Voldemort's Bloodline Revealed in Hogwarts Legacy

Voldemort's Bloodline Revealed in Hogwarts Legacy

Benjamin Snow

1 год назад

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@BenjaminSnow - 09.02.2023 21:46

Did you find any Easter Eggs yet?

@Min.P82 - 15.10.2023 23:14


@leonorakristinerozalinamll9473 - 13.09.2023 16:36

Ominis can't be the one that did open the chamber of secrets since both he and his aunt Noctua Gaunt
loathed everything about their family's legacy and point of wiew of muggle-borns and pure-blood believes.

Though it has been stated that one of Voldemort's ancestors in the 18th/19th or so, did in fact open the chamber of secrets for the first time.

Noctua Gaunt:

Like her nephew Ominis, she did not agree with the family's use of the Dark Arts, attempting to persuade the Gaunt family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than pure-blood supremacy. She heard of Slytherin's Scriptorium and thought its contents could shed more light on him, even managing to find its secret entrance.

She wrote regularly to her brother about her attempts to gain access to the Scriptorium and then "vanished". Within the Scriptorium, she left various letters that recorded her journey through its chambers and puzzles. She died trapped within the Scriptorium as she had no-one to cast the Cruciatus Curse on in front of a door that required the curse's use to pass.

Corvinus Gaunt:

Corvinus Gaunt (fl. 18th century) was a pure-blood[3] wizard, and a member of the pure-blood House of Gaunt. As such, he was one of the direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin and was a Parselmouth, as well as being presumably very inbred and rich (assuming their wealth has yet to be completely squandered from grandeur and lack of sense). Gaunt knew about the Chamber of Secrets, and he was instrumental in keeping the entrance to the Chamber a secret.

Corvinus appeared to be sufficiently intelligent, as he was able to learn the location of the Chamber of Secrets that has not been found by centuries of searching. He was also able to adapt the new plumbing system into hiding the Chamber from the school staff in a discreet manner. Likewise, he seemed to be mentally stable despite inbreeding (as he was born at least in the early stages of the practice, thus not enough to damage his genes) enough to attend Hogwarts.

His willingness to hide the Chamber that was meant to drive off all Muggle-borns from Hogwarts indicate his belief in pure-blood supremacy.[6] Despite this he never sought to open the Chamber himself suggesting that, while ill-intentioned, he was unwilling to be the one responsible for the deaths of all the Muggle-borns.

Soooo if either Corvinus, Noctua or Ominis didn't open the chamber of secrets for the first time before Tom, then who did?

@StarSlush21 - 30.05.2023 21:39

It doesn’t work with him as Marvolo’s father. Timeline is way too off. Ominis would’ve had to have had Marvolo whilst still in school and Marvolo would’ve had to have had his kids whilst still in school.
Marvolo dies between 1925 & 1928, at that point his kids Morfin and Merope are both in their 20’s, which would make him at least 40, putting his DOB before 1880.
I think he’s more than likely one of Ominis’ horrible older siblings.
Pretty sure he’s Great Uncle to Voldemort.

@DayDreamingWhispersASMR - 19.05.2023 00:26

This game is a whole masterpiece. Like in every sense. They did EVERYTHING right and i mean EVERYTHING.

@darkdeath47xxx - 14.05.2023 17:02

i really like the game i am playing on ps4

@CBlizard - 28.04.2023 23:06

Such a good game!!!! I can’t get enough!!

@patrykpiotrowski2183 - 05.04.2023 03:51

Love thé Gaunt family

@michaelgagnon97 - 01.04.2023 03:17

Did anybody else feel hella bad learning all the dark spells you litteraly he sebastian compleatly loose him self just to benifit your oun self and in the end RIP his sister from him and become a wedge between him and his best friend to get what you want. The game does a real good job at forceing you to strip your moral decision and showing why those 3 curses are unforgivable wich is by haveing to mean it when you use it you have to 1 strip away any compassion that would make you second guess the curse and 2 morality you have to have 0 morality wich eliminates the sence of right and wrong but than there is avada kadavra wich which I struggled to think why it's such an unforgivable curse in the end were killing the enemies any way but it comes back to morality theres fighting because you have to fight and than there is killing because you want to kill I give a 10 out of 10 of the debth they went into on showing how the unforgivable curses change a person for the worst and showing why they are unforgivable in the wozarding world

@samuelhaverghast2442 - 22.03.2023 07:51

Not his grandfather, Omnius is more then likely a cousin or Uncle.. impossible to figure out because of how much inbreeding the Gaunt family did, which led to their demise

@TotallyToonsTV - 22.03.2023 01:35

I'm happy Hogwarts Legacy is now (for the most part, about 95%) being seen and credited as a fun, brilliantly crafted, beautifully scored, passion project of a game...instead of whatever the Twitter crowd were trying to depict it as . Because the latter it just isn't.

Plus it feels like you're making wizarding history in this game. Gotta love that

@XerxesGaming11 - 21.03.2023 00:07

This game’s amazing but the villain is so damn lame. I’m not in the slightest bit intimidated by a 4 foot tall old man

@lupinashton8913 - 09.03.2023 14:49

In the slitherin common room I never looked up in the hallways connected to he dorm lmao I knew we were submerged in a underwater dungeon via class windows never knew it showed you in those tunnels as well lmao

@obsidiansands - 08.03.2023 14:33

I have a feeling Ominis was somehow either murdered or banished during the time of Tom Riddle Jr's first rise to power. According to some wikis and some unofficial hints, Riddle/Moldy-shorts started killing off any and all of his relatives bearing the name Gaunt during the time he disappeared after he graduated Hogwarts and then when he reappeared as Voldyshorts. Knowing that wizards and witches can live well past 150 years barring "unfortunate" accidents, Ominis could be one of Riddle's kill counts - or maybe Ominis abandoned the Gaunts and fled elsewhere.

Also, I'm not sure if Ominis was Marvolo Gaunt's father - from the way Ominis spoke of his family, they are plentiful enough to have more than a few lines of successors in the family before Tom Riddle Jr wiped the whole family line out. Ominis himself said that he had older siblings who are more traditionalist pureblood bigots than he was - and he himself is supposedly the youngest. Marvolo Gaunt (Voldy's father) could very well be one of Ominis's older brothers. The heirloom of the Gaunts is the ressurection stone - the stone was set into the main Gaunt family ring, passed from one Gaunt family head unto the next.

@stephaniepage4334 - 08.03.2023 12:17

I hope that j.k do a book about peverell brothers?

@cardinalfire1057 - 07.03.2023 17:57

Ominous is 16 at most in the game Voldemort was born in 26. Which means ominous would have been in his fifties no way in hell hes his great grandfather. My money is that hes marvolo brother

@lazerboi6607 - 06.03.2023 22:07

i researched right after i heard his last name. crazy

@nicoli8437 - 06.03.2023 16:36

This game is so beautiful I always pause the game and take photos😅😂 thanks god GeForce experience have photo mode.

@marcobelli6856 - 05.03.2023 14:01

he can’t be voldemort great grandfather he is only 52 years older than tom

@xPerfection - 04.03.2023 03:27

wish there were some blood purist in the game

@notme9798 - 02.03.2023 21:45

How did you get to play as him???

@iTregas - 01.03.2023 13:12

If you look at the chronology of time, then Marvolo is more likely his older brother, who tortured him with crucio. Not his son.

@tylerbaldwin5135 - 28.02.2023 11:47

Slytherin was not a parseltongue. he was a parselmouth, someone who can speak in parseltongue.

@masaruten5213 - 28.02.2023 02:12

How someone as kind as Ominis could give birth to someone as cruel as Marvolo Gaunt (Voldemort's Grandfather) I don't know.

@funnyhappystudios - 28.02.2023 01:59

I actually think that Ominus is the brother of Marvolo Gaunt, since Ominus has a lot of siblings, and the fact that the two were born around the same time.

@Kash_28 - 27.02.2023 21:20

Love your content he’s actually his great uncle Voldemorts grandfathers brother

@AlleluiaElizabeth - 27.02.2023 17:19

Ominis is the Sirius of the Gaunt family. He is also not Tom Riddle’s great grandfather. Maybe a great Uncle.

@Lunadeus333 - 27.02.2023 06:04

I love Ominis, he must be protected at all costs

@Code_Lune - 26.02.2023 19:01

Ominis will not be proud of his future family history, thanks a ton Tom.

@pinoynobody2329 - 26.02.2023 03:03

Probably a great uncle of Voldemort's, still a relative nonetheless, now what this game lacks is a Potter ancestor, too bad they overlooked that.

@brittanydelacruz7281 - 24.02.2023 10:34

More like great grand uncle

@fieryphoenix586 - 24.02.2023 06:35

I thought Ominis would end up being all about the Dark Arts. Playing a Gryffindor my first game, I first met him after leaving the Undercroft. He kinda seemed like he would be a Secondary Villain in the game.

@aphelian9566 - 24.02.2023 04:51

Did that family tree say that Salazar Slytherin married Cadmus Peverell?

@zanolitics - 23.02.2023 10:16

bro if they let you kill anyone in Hogwarts i would straight up Reverse flash Voldemort...well unless he isn't a direct descendant

@Anneeej - 23.02.2023 08:10

I love how trailers never mentioned him but he is actually one of the important people involved in the storyline. ❤

@MrDakdude - 22.02.2023 19:48

I was walking about the Slytherin common room and heard some students talking about the importance of blood status etc... mad gameeeee

@danielgodfrey4415 - 22.02.2023 16:36

I believe he's more of Voldemort's great uncle. I doubt he'll follow the path of reproducing with his sister or follow the pure blood status.

@ladyrhea3330 - 22.02.2023 08:36

Anyone else ship Ominis and Sebastian? Just me? 💚🖤🐍 Sebinis or Omistian?

@MsAkatsuki09 - 22.02.2023 07:05

I really like Ominis. He's the opposite of his family in terms of personality. I like how he's different from Sebastian.

@strangegoat7382 - 21.02.2023 10:23

Another thing I love about this game is that nothing breaks the immersion. I haven’t found a invisible wall yet and the falling down the stairs makes sense as it still is Harry Potter like

@faxanfm682 - 20.02.2023 05:47

Sebastian & Omanis should have had their personalities swapped to have our boy Tom's ancestor be the one embracing the dark arts at Hogwarts.

@homunculus7 - 18.02.2023 22:49

Ominis is amazing. Shame there's no dating in the game I would have liked to see the dynamic

@dsheep9937 - 18.02.2023 07:58

If ominis were a girl imagine how much romance fanfics would exist

@tattaweeng - 17.02.2023 09:10

If there’s a romance on this game i will choose ominis lololololol he got slyth and snape vibe

@mitchgeek - 12.02.2023 13:53

Spoilers ahoy…

@jasmineBloodrose - 12.02.2023 05:30

Ominis is a parsletounge it shows in the crucio quest

@jasmineBloodrose - 12.02.2023 05:29

I just created my OC character her name is Josephine Lestrange and she's the very first Lestrange attending Hogwarts and niece to professor black

@FittedSheetGaming - 10.02.2023 09:41

100th like LETS GOOO

@FittedSheetGaming - 10.02.2023 09:32

I saw him in my herbolgy class and my potions class I INSTANTLY knew wtf was up. Then when Sebastian showed the undercroft and I properly met him I was kinda scared lol
