Arturia Pigments wants me to sell my Iridium (again)

Arturia Pigments wants me to sell my Iridium (again)

Jameson Nathan Jones

1 год назад

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Emily Hopkins
Emily Hopkins - 10.01.2023 20:36


Allen Cobb
Allen Cobb - 30.08.2023 18:54

Hardware internals are so vastly different from one synth to another -- from multiple analog boards to one cleverly programmed raspberry -- that the whole idea of hw vs sw sound is almost meaningless except in specific comparisons. But the hw experience is, as many have said, often a welcome departure from staring at screens. With some synths, like the Wavestate, I love to design sounds away from the whole studio -- not just away from screens, but from all the other equipment. Still, when I have some complex designs to explore, nothing beats the UHD screen with all the controls in front of me and no ratsnest of cabling.

Jeedmo Dorn
Jeedmo Dorn - 08.08.2023 02:20

I'm new to the world of music making. For now softsynths are a fantastic intro into sound design. Relatively cheap and loaded with presets, what's not to like? But using hardware seems compelling, tactile, immersive and intuitive. Cost aside, having both is a no brainer.

Harry W. Haines, III
Harry W. Haines, III - 28.07.2023 10:08

Windows 10/11 makes me want to stay with hardware.

sK3LeTvM - 09.07.2023 17:51

The Iridium is the only synth that not lasted longer than 1 day in my studio. Why? Just listen to it and do not fool yourself.

Bastiaan W
Bastiaan W - 24.06.2023 11:33

You had me at “the hardware versus software debate is as tired as me” 😂

M M - 23.06.2023 20:35

🤣🤣 Subscribed.

TechnoPop - 10.06.2023 01:50

Well, Pigments stopped working a few nights ago, due to some recent Logic upgrade. I'm not the only one who 'suffered'. Others too - by reading forums here there and everywhere. This is the price you pay for going the software route. You are at the mercy of software incompatibilities. Hardware rocks in that regard. Your Iridium won't stop working one day because your computer chose to upgrade to a new version of Logic. Harware all the way. I am burned by Pigments as it caused me 2 days of downtime - it took me that long to figure out it was the reason why my projects wouldn't open. I will never use Pigments again.

Matt Williams
Matt Williams - 30.05.2023 11:46

For my guitar I moved from amps and effects to the Helix. The big thing I don't miss is the unreliability, the unwanted noises, crackles, hum. Pedals that decide they just don't want to work any longer.

PimpinBassie2 - 24.05.2023 23:59

A a listener (not producer) i don't care how the individual sounds in your (or other artist's) tracks were created; only the end product matters. Also those analog vintage synths (or recreations thereof) creat old hat sounds.

紀章kisho - 24.05.2023 17:55

which hardware controller is recomended for Pigments?

InFamous Productions
InFamous Productions - 12.05.2023 23:17

and I totally agree with the separation of patch making vs track making. it is so separate , and I may spend a few hours at night only making patches, just to pull it out when ever for a track. great look at the situation.

InFamous Productions
InFamous Productions - 12.05.2023 23:15

I have to say, the thing about software, is that not matter what, it sounds like software. because the Mac I'm using has specific hardware that does affect the sound no matter what anyone says. The pigments you're playing sounds like software. it's sounds killer, but to me, it sounds like software. So I have a ton of hardware, that sounds unique and will mix or not mix with other hardware and software.

Kater Morgana
Kater Morgana - 08.05.2023 13:02

I had A BLAST watching this video! 😊

Patrick - 02.05.2023 15:40

It's common for humans to take opposing sides on almost any topic, such as believers versus non-believers. However, since truth is subjective, we should encourage creativity and avoid becoming too fixated on tools or specific approaches.

MysterienVril - 02.05.2023 03:55

I am new to sound design and while as of yet, I only have software synths, I definitely would like to get a hardware synth or two. I am enjoying learning all of it. Thanks for your videos.

LB - 25.04.2023 19:52

Pigments and polybrute go so well together. Ha. Makes sense.

Suspension Of Disbelief Studios
Suspension Of Disbelief Studios - 23.04.2023 14:56

When I sit or stand to play music on an actual physical instrument no matter if it is a guitar, synthesizer, or Sampler, get inspired by my options and limitations. I move with the instruments physicality of feel and sound.  I began decades ago with guitar, saxophone and piano.

Mine is a different informed perspective of many decades of creating art and then music with both physical art tools and computer aided art tools. My day job for years included a lot of work on computers, years of creating art and music mostly with computers and then iPads and Apps and then the pandemic. I think computers and other screen time made me numb! I am moving towards a much less DAW and computer dependent workflow, not without computers, BUT I like many people want options that don't include touching a computer or staring at a screen, or dragging and dropping anything unless it is dropping something in an actual trash can.

I have been experimenting with other options for music production for the last two years, with microphones, instruments, an MPC, Zoom recorder, and SP 404 MK2. I don't unplug my Iridium or other synths from my mixer setup, so I just push the on button for the synths and GO. I do move around my setup for my samplers and microphones as I am experimenting with different workflow and sound options, but that is the extent plugging in something. I am opening up to really experimenting with process and to be honest it feels really great to not touch a mouse or look at a computer screen for days, to put it bluntly it's AWESOME to have zero screen time for a week. 

I have goal this year to start having one week a month that I don't look at any screens...well only the screen on my MPC or my Iridium, not even a phone or email! It makes me very excited to think about it. I think I will wear Hawaiian shirts and no shoes, only flip flops those days too and only talk to other people in person. Because the days and weeks that I have done this so far are much more productive and creative. One other thing I am also doing with the free time that has been freed up from scrolling and searching is reading books...with real paper...with a variety of ideas...from the library...Life feels much more like LIFE this way and it is better than a vacation!

Suspension Of Disbelief Studios
Suspension Of Disbelief Studios - 23.04.2023 13:24

I had Serum, Deva, Zebra, Falcon and many many other software synths before I ever bought a hardware synth...It just was not productive, motivating, fun, easy or practical for performances. There is just something about software synths for me that a software synth will not get me far enough on any project. It wasn't until I bought hardware synths that I could really produce really great finished work. I may still use a software synth as a filler. However, I wouldn't trade my Waldorf Iridium Keyboard or my Moog Matriarch for all of the software synths in the world. 

I understand what you are trying to say; but, in reality, while yes you can make music with just software (its a good way to learn with and begin with), I wouldn't take software synths to a live performance or want to count on them to stay with for a music career. There are a lot of very reasonable synths, Korg Minilogue XD, Minifreak, and just so many others now at a price of almost the same a having any 2 or 3 of the software synths that I do like (Serum, Falcon, Deve and Zebra...maybe Pigments...maybe...I think Serum and Falcon blow Pigments away by quit a lot). 

It is also really a pain in the rear to learn on just software in a lot of ways; and, I found it to be a huge rabbit hole that wasted a lot of time and money when I could have just purchase one of the great synths under $1000 and progressed much faster. While Iridium is an expensive synth it is well worth the money, it literally will do almost anything. The only synth that I feel is a real match for it is the new Waldorf Quantum MK2 ($4799.99), which is still less expensive than the ($4999.00) MOOG Minimoog model D re-release (which is in my opinion very over priced for what you get compared to the ARP 2600M or the Quantum or the MOOG Matriarch).

What I'm trying to say is I respectfully disagree. Pigments and/or even Omnisphere will never equal the Iridium especially the Keyboard version, unless they package it like Waldorf has with Iridium. It just doesn't have the same immediacy as hardware. That is exactly why there is such a re-emergence of hardware. Even MPC is not the same as software. In my opinion, software is great for augmenting working with hardware, that is where is really does shine. However, I still would rather even record to a High fidelity 16 track recorder; and, then arrange and master in software...If I have to, which I do still do and need to do to finish production. And I am not in any camp saying hardware is the only way. But for anyone who would come to me for direction of where to start, I would not recommend starting with SOFTWARE synths. There are too many great synth options that do end up costing much less than software synths and will facilitate learning in a way that software synths don't as easily or even as cheap with the current options.

With Pigments costing $199 (which I do also have a licensed copy), a decent 49 key keyboard controller running at close to $500, you will already be spending $700 and that does not include the cost of a computer that will run Pigments well, my old 2012 MacBook Pro (yes that is what I'm still using) cost was over $3000 (I do not like the new Mac Laptops). Thus you could actually buy a Waldorf Iridium Keyboard version at $3799.99 vs a computer, Pigmants and decent keyboard controller at roughly $3799 or more for a new Mac Book Pro with a 16" screen and ram and memory upgraded, because if you did want to grow, practice, and go perform with it you would need a really good laptop with a screen that isn't hard to read, a very good keyboard controller, and USB interface, so you are going to exceed the price of a Waldorf Synthesizer really fast.

IrauchimaX - 19.04.2023 23:12

you're a brilliant human being, thanks a lot for the knowledge and for the time you put in your passion. I will give a listen to your creations !

Electronic Music Tips
Electronic Music Tips - 18.04.2023 00:19

I’ve kept only two synths, and a handful of hardware effects, the ones that provide enjoyment and a wow factor while using, even if the sound is indistinguishable from software. Otherwise, it’s a luxury and not essential to making great sounding music.

Mx White
Mx White - 17.04.2023 13:36

He is clever nice and funny, but everyone who isn't American hates America , quite right too

liantros retrospectiva
liantros retrospectiva - 13.04.2023 08:09

do we really want to hear 7 minutes of your insecurities and whining? (again)

Jonny Victor
Jonny Victor - 12.04.2023 17:10

Absolutely gorgeous patches tones, wow. And... I like the other thing and am terrible and hate America. 🤣😂

Neil Loughran
Neil Loughran - 07.04.2023 19:01

yeah hard to argue the case really... Pigments, Vital, Phaseplant are all incredible products.... but I think my Iridium keyboard just brings me so much more joy making sounds... all the controls just add so much. I just hope Waldorf keep providing updates to keep it in within touching distance of the VSTs. Some days I wonder if just having no hardware at all and a decent controller would make me more productive but I've found setting up a few keyboards (Prophet 5, Iridium, Pro3) around the grand piano with a RC505 looper synched to an MPC Live has made me create my best music.

( ´_ゝ`)
( ´_ゝ`) - 05.04.2023 18:32

the rare soundtuber who makes stuff I'd actually want to listen to

FETCH Records
FETCH Records - 04.04.2023 16:14

haha i like your face and voice and ive got iridium but use it less then i thoguth i would so gonna check out that aruria synth for research who knows ? lol

Labofmusic Records
Labofmusic Records - 03.04.2023 22:06

ha ha, funy and very informative channel here, thank you :)

The Hollow Inn
The Hollow Inn - 02.04.2023 18:24

there are certain hardware synths unavailable as a plugin that are absolute monsters (Access Virus collection).

cephlopodic - 02.04.2023 05:49

please please take a holiday.
im getting the urge to put you out of your misery 🦫. Q.
do you have a gun at your head ? stop engaging with the imbiciles , dont turn into
one. 💊relax , throw all your
past masters out , buy a cobalt8 ,have some fun before you SIEZE UP DOO🌹.

Alan BG
Alan BG - 01.04.2023 00:29

Just happened upon your channel and found a resonance. Thank you, your insights are inspiring...

artephank - 31.03.2023 12:04

I don’t get this „software is faster” argument. If you don’t have well organized rack then perhaps yes, but for me the speed is the most important factor in bo use of software. I just turn on my stack (one button) and everything is already available to me. The only two things that slows me a bit is loading project into MPC (couldn’t make autoloading projects work) and Minilogue that needs being turned on manually. It takes more time for Ableton Live to startup . And loading plugins also takes some time. Not to mention muscle memory - that I am able to do things without thinking.

However, I do wonder if such complex synth as Iridium make sense as hardware. It is almost as computer, so why not just use computer then? It has a lot of knobs and buttons so perhaps with time it becomes quicker to use. However, I dislike synths that doesn’t store preset in banks and to me touch screens should be illegal;)

Dendy / Ray Subject
Dendy / Ray Subject - 28.03.2023 23:15

Anothar very good video ! And btw great music playing background, really damn good !

fuzzix - 27.03.2023 03:01

Love your videos showing up in my recommendations. Great insight, no dogmatism. I dunno if this means anything to you, but my brain has decided to file you under "The Dan Worall of Composition".
As for hardware vs software ... well, I work exclusively in software, and with good reason. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. If I powered on a load of hardware to do this, it would be an affront to the ethics of economy.

Odalv Kardum
Odalv Kardum - 25.03.2023 20:51

Hahahaha. Very nice!

Pichuscute - 17.03.2023 20:27

That sounds absolutely incredible.

nichttuntun - 15.03.2023 00:47

Great video with a differenciated approach.

Nevertheless there isn't just one VST synth yet which has a convincing punch and a tight low end such as their analog pendants. Also the VST synths always lack dimension and clarity in comparison to analog synths (pure analog hardware and digital hardware) and have a meeker imaging. Another weak spot of VST still is using high resonance and sweeping down in the low end region, where the flaws get obvious.

Yes, you can do a lot with VST and some really sound good and are versatile. But with good monitors and a treated room, the differences are partly enormous and often disappointing. Yes both technologies are (can be) good but still I wish software synth developers would break the enigma and make instruments that actually could cope with the power of real analog every aspect. So often, when testing new VST synths, I do not feel them as they should feel.

Nkozi - 13.03.2023 21:01

Okay I'm terrible AND i hate America but that has nothing to do with synthesizers.

Paul Synk
Paul Synk - 11.03.2023 20:06

I think the tribalism is based around reinforcing your choices and making you feel better about them....... so in the end its about nothing that actually matters .. only stunts your ability to try new things

Frank Walders
Frank Walders - 11.03.2023 16:29

When I want to make a sound in any soft synth I open them (if possible, Pigments can) in standalone mode, that gives me the focus. Opening it in a DAW is more distracting, but of course in other situations darn handy.

DΛЯK ᑕOGᑎITIᐯE - 10.03.2023 22:48

Use both, depending on the mood, simple as that. Doesn’t continually have to be a competition in your head between this Vs that all the time, although i get it, it makes for good content for a video.

I have a polybrute, iridium, and a few other hardware synths. I also have software synths…both have their own place in my studio and their own ‘time’ for me to use them…and in a lot of cases, i use them in conjunction with each other.

On a Maddening Loop
On a Maddening Loop - 10.03.2023 17:02

Shoutout to the Tascam 4 track! The poor man’s Abbey Road.
And shoutout to your face!!!

NurseryControl - 10.03.2023 03:34

Wow, okay cool. I was thinking about buying Iridium when tuning in and I'm so glad you created this. It's one of those things that I don't really need right now and could use the money on more important things like saving for a rainy least until next year! Haha!

Daniel Burt
Daniel Burt - 09.03.2023 03:39

Dude, you're hilarious :). And I find your "hey everybody, can't we just get along" approach to be refreshing.


Gunnar Waage
Gunnar Waage - 06.03.2023 03:22

I have never understood this debate, I use both so my modular is always in perfect sync with a DAW. Waldorf has software synths that are quite powerful and I agree about Pigments, it's amazing. However they are different methods. The poly stuff is software for me. Sure I would love to have a Quantum or irridium, but there's the funding of it and the space also.

James Hare
James Hare - 05.03.2023 22:25

I hit subscribe and looked away from the screen

Commodoor65 - 22.02.2023 07:21

Your videos are, smart, thoughtful, and intuitive. And damn it, you make so much sense.

Paul Brody
Paul Brody - 21.02.2023 11:50

Thanks. Intelligent and heart felt. This has been often on my mind

Mark Sound Designer
Mark Sound Designer - 19.02.2023 20:19

Thanks for this video, I immediately bought Pigments 4, among other things in this period it's 50% off, I paid 99 € 😀while I wait for the Polybrute to arrive in 2 days!

themadsamplist - 16.02.2023 21:20

I have hardware and software but I like software better to be honest. The things you can do with it are insane and it's easier to work with. Plus if I had to buy all the vsti synths in hardware I would be broke and out of space. I'm not a real player though, I make sounds and sequence. I love messing around with hardware and I do use them but I like software better.
