Install LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04

Install LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04


3 года назад

66 Просмотров

This is a little guide with help from another guide from LinuxBabe.
This will install necessary elements for installing something like NextCloud, Owncloud and others.

Website that have been used:


We have now installet Ubuntu 20.04 and need to make some updates before installing LAMP

open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T)

Type: sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Now updates and upgrades have been installed.. We need to make a clean up.

Type sudo apt autoremove.

To install LAMP i use Linuxbabes guide.. but not all of the steps.

We have allready made step one and two.

We need to install Apache Web Server

Now that step is done..

We now have to make firewall rules.

Firewall rule for HTTP is now open.

Chown is to make www-data user and group admin of /var/www/html folder.

Apache needs to know the local host.

After inserting the ServerName, save and close.

now Restart / Reload apache server

After installing MariaDB you need to setup the admin settings.

Now that is set.

We have to see if MariaDB is working...

sudo mariadb -u root means

admin mariadb user root

now that we have testet that it is working.. we go to next step.

Copy the line to install PHP 7.4 and some PHP apps.

Now go to How to Run PHP-FPM with apache.

Now you can save the Ubuntu configuration and install what ever type of server you want that needs LAMP.

Thank you for watching.


#Ubuntu_LAMP #LAMP_install #Apache_(LAMP_Stack) #LAMP_Apache #Prerequisites_nextcloud
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