02.2023 23:52

Videos like these are for people who like gear more than making music

@TinoSchulz1990 - 23.02.2023 06:47

That's what i was wondering for years. All these studios with their big SSL consoles, don't they run into a reflection hell? I mean, the surface of the consoles will reflect sound like hell, right?

@BlueWingedRino - 21.02.2023 03:19

You would of had a freaking coronary if you saw my recording setup in the late eighties with me playing along with two tape recorders to multitrack.

@maxkilluminati8278 - 20.02.2023 22:24

the wall behind my studio monitors has a window on the left and the studio monitor in front of the window is louder than the one in front of the wall

@WildernessMusic_GentleSerene - 19.02.2023 11:03

Recording in a cube will always sound like a room. My little apartment has bookcases from floor to ceiling on the back walls, and floor to celling shelving for music gear on the remaining walls. Recording in here does not sound like a cube, but most importantly, I avoid microphones like the plague using direct inputting of guitars and keyboards, and use of electronic drums. my music is instrumental except for background choir or small vocal ensembles, these I sample in the few quiet hours I have before all the noise of apartment living wake up. This is the true problems of home recording for musicians, we don't have the money for a home (true starving artist) making noise or having others noise makes microphone recording almost impossible. As a listening environment, near fields solve most problems and the bookcases and shelving covering all walls solve the other. There are no flat exposed surfaces except the 8 foot high ceiling.

@djatixofficialdnb - 18.02.2023 13:02

At the end of the day streaky knows his stuff. Iv learnt alot from this guy so there must be some truth init for him to post it up. Especially when his bin doing it for 25 years. (Think im right) iv followed his addvice and made adjustments in my studio. (Not a big studio) im noone big at all but following his steps have defenatly made a impact in my production. It all comes down to understanding how a track sounds in your enviroment. If it sounds right, it useraly is. (Words from the man himself) 😁

@debmalya6144 - 18.02.2023 11:46

Man i gained too much useless knowledge

@marianlech3378 - 07.02.2023 20:11

In the exampe @7-8min the speakers' level looks suspiciously close to being exactly halfway floor to ceiling... just my 1cent.

@godsinbox - 07.02.2023 09:05

streaky academy? a division of the ponds institute ;)

@matthewcassette - 06.02.2023 01:02

Dude that's what I'm missing, acoustically appropriate sand for my room

@OperationChicago - 05.02.2023 05:53


@knowareman03 - 04.02.2023 16:54

I wanna send my pic. How?

@awjaaa - 03.02.2023 11:52

Erm... a video from a "pro" on sound, whose video sound sounds tinny w/ too much reverb.

Make your music sound great on every system, from $5 ear buds up to his ridiculous "hundred thousand dollah" gear, and you'll win hearts.

@garystackhouse5787 - 01.02.2023 16:19

...when you order Dunning-Kruger from Sweetwater...

@commodoor6549 - 31.01.2023 06:14

Everyone knows you need to have cool blue lighting to make great sounding music.

@joa1232 - 26.01.2023 23:34

Honestly, in the end nobody cares about the room a song was mixed in. Music is about creativity and passion, not about gear or perfect room treatment. If a song is good, its a good song. If you know how to mix you can get decent mixes even with cheap headphones. And if not learn how to mix or let someone else mix your music. But most importantly, dont let the lack of 'professional gear' stop you from making music. You have everything you need to let the music in your head become real so everyone can hear it ❤️

@shlokchavan2448 - 25.01.2023 09:41

hey streaky i'd recommend not starting the video with "IN TODAY'S VIDEO!"

@lilshoota19 - 20.01.2023 21:41

The number one important thing to mixing is developing your ear I know guys I went to school with that know their shit but can't get it to sound good because they don't have the ear your ear is the most important thing all this technical bs is bs get what you can afford and learn what sounds good make your mix sound as close to professional music as possible trust me u don't need $10k speakers to get a pro sound I've seen it done on 400 dollar speakers 300 dollar mic just keep working all the little shit in sound frequency just remember 90 percent of people can't hear the imperfections an audio engineer can hear don't beat your self

@dragonemortale9056 - 12.01.2023 15:57

Form my experience asymeteical rooms sounds the best even if not treated.
But you can make One room asym with some tricks like a campus italian producer did *dardust*.
Also realty messy rooms full of objcts for diffusion with the right wals that l'et pass the bass works.
But Is a mater of ears and personal calibration

@vitomccartney - 10.01.2023 17:09

I have one word for you guys: Mouth

@bugattiveyron620 - 08.01.2023 01:25

Nice video streaky ..
The desk reflection is a thing ..
Remember all them consoles that some of these hits are mixed on, the speakers are on the desk ..for 22 years I have speakers on desk.
Two tier desk of course 😋

@bugattiveyron620 - 08.01.2023 01:15

Nice video bro

@mka917 - 07.01.2023 16:10

Great critique !

@RockandRollRC - 01.01.2023 09:38

I understand your visual judgment, but, nothing is gained without a TEF analyzer.

@new_aether - 31.12.2022 04:18

isnt symetry the bad thing from acoustinc point of view? from what i know the closer to 90 degrees the more sound bounces and resonates
