[4.3] The Complete Narzissenkreuz Questline Recap & Analysis - Genshin Impact Lore & Theory

[4.3] The Complete Narzissenkreuz Questline Recap & Analysis - Genshin Impact Lore & Theory


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@wolfblaze6227 - 11.05.2024 20:45

Regarding the Turing bit. A machine that gives a yes or no answer 100% correctly sounds like the oratrice. I don't know what that means but something to consider.

@marios.2975 - 08.05.2024 15:57

So weird reading German words within an English Game when you’re German. Narzissenkreuz ;-) geiler scheiss

@miathebrave4195 - 06.05.2024 10:21

The minute traveler acsends for god hood is the minute the world ends

@miathebrave4195 - 06.05.2024 10:19

I want to point out that Catalona (?) The mesumine (?) (CANT SPELL) if you did the quest where she gets sucked into the book of revelation which was the calculated end from one of the scientists, which I'm thinking she didn't calculate her people's end but the whole world end, leaving only madness in its trail she calls us a frightening monster that has theability to swallow the whole world.

@fizzyjam - 03.05.2024 06:55

i really hope you are 100% right about the marionette thing because that would be such a great story

@sngnmylvr - 01.05.2024 14:43

ashikai i fell asleep while watching this so when i woke up in the middle of the night this video was still playing

@DecemberSeraphim - 29.04.2024 20:21

Ok I thought this would be just about the adventure group's story ahahahahaha gonna revisit after finishing other quests

@VortexThread - 26.04.2024 07:20

I wonder if Rene's part on Caterpillar comes from when Naryzenkruitz was made to forget the one experiment

@lavatree9910 - 25.04.2024 12:22

wow you got the arlecchino part really well

@ZECRA602 - 24.04.2024 13:04

This whole storyline reminded me of Evillous Chronicles, where characters have multiple souls and memories in a single person, thus creating a new person entirely

@FlareBattle - 23.04.2024 00:21

Finally finished the questline, not disappointed with this recap and analysis!

With the Knave’s release, we have an update on her dealings, or lack there of, with the Doctor. Well… at least with Arlechinno. Maybe the previous “Mother” lent out orphans to Dottore which is more than enough time for him to conduct multiple research “projects”.

As for the Traveler and their Dull Blade, I personally don’t believe it’s the same one as the beginning of the game. Right after we select our protagonist, they retreat from the Sustainer withdrawing from their blade which was immediately cubed up. But that isn’t to say there isn’t any significance to the Dull Blade, in fact the parallels with the quest blade are something quite interesting, given that they’re both… quite plain, yet always seemed to be imbued with power as the story progresses.

Love the work!!!

@SentFromHeaven_ - 20.04.2024 18:57

Thank you so much for connecting the dots for me and presenting us such profound theories!

@SandB - 20.04.2024 18:36

thank you for this. i took a 4 month break between the early narzissenkreuz quests and the finale and was completely lost.

@gabrielangelo5713 - 20.04.2024 18:29

not only bloodborn in portuguese sir puncelot is called miaurtorias 😭

@Melotaku - 17.04.2024 20:40

As a fan of Bloodborne…WHAT?!

@xSyriellex - 14.04.2024 10:55

This is a very wild game of build-a-bear

@KJHFDA98 - 11.04.2024 11:19

i am more and more amazed with your research. Thanks for this hard work!

@ACloudCat - 08.04.2024 16:20

What a great video! I had to pause halfway through when I found out there were more quests that I didn’t complete yet, and didn’t want to get spoiled on them. I’m glad I did, it really made the video hit hard.
Love your work!

@chearrstine_ - 06.04.2024 10:22

Wait wait, do I need to complete the quest in order? Because I already did some of them-

@chihirodreaming6433 - 05.04.2024 18:28

Wait.... if, IF the traveler is The sword... doesn't that makes Paimon the alegorical Ann in the Quest???
Hold on i still need to watch the rest of the videos

@kingskyless - 02.04.2024 03:33

This after the peripheri book is SO-

@oikawascursedplushie9912 - 01.04.2024 11:09

can you please make a video about the twins' history? like, where were they before coming to teyvat, how they came to teyvat, what each of the twins did after coming to teyvat? also, the timeline of the twins doesn't match up. the abyss twin has already finished their journey, yet the MC traveler just started their journey. and as you mentioned in the video, what was the MC traveler doing when the abyss traveler was traveling with dainsleif? could it be possible that they're not separated through space, but time?

@ivetta8498 - 01.04.2024 08:57

as a jewish person, u cannot imagine the whiplash i got when you said "kabbalah" 😭 hearing it come up in a genshin video was the last place i expected 🤣 especially considering how relatively new it is to jewish lore (compiled in the middle ages)

@oikawascursedplushie9912 - 01.04.2024 08:06

i feel like this quest took a lot of inspo from fullmetal alchemist

@adityagawhale4351 - 29.03.2024 15:51

Didn't like the explanations at all as it was too confusing to understand. You didn't introduce the characters properly (did it too quickly) and hence it was tough to understand who is who and what is going on.

@smellsfishy1154 - 25.03.2024 03:58

I need someone to explain the explanation 😭 all i got from this is cosmic horror, the intricacies of mind body and soul, and so many questions

@moonchild-1928 - 22.03.2024 22:44

I just wanted to add smt as i just finished the narzissenkreus and i found smt interesting : when going to defeat narzissenkreus(when he looked like a hydro tulpa) we are transported to the primordial sea. I noticed that if u turn it upside down it's like water droplets falling off. So i thought that this might be more proof that teyvat is upside down.

(Idk if anything is talked about it but i just wanted to comment this :))

@faeblefiction - 22.03.2024 00:21

Not sure if this has ever been covered, but the specific “beasts” that the sword kaeya’s grandfather found all match up to some of our boss battles! white haired banshee = signora, dragon = dvalin, hydra = osial or beisht! i noticed this a long time ago and think its a really interesting lore tidbit that could imply a million different things but goes a bit unnoticed!

@arylbleu6912 - 20.03.2024 16:00

We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood.

@shirley3845 - 17.03.2024 21:43

Can you make a theory video where you explain everything we know about the traveler and their twin so far. Because to be honest what confuses and amazes me more than teyvat's history, is the origins and history of the travelers.
( also side note, I'm just curious but once the traveler awoke shouldn't he go back to Celestia to find the unknown God ( because that's where the twins met her) instead of trying to find her in the human realm. Also, as seen at the starting cutscene clearly they had wings and means to go to the gateway by which they entered teyvat.)

@shirley3845 - 17.03.2024 21:33

Thanks so much for this video really needed a recap, there were many things that I didn't quite understand while playing myself but your explanation cleared almost all my doubts.

@quangtuantran7181 - 16.03.2024 05:29

With all these talks abt the apocalypse n resets, neohumans n evolutions, cosmic entities n powers, Im strangely reminded of Honkai

@2dmax401 - 16.03.2024 02:31

watching this knowing about the Arlecchino leaks

@bigglyjiggly5732 - 15.03.2024 05:46

genshins gonna end like madoka magica? ATEEEE

@Sh1ded - 14.03.2024 00:17

Isn’t it weird That Sandrone has the word drone in it?

@justchica3243 - 12.03.2024 21:39

Life coming togetehr as one is very neón génesis evangelion

@Shogun_A.I. - 11.03.2024 07:23

Given Remus, Jacob, Renee, the sages locking away Nahida, and khaenri'ah, i think we may be starting to understand what the sustainer meant by, "the arrogation of man"

@redlok3455 - 10.03.2024 06:43

So the reason why "the journey is more important than the destination" is to meet enough people in order to summon a powerful enough genki-dama to defeat the doomsday in the end, and every faction is racing with each other to do it their own way?

@Helder_Mark - 10.03.2024 06:21

Ashikai, i am not sure you have noticed this, but if you go back into the Tower of Gestalt after it has sunk underwater, you can swim to one of the floors (i believe its the middle floor) and you can see a large picture frame with a purple aura. You can interact with this portrait, and go through a sort of portal. After defeating a rifthound, if you have a sharp eye, you will see a glowing little spectral-like fish swim in the room and through one of the blank portaits. Although i have not determined the significance of this yet (whether it is indeed a nod to Cater’s story, or part of another hidden quest) i figured it was worth a mention given the mystery behind Cater’s story about the fish that goes missing from the tank. Enjoy!

Edit: i went back to see if i could replicate or record a clip. Seems like its a one-time interact-able. So if you have already gone through the purple aura portrait, you can no longer go through it again, and see the little spectral fish. Just an FYI!

@nitesy381 - 09.03.2024 16:56

yeah seeing arle's design, the GI devs were playing bloodborne for a lot of 4.X's dev

@SnappyMaw32 - 04.03.2024 18:55

*Ashikai tries to stop making Bloodborne reference

Me: No no, please continue to do so..

@Mondyar9170 - 04.03.2024 01:13

Dude I love caterpillar, such a random little guy

@ilios-kai-fengari - 01.03.2024 12:14

Why does this weirdly sound like FNAF...

@squidonglitter2320 - 29.02.2024 06:54

i actually do want to play bloodborne now but dont have the console :')

@PurveyorOfTrash - 28.02.2024 09:28

Bloodborne in my Genshin?! HELL YEAH

@zynitra9104 - 27.02.2024 15:32

OMG Ashikai is as much of a bloodborne lore nerd as me ???!! XD
tbh I was thinking the same with all the Blood being consumed in recent Lore. And the Doll-Marionette connection is genius !
I also think there might be more connections, with the choirs orphanage, the summoning of the great ones (just how the travellers were summoned) though all of my thoughts thus far have been preeetty big streches ngl XD

@skylordomage5795 - 26.02.2024 21:37

Okay I zoned out for like 5 minutes why are we taking about bloodborne, I mean I’m not complaining but how did we get here

@CarlosRivera-db8qq - 25.02.2024 03:51

damn this was a real tin foil far reaching theory i loved it especially the bloodborne nod and tbh i dont think your very far off from the mark with that one the whole eating the flesh of a god to ascend to godhood is extremely similar
