PC vs Mac - The Answer

PC vs Mac - The Answer


3 года назад

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Ilyass Ilyass
Ilyass Ilyass - 02.09.2023 18:16

Me with no computer whatsoever jumping on the argument cuz if i hypothetically could afford a oc i'd never take a mac

Savannah Mares
Savannah Mares - 25.07.2023 06:32

thanks for helping me with this stuff!

Andy_Rocket - 19.07.2023 13:49

Bill Gatse was the first face on Mac, and the biggest stock holder. Now. And the two..Windows/Mac is not compatable with nothing! The companies Are running an iillurion of competition. Weile actually just wanting to block people maximum

Andy_Rocket - 19.07.2023 13:42

Ja!!! 😂😭😂😭I cant belive it! I need a computer. But I hate both those to FuckSystems.

Samuel Attias
Samuel Attias - 15.07.2023 14:45

Mn wilds Guy Has His Hewlett-Packard Laptop From Sears Since October 16th, 2022. Later, His Father Is About To Buy Him an iMac At Kmart Until October 15th, 2023

THE EVERYTHING GUY - 09.07.2023 08:10

No dip

Poseidon500 - 17.06.2023 22:31

PC for desktop. Mac for laptop. Too easy.

Brandon Govreau
Brandon Govreau - 14.06.2023 22:43

PC or Mac Costco or Walmart it's a similar debate

tigros999 - 10.06.2023 05:08

it's because of product placement, someone in Hollywood somehow is connected to everyone in lala land, every TV/Movie laptop has Apple logo!

Natalie Sánchez
Natalie Sánchez - 07.06.2023 00:06

Bro calm down with the laptops, i get that you were nervous but chill XD

partypao - 01.06.2023 12:56

A long time pc and mac user. I have a mac air bought in 2012 working the same way as it worked as I've bought it (not lags, etc), in contrast a PC laptop i bought in 2016 , now in 2023 isn't usable any more, even after making windows reinstalls. It is so freaking slow! Even on a fresh install of windows! They are running on nearly the same specs (PC actually has a slightly faster CPU). I think it's the hardware built quality. I'm guessing the hard drive read/write speed slows down after 5 years in PCs, while Macs do not even after 10 years. Maybe it is a different story if you have a complete SSD PC setup? I haven't done that on my old pc but I will try and see any improvements when I replace my old HDD with a solid state drive. But also the screen of my PC laptop have 4 lines of dead pixels, my can still has a perfect screen. One thing though, Macs give off a hotter surface temp than PCs, and also one of the keys don't work anymore. But that's after 10 years of use so that's reasonable. But overall my Mac air is still working as well as when I got it. My mac air is about 2.5 x more expensive than my pc, so I guess they are the same in price vs. value. You just need to buy a new pc every 5/6 years. And Macs after 10 years++? I dunno. Maybe my Mac air will last another 5 more years? If so, that will be more value for my money. And will make Mac a winner for me.

Erik Krüger
Erik Krüger - 30.05.2023 01:15

I can really verify the stability point. I switched from an 2015 higher tier HP Laptop to a top of the line MacBook Pro from 2008 in 2018(mostly because I hadn't had much back and and it was a more reasonable option than what was out there on the Windows market für 250€). And I'm very happy with my decision because I never run into Kernel Panic with the MacBook but I had tons of issues with the HP laptop from blue screens to hard drive failures to simply not turning on anymore. And now I'm on the base model earyl 2020 MacBook Air and I'm still happy and I would've even still used the old MacBook Pro if I didn't drop it and completly destroyed the screen hinge. And for me as a high school student it was the right choice part of because I use an iPad for school and I can just AirDrop a project or a document I created on my Mac onto my iPad to show it in school. And I really apprieciate that. And I prefer consoles for gaming more anyways so I don't too much that gaming on Macs is still not really present(but at least the Sims 4 runs without any issues)

Ser Red
Ser Red - 21.05.2023 19:09

MAC for apple fans.
PC for literally everyone else.

Feety Cool
Feety Cool - 27.04.2023 01:37

Mac is like chromeOS but more supported

HorrorHouseMedia - 26.04.2023 03:08

Who is here watching this video on an M1? Here's to the M1 Pro!

Adrenaliner - 25.04.2023 19:52

PC. McD. Coke. Always.

Hollowdude15 - 17.04.2023 03:13

Awesome video man!!

J V - 07.04.2023 12:17

Apple products are good if youre a 15 year old girl in high school

Oliver Efthemes
Oliver Efthemes - 07.04.2023 03:02

Linux is best

Mathin3D - 05.04.2023 22:30

Macintosh machines are foe king garbage - expensive foe king garbage

avegromek - 19.03.2023 18:47

im amazed how people can still buying this overpaid apple crap. switch to windows and have a life

Chinny - 13.03.2023 06:49

Coke. McDonalds. Starvation.

Homo sapiens non erectus
Homo sapiens non erectus - 10.03.2023 15:22

i was thinking about getting an old Max Mini because i like the size but will not pay the price of a new one for any apple device. After this video i think my choice will be the NUC :D

Scott Hayes
Scott Hayes - 09.03.2023 16:14

I would love a comparison of the everyday with each os

Tow Piglet
Tow Piglet - 09.03.2023 02:40

I've been an average mac user for the last 5 years, but my goodness is this hp with windows that I'm testing out a steaming pile trash. I'll stop using computers before switching back to windows fr

womp - 08.03.2023 11:43

PC is good for towers, Mac is better for laptops

ŠumskiPero - 17.02.2023 17:25


inbetweeny - 15.02.2023 14:58

I want my device to work and not it to work me. So: Mac.

Luis Navarro
Luis Navarro - 14.02.2023 07:14

Apple laptops have a tendency to where the multiple auto desktop minimized makes it’s on pc inside the pc and then the devices refuses to connect . Tech said have you tried turning it off and on .yes it works but it happens all over again when it wants too. How do I stop this. Or a fix. Now my Bluetooth doesn’t even do the search is just grey frozen

WhoDatDere - 06.02.2023 20:41

I guess I like my macOS because I got used to it (Safari, Garage band, iWork). Linux is not an answer and never was.

Snake Skinner
Snake Skinner - 26.01.2023 15:18

pc all the way mac suck

justnTime077 - 25.01.2023 22:21

Let’s not forget free high quality apps come with Mac that stomp the pricey subscription-based apps of todays windows. The price difference isn’t so bad when you consider that—unless you’re just a web browsing granny

Mr. Shredder
Mr. Shredder - 15.01.2023 22:17

In the strictest definition a Mac is also a PC 😂😂😂

MrUnity - 14.01.2023 08:03

people that use mac are full of shit

Ricky Stafford
Ricky Stafford - 10.01.2023 20:26

do you game? pc. no? mac.

Fasolaru - 07.01.2023 04:09


Freeasabird - 03.01.2023 11:46

There’s not enough Lexapro for me to continue with windows. My adhd wants to throw it out a window. I should try Mac

Henrik Karlsson
Henrik Karlsson - 03.01.2023 01:58

Nice vid, exactly what I thaught. No Macintosh in my home :) If it was about Brand I would have bought an Amiga but those days long gone ;) A Mac is just a PC nowadays, at twice the cost

DerestWillow185 - 31.12.2022 12:49

The cost?

Timothy - 29.12.2022 21:24

Saw thumbnail. No need for me to watch. Just came to say the answer is never Mac. You're welcome and goodbye.

Float Samples Bharath
Float Samples Bharath - 29.12.2022 17:40

Without watching I can Definitely say Its our Legendary Windows
And there are many reason to say that Windows is better than Mac
And remember there are 0 reason to say than Mac is Better than our Legendary Windows Mac Kids haha Xd

GreatJoFo - 26.12.2022 06:51

I think this video is biased toward pc

alex b
alex b - 25.12.2022 01:34

Apple's ecosystem has a reputation for functionality? Just try the most simple thing, like transferring photos and videos from your iphone to your PC, because you ran out of space. If you don't want to use icould for extra storage you are screwed. Every Apple product is like that psycho friend in horror movies: it's very nice to you while you're friends, but when you start hanging out with other people it tries to murder you. Apple products may have a very user friendly interface, but are reluctant to work properly with any other non-Apple product.

FR7 گ
FR7 گ - 20.12.2022 22:36

The answer is always PC

Mukarram Nazar
Mukarram Nazar - 18.12.2022 21:11

Messi vs Ronaldo

Jose Cueto
Jose Cueto - 17.12.2022 23:50

Windows has become trash, these forced updates have gotten out of control. One of them basically crashed my computer and now they want to force update to change my entire operating system to windows 11. Getting a mac, never again with windows..

Voyager - 17.12.2022 19:51

I've owned a MacBook Pro for five years, finding myself using bootcamp for Windows 10/11 nine out of ten times for:

1. easier multitasking for clerical work (e.g. Word & Chrome side by side with easy taskbar controls);

2. more logical button arrangements & less bugs on Office programs (e.g. the wrapping image functions failed to work on macOS Word);

3. versatility to add-on or third-party programs (e.g. my kyocera printer driver has less functions in its mac version, harder to compile A3 booklet)

4. gaming & customization, of course.

The only reason for me to use macOS is Final Cut Pro. Even Photoshop works better on Windows side, to me at least.

Besides, Windows touch screen functionality is way better than iPadOS' which doesn't give you a full desktop experience. I'm way happier with my Surface Pro recently than an iPad Air (USB-C).

My science friend also enjoys those programs for scientists on his Windows machine.

In short, Windows is more versatile while macOS is simpler.

ten-ninety-six - 14.12.2022 09:50

Elementary os op

eavesDrop Beats
eavesDrop Beats - 11.12.2022 04:11

I've had a MacBook Pro for a little over a year now and hate it with a passion. PC all the way for me. Apple is absolutely not for me.

Mike11 - 07.12.2022 21:05

As someone who has owned a Macbook and and a Dell Inspiron 14 laptop here is my objective view:

- the one good think about macs is they just WORK. My Macbook air never gave me any issues whatsoever. I had it for eight years and i could have used it for longer than that but it was stolen
- I've had my Dell laptop for two years now and it's given Me TWO annoying issues:
Issue number 1) when I first got the laptop the WiFi would become glitchy if the computer went to sleep. Because of this i had to change my settings to make my laptop never go to sleep and I also couldn't put my computer to sleep I had to turn it off. Dell/windows eventually fixed this issue with a software update. That problem lasted about three months
Issue number 2) I noticed that my Dell laptop was running a bit slowly. I realized it was because it wasn't utilizing the 8gb of ram efficiently. Macs generally utilize ram better than Windows devices. So I upgraded the ram from 8gb to 16 Gb, I paid 70CAD for this (parts and labour - I didn't install the ram myself)
- other than those two issues though I have to say the Inspiron 14 and Macbook air are very comparable. Albeit those two issues were quite annoying to deal with. But you also have to consider the fact that my Dell was 699 cad vs my air which was 1299 cad.
- my conclusion: if you're on a budget you'll be fine with a windows device but get something where u can upgrade the ram because u might have to do that if you want your device to run buttery smooth. I don't think 8 Gb is sufficient on a windows laptop u need at least 12 Gb in my opinion. It doesn't cost much to upgrade the ram tbh just go to your local computer store they'll do it for cheap. Or do it yourself if u know how
- if u have the money just buy a Mac. It's amazing that Apple can release products that basically give the user no issues whatsoever. Apple truly is an s tier tech company.
